Using Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

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Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

Oracle WebLogic Integration Worklist provides a web-based user portal for interacting with tasks. This portal allows users to see the details of a task and take actions on the task to move it through its lifecycle. Each step in a task plan can define unique actions and thus present its own unique considerations to the user.

This document provides the following information:

Login to Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

To login to Worklist User Portal:

  1. Open a Web browser and enter the following URL:
  2. http://localhost:7001/<web project name>/

    The Web project corresponds to the Web application of Worklist that acts as the user interface for the system. For more information, see “Worklist Application” in Creating and Managing Worklist Task Plans. You can use any external browser, for example Internet Explorer, or the default browser that comes with Workshop for WebLogic 10g R3.

    Worklist User Portal is displayed.

    Note: E-mail notifications regarding tasks associated with you contain the URL to the specific task instances. You can also click on this URL to access the task in the Worklist User Portal.
  3. In the Login to Worklist portlet, enter your user name and password.
  4. Figure 2-1 Login to Worklist User Portal

    Login to Worklist User Portal

  5. Click Login.

Assigned, upcoming, overdue tasks associated with you are displayed in the appropriate portlet in the User Portal home page. Task plans based on which you can create task instances are displayed in the Create task portlet.

Figure 2-2 Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal Home Page

Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal Home Page

Note: After you are done, click Logout to exit from Worklist User Portal.

Worklist User Portal Pages

The Worklist User Portal consists of three pages - Home, Task List, and Work on Task. The different functions that can be done in each of these pages are as follows:

Page Name
Actions that can be done in the page
  • Login and logout of the Worklist User Portal.
  • Understand your workload and plan your schedule based on tasks listed in the Upcoming Tasks and Overdue Task portlets.
  • View tasks assigned to you in the Assigned tasks portlet.
  • View tasks assigned to you or claimed by you in the Upcoming Tasks or Overdue Tasks portlets.
  • Claim tasks listed in the Assigned tasks portlet.
  • View tasks created or owned by you in the Upcoming Tasks or Overdue Task portlets.
  • Create tasks based on task plans.
  • Quickly search for a task based on name in the Quick Search portlet.
  • Browse for task instances created against the task plan.

Note: All the default portlets are displayed in the Home page. For more information, see Portlets in Worklist User Portal.

Task List
  • View tasks assigned, claimed, or owned by you.
  • View upcoming and overdue tasks.
  • View tasks that are associated with you. You can be associated with a based on previous task affinity - you are owner, creator or claimant of the task.
Work on Task
  • Work on tasks that have been claimed by you.
  • View task history.
  • View details of the tasks. You can view and edit task details based on your permissions.

Note: If any custom task user interface is defined for the current step in the task plan or the entire task plan associated with the task, that interface is displayed instead of the default interface. For more information, see Customizing Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

Portlets in Worklist User Portal

Worklist User Portal contains the following default portlets:

Note: Tasks that are displayed in the portlets are based on your permissions. For example, the Browse Tasks by Type portlet will show only those tasks for which the current user has Query privileges. The Create New Task portlet will show only those tasks for which the current user has Create privileges. For more information, see “Security Policies” in User Management

Creating a Task Instance

You can create a task instance based on any existing task plan in the Create Task portlet. For more information about task plans, see Creating and Managing Worklist Task Plans.

Note: You can create a task instance only if you have task creation privileges. For more information, see “Security Policies” in User Management.
Figure 2-3 Create Task Portlet

Create Task Portlet

Note: Editing preferences for this portlet is similar to the Browse Tasks by Type portlet. For more information, see Edit Preferences of Browse Tasks by Type Portlet. Changes to the preferences are only valid for the current session.

To create a task instance:

  1. In the Create Tasks portlet, click on the task plan based on which you want to create the task instance. The Create New Task page is displayed.
  2. Figure 2-4 Create Task Instance

    Create Task Instance

  3. Enter a valid and unique name for the task.
  4. Note: Make sure that you do not enter an empty string as task name.
  5. Select the task plan constructor based on which the task instance should be created.
  6. Note: If the constructor has any other parameters, an additional field called "Constructor Properties" is shown in the Create New Task page, which allows your to enter values for those parameters.
  7. If required, enter any comments relevant to the task instance.
  8. If required, enter the date by which the task should be completed. Enter the date in Month dd, yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM format. For example, you can enter date as Nov 28, 2006 06:00:00 AM.
  9. If required, enter the date by which the starting step in the task should be completed. Enter the date in Month dd, yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM format.
  10. If required, enter the estimated time required to complete the task. Enter the time in <days>dt <hours>h <minutes>m format.
  11. Click Create Task.

