Interface RuleEligibility

All Superinterfaces:
EpDomain, Persistence, RuleElement,, ValueObject
All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomerGroupEligibilityImpl, EveryoneEligibilityImpl, ExistingCustomerEligibilityImpl, FirstTimeBuyerEligibilityImpl

public interface RuleEligibility
extends RuleElement

Represents an eligibility condition that must be true for a rule to fire.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ELIGIBILITY_KIND
          Identifies the RuleElement as an eligibility to a rule.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.rules.RuleElement
addParameter, appliesInScenario, getAllowedExceptions, getDisplayText, getExceptions, getKind, getParameterKeys, getParameters, getRuleCode, getType, setExceptions, setKind, setParameters, setRuleId, setType, validate
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.Persistence
executeBeforePersistAction, getUidPk, isPersistent, setDefaultValues, setUidPk
Methods inherited from interface com.elasticpath.domain.EpDomain
getElasticPath, setElasticPath

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String ELIGIBILITY_KIND
Identifies the RuleElement as an eligibility to a rule.

See Also:
Constant Field Values