Tutorial: Upgrading WLI 8.1 or Higher and WLI 9.2 Application Source to WLI 10g Release 3 (10.3)

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Tutorial: Upgrading the WLI 8.1 or WLI 8.5 Application Source

This section describes how to upgrade the application source of WLI 8.1 SP4 and higher, or WLI 8.5 applications. It discusses the following topics:

This tutorial does not include validation of all aspects of the sample application.


Application Overview

The application used in this tutorial creates a business process that meets the following requirements:


Importing the Application Source

This section describes how to upgrade your WebLogic Integration 8.1 Service Pack 4 or 5 application source for use in the Oracle Workshop for WebLogic environment.

  1. Start Oracle Workshop for WebLogic by selecting Start > Programs > Oracle WebLogic > Workshop for WebLogic 10gR3 from the Start menu. The Workspace Launcher dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 2-1.
  2. Figure 2-1 Setting a Workspace for the Upgraded Application

    Setting a Workspace for the Upgraded Application

  3. Specify the desired location for the upgraded application in the Workspace field, as shown in Figure 2-1. For this tutorial, use the upgrade workspace, under the WLI installation directory, as follows:
  4. $BEA_HOME\user_projects\workspaces\upgrade
Note: The $BEA_HOME location used throughout this tutorial is C:\bea\ where Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3) is installed.
  1. Click OK. The Workspace is launched, as shown in Figure 2-2.
  2. Figure 2-2 Workspace Studio

    Workspace Studio

  3. Click Workbench to proceed to the workbench as shown in Figure 2-3.
  4. Figure 2-3 Workbench


  5. Select the File > Import... menu option to start the import procedure. The Import Source dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 2-4.
  6. Figure 2-4 Selecting the Import Source

    Selecting the Import Source

  7. Select the Workshop 8.1 Application option as the application source type, as shown in Figure 2-4, and click Next. The Application Import dialog box appears as shown in Figure 2-5.
  8. Figure 2-5 Selecting the Import Application

    Selecting the Import Application

  9. Click Browse to navigate through the directory structure, and select the sampleApp.work file that you created in WLI 8.1 SP4 or higher. For more information, see Creating the Source WLI 8.1 Application. As shown in Figure 2-5, the sampleApp.work file for this tutorial is located in:
  10. C:\bea\user_projects\applications\sampleApp 

    After selecting the sample application from the WLI 8.1 install, a list of projects in that application is displayed in the dialog box. You can choose the projects to import and upgrade by selecting the check boxes adjacent to them. However, it is recommended that you include all the projects, as most of them have inter-dependencies.

  11. Click Next. The Source Upgrade preference selection dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-6.
  12. Figure 2-6 Setting the Upgrade Preferences

    Setting the Upgrade Preferences

    You can configure your preference by selecting the various options displayed in the dialog box. These options are expanded and shown in Figure 2-7.

    Figure 2-7 Source Upgrade Preference Selection

    Source Upgrade Preference Selection

    These options are available under specific categories, as listed below, depending on their function.

    • General – You can set the error-handling options and the type of content you want to record. Use the default value for both the properties, as described in Table 2-1.
    • Table 2-1 Setting General Preferences
      Error Handling
      Determines how the errors are handled and the subsequent action you would like to implement. Error messages are always recorded in a log file, but your selection here determines how they are delivered to you. There are three options for this field, namely:
      • Log errors and continue upgrade (default option)
      • Log errors but abort upgrade
      • Display dialog on errors
      Message Verbosity
      Determines the type of messages that will be captured during the upgrade process. There are three types of messages that are captured: information, warning, and error. These three message types are reflected in the three options for this field, namely:
      • Include informational comments (default option) – All three message types
      • Include warning comments – Only warning and error type messages
      • Include error comments – Only error messages

