Class GeographyImpl

  extended by com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractEpDomainImpl
      extended by com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractTransientImpl
          extended by com.elasticpath.domain.misc.impl.GeographyImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
EpDomain, Geography, Transient,

public class GeographyImpl
extends AbstractTransientImpl
implements Geography

Represents a set of countries and provides geography-related functionality such as finding the subcountries of a particular country. A subcountry is a region of a country such as a province, state, or territory. Assumptions: - The country and subcountry properties do not change at runtime.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractTransientImpl
Fields inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.misc.Geography
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.Map getAllSubCountries()
          Returns the default map of subcountries codes and their labels.
 java.util.Map getAllSubCountries(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a localized map of subcountry codes and their localized labels.
 java.util.Map getAvailableSubCountries()
          Return the available subcountries based on the specified list of available regions set using the setAvailableRegions method.
 java.util.Map getCountries()
          Returns a map of countries where the keys are country codes and the values are labels for the corresponding country.
 java.util.Map getCountries(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a map of countries where the keys are country codes and the values are localized labels for the corresponding locale & country.
 java.util.Map getCountry2SubCountries()
          Return a map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.
 java.util.Map getCountry2SubCountries(java.util.Locale locale)
          Return a map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.
 java.util.Map getCountry2SubCountriesMap()
          Return the default map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.
 java.util.Map getSubCountries(java.lang.String countryCode)
          Return the default map of subcountries codes and their labels for the country with the given ISO country code.
 java.util.Map getSubCountries(java.lang.String countryCode, java.util.Locale locale)
          Return a localized map of subcountries codes and their labels for the country with the given ISO country code.
 void setAvailableRegions(java.util.List regions)
          Set the ShippingRegions that define the set of available countries and subcountries.
 void setPropertiesMap(java.util.Map propertiesMap)
          Set the properties (file) map that is used as a source of Country data.
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractEpDomainImpl
getElasticPath, setElasticPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.EpDomain
getElasticPath, setElasticPath

Constructor Detail


public GeographyImpl()
Method Detail


public java.util.Map getAllSubCountries()
Returns the default map of subcountries codes and their labels. Subcountries are any region of a country such as a province, state, or territory. Note that this method assumes the country information does not change at runtime.

Specified by:
getAllSubCountries in interface Geography
a map of codes to labels of subcountries for all countries.


public java.util.Map getAllSubCountries(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns a localized map of subcountry codes and their localized labels. Subcountries are any region of a country such as a province, state, or territory. Note that this method assumes the country information does not change at runtime.

Specified by:
getAllSubCountries in interface Geography
locale - the current locale
a map of codes to labels of subcountries for all countries.


public java.util.Map getAvailableSubCountries()
Return the available subcountries based on the specified list of available regions set using the setAvailableRegions method.

Specified by:
getAvailableSubCountries in interface Geography
a Map of subcountry codes to subcountry display names


public java.util.Map getCountries()
Returns a map of countries where the keys are country codes and the values are labels for the corresponding country.

Specified by:
getCountries in interface Geography
the map of country codes to labels


public java.util.Map getCountries(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns a map of countries where the keys are country codes and the values are localized labels for the corresponding locale & country.

Specified by:
getCountries in interface Geography
locale - the current locale to load
Map of country codes and localized labels


public java.util.Map getCountry2SubCountries()
Return a map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.

Specified by:
getCountry2SubCountries in interface Geography
a map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.


public java.util.Map getCountry2SubCountries(java.util.Locale locale)
Return a map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.

Specified by:
getCountry2SubCountries in interface Geography
locale - the current locale
a map of countryCode to subcountries codes/localized labels mapping.


public java.util.Map getCountry2SubCountriesMap()
Return the default map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.

Specified by:
getCountry2SubCountriesMap in interface Geography
a map of countryCode to subcountries codes/labels mapping.


public java.util.Map getSubCountries(java.lang.String countryCode)
Return the default map of subcountries codes and their labels for the country with the given ISO country code.

Specified by:
getSubCountries in interface Geography
countryCode - ISO country code
a map of subcountries codes and their labels for the country with the given ISO country code.


public java.util.Map getSubCountries(java.lang.String countryCode,
                                     java.util.Locale locale)
Return a localized map of subcountries codes and their labels for the country with the given ISO country code.

Specified by:
getSubCountries in interface Geography
countryCode - ISO country code
locale - the current locale
a map of subcountries codes and their labels for the country with the given ISO country code.


public void setAvailableRegions(java.util.List regions)
Set the ShippingRegions that define the set of available countries and subcountries.

Specified by:
setAvailableRegions in interface Geography
regions - a List of ShippingRegions


public void setPropertiesMap(java.util.Map propertiesMap)
Set the properties (file) map that is used as a source of Country data.

Specified by:
setPropertiesMap in interface Geography
propertiesMap - the map containing properties data about countries.