Uses of Interface

Packages that use RuleAction

Uses of RuleAction in com.elasticpath.domain.rules

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules with parameters of type RuleAction
 void Rule.addAction(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Add an action to the rule.

Uses of RuleAction in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl that implement RuleAction
 class AbstractRuleActionImpl
          Abstract base class for Rule Actions.
 class CartCategoryAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts all products in a given category by a given amount.
 class CartCategoryPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts all products in a given category by a given percentage.
 class CartNFreeSkusActionImpl
          Rule action that gives N free skus of a given product SKU (Puts them in the cart with 0 price).
 class CartNthProductPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts the Nth product with a given UID by the given percentage.
 class CartProductAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given amount.
 class CartProductPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given percentage.
 class CartSkuAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given amount.
 class CartSkuPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts N products with a given UID by the given amount.
 class CartSubtotalAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class CartSubtotalDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class CartSubtotalPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given percent.
 class CatalogSkuAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a sku by a given amount.
 class CatalogSkuPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a sku by a given amount.
 class ProductAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class ProductPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts a product by a given amount.
 class ShippingAmountDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts shipping cost by a given amount.
 class ShippingPercentDiscountActionImpl
          Rule action that discounts shipping cost by a given percentage.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl with parameters of type RuleAction
 void AbstractRuleImpl.addAction(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Add an action to the rule.

Uses of RuleAction in com.elasticpath.service.rules

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules that return RuleAction
 RuleAction RuleActionService.add(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Adds the given ruleAction.
 RuleAction RuleActionService.get(long ruleActionUid)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionService.get(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
 RuleAction RuleActionService.load(long ruleActionUid)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionService.load(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules with parameters of type RuleAction
 RuleAction RuleActionService.add(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Adds the given ruleAction.
 void RuleActionService.remove(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Delete the ruleAction.
 void RuleActionService.update(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Updates the given ruleActionle.

Uses of RuleAction in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl that return RuleAction
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.add(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Adds the given ruleAction.
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.get(long ruleActionUid)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.get(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Get the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.load(long ruleActionUid)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID.
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.load(long ruleActionUid, java.lang.String ruleActionType)
          Load the ruleAction with the given UID if it is greater than 0; otherwise get new instance of the ruleAction of the given ruleActionType from the spring beanFactory (assuming bean id is the same as the ruleActionType).

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl with parameters of type RuleAction
 RuleAction RuleActionServiceImpl.add(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Adds the given ruleAction.
 void RuleActionServiceImpl.remove(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Delete the ruleAction.
 void RuleActionServiceImpl.update(RuleAction ruleAction)
          Updates the given ruleActionle.