Using Worklist

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About Worklist

Key Terms in Worklist

Worklist Scenario

About Perspectives

Selecting a Perspective

Task Plan Perspective

Process Perspective

Page Flow Perspective

Creating and Managing Worklist Task Plans

About Tasks and Task Plans

Administrative and Working States

Global Actions

Worklist Properties

Task Plan Properties

System Properties

User Properties

Worklist Application

Overview of Creating Task Plans


Actions and Connections

Work Action

Assign Action

Return Action

Assign to Next User



Candidate List Handling

Load Balancing

Steps in Creating a Task Plan

Before you Begin

Creating a Domain

Configuring a Domain to Run WLI Business Process and Worklist

Configuring a Domain to Run Worklist

Configuring a Server

Starting Oracle Workshop for WebLogic

Creating a Worklist Application

Creating a Task Plan

To create a task plan

To create a task plan to a Process Application

Adding Steps and Actions to a Task Plan

Defining a Constructor for the Task Plan

Setting the System Properties of a Step

Assignment Instructions

Setting the System Properties of an Action

Creating User Properties of the Task Plan

Validating a Task Plan

Importing a Task Plan

Deploying a Task Plan

Changing a Task Plan

Using and Customizing Oracle User Portal

About Worklist User Portal

Customizing Oracle Worklist User Portal

Login to Oracle Worklist User Portal

Using Worklist Controls

About Worklist Controls


Method-level Annotations for TaskBaseControl

Task Control

Method-level Annotations for TaskControl

TaskBatch Control

Merging Parameter Values with Annotation Values

Creating Worklist Controls

Creating a Task Control

Creating a Task Control from the Select a Wizard Dialog

Creating a Task Control from the Data Palette in Process Perspective

Creating a Task Batch Control

Creating a Task Batch Control from the Select a Wizard Dialog

Creating a Task Batch Control from the Data Palette in Process Perspective

Creating a Worklist Control Using Task Control Generator

Running the Task Control Generator

Running the Task Control Generator from a Java Client or Command Line

Running the Task Control Generator from Ant

Manually Creating Task Control and Task Batch Control

Using Task and Task Batch Controls in Business Processes

Creating a Business Process

Invoking the Task Plan Constructor from the Business Process

Deploying and Validating the Business Process

Worklist Event-based Services

Task Change Events

Event Delivery Paths


Controlling Events Per-Task Plan

Event Dispatch Modes (Quality of Service)

EventListener Interface

Installing EventListeners

Event Listener and Run-As Identity

EventHandler Modules

Event Handler File


Event Handler Editors

Default Event Configuration

Default Reporting Store

Task History

Task History Provider

Reporting Store Design

Business Goals

Database Schema

Sample Queries

Reporting Event Filtering

Email Notification

Specifying Actors for Email Notification

Email Recipient Calculators

EMail Delivery Mechanism

Event Types

Calculating Task URLs

Email Templates

Email Notification Configuration and EventHandler Modules

MessageBroker and JPD Integration

Worklist Channel

Event Types

Message Header Fields

MessageBroker Event Configuration and EventHandler Modules

Custom Task Event Listeners

Custom Assignment Handlers

Extending the Capabilities of your Application with Custom Modules

Deploying Task Plans

Using the command-line utility to install task plans into a host application:

Deploying Schemas in your Application

Deploying Event Handlers

Deploying Custom Assignment Handlers

Deploying Custom Event Listeners

Using the command-line utility to install event listeners into a host application:

Using the Ant utility to install event listeners into a host application:

Deploying EMail Recipient Calculators

Using the command-line utility to install email recipient calculator into a host application:

Using the Ant utility to install email recipient calculator into a host application:

Deploying Task URL Calculators

Using the command-line utility to install task URL calculators into a host application:

Using the Ant utility to install task URL calculators into a host application:

Deploying Custom Task History Providers

Using the command-line utility to install task history providers into a host application:

Using the Ant utility to install task history providers into a host application:

Using Oracle Worklist Console

Starting Oracle Worklist Console

To start Worklist Console:

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