Overview of Oracle WebLogic Integration

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Process Integration

The process integration functionality of WLI enables you to model, test, deploy, and maintain complex business processes that integrate diverse enterprise systems, cross-enterprise applications, and end-user decision makers.

From the BPM perspective, the enterprise is a set of business services that are accessed through controls and can be orchestrated to model a business process. WLI supports synchronous and asynchronous communications, and stateless and stateful processes.

As you design business processes using the graphical tools (Design view), Oracle Workshop for WebLogic generates the source code automatically in a process file. When you need to write and edit Java code, you can switch to the Source view with a single click.

Table 1 lists the key process integration features of WLI.

Table 1 Process Integration Features 
Unified access to resources through Controls
  • Developers can view business activities as services and orchestrate them using a process.
  • Processes interact seamlessly with users, applications, back-end resources, and resources within and outside the firewall.
Simplified and structured business processes
  • The flow is based on XML and the operations are Java-based.
Graphical editing of processes for high-level integration scenarios
  • Developers can model complex business logic quickly by dragging and dropping icons into a flow (see Figure 5). They can focus on defining the overall business logic rather than on implementation details.
  • Processes are created as Java classes. The process files contain the metadata describing the business logic.

Support for Java code in process nodes
  • Developers can, with just one click, switch from the Design (graphical) view to the Source (code) view, and then add or change Java code within process nodes.
Process implementation optimized for performance
WLI supports:
  • Stateless synchronous processes
  • Stateless asynchronous processes
  • Stateful asynchronous processes

Figure 5 Graphical Representation of Business Process

Graphical Representation of Business Process


Web Services as Process Resources

WLI leverages web services, asynchronous communication, and XML messaging at the enterprise level. These services can be used across internal and external integrations, giving application developers the tools to simplify development and integration of loosely coupled and asynchronous applications.

WLI provides native support for web services, including security and reliable messaging. Web services can be invoked from within a WLI process, and processes can be exposed as a web service and made available as resources to other applications and application components.


Synchronous and Asynchronous Processes

A business process can be designed to be synchronous or asynchronous based on the method that is used to invoke the process.

You can also enable synchronous clients to interact with processes that have asynchronous interactions with resources. A synchronous Oracle Workshop for WebLogic client such as a JSP or portal page that uses a Java control might, for example, need to invoke a process and then wait for a response (block). While the client is blocked, the process may perform asynchronous activities such as queueing a JMS message and waiting for a JMS receive, and then return the response to the client, after which the client is unblocked.


Stateless and Stateful Processes

Processes can either be stateless or stateful.

When you set the properties of the process, the following types of persistence can be defined:


Process Calls

Processes can expose their functions to clients in several ways, including through WSDL files, process controls, service broker controls, and JPD proxies.

Process controls can be used for invoking other processes over an optimized transport. The service broker control must be used for invoking other processes and Workshop 8.1-based web services over HTTP or JMS transport. The invoked processes and web services may be deployed on the same domain or on a different domain.

Any Java client – including standalone Java applications, EJBs, JSPs, and servlets – can communicate with any process by using JPD proxies. When the clients use JPD proxies, they make Java method calls using Remote Method Invocation (RMI).

For more information about creating processes, see Guide to Building Business Processes.

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