Uses of Class

Packages that use EpBindException

Uses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.commons.exception

Subclasses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.commons.exception
 class EpBigDecimalBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a BigDecimal object.
 class EpBooleanBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a boolean value.
 class EpCurrencyBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid string value to a Currency instance.
 class EpDateBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a Date object.
 class EpIntBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a int value.
 class EpInvalidGuidBindException
          This exception will be thrown when an invalid guid is given.
 class EpInvalidValueBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case trying to set an invalid value to an entity or a value object.
 class EpLocaleBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding an invalid string value to a Locale instance.
 class EpLongBindException
          This exception will be thrown in case any errors happen when binding a bad string value to a long value.
 class EpNonNullBindException
          This exception will be thrown when binding an null string value to a field not allowed to be null.
 class EpTooLongBindException
          This exception will be thrown when a given value is too long.
 class EpUnsupportedOperationException
          This exception will be thrown when unsupported operation is called.

Uses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute that throw EpBindException
 void AttributeValueGroup.setStringAttributeValue(Attribute attribute, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String stringValue)
          Set the attribute value of the domain object based on the given string value.
 void AttributeType.setStringValue(AttributeValueWithType attributeValueImpl, java.lang.String stringValue)
          Sets the given attribute value with the given string value.
 void AttributeValue.setStringValue(java.lang.String stringValue)
          Set the value of the attribute based on the given string value.

Uses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl that throw EpBindException
 void AttributeValueGroupImpl.setStringAttributeValue(Attribute attribute, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String stringValue)
          Set the attribute value of the domain object based on the given string value.
abstract  void AbstractAttributeTypeImpl.setStringValue(AttributeValueWithType attributeValueImpl, java.lang.String stringValue)
          Set the given attribute value with the given string value.
 void AttributeValueImpl.setStringValue(java.lang.String stringValue)
          Set the value of the attribute based on the given string value.

Uses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview

Subclasses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview
 class EpCatalogViewRequestBindException
          This exception will be thrown when binding an invalid parameter or attribute from a catalog view request.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview that throw EpBindException
 java.lang.String AttributeRangeFilter.getAttributeRangeFilterId(java.lang.String attributeKey, java.lang.String lowerAttributeStr, java.lang.String upperAttributeStr)
          Generates and returns a attribute range filter id based on the given attributeKey, lower value and upper value.

Uses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl that throw EpBindException
 java.lang.String AttributeRangeFilterImpl.getAttributeRangeFilterId(java.lang.String attributeKey, java.lang.String lowerAttributeStr, java.lang.String upperAttributeStr)
          Generates and returns a attribute range filter id based on the given attributeKey, lower value and upper value.

Uses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.domain.customer

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.customer that throw EpBindException
 void CustomerProfile.setProfileValue(java.lang.String attributeKey, java.lang.Object value)
          Set the customer profile value based on the given pair of key/object.
 void CustomerProfile.setStringProfileValue(java.lang.String attributeKey, java.lang.String stringValue)
          Set the customer profile value based on the given string value.

Uses of EpBindException in com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl that throw EpBindException
 void CustomerProfileImpl.setStringProfileValue(java.lang.String attributeKey, java.lang.String stringValue)
          Set the customer profile value based on the given string value.