Using Format Builder

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Format Builder Menus

File Menu

Edit Menu

Insert Menu

View Menu

Tools Menu

Shortcut Menu


File Menu

The following commands are available from the File Menu.

Table 11-1 File Menu Commands
Menu Command
Creates a new Message Format document.
Opens an existing Message Format document.
Closes the current Message Format document.
Saves the current Message Format document.
Save As
Saves the current Message Format under a different name document.
Opens the Properties window for the selected file or message format. You can change the MFL encoding or MFL version for the selected item.
Closes the application.


Edit Menu

The following commands are available from the Edit Menu.

Note: Some commands may be unavailable, depending on the actions you have taken.

Table 11-2 Edit Menu Commands
Menu Command
Reverses the previous action. The Undo command in the Edit Menu changes to indicate the action that can be undone. For example, changing the name of a field to Field1 and clicking Apply causes the Edit Menu to read “Undo Apply Field Field1”.
Reverses the effects of an Undo command. The Redo command in the Edit Menu changes to indicate the action that can be redone. For example, changing the name of a field to Field1 and then undoing that action causes the Edit Menu to read “Redo Apply Field Field1”.
Removes the item currently selected in the left-hand pane, and its child objects, from the tree.
This action is not available if the Message Format (root) item is selected.
Makes a copy of the item currently selected in the left-hand pane for insertion elsewhere in the tree.

Note: This action is not available if the Message Format (root) item is selected.

Inserts the copied item. An additional menu is displayed when you select Paste. You can choose to paste the item as a child or sibling of the selected item. In addition, you can choose to paste a reference as a sibling of the selected item.
Makes a copy of the item selected in the tree. The duplicate item contains the same values as the original item. The name of the duplicate item is the same as the original item name, but the word “New” is inserted before the original name. For example, duplicating an item called “Field1” results in an item with the name “NewField1”.
When you duplicate an item with a numeric value in its name, the new item name contains the next sequential number. For example, duplicating “NewGroup1” results in a group named “NewGroup2”.
Deletes the item selected in the tree, as well as all child objects of that item.
Move Up
Moves the selected item up one position under its parent.
Move Down
Moves the selected item down one position under its parent.
Promotes the selected item to the next highest level in the tree. For example, Field1 is the child object of Group1. Selecting Field1 and clicking the Promote tool makes it a sibling of Group1.
Demotes the selected item to the next lower level in the tree. For example, Group1 is the sibling of Field1. Field1 immediately follows Group1 in the tree. Selecting Field1 and clicking the Demote tool makes it a child of Group1.


Insert Menu

The following commands are available from the Insert Menu.

Table 11-3 Insert Menu Commands
Menu Command
Inserts a new field. You can choose whether to insert the field as a child or sibling of the item selected in the tree.
Inserts a new group. You can choose whether to insert the group as a child or sibling of the item selected in the tree.
Inserts a comment. You can choose whether to insert the comment as a child or sibling of the item selected in the tree.


View Menu

The following commands are available from the View Menu.

Table 11-4 View Menu Commands
Menu Command
Show Palette
Displays the palette window. For more information on the palette, see Using the Palette.
Expand All
Expands the entire tree pane to show the child objects of all items in the tree.
Collapse All
Collapses the entire tree pane to show only the root message format.


Tools Menu

The following commands are available from the Tools Menu.

Table 11-5 Tools Menu Commands
Menu Command
Displays a list of the installed importers. Choose the importer from which you want to import a message.
Opens the Format Tester. Refer to Format Tester for more information.
Displays the Format Builder Options dialog. Refer to Format Builder Options for more information.


Help Menu

The following commands are available from the Help Menu.

Table 11-6 Help Menu Commands
Menu Command
Help Topics
Displays the main Help screen.
How Do I
Provides step-by-step instructions for performing the basic tasks in Format Builder.
Displays version and copyright information about Format Builder.


Shortcut Menu

The following commands are available from the Shortcut Menus. You can access the Shortcut Menus by right-clicking an item in the tree.

Note: Some commands may be unavailable, depending on the item you have selected in the tree.

Table 11-7 Shortcut Menu Commands
Menu Command
Removes the item currently selected in the left-hand pane, and it’s child objects, from the tree.
Makes a copy of the item currently selected in the left-hand pane for insertion elsewhere in the tree.
Inserts the cut or copied item. An additional menu displays when you select Paste. You can choose to paste the item as a child or sibling of the selected item. In addition, you can choose to paste a reference to the cut or copied item as a sibling of the selected item.
Insert Group
Inserts a new group. You select whether to insert the group as a child or sibling of the selected item.
Insert Field
Inserts a new field. You select whether to insert the field as a child or sibling of the selected item.
Insert Comment
Inserts a comment. You select whether to insert the comment as a child or sibling of the selected item.
Makes a copy of the currently selected item. The duplicate item contains the same values as the original item. The name of the duplicate item is the same as the original item name, with the word “New” inserted before the original name. For example, duplicating a group called “Group1” results in a group with the name “NewGroup1”.
When you duplicate an item with a numeric value in its name, the new item name contains the next sequential number. For example, duplicating “NewGroup1” results in a group named “NewGroup2”.
Deletes the selected item.

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