Overview of Oracle WebLogic Integration

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Data Transformation

Data transformation enables you to translate between XML, non-XML, and Java data formats, allowing you to integrate heterogeneous applications rapidly. Data transformations in WLI can be packaged as controls and reused in multiple business processes and applications.

In WLI, XML data can be transformed by using either XQuery expressions or eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLTs).

XQuery is a standards-based query language with the simplicity of SQL-like expressions. WLI provides an easy-to-use graphical mapping tool called XQuery Mapper, which enables you to generate complex transformations easily.

WLI supports data transformation for the following versions of XQuery:

Figure 7 shows the XQuery Mapper.

Figure 7 XQuery Mapper

XQuery Mapper

The mapper enables conversion of data of different types. For example, XML data that is valid according to one XML schema can be transformed to an XML document that is valid according to a different XML schema.

Table 1 lists the main features of data transformation.

Table 1 Data Transformation Features 
Data transformation
  • Transformations are packaged as controls, which can be treated as resources and reused across multiple processes and integration solutions.
  • Transformation of data can be performed between any of the following input-output data types: XML data, non-XML data, Java primitives, and Java classes.
  • Transformations can have multiple data sources.
  • WLI enables transformation of XML grammar.
Integration with business processes
  • WLI enables transformation of data in a business process using XQuery and XSLT.
  • Data that is received as an incoming message to the process can be transformed.
  • Data can be transformed before the process sends an outgoing message.
  • Data can be transformed within the process.
XQuery mapper
  • WLI provides a graphical tool for data transformation between any combination of XML, non-XML, and Java data formats.
  • The XQuery mapper enables transformation through a simple drag-and-drop mechanism.
  • WLI supports complex operations, including joins, unions, typeswitch, if, and FLWOR (For, Let, Where, Order by, Return) expressions.
Format builder

For more information about data transformation using the XQuery Mapper, see Transforming Data Using the XQuery Mapper.

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