The task instance is created and shows up in the Upcoming Tasks portlet on the home page.

Figure 2-5 New Task Instance Listed in Upcoming Tasks Portlet

New Task Instance Listed in Upcoming Tasks Portlet

Note: The task shows up on the Inbox of the current user because the current user is the owner of this task instance. By default, the user who creates the task instance becomes the owner of that task instance. This enables the owner to track the status of the task instance although the owner is not assigned to work on the task instance.

Creating a Task Instance Associated with an Interactive Assignee List

If Interactive is selected as the value of Candidate List Handling, a human actor can use Worklist User Portal or Custom Task UI, if any, defined for the task plan or step in a task plan. When candidate list handling is interactive, you need to manually assign task through the portal interface either from the Create Task portlet or the Work on Task page (if the task requests interactive assignment on the current step).

Interactive assignment of a user or group to a task involves:

If required, modify the initial assignee list to include users or groups to generate an appropriate list of candidates.

To create a task instance and provide assignee instructions:

  1. Do step 1 through step 7 in the Creating a Task Instance.
  2. Figure 2-6 Creating a Task Instance and Assigning Claimant Interactively

    Creating a Task Instance and Assigning Claimant Interactively

  3. Specify the date range for which the user’s workload score and free time calculation should be based.
  4. Any existing assignees for the task (based on the assignment instructions specified while creating the task plan associated with this task instance) are listed in the Assignee list. You can do any of the following actions with the users displayed in this list:

    • Select the check box next to any user and click Select Claimant to claim this task on behalf of the selected user.
    • Click Clear Claimant to remove the selected claimant for the task and potentially assign it to some other user.
    • Select the check box next to any user and click Delete to remove that user from the assignee list.
    • Click Restore Default to view the default values in all the fields in the Assignee Instructions section of this page.
    • Click Show Score to view the availability, workload score and cumulative score of all the users in the assignee list.
    • If you do not want to view the score, click Hide Score.

      Figure 2-7 Availability and Score of Users in the Assignee List

      Availability and Score of Users in the Assignee List

  5. Select Group or User from Add to Assignee List, enter valid user or group name (based on selection), and click Add to List.
  6. When you specify a group, all users in that group are automatically added to the Assignee list.

    You can also select User, enter a valid user name and click Select Claimant to automatically claim the task for the selected user.

  7. Click the assignee name to view the availability details of the user as shown in Figure 2-8. You can do the following tasks in this page:
    • View the number of tasks claimed by the user, the workload score for the user, the availability of the candidate (includes date and time range start time and duration). These details are applicable to the specified date range.
    • Enter a new date range, click Refresh and view the recalculated availability details of the user.
    • Click Done to return the Create a Task page.
    • Figure 2-8 Workload of selected user

      Workload of selected user

  8. Click Create Task.

The task instance is created and shows up in the Upcoming Tasks portlet on the home page.

Note: The task shows up on the Inbox of the current user because the current user is the owner of this task instance. By default, the user who creates the task instance becomes the owner of that task instance. This enables the owner to track the status of the task instance although the owner is not assigned to work on the task instance.

Viewing Upcoming Tasks

You can view your scheduled tasks in the Upcoming Tasks portlet (Figure 2-5). In this portlet, you can view:

By default, a maximum of 8 tasks are displayed in this portlet. To view all the upcoming tasks, click the Show all tasks in this view link. All upcoming tasks are displayed in the Task Link page. Click on the task name to view the task details in the Work on Task page. For more information, see Task List Page.

Note: Editing preferences for this portlet is similar to the Overdue Tasks portlet. For more information, see Edit Preferences in the Overdue Tasks Portlet. Changes to the preferences are only valid for the current session.

Viewing Assigned Tasks

You can view tasks assigned to you in the Assigned Tasks portlet (Figure 2-9). In this portlet, you can:

By default, a maximum of 8 tasks are displayed in this portlet. To view all the assigned tasks, click the Show all tasks in this view link. All assigned tasks are displayed in the Task Link page. Click on the task name to view the task details in the Work on Task page. For more information, see Task List Page.

Note: Editing preferences for this portlet is similar to the Browse Tasks by Type portlet. For more information, see Edit Preferences of Browse Tasks by Type Portlet. Changes to the preferences are only valid for the current session.

