Class FirstTimeBuyerEligibilityImpl

  extended by com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractEpDomainImpl
      extended by com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractPersistenceImpl
          extended by com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractValueObjectImpl
              extended by com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.AbstractRuleElementImpl
                  extended by com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.FirstTimeBuyerEligibilityImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
EpDomain, Persistence, RuleElement, RuleEligibility, ValueObject,

public class FirstTimeBuyerEligibilityImpl
extends AbstractRuleElementImpl
implements RuleEligibility

Rule eligibility that includes customers who are using an email address that has not been used before in an existing order.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static long serialVersionUID
          Serial version id.
Fields inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.rules.RuleEligibility
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean appliesInScenario(int scenarioId)
          Check if this rule element is valid in the specified scenario.
 java.lang.String[] getAllowedExceptions()
          Return the array of the allowed RuleException types for the rule.
 java.lang.String getDisplayText()
          Returns the text representation of this condition.
 java.lang.String[] getParameterKeys()
          Return the array of the required parameter keys for the rule.
 java.lang.String getRuleCode()
          Returns the Drools code corresponding to this rule condition.
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl.AbstractRuleElementImpl
addParameter, getExceptions, getKind, getParameters, getType, setDefaultValues, setExceptions, setKind, setParameters, setRuleId, setType, validate
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractPersistenceImpl
executeBeforePersistAction, getUidPk, isPersistent, setUidPk
Methods inherited from class com.elasticpath.domain.impl.AbstractEpDomainImpl
getElasticPath, setElasticPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.rules.RuleElement
addParameter, getExceptions, getKind, getParameters, getType, setExceptions, setKind, setParameters, setRuleId, setType, validate
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.Persistence
executeBeforePersistAction, getUidPk, isPersistent, setDefaultValues, setUidPk
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.EpDomain
getElasticPath, setElasticPath

Field Detail


public static final long serialVersionUID
Serial version id.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public FirstTimeBuyerEligibilityImpl()
Method Detail


public boolean appliesInScenario(int scenarioId)
Check if this rule element is valid in the specified scenario.

Specified by:
appliesInScenario in interface RuleElement
scenarioId - the Id of the scenario to check (defined in RuleScenarios)
true if the rule element is applicable in the given scenario


public java.lang.String[] getAllowedExceptions()
Return the array of the allowed RuleException types for the rule.

Specified by:
getAllowedExceptions in interface RuleElement
an array of String of the allowed RuleException types for the rule.


public java.lang.String getDisplayText()
Returns the text representation of this condition.

Specified by:
getDisplayText in interface RuleElement
the display text


public java.lang.String[] getParameterKeys()
Return the array of the required parameter keys for the rule.

Specified by:
getParameterKeys in interface RuleElement
an array of String of the required parameter keys for the rule.


public java.lang.String getRuleCode()
                             throws EpDomainException
Returns the Drools code corresponding to this rule condition.

Specified by:
getRuleCode in interface RuleElement
the rule code.
EpDomainException - if the rule is not well formed