Uses of Interface

Packages that use OrderSku

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog that return OrderSku
 OrderSku DigitalAssetAudit.getOrderSku()
          Returns the OrderSku.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog with parameters of type OrderSku
 void DigitalAssetAudit.setOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Sets the OrderSku.

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl that return OrderSku
 OrderSku DigitalAssetAuditImpl.getOrderSku()
          Returns the OrderSku.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl with parameters of type OrderSku
 void DigitalAssetAuditImpl.setOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Sets the OrderSku.

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.domain.order

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order that return OrderSku
 OrderSku OrderReturnSku.getOrderSku()
          Get the orderSku for this return.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order with parameters of type OrderSku
 void OrderShipment.addOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Add an order SKU.
 void Order.addOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Add an order SKU.
 void OrderReturnSku.setOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Set the orderSku for this return.

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl that implement OrderSku
 class OrderSkuImpl
          Represents an order for a quantity of SKUs.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl that return OrderSku
 OrderSku OrderReturnSkuImpl.getOrderSku()
          Get the orderSku for this return.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl with parameters of type OrderSku
 void OrderShipmentImpl.addOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Add an order SKU.
 void OrderImpl.addOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Add an order SKU.
 void OrderReturnSkuImpl.setOrderSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Set the orderSku for this return.

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.service.asset

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.asset that return OrderSku
 OrderSku DigitalAssetAuditService.getOrderSku(long orderSkuUid)
          Retrieves OrderSku found by the orderSku Uid.

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.service.asset.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.asset.impl that return OrderSku
 OrderSku DigitalAssetAuditServiceImpl.getOrderSku(long orderSkuUid)
          Retrieves OrderSku found by the orderSku Uid.

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.service.order

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order that return OrderSku
 OrderSku OrderService.setOrderSkuProduct(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.
 OrderSku OrderService.setOrderSkuProductSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order with parameters of type OrderSku
 OrderSku OrderService.setOrderSkuProduct(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.
 OrderSku OrderService.setOrderSkuProductSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.

Uses of OrderSku in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl that return OrderSku
 OrderSku OrderServiceImpl.setOrderSkuProduct(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.
 OrderSku OrderServiceImpl.setOrderSkuProductSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.order.impl with parameters of type OrderSku
 OrderSku OrderServiceImpl.setOrderSkuProduct(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.
 OrderSku OrderServiceImpl.setOrderSkuProductSku(OrderSku orderSku)
          Retrieve the Product associated with the given orderSku based on the productUid saved.