Claiming a Task Instance

If you are in the assignee list of a task, you can claim the task as follows:

  1. In Worklist User Portal, locate the task that you want to claim.
  2. Figure 2-9 Task Assigned to User Listed in Assigned Tasks Portlet

    Task Assigned to User Listed in Assigned Tasks Portlet

  3. Click Claim against the required task. This action moves the task from your Assigned Tasks portlet to your Upcoming Tasks portlet as shown in Figure 2-5.

When a user in a group assigned to this task claims it, this task is only displayed in the Upcoming Tasks portlet of that user. It is no longer displayed for any user in the group assigned to this task.

Note: You can click Work to directly claim and work with the task. For more information, see Working on a Task Instance.

Working on a Task Instance

To work on a task that is assigned to you or that you have claimed:

  1. Click on the task in the task name in your Upcoming Tasks or Overdue Tasks portlet. In addition, you can click on the Work link (associated with the task) in the Assigned Tasks portlet. The various actions that you can take in the current step of the task are displayed on the Work on <task name> in <step name> Step page.
  2. Note: You can also click on the Work on Task link to work on a task. In this page, you can view the current step of the task, take actions on the task, see and edit details of the task, and reassign the task.

    If any custom task user interface is defined for the current step in the task or the task plan associated with the task, that interface is displayed instead of the default interface. For more information, see Customizing Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

    Figure 2-10 Working on a Task

    Working on a Task

  3. If required, you can click Edit / View Details to view the task details or click History to view the all the events related to the current task. After you are done, click the Back arrow in the browser to return to this page.
  4. Select the action and click Next. You can view the details of the selected action in the task.
  5. Figure 2-11 Details of Action Selected in Task

    Details of Action Selected in Task

  6. Specify the required properties, if any, for the action.
  7. If any user properties defined for the task plan are required for this action, they are displayed in the Key Action Properties section of this page.

  8. If required, click View More Info to view the task details.
  9. Click Submit.

The task transitions to the next logical entity as defined in the task plan.

Viewing the Task Instance Details

Based on your task affinity (owner, creator, claimant, or assignee for the task) or state of the task, you can view the task details from the Assigned Tasks, Upcoming Tasks, or Overdue Tasks portlet. You can also click the Task List link in the home page and click Upcoming Tasks, Associated Tasks, Claimed Tasks, Owned Tasks, Assigned Tasks, or Overdue Tasks link to view a list of tasks related to you.

To view the task details from a relevant portlet in the User Portal home page:

  1. Click the task name in the portlet. The View more details of <task name> page appears.
  2. You can view task details like task name, current step name, task ID, task plan, date of task creation and last update, Administrative and Working state of the task.

    Figure 2-12 Viewing Task Details

    Viewing Task Details

  3. You can edit any editable properties of the task.
  4. You can click on Work to start work on the task or click History to view the event history of the task.
  5. Click Submit.

Searching for a Task

Worklist User Portal gives you two option to search for any task:

To search for a task in the Quick Search portlet:

  1. In the Quick Search portlet, enter the search criteria.
  2. You can use the * (asterisk) character to match one or more characters.

    Note: The asterisk can be used as the first character or last character of the search string Only to be treated as pattern. Anywhere in between is not considered as wild card.

    You can use the following * (asterisk) character combinations:

    • No asterisk: If you type "Test", portal will search for all task with name that contains substring "Test" anywhere in the name. Effectively it is treated as "*Test*"
    • Asterisk at start : If you type "*Test", portal shows all task name that end with "Test".
    • Asterisk at end : If you type "Test*", portal shows all tasks with name that start with "Test".
    • Asterisk at start and end: If you type "*Test*", portal shows all tasks with name that has "Test" substring anywhere in the name.
    • Asterisk in middle: If you type "Te*st", portal shows all tasks with name that has "Te*st" substring anywhere in the name. The asterisk not in the start or end is not considered a wild card.
  3. Click Search.

All tasks for which you have query privileges and that match the search criteria are displayed in the Task List page. For more information, see Task List Page.

Browsing Tasks based on Task Plan

You can browse for tasks based on specific task plan in the Browse Tasks by Type portlet. This portlet shows all task plans for which you have query privileges. For each task plan, the complete hierarchical path and version is displayed. Click on the task plan name to view the tasks instances of this task plan in the Task List page. For more information, see Task List Page.

