Uses of Interface

Packages that use RuleEligibility

Uses of RuleEligibility in com.elasticpath.domain.rules

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules with parameters of type RuleEligibility
 void Rule.addEligibility(RuleEligibility eligibility)
          Adds a rule eligiblity to the set of eligibilities.

Uses of RuleEligibility in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl that implement RuleEligibility
 class CustomerGroupEligibilityImpl
          Rule eligibility that requires a customer to be in a certain customer group.
 class EveryoneEligibilityImpl
          Dummy rule eligibility that always evaluate to be true.
 class ExistingCustomerEligibilityImpl
          Rule eligibility that requires a customer already has an account in the system.
 class FirstTimeBuyerEligibilityImpl
          Rule eligibility that includes customers who are using an email address that has not been used before in an existing order.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl with parameters of type RuleEligibility
 void AbstractRuleImpl.addEligibility(RuleEligibility eligibility)
          Adds a rule eligiblity to the set of eligibilities.