    • NetUI Project Upgrader options – Selecting the Use WebLogic J2EE Shared Libraries option lets you use the WebLogic J2EE shared libraries, without having to duplicate runtime .jar files across projects. You can ignore this option as it usually does not impact the Oracle WebLogic Integration applications. By default, this option is selected for upgrade.
    • Properties File Upgrader options – The Delete copied resource bundle files from the web content folder option removes any unnecessary .properties files. If none of the JSP pages in the web content folder require .properties files, they can be deleted. You can ignore this option as it usually does not impact the WebLogic Integration applications. By default, this option is not selected for upgrade.
    • JPD Document Upgrader options – Select the Upgrade XQ2002 to XQ2004 option as it converts XQuery statements from XQuery 2002 draft version to XQuery 2004 draft version. This option lets the JPD node editor parse through the inline XQuery statements and convert them to the 2004 version. By default, this option is not selected for upgrade.
      • Ensure that you select the Upgrade XQ2002 to XQ2004 option. For more information on upgrading XQuery files, see the Upgrading XQuery Code section of the Transforming Data Using XQuery Mapper document.
    • JSP File Migrator options – When selected, the Replace NetUI tags with Apache Beehive tags option upgrades the WebLogic Integration 8.1 supported NetUI tags with Apache Beehive compatible NetUI tags. You can ignore this option as it usually does not impact the Oracle WebLogic Integration applications. By default, this option is not selected for upgrade.
    • Note: You can convert projects or selective JSPs to use Apache Beehive compatible NetUI tags even after the upgrade exercise. However, all new projects created in Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3) use the Apache Beehive compatible NetUI tags.
  13. Click Next. The Progress Information dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-8. At this step, the application being upgraded is assessed and a detailed list of upgrade tasks that need to be performed (and not performed) is generated.
  14. Figure 2-8 Tracking Upgrade Progress

    Tracking Upgrade Progress

    After completing the upgrade process, the Upgrade Preview dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-9. The preview dialog box provides a summary of changes that will be implemented during the upgrade task.

    Figure 2-9 Preview of the Upgrade Actions

    Preview of the Upgrade Actions

  15. Click Finish when you are satisfied with the items listed for upgrade, and those that do not require to be upgraded. The Upgrade Preview dialog box is refreshed, and it displays the upgrade progress status at the bottom of the dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-10.
  16. Figure 2-10 Upgrade Progress Indicator

    Upgrade Progress Indicator

  17. The last step is to import the test data from the WLI 8.1 application.
    1. In Project Explorer, browse to the requestquote folder in SampleAppWeb/Webcontent directory. Right click on the requestquote folder and select the Import option.
    2. On the Import dialog box, select General > File System and click Next.
    3. Click Browse on the File System dialog box to locate the SampleApp/SampleAppWeb/requestquote/testxml folder in the WLI 8.1 application created earlier. Click OK. Select the testxml checkbox if not selected. Click Finish to complete importing the test data.

After the upgrade is complete, Workshop builds the workspace for the application in the IDE. A log of the import process is displayed in the Problems pane at the bottom of the dialog box; while a log of the upgrade process is displayed in the Upgrade pane. You can customize the type of information that is displayed by making the appropriate changes in the Upgrade Preferences dialog box.

Note: For the purpose of this tutorial, you can ignore the warning and information type error messages displayed in the Problems pane.

The following sections help you validate the application in the Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3) environment. The tasks include deploying and running the application in a Oracle WebLogic Integration domain.


Validating the Upgraded Application

This section describes the steps involved in validating the upgraded application in the Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3) environment. The task involves deploying the application on the server, publishing it, and subsequently running the application with some test values.

Deploying and Publishing the Application

Perform the following tasks to deploy the application after a successful upgrade.

  1. In the Package Explorer pane, navigate through the directory structure to view the sampleAppWeb > src > requestquote > RequestQuote.java file, as shown in Figure 2-11.
  2. Figure 2-11 Selecting the RequestQuote.java File

    Selecting the RequestQuote.java File

  3. Right-click the RequestQuote.java file, and select Run As > Run On Server menu option. The Run on Server dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-12.
  4. Figure 2-12 Defining a New Server to Deploy the Application

    Defining a New Server to Deploy the Application

  5. Select the Manually define a new server check box, and fill out the form, as displayed in Figure 2-12.
  6. Click Next. The Run On Server dialog box is refreshed with the Specify a WebLogic domain directory page, as shown in Figure 2-13.
  7. Figure 2-13 Defining a WebLogic Server

    Defining a WebLogic Server

    In following section, you will create a new Oracle WebLogic Integration domain in the Oracle WebLogic Server.

Creating a WebLogic Integration Domain Using the Configuration Wizard

Complete the following steps to set up the Oracle WebLogic Integration domain to deploy the sampleApp application.