Note: You have query privileges if you are assigned to the roles listed in the Query policy for the task plan. For more information, see “Security Policies” in User Management.
Figure 2-13 Browse Tasks associated with Various Task Plans

Browse Tasks associated with Various Task Plans

Edit Preferences of Browse Tasks by Type Portlet

To edit preferences of the Browse Tasks by Type portlet:

  1. Click Edit Preferences.
  2. Figure 2-14 Edit Preferences of Browse Tasks by Type Portlet

    Edit Preferences of Browse Tasks by Type Portlet

  3. Enter the maximum number of tasks that you want to view this portlet. The default value is 100.
  4. Click Save.

The preferences for this portlet are saved and you are returned to the Home page. These changes to the preferences are only valid for the current session.

Note: You can edit preferences of the Assigned Tasks and Create Tasks portlet in a similar manner.

Viewing Overdue Tasks

You can view tasks that are overdue in the Overdue Tasks portlet. This portlet shows any tasks claimed, owned, or created that have not been completed before the completion due date specified for the task. That is, tasks that have not been completed and for which the completion due date is earlier than the current date are displayed in this portlet. Click on the task name to view the task details in the Work on Task page.

Figure 2-15 Overdue Tasks Portlet

Overdue Tasks Portlet

By default, a maximum of 8 tasks are displayed in this portlet. To view all the overdue tasks, click the Show all tasks in this view link. All overdue tasks are displayed in the Task Link page. Click on the task name to view the task details in the Work on Task page. For more information, see Task List Page.

Edit Preferences in the Overdue Tasks Portlet

You can edit preferences to set the display of tasks in the Overdue Tasks portlet.

  1. Click Edit Preferences.
  2. Figure 2-16 Edit Preferences for Overdue Tasks Portlet

    Edit Preferences for Overdue Tasks Portlet

  3. Enter the maximum number of tasks that you want to view this portlet. The default value is 8.
  4. Enter the date and time range that is taken into account to display tasks in this portlet. Only tasks that are overdue within the start and end dates specified by you are listed in this portlet.
  5. Select True instead of False to view tasks that are not associated with a due date in this portlet.
  6. Click Save.

The preferences for this portlet are saved and you are returned to the Home page. These changes to the preferences are only valid for the current session.

Note: You can edit preferences of the Upcoming Tasks portlet in a similar manner.

Task List Page

The task list page has a set of views shown in a portlet at the left-hand side of the page. These views define a range of tasks that will be displayed when the view is selected. Tasks meeting the criteria for the view are shown in the task list portlet at the right-hand side of the page. Clicking different views in the view list causes the contents of the task list at the right to change. For example, click the Assigned Tasks link to view all the tasks that are assigned to you. The various views that are available in this page are:

You can click on any task to view the task details. For more information, see Viewing the Task Instance Details.

The task list may be long. If the list is longer than the maximum number of tasks configured to be listed in this page, the page will show only that maximum number. Click on the arrow buttons to navigate to the next page to see a continuation of the list.

Every column in the task list have a sort header. Clicking on the sort header for a column sorts the tasks in the list by that column. Clicking repeatedly on a header toggles between sorting in ascending order and sorting in descending order. The current sort order will be shown by an up or down arrow icon on the header.

By default, tasks in this view are sorted by:

Customizing the Task List

You can customize the column headers or search for required tasks by clicking on Customize Table Header. The option allows you to specify the columns to be showed in the list table, to provide the sorting order, and to set the page size. The sorting order could be complex with option to provide multiple columns for sorting and the order (ascending/descending) for each of them.

Figure 2-18 Customizing the task list

Customizing the task list

To create a custom query and search for tasks:

  1. In the Task List page, click Customize Table Header.
  2. In the Construct a Custom Query form, specify the search criteria by specifying any of the following values.

  3. Enter the task name. You can use the * character at the start or the end of the name.
  4. Enter the task ID. Separate multiple values using comma.
  5. Select the check box against the Administration and Working state of the task.
  6. Enter any comment. You can use regular expression.
  7. Enter the priority range.
  8. Enter the Assignee, Owner, or Claimant names.
  9. Specify the completion due date range.
  10. If required, select the Include tasks with no completion due date check box.
  11. Click Apply.

All tasks that match the specified criteria are displayed in the Task List page.

To customize the table header:

  1. In the Task List page, click Customize Table Header. The Construct a Custom Query form appears.
  2. In the View form, select the columns that you want to view in the Task List page.
  3. Select the Preserve Search Criteria check box to retain these details for the current session.
  4. Select the maximum number of search results that should be displayed on the page.
  5. Select the number of rows that should be displayed in the page.
  6. Click Apply.

The view in the Task List page is updated based on the current settings.

Deleting a Task Instance

You can delete a task instance from Worklist Console. For information, see “Deleting Tasks” in Worklist Administration.

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