Uses of Interface

Packages that use SkuOptionValue

Uses of SkuOptionValue in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog that return SkuOptionValue
 SkuOptionValue ProductSku.getSkuOptionValue(SkuOption skuOption)
          Returns the value of the given SkuOption.

Uses of SkuOptionValue in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl that return SkuOptionValue
 SkuOptionValue ProductSkuImpl.getSkuOptionValue(SkuOption skuOption)
          Returns the value of the given SkuOption.

Uses of SkuOptionValue in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration that return SkuOptionValue
 SkuOptionValue SkuOption.getDefaultOptionValue()
          Get the option value that has been designated the default value if no option has yet been selected.
 SkuOptionValue SkuOption.getOptionValue(java.lang.String valueCode)
          Returns the corresponding SkuOptionValue of the given value code.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration with parameters of type SkuOptionValue
 void SkuOption.addOptionValue(SkuOptionValue optionValue)
          Add an option value to the set of available values.
 void SkuOption.setDefaultOptionValue(SkuOptionValue defaultOptionValue)
          Set the option value that is to appear by default if no option has yet been selected.

Uses of SkuOptionValue in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl that implement SkuOptionValue
 class SkuOptionValueImpl
          Represents an available option value for a SKU option.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl that return SkuOptionValue
 SkuOptionValue SkuOptionImpl.getDefaultOptionValue()
          Get the option value that has been designated the default value if no option has yet been selected.
 SkuOptionValue SkuOptionImpl.getOptionValue(java.lang.String valueCode)
          Returns the corresponding SkuOptionValue of the given value code.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl with parameters of type SkuOptionValue
 void SkuOptionImpl.addOptionValue(SkuOptionValue optionValue)
          Add an option value to the set of available values.
 void SkuOptionImpl.setDefaultOptionValue(SkuOptionValue defaultOptionValue)
          Set the option value that is to appear by default if no option has yet been selected.

Uses of SkuOptionValue in com.elasticpath.service.catalog

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.catalog with parameters of type SkuOptionValue
 SkuOption SkuOptionService.addOptionValue(SkuOptionValue skuOptionValue, SkuOption skuOption)
          Add the sku option value.
 SkuOption SkuOptionService.removeOptionValue(SkuOptionValue skuOptionValue, SkuOption skuOption)
          Delete the sku option value.

Uses of SkuOptionValue in com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl

Methods in com.elasticpath.service.catalog.impl with parameters of type SkuOptionValue
 SkuOption SkuOptionServiceImpl.addOptionValue(SkuOptionValue skuOptionValue, SkuOption skuOption)
          Add the sku option value.
 SkuOption SkuOptionServiceImpl.removeOptionValue(SkuOptionValue skuOptionValue, SkuOption skuOption)
          Delete the sku option value.