Using Oracle WebLogic Integration Worklist Console

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Introducing Oracle WebLogic Integration Worklist Console

Oracle WebLogic Integration Worklist Console allows you to manage and monitor Worklist tasks, users, and the business calendar.

Worklist Console provides a navigation menu containing several modules for performing focused operations. The following table lists the modules available in Worklist Console and summarizes the tasks associated with each of those modules.

For information about task plans and tasks, creating and managing tasks, using Worklist controls, using the Worklist IDE, using the Worklist User Portal and so on, see Using the Worklist and Using Worklist User Portal.

Associated Tasks
Worklist User
Business Calendar
Task History

Starting Oracle WebLogic Integration Worklist Console

Access to Oracle WebLogic Integration Worklist Console is password protected.

To start Worklist Console:
  1. Open the following URL in your Web browser:
  2. http://host name:port/worklistconsole

    Here, host name is the host name or IP address of the Oracle WebLogic Server administrative server, and port is the server listening port.

  3. Enter the username and password when prompted.
  4. Note: To log into Worklist Console, you must be a valid Oracle WebLogic Server user. However, the actions that you can do and the information that you can see depends upon your security policy. For more information, see Oracle WebLogic Integration Users, Groups, and Roles. For the sample integration domain, the default login details are:
    username: weblogic
    password: weblogic

    The Worklist Console home page is displayed.

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