Using Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

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Introduction to Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

Oracle WebLogic Integration Worklist provides mechanisms to interact with human actors from WebLogic platform applications. Worklist is intended to complement Oracle WebLogic Integration Java Process Definition (JPD) component. JPD is intended to handle automated business processes and does not directly concern itself with the nuances of human interaction. Worklist extends the reach of the JPD component to include human actors where required.

Worklist enables human interaction, via the capability of assigning tasks to human users, with business processes. Based on the assigned task, human users can perform actions on the tasks, which can trigger new task assignments to other users or system events. This process flow depends on the higher level business processes. For more information about Worklist, see Using Worklist.

In Worklist, a task represents an activity that can be assigned to and claimed by a human user. The user oversees the progress of the task and ensures that it is completed in a correct and timely manner. A task can include one or more steps, and one or more exit points (called terminal steps). Each step represents a distinct phase in the completion of the task. Each step defines one or more actions and users move tasks through their defined steps by taking actions on the task at each step. The task moves through a set of planned steps in a manner dictated by the actions taken on the task.

The steps and properties for a given type of task are defined by a Task Plan and apply to all instances of tasks of that type. All tasks of a given type are then governed by the plan defined for that type of task. Task plans are defined by a designer prior to the creation of any task instance of the type being governed by the plan. For more information, see Creating and Managing Worklist Task Plans.

Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal is a web application that presents a WebLogic Portal user interface for interacting with a Worklist system instance and the tasks it is managing. It provides facilities for Worklist users (not administrators/designers) and allows them to see the tasks assigned to them or the groups they belong to. Worklist User Portal allows users to claim tasks, take actions on them, and alter their properties.

About Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal

Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal is an all-purpose user interface that uses the metadata for steps and actions to render an interactive interface at each step. The user interface for a given step and action will differ from the user interface for other steps and actions by virtue of the differences in the metadata for those steps and actions.

Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal is a part of the Worklist domain and provides an interface for Worklist users to manage task instances that they are authorized to deal with. This portal provides basic out-of-the-box functionality for creating, monitoring, and updating tasks.

Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal can be used by two types of users: an administrator kind of user and a normal user. The functions that these users can do differs based on permissions.

Functions that an administrator kind of user can do would be:

Functions that a normal kind of user can do would be:

Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal contains multiple portlets. Portlets are pluggable user interface components that are managed and displayed in the portal. Each portlet allows you to do different functions. For example, you can search for specific tasks in the Quick Search portlet. For more information, see Portlets in Worklist User Portal.

Users work on tasks associated with them from either the Worklist User Portal or a custom Task user interface (if a custom UI is developed for a step in the task plan or the entire task plan).

Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal allows users to see the tasks assigned to them, claim tasks, take actions on tasks, and update the worklist properties (values) associated with the actions they perform. Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal is used by Worklist users, not administrators or designers. For more information, see Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal.

If Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal does not meet the needs of a given task plan, a custom task user interface can be designed and developed by a Developer and associated with the entire task plan or just a step in the task plan. This ensures that the required user interface can be designed without forcing the implementation of a completely new web user interface. For more information, see Customizing Oracle WebLogic Worklist User Portal.

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