Class CatalogAjaxServiceImpl

  extended by com.elasticpath.service.impl.AbstractEpServiceImpl
      extended by com.elasticpath.cmweb.ajaxservice.impl.CatalogAjaxServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
CatalogAjaxService, EpService

public class CatalogAjaxServiceImpl
extends AbstractEpServiceImpl
implements CatalogAjaxService

This service provides access to functionality and data (beans) for manipulating catalog objects on the Javascript client Catalog page.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void deleteProductAssociation(long productUidPk, long productAssociationUidPk)
          Removes a product association from a product.
 java.util.List findByCategoryUidMinimal(long categoryUid)
          Returns a list of ProductInfoAjaxBean carries basics info of the products based on the given category Uid.
 java.util.List findByCategoryUidMinimalPaginated(long categoryUid, int startIndex, int numProducts)
          Returns a list of ProductInfoAjaxBeans that carry basic info about the products based on the given category Uid.
 java.util.List findCategoryInfoByCriteria(CategorySearchCriteria categorySearchCriteria)
          Retrieve the list of categories, whose specified property contain the given criteria value.
 java.util.List findProducSkuAjaxBeanByProductUid(long productUid)
          Returns a list of ProductSkuAjaxBeans based on the given product Uid.
 java.util.List findProductInfoByCriteria(ProductSearchCriteria productSearchCriteria)
          Retrieve the list of ProductInfoAjaxBean carries basics info of the products matching the given criteria value.
 CategoryAjaxBean getCategoryAjaxBean(long uidPk)
          Get a bean containing a domain layer product object as well as other data needed for display on the Javascript UI.
 int getNumProductsInCategory(long categoryUid)
          Returns the number of products in the given category.
 ProductAjaxBean getProductAjaxBean(long uidPk)
          Get a bean containing a domain layer product object as well as other data needed for display on the Javascript UI.
 ProductSkuAjaxBean getProductSkuAjaxBean(long uidPk)
          Get a bean containing data needed for displaying a product sku on the Javascript UI.
 void setCategoryService(CategoryService categoryService)
          Set the category service used to retrieve category information.
 void setProductLoadTunerForDefaultCategory(ProductLoadTuner productLoadTunerForDefaultCategory)
          Sets the ProductLoadTuner for populating the default category.
 void setProductService(ProductService productService)
          Set the product service used to retrieve product information.
 void setProductSkuService(ProductSkuService productSkuService)
          Set the product sku service used to retrieve product sku information.
 void swapProductAssociationOrder(long productUidPk, long association1UidPk, long association2UidPk)
          Re-orders two product associations of the given product.
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.service.impl.AbstractEpServiceImpl
getElasticPath, setElasticPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.service.EpService
getElasticPath, setElasticPath

Constructor Detail


public CatalogAjaxServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public void deleteProductAssociation(long productUidPk,
                                     long productAssociationUidPk)
Removes a product association from a product.

Specified by:
deleteProductAssociation in interface CatalogAjaxService
productUidPk - The UID of the product whose association is to be removed
productAssociationUidPk - the UID of the ProductAssociation to be removed


public java.util.List findByCategoryUidMinimal(long categoryUid)
Returns a list of ProductInfoAjaxBean carries basics info of the products based on the given category Uid.

Specified by:
findByCategoryUidMinimal in interface CatalogAjaxService
categoryUid - the category Uid
a list of product info


public java.util.List findByCategoryUidMinimalPaginated(long categoryUid,
                                                        int startIndex,
                                                        int numProducts)
Returns a list of ProductInfoAjaxBeans that carry basic info about the products based on the given category Uid.

Specified by:
findByCategoryUidMinimalPaginated in interface CatalogAjaxService
categoryUid - the category Uid
startIndex - the starting index of the first product to be returned
numProducts - the number of products to be returned, starting from the start index
a list of product info


public java.util.List findCategoryInfoByCriteria(CategorySearchCriteria categorySearchCriteria)
Retrieve the list of categories, whose specified property contain the given criteria value.

Specified by:
findCategoryInfoByCriteria in interface CatalogAjaxService
categorySearchCriteria - the categorySearchCriteria to search on.
list of categories matching the given criteria, if the search results size is larger than defined max return size, only return max return size categories


public java.util.List findProducSkuAjaxBeanByProductUid(long productUid)
Returns a list of ProductSkuAjaxBeans based on the given product Uid.

Specified by:
findProducSkuAjaxBeanByProductUid in interface CatalogAjaxService
productUid - the product Uid
a list of ProductSkuAjaxBean


public java.util.List findProductInfoByCriteria(ProductSearchCriteria productSearchCriteria)
Retrieve the list of ProductInfoAjaxBean carries basics info of the products matching the given criteria value.

Specified by:
findProductInfoByCriteria in interface CatalogAjaxService
productSearchCriteria - the productSearchCriteria to search on.
the list of ProductInfoAjaxBean carries basics info of the products.


public CategoryAjaxBean getCategoryAjaxBean(long uidPk)
Get a bean containing a domain layer product object as well as other data needed for display on the Javascript UI.

Specified by:
getCategoryAjaxBean in interface CatalogAjaxService
uidPk - the unique identifier for the product to be returned in the bean
the ProductAjaxBean


public int getNumProductsInCategory(long categoryUid)
Returns the number of products in the given category.

Specified by:
getNumProductsInCategory in interface CatalogAjaxService
categoryUid - The UID of the category whose number of products is to be returned.
the number of products in the category


public ProductAjaxBean getProductAjaxBean(long uidPk)
Get a bean containing a domain layer product object as well as other data needed for display on the Javascript UI.

Specified by:
getProductAjaxBean in interface CatalogAjaxService
uidPk - the unique identifier for the product to be returned in the bean
the ProductAjaxBean


public ProductSkuAjaxBean getProductSkuAjaxBean(long uidPk)
Get a bean containing data needed for displaying a product sku on the Javascript UI.

Specified by:
getProductSkuAjaxBean in interface CatalogAjaxService
uidPk - the unique identifier for the product to be returned in the bean
the ProductSkuAjaxBean


public void setCategoryService(CategoryService categoryService)
Set the category service used to retrieve category information.

categoryService - the CategoryService


public void setProductLoadTunerForDefaultCategory(ProductLoadTuner productLoadTunerForDefaultCategory)
Sets the ProductLoadTuner for populating the default category.

productLoadTunerForDefaultCategory - the ProductLoadTuner for populating the default category.


public void setProductService(ProductService productService)
Set the product service used to retrieve product information.

Specified by:
setProductService in interface CatalogAjaxService
productService - the ProductService


public void setProductSkuService(ProductSkuService productSkuService)
Set the product sku service used to retrieve product sku information.

productSkuService - the ProductSkuService


public void swapProductAssociationOrder(long productUidPk,
                                        long association1UidPk,
                                        long association2UidPk)
Re-orders two product associations of the given product. Note: Persists the ordering change but does not re-order the collection in the product parameter

Specified by:
swapProductAssociationOrder in interface CatalogAjaxService
productUidPk - the UID of the product whose associations are to be reordered
association1UidPk - the uid of one of the first product association that will take the position of the second
association2UidPk - the uid of the second product association that will take the position of the first