Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractIndexServiceImpl

Uses of AbstractIndexServiceImpl in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl

Subclasses of AbstractIndexServiceImpl in com.elasticpath.service.index.impl
 class AbstractIndexBuildServiceImpl
          A skeleton implementation of IndexBuildService of the GoF template method pattern.
 class AbstractSpellIndexServiceImpl
          An implementation of a typical spell index build algorithm.
 class CategoryIndexBuildServiceImpl
          An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for category.
 class CustomerIndexBuildServiceImpl
          An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for customer.
 class OrderIndexBuildServiceImpl
          An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for order.
 class ProductIndexForCmUseBuildServiceImpl
          An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for products for CM use.
 class ProductIndexForSfUseBuildServiceImpl
          An implementation of IndexBuildService to create index for products for SF use.
 class ProductSpellIndexForSfUseServiceImpl
          An implementation of SpellIndexService that will create a spell index from the product index.