Uses of Interface

Packages that use CmUser

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser that return CmUser
 CmUser CmUserSession.getCmUser()
          Returns the CmUser instance.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser with parameters of type CmUser
 void CmUserSession.setCmUser(CmUser cmUser)
          Sets the CmUser instance.

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl that implement CmUser
 class CmUserImpl
          The default implementation of CmUser.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl that return CmUser
 CmUser CmUserSessionImpl.getCmUser()
          Returns the CmUser instance.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl with parameters of type CmUser
 void CmUserSessionImpl.setCmUser(CmUser cmUser)
          Sets the CmUser instance.

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport that return CmUser
 CmUser ImportJob.getCmUser()
          Returns the cm user whom started the import job.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport with parameters of type CmUser
 void ImportJob.setCmUser(CmUser cmUser)
          Set the cm user whom started the import job.

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl that return CmUser
 CmUser ImportJobImpl.getCmUser()
          Returns the cm user whom started the import job.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl with parameters of type CmUser
 void ImportJobImpl.setCmUser(CmUser cmUser)
          Set the cm user whom started the import job.

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.domain.order

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order that return CmUser
 CmUser OrderNote.getCreatedBy()
          Get the CM user who created this order note.
 CmUser OrderSku.getLastModifiedBy()
          Get the CM user who last modifed this order sku.
 CmUser Order.getLastModifiedBy()
          Get the CM user who last modifed this order sku.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order with parameters of type CmUser
 void OrderNote.setCreatedBy(CmUser createdBy)
          Set the CM User who created this order note.
 void OrderSku.setLastModifiedBy(CmUser createdBy)
          Set the CM User who last modified this order sku.
 void Order.setLastModifiedBy(CmUser lastModifiedBy)
          Set the CM User who last modified this order sku.

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl that return CmUser
 CmUser OrderNoteImpl.getCreatedBy()
          Get the CM user who created this order note.
 CmUser OrderSkuImpl.getLastModifiedBy()
          Get the CM user who last modifed this order sku.
 CmUser OrderImpl.getLastModifiedBy()
          Get the CM user who last modifed this order sku.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl with parameters of type CmUser
 void OrderNoteImpl.setCreatedBy(CmUser createdBy)
          Set the CM User who created this order note.
 void OrderSkuImpl.setLastModifiedBy(CmUser modifiedBy)
          Set the CM User who last modified this order sku.
 void OrderImpl.setLastModifiedBy(CmUser lastModifiedBy)
          Set the CM User who last modified this order sku.

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser that return CmUser
 CmUser CmUserService.add(CmUser cmUser)
          Adds the given cmUser.
 CmUser CmUserService.findByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the cmUser with the given email address.
 CmUser CmUserService.get(long cmUserUid)
          Get the cmUser with the given UID.
 CmUser CmUserService.load(long cmUserUid)
          Load the cmUser with the given UID.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser with parameters of type CmUser
 CmUser CmUserService.add(CmUser cmUser)
          Adds the given cmUser.
 boolean CmUserService.emailExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's email exists or not.
 void CmUserService.remove(CmUser cmUser)
          Delete the cmUser.
 void CmUserService.update(CmUser cmUser)
          Updates the given cmUser.
 boolean CmUserService.userNameExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's userName exists or not.

Uses of CmUser in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl that return CmUser
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.add(CmUser cmUser)
          Adds the given cmUser.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.findByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Find the cmUser with the given email address.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.findByUserName(java.lang.String userName)
          Find the cmUser with the given userName.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.get(long cmUserUid)
          Get the cmUser with the given UID.
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.load(long cmUserUid)
          Load the cmUser with the given UID.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.cmuser.impl with parameters of type CmUser
 CmUser CmUserServiceImpl.add(CmUser cmUser)
          Adds the given cmUser.
 boolean CmUserServiceImpl.emailExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's email exists or not.
 void CmUserServiceImpl.remove(CmUser cmUser)
          Deletes the cmUser.
 void CmUserServiceImpl.update(CmUser cmUser)
          Updates the given cmUser.
 boolean CmUserServiceImpl.userNameExists(CmUser cmUser)
          Check the given cmUser's userName exists or not.