  1. Select the Click here to launch Configuration Wizard to create a new domain option in Run On Server dialog box to start the Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard as shown in Figure 2-14.
  2. Figure 2-14 Creating a New WebLogic Domain

    Creating a New WebLogic Domain

  3. Select the Create a new WebLogic domain option, and click Next. The Select Domain Source page is displayed.
  4. Select the Workshop for WebLogic 10.3 and the WebLogic Integration options, and click Next. The Configure Administrator Username and Password page is displayed.
  5. Enter weblogic in the User name, User password, and the Confirm user password fields, and click Next. The Configure Server Start Mode and JDK page is displayed.
  6. In the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode pane, select Development Mode. In the JDK Selection pane, select the Sun SDK and click Next. The Customize Environment and Service Settings page is displayed.
  7. Select Yes and click Next. The Configure the Administrator Server page is displayed. Click Next to proceed without making any changes.
  8. Similarly, do not make any changes in subsequent Configure Managed Servers, Configure Machines, and Configure the JDBC Data Source pages. Click Next and skip to the Run Database Scripts page, as shown in Figure 2-15.
  9. Figure 2-15 Running Database Scripts

    Running Database Scripts

  10. From the list of Available JDBC Data Sources, select the p13nDataSource option, as shown in Figure 2-15 and click Run Scripts. On successful execution, the Results pane will display Database Load Successful!.
  11. Again, from the list of Available JDBC Data Sources, scroll down and select cgDataSource-nonXA and click Run Scripts again. On successful execution, the Results pane will display Database Load Successful!.
  12. Click Next. The Configure JMS File Stores page is displayed. Do not make any changes and click Next. The Review WebLogic Domain page is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-16, which summarizes the contents of the domain and reflects the options you have selected.
  13. Figure 2-16 Review the Domain Configuration Settings

    Review the Domain Configuration Settings

  14. Click Next to proceed without making any changes. The Create WebLogic Domain page is displayed.
  15. Enter a name in the Domain Name field, for example sample_wli_domain, and click Create. The domain creation process starts. On successful creation, the Create Domain dialog box appears as shown in Figure 2-17.
  16. Figure 2-17 Successful Creation of a Domain

    Successful Creation of a Domain

  17. Click Done to conclude the Domain creation process.
  18. After creating the Domain using the Configuration Wizard, return to the Run On Server dialog box as shown in Figure 2-13, to publish the application on the server with the domain you just created.
  19. Click Browse. Navigate to the folder in which the new WebLogic Integration Domain sample_wli_domain was created. Select the domain. The new domain for this tutorial is located at:
  20. C:\bea\user_projects\domains\sample_wli_domain
  21. Click Next on the Run On Server dialog box to display the Add and Remove Projects page. Ensure the sampleApp project is listed in the Configured projects column.
  22. Click Finish to publish the Application. This process may take some time if you are starting the server for the first time.
  23. After successfully deploying and publishing the Application, a browser pane is opened in the IDE, displaying the Overview tab of RequestQuote.jpd Process.

  24. Click the Test Form tab in the browser pane, as shown in Figure 2-18.
  25. Figure 2-18 Published Application Ready for Validation

    Published Application Ready for Validation

The Application is now ready for the final validation process. The following section contains details on how to run the application.

Running the Application

This is the final step in validating the upgraded Application and the WLI 8.x to Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3) upgrade procedure. The primary task of this section is to provide a set of test values to execute the Application, and to verify the results.

  1. Locate the QuoteRequest.xml file that contains the test values required to validate the upgraded Application. The file is in the WebContent folder in the Package Explorer pane, as shown in Figure 2-19.
  2. Figure 2-19 Locating the XML Document for Validation

    Locating the XML Document for Validation

  3. Right-click the QuoteRequest.xml file, and select Open With > Text Editor to display its contents in the IDE browser, as shown in Figure 2-20.
  4. Figure 2-20 Test Values for Validation

    Test Values for Validation

  5. Copy all the contents of the source file, and close the file.
  6. Paste the contents in the xml requestXML field of the Test Form tab, as shown in Figure 2-21.
  7. Another way to provide the test values is to click Browse in the Test Form tab of the browser pane, as shown in Figure 2-18. Subsequently, select the C:\bea\user_projects\workspaces\upgrade\sampleAppWeb\WebContent\requestquote\testxml\QuoteRequest.xml file and click Open.

    Figure 2-21 Providing the Test Values for Validation

    Providing the Test Values for Validation

  8. Click quoteRequest to start the process. On successful completion of the process, the Test Form tab is refreshed, as shown in Figure 2-22.
  9. Figure 2-22 Successful Execution

    Successful Execution

The WLI 8.1 Application is now successfully imported, published, and validated in the Oracle WebLogic Integration 10g Release 3 (10.3) workspace.


Post-Upgrade WLI Source Artifacts

This section summarizes the post-upgrade Oracle WebLogic Integration source artifacts.

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