Uses of Interface

Packages that use Order

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.cmweb.ajaxservice

Methods in com.elasticpath.cmweb.ajaxservice that return Order
 Order OrderAjaxService.addOrderNote(long orderUid, OrderNote newOrderNote)
          Add an orderNote.
 Order OrderAjaxService.updateOrderBillingAddress(long orderUid, OrderAddress billingAddress)
          Update the billing address of the order with the given orderUid.
 Order OrderAjaxService.updateOrderStatus(long orderUid, OrderStatus newOrderStatus)
          Update the status of the order with the given orderUid.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.cmweb.ajaxservice.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.cmweb.ajaxservice.impl that return Order
 Order OrderAjaxServiceImpl.addOrderNote(long orderUid, OrderNote newOrderNote)
          Add an orderNote.
 Order OrderAjaxServiceImpl.updateOrderBillingAddress(long orderUid, OrderAddress billingAddress)
          Update the billing address of the order with the given orderUid.
 Order OrderAjaxServiceImpl.updateOrderStatus(long orderUid, OrderStatus newOrderStatus)
          Update the status of the order with the given orderUid.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl that implement Order
 class OrderImpl
          The default implementation of Order.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart that return Order
 Order ShoppingCart.getCompletedOrder()
          Get a reference to the completed order for the items previously checked out.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart with parameters of type Order
 void ShoppingCart.setCompletedOrder(Order order)
          Set a reference to the completed order for the items previously checked out.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl that return Order
 Order ShoppingCartImpl.getCompletedOrder()
          Get a reference to the completed order for the items previously checked out.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl with parameters of type Order
 void ShoppingCartImpl.setCompletedOrder(Order order)
          Set a reference to the completed order for the items previously checked out.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.service.order

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order that return Order
 Order OrderService.add(Order order)
          Adds the given order.
 Order OrderService.addOrderReturn(long orderUid, OrderReturn orderReturn)
          Add the given OrderReturn to the order with given uid.
 Order OrderService.get(long orderUid)
          Get the order with the given UID.
 Order OrderService.getOrderDetail(long uid)
          Return the fully initialized order object.
 Order OrderService.releaseOrderShipment(long orderUid, long orderShipmentUid, java.lang.String trackingCode, boolean captureFund, boolean sendConfEmail)
          Capture the order balance amount and update the OrderShipment status on success.
 Order OrderService.update(Order order)
          Updates the given order.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order with parameters of type Order
 Order OrderService.add(Order order)
          Adds the given order.
 Order OrderService.update(Order order)
          Updates the given order.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl that return Order
 Order OrderServiceImpl.add(Order order)
          Adds the given order.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.addOrderReturn(long orderUid, OrderReturn orderReturn)
          Add the given OrderReturn to the order with given uid.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.get(long orderUid)
          Get the order with the given UID.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.getOrderDetail(long uid)
          Return the fully initialized order object.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.releaseOrderShipment(long orderUid, long orderShipmentUid, java.lang.String trackingCode, boolean captureFund, boolean sendConfEmail)
          Capture the order balance amount and update the OrderShipment status on success.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.update(Order order)
          Updates the given order.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl with parameters of type Order
 Order OrderServiceImpl.add(Order order)
          Adds the given order.
 Order OrderServiceImpl.update(Order order)
          Updates the given order.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart with parameters of type Order
 void CheckoutEventHandler.postCheckout(ShoppingCart shoppingCart, OrderPayment orderPayment, Order completedOrder)
          This event occurs after a checkout process has completed.
 void CheckoutEventHandler.preCheckoutOrderPersist(ShoppingCart shoppingCart, OrderPayment orderPayment, Order completedOrder)
          This event occurs after a checkout has been processed but before the order has been persisted.

Uses of Order in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.shoppingcart.impl with parameters of type Order
 void AbstractCheckoutEventHandlerImpl.postCheckout(ShoppingCart shoppingCart, OrderPayment orderPayment, Order completedOrder)
          This event occurs after a checkout process has completed.
 void AbstractCheckoutEventHandlerImpl.preCheckoutOrderPersist(ShoppingCart shoppingCart, OrderPayment orderPayment, Order completedOrder)
          This event occurs after a checkout has been processed but before the order has been persisted.