Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractShippingCostCalculationMethodImpl

Uses of AbstractShippingCostCalculationMethodImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl

Subclasses of AbstractShippingCostCalculationMethodImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl
 class CostPerUnitWeightMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as unit price * order weight.
 class FixedBaseAndCostPerUnitWeightMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as fixBase + % of order total.
 class FixedBaseAndOrderTotalPercentageMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as fixBase + % of order total.
 class FixedPriceMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as fixBase + % of order total.
 class OrderTotalPercentageMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as % of order total.