Uses of Interface

Packages that use RuleSet

Uses of RuleSet in com.elasticpath.domain.rules

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules that return RuleSet
 RuleSet Rule.getRuleSet()
          Get the ruleSet this rule belongs to.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules with parameters of type RuleSet
 void Rule.setRuleSet(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Set the ruleSet this rule belongs to.

Uses of RuleSet in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl that implement RuleSet
 class RuleSetImpl
          Represents a set of rules.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl that return RuleSet
 RuleSet AbstractRuleImpl.getRuleSet()
          Get the ruleSet this rule belongs to.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl with parameters of type RuleSet
 void AbstractRuleImpl.setRuleSet(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Set the ruleSet this rule belongs to.

Uses of RuleSet in com.elasticpath.service.rules

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules that return RuleSet
 RuleSet RuleSetService.add(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Adds the given ruleSet.
 RuleSet RuleSetService.findByScenarioId(int scenarioId)
          Find the rule set by its scenario id.
 RuleSet RuleSetService.get(long ruleSetUid)
          Get the ruleSet with the given UID.
 RuleSet RuleSetService.load(long ruleSetUid)
          Load the ruleSet with the given UID.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules with parameters of type RuleSet
 RuleSet RuleSetService.add(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Adds the given ruleSet.
 void RuleSetService.remove(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Delete the ruleSet.
 void RuleSetService.update(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Updates the given ruleset.
 void RuleSetService.updateLastModifiedTime(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Update the ruleSet's last modified timestamp.

Uses of RuleSet in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl that return RuleSet
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.add(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Adds the given ruleSet.
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.findByScenarioId(int scenarioId)
          Find the rule set by its scenario id.
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.get(long ruleSetUid)
          Get the ruleSet with the given UID.
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.load(long ruleSetUid)
          Load the ruleSet with the given UID.

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.rules.impl with parameters of type RuleSet
 RuleSet RuleSetServiceImpl.add(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Adds the given ruleSet.
 void RuleSetServiceImpl.remove(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Delete the ruleSet.
 void RuleSetServiceImpl.update(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Updates the given ruleset.
 void RuleSetServiceImpl.updateLastModifiedTime(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Update the ruleSet's last modified timestamp.