Uses of Interface

Packages that use EpConstant
com.elasticpath.domain.impl Tests for the default Elastic Path implementation of the Domain Model. 

Uses of EpConstant in com.elasticpath.domain.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.impl that implement EpConstant
 class AbstractEpConstantImpl
          * The default implementation of EpConstant.

Uses of EpConstant in com.elasticpath.domain.order

Subinterfaces of EpConstant in com.elasticpath.domain.order
 interface OrderPaymentStatus
          Represents the customer orderPayment status.
 interface OrderReturnReason
          A OrderReturnReason represents a reason associated with a OrderReturn.
 interface OrderShipmentStatus
          Represents the customer orderShipment status.
 interface OrderStatus
          Represents the customer order status.

Uses of EpConstant in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl that implement EpConstant
 class OrderPaymentStatusImpl
          The default implementation of OrderPaymentStatus.
 class OrderReturnReasonImpl
          The default implementation of the OrderReturnReason.
 class OrderShipmentStatusImpl
          The default implementation of OrderShipmentStatus.
 class OrderStatusImpl
          Represents the customer order status.

Uses of EpConstant in com.elasticpath.domain.payment

Subinterfaces of EpConstant in com.elasticpath.domain.payment
 interface PaymentType
          Represents the payment type.

Uses of EpConstant in com.elasticpath.domain.payment.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.payment.impl that implement EpConstant
 class PaymentTypeImpl
          Represents the payment type.