Exchange Utility

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Configuring the ALRR Exchange Utility

This section contains the following topics:


Installing and Configuring the Exchange Utility

Before you can use the ALRR Exchange Utility to publish and receive ALER metadata to and from ALSR, you must complete the following configuration steps.

Install the ALRR Exchange Utility

The is packaged in the file, which is available via a hidden file when you purchase the ALER Advanced Edition. This file includes the necessary Exchange Utility files for the ALER and ALSR integration, the ALRR datapack, and the documentation.

You can unzip the into the directory on your file system where ALER is installed, typically BEA_HOME\repository30. When the zip file containing the ALRR Exchange Utility is unzipped to your file system, it creates the following structure.

  alrrx  <ExchangeUtility Tool Home>

Within the <ExchangeUtility Tool Home> directory, you will find the Exchange Utility files, such as the alrrx.xml, UDDIMappings.xml,, alrrx.bat, and encrypt.bat files.

Import the ALRR Datapack Into ALER

The required ALRR datapack is bundled with the Follow these steps to import the ALRR datapack ( into ALER.

  1. Unzip the file onto your file system.
  2. Start the ALER Import/Export tool, as described in the ALER Import/Export Guide.
  3. Select the Import tab.
  4. Navigate to the <ExchangeUtility Tool Home>\datapack directory.
  5. Select the as the target file to import into ALER.
  6. Click Next, and then click Next again to start the import process.
  7. Click Finish to complete the process.

Verify the ALER UDDI System Settings

Verify that the UDDI server and Web service plug-in are enabled.

  1. Open the ALER Admin page.
  2. Click the System Settings option in the left pane.
  3. Navigate to the External Integration > UDDI section.
  4. Note: You can also search for UDDI.
  5. Verify the following UDDI property values:
    • UDDI/cmee.uddi.enabled is set to True to enable the UDDI Web service plug-in.
    • UDDI/cmee.uddi.server enabled is set to True to enable the repository to act as a UDDI registry for certain applications.
    • is set to BusinessService — the relationship between Service and Business Entity asset types.
    • cmee.import.uddi.service.assettype is set to Service — the Service asset type.
    • is set to a UDDI Node — only when publishing services to ALSR, when the asset is not linked to a Business Entity.
  6. If necessary, click Save.

For more information on configuring System Settings, see the ALER Administration Guide.

Configure the Service and SOA Business Entity Asset Types

Use the ALER Type Manager, enable the UDDI options for the Service and SOA Business Entity asset types, as follows:

  1. Launch the Asset Editor by clicking Edit/Manage Assets on the Assets page.
  2. Launch the Type Manager by selecting Manage Types on the Actions menu.
  3. Under the Asset Types folder, select the Service asset type to edit its default configuration, as follows:
    1. Change the UDDI setting to UDDI Business Service Entity.
    2. Save the change by selecting Save on the File menu.
  4. Under the Asset Types folder, select the SOA Business Entity asset type to edit its default configuration, as follows:
    1. Change the UDDI setting to UDDI Business Entity.
    2. Save the change by selecting Save on the File menu.
  5. Exit the Type Manager, and then exit the Asset Editor.

For more information on using the Type Manager, see the ALER Registrar Guide.


Configuring the Exchange Utility Configuration File

This section describes how to configure the Exchange Utility configuration file for your environment.

Setting the Repository Connection Information

Open the alrrx.xml file located at <ExchangeUtility Tool Home> and modify the following XML section so that it points to your ALER instance with the appropriate credentials.


where URI = ALER URI, using the following format:
http://<host>:<port>/<aler web app name>/services/FlashlineRegistry

For security purposes, the password can be encrypted, as described in Encrypting the Configuration File Passwords.

Setting the Registry Connection Information

The ALRR Exchange Utility can publish to one or more registry and can read from one registry. The first step is to create one more <registry> node with the connection info, as shown here.

<registry name="alsr">
<registry name="alsr2">

Setting the Repository Query

The following configuration snippets demonstrate how to build a query to run against ALER and receive the list of Services that should be published to ALSR. There are a number of ways that services can be queried and you can create one or more queries.

Query by Name

When the <services> element is configured, the service name specified is published to ALSR. However, due to a limitation in the ALER REX API, only one <services> element can be added.

<service name="HelloWorld" />
<serviceCategorizations type="AssetLifecycleStage" value=""/>

Query by Registration Status

When the <registrationStatus> element is configured, only the services with the specified Registration Status are published. For example, if this field is set to Registered, then only registered services will be published to ALSR, while ignoring all other matched services that are not in this state.


