Installation Guide

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Preparing to Install ALDSP

Before you install ALDSP, you need to verify that your system meets minimum requirements. This chapter provides information about supported platforms, system hardware and software requirements, and installation prerequisites. It also provides an overview of the ALDSP components that get installed.

The following sections are included:

Note: ALDSP was originally named Liquid Data. Some instances of the original name remain in the product, installation path, and components.


Installation Overview

This section provides a high-level overview of the tasks required to install ALDSP, illustrated in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Overview of Installation Process

Overview of Installation Process

Task 1: Prepare to install

  1. Preparing to install ALDSP involves checking the supported platforms and databases, and verifying that you have the installation prerequisites in place. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with a description of the components that get installed on your system.
  2. Uninstall any previous versions of ALDSP. For details see Uninstalling ALDSP.
  3. Note: The uninstall option does not remove any ALDSP or other BEA WorkSpace Studio projects that you have created.

Task 2: Install ALDSP 3.2

You can install ALDSP in the following modes:

For more information about using GUI mode, see Installing ALDSP Using GUI Mode. For more information about using Console mode and Silent mode, see Installing ALDSP Using Console or Silent Mode.

Task 3: Perform post-installation tasks

After installation, you can verify that the installation was successful and explore Windows shortcuts and UNIX paths to key components. For more information, see Post-Installation Tasks.


Supported Configurations

For information on supported operating systems, DBMS vendors, and other configurations, see Supported Configurations on BEA’s e-docs web site.


Installation Notes

The ALDSP 3.2 installer application installs the following additional software, as required:

The ALDSP 3.2 IDE runs as a WorkSpace Studio plug-in. (Note that in ALDSP 3.0, the ALDSP IDE was named Data Services Studio.)

Note: If you are using Windows 2000, the maximum classpath size can be exceeded. For this reason, it is recommended that when you install ALDSP you install it into the <bea_home> directory with a directory name of four characters or less, such as <bea>.


ALDSP Installation Components

Table 1-1 provides a list of components that are installed with ALDSP.

Table 1-1 ALDSP Installation Components
Component Name
ALDSP Runtime

Note: Installing the runtime is mandatory for ALDSP and is a prerequisite for installing other components.

  • ALDSP runtime including the XQuery engine
  • Configuration framework
  • ALDSP Administration Console
  • ALDSP base domain template

Note: WebLogic Server 10.0 MP1 is a prerequisite for ALDSP runtime.

ALDSP IDE and Client Tools
  • Common WorkSpace Studio 1.1 plugins
  • ALDSP IDE plugins
  • ALDSP Microsoft Excel add-in
  • WorkSpace Studio common components
  • AquaLogic tooling common components including AquaLogic Sync and AquaLogic Enterprise Registry browser

Note: Eclipse 3.2.2/WTP 1.5.4 or WorkSpace Studio 1.1 is required to run the ALDSP perspective.

ALDSP Samples
  • Samples domain
  • Sample project predeployed in the samples domain
  • Retail Dataspace Sample Application

When you install ALDSP, a valid evaluation license is automatically included with the installation.

Preconfigured Samples Domain

The full ALDSP installation provides a preconfigured samples domain, as shown in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 ALDSP Samples Preconfigured Domain and Start Commands for Samples Server
Windows and UNIX Paths to Start in Each Domain
Start > All Programs > BEA Products > Examples >
AquaLogic Data Services Platform 3.2 > Start Examples Server
Run startWebLogic.cmd from any one of the following locations:
Starts the ALDSP samples server on Windows
Starts the ALDSP samples server on Windows
Run the command from any of the following locations:


Starts the ALDSP samples server on UNIX

Note: <aldsp_home> is the home directory for installing ALDSP.

For a detailed explanation of domains, see Creating WebLogic Configurations Using the Domain Control Wizard in the WebLogic Server documentation on the BEA e-docs site.

Internationalization Support

ALDSP is internationalized and supports multi-byte data from the underlying data sources. Specifically, ALDSP works with Japanese character sets, where the underlying databases are running in Japanese locales.

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