Query by Categorizations

When the <serviceCategorizations> element is configured, only the services with the specified categorization will be published. For example, when using the following categorization, only the Recommended services will be published to ALSR.

  <serviceCategorizations type="classification" value="Recommended"/>

Query by Endpoint Lifecycle Stage

When the <endpointAssetLifecycleStatus> element is configured, the endpoints of matched services can be filtered based on the specified Asset Lifecycle of the endpoints, and only the matched endpoints will be published to ALSR. For example, if there are two endpoints attached to a service, one with the Asset Lifecycle Stage of Stage 3 - Build and one with Stage 4 - Release, only the endpoint with the Stage 3 - Build Asset Lifecycle is published.

  <endpointAssetLifecycleStatus>Stage 3 - Build</endpointAssetLifecycleStatus> 

This query is useful when there are separate registries: one that lists the staged endpoints and another that lists the production endpoints.

Setting the Destination Registries

The following configuration snippet demonstrates how to use the <destinationRegistries> element to configure one or more destination registry where the matched ALER Services will go. These registries are used when Services are picked from ALER and are moved to ALSR (i.e., ALER > ALSR).


Setting the Registry Query

The following configuration snippet demonstrates how to use the <registryQuery> element to build a query to run against ALSR and receive the list of services that need to be fetched from ALSR and placed in ALER.

<businessEntity name="Account Services"/>
<service name="AddCustomerService%" />

Follow these configuration guidelines:

Services can be searched in the following way:

Setting the Source Registry

The <sourceRegistry> element tells the registry where the Services will be picked and placed in ALER. This registry is used when Services are picked from ALSR and they move to ALER (i.e., ALSR > ALER).



Configuring ALER Categorizations In the UDDI Mappings File

Prior to publishing assets to ALSR, ALER Categorizations are mapped in the UDDI Mappings file (UDDIMappings.xml) that is stored in the <ExchangeUtility Tool Home> directory, as shown in the following XML snippet:

<uddi:uddiSettings xmlns:uddi="">
<categorizationType alerCategorizationTypeName="AssetLifecycleStage" alerCategorizationTypeId="112" uddiCategoryTModelKey="">
<categorization alerCategorization="Stage 1 - Propose" uddiKeyName="Stage 1 - Propose" uddiKeyValue="Stage 1 - Propose" />
<categorization alerCategorization="Stage 2 - Plan" uddiKeyName="Stage 2 - Plan" uddiKeyValue="Stage 2 - Plan" />
<categorization alerCategorization="Stage 3 - Build" uddiKeyName="Stage 3 - Build" uddiKeyValue="Stage 3 - Build" />
<categorization alerCategorization="Stage 4 - Release" uddiKeyName="Stage 4 - Release" uddiKeyValue="Stage 4 - Release" />
<categorization alerCategorization="Stage 5 - Target For Retirement" uddiKeyName="Stage 5 - Target For Retirement" uddiKeyValue="Stage 5 - Target For Retirement" />
<categorization alerCategorization="Stage 6 - Retirement" uddiKeyName="Stage 6 - Retirement" uddiKeyValue="Stage 6 - Retirement" />

An ALER Categorization will be honored in ALSR only if a corresponding mapping is present in the UDDI Mappings file; otherwise, the Categorization will simply be ignored. Therefore, if a new asset Categorization is created ALER, you must regenerate the UDDI Mappings file for that Categorization to be honored in ALSR.


Understanding the Exchange Utility's Property File

This section describes the properties in the Property file ( file that is stored in the <ExchangeUtility Tool Home> directory. Some properties already exist in the ALER System Settings and some of the properties are new for the ALRR Exchange Utility.

Caution: The following properties will only be used if the corresponding property is not set in the ALER System Settings. If the ALER System Settings property is configured, that setting will override the property in the file.

For more information about other ALER System Settings, see the ALER Administration Guide.


Encrypting the Configuration File Passwords

For enhanced security, the password encryption tool (encrypt.bat) allows you to encrypt the passwords that are stored in the Exchange Utility configuration (alrrx.xml) file.

  1. Navigate to the <ExchangeUtility Tool Home> directory.
  2. From a command prompt, run the password encryption tool as follows:
  3. > encrypt.bat alrrx.xml alrrx.xml


    alrrx.xml = the ALRR Exchange Utility configuration file

    Figure 2-1 Encrypt Password Tool

    Encrypt Password Tool

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