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Installing the Administration Server

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The following sections describe how to install the Administration Server on both Windows and UNIX systems:


Before you Begin

Before you begin this installation procedure, make sure to do the following:

The following topics provide additional information to assist you in preparing for an installation:

System Security and BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security

Like any component running on a system, the infrastructure it provides is only as secure as the operating environment where it is installed. When BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security is installed on a system, it makes use of that system's security infrastructure to lock itself down and integrate with the security of its environment. Through the use of user, group, and file system permissions, BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security allows limited access to many operations depending upon these permissions. For more information on users, groups, and file system permission, see the following topics:

System Users

BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security uses two user identities when installed on a system. These identities are selected when the first product in BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security family is installed and are referred to as the Administration User and the Service Control Manager User.

The Service Control Manager user is the identity assumed by the Service Control Manager when it starts. The Service Control Manager is the component that brokers trust between the local system and the Administration Server.

The other identity on the system is the Administration User. The Administration user owns all files (other than the Service Control Manager) and, on an Administration Server, is the identity the Administration Server assumes when it starts.

System Groups

Two groups are used in addition to the user identities to secure the Application Security Infrastructure.

File System Permissions

File system permissions are used to enforce user and group based restrictions. With each product, and instance a lockdown script is created and run when installation occurs: lockdown.bat (Windows) or (Unix or Linux). This lockdown script can be run again at a later time to restore the installation to the recommended file system permissions.

There are two directories that contain executable tools and utilities: adm and bin. The adm directory contains tools and utilities that only an administrator can run, for example enrollment. The bin directory contains tools and utilities that all security users can run, for example set-env. The log directory is writable by all security users, but can only be read by security administrators (or on UNIX, only the instance owner). The work directory is a temporary directory that can only be read and written to by security users.

Secure Usernames and Passwords

AquaLogic Enterprise Security implements a sophisticated username and password schema to protect the application itself and to ensure secure communications. Understanding this schema is important to installing the product and ensuring that it operates properly in either a development or production environment.

There are three levels of password protection: local system usernames and passwords (protect the AquaLogic Enterprise Security components), passwords for keystores (secure communication between components), and a password to protect the private keys (the Certificate Authority). Understanding your enterprise and how responsibilities in your organization are separated is essential to establishing a secure environment. For example, the person who maintains the database is usually not the person who designs and implements security. The person who deploys applications is usually not the person who administers system usernames and passwords. And, while you may not be as concerned with a more formal authorization scheme in your development environment, your production environment needs to be firmly secured and responsibilities clearly defined.

AquaLogic Enterprise Security user accounts on Windows platforms, like asiadmin and scmuser are special (see System Users and System Groups), and cannot be used to logon to any interactive session; these passwords are used for registration purposes only. They can only be used to start and stop component services. After the installer collects all of the passwords, it encrypts them in an internal password file. Later on, the service engine uses the username and password to register AquaLogic Enterprise Security as a Windows service. Therefore, the user may not need to change the password for the newly created specific usernames like asiadmin and scmuser; but, optionally, they can be changed if necessary.

Note: If these usernames already exist (they were generated as a part of a previous install process), you must enter the correct password. Remember to write down all usernames and passwords and store them in a safe place.

Usernames and passwords are required to access the components listed and described in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Usernames and Passwords 




Database Server

A database server account used to connect to the database server where the policy data is stored, and update policy data using the policy import and export tools.


Administration Server

A local user account used to start the Administration Server and all Administration Server components.

User: asiadmin
Group: asiadgrp

Service Control Manager

A local user account used to start the Service Control Manager.

User: scmuser

Security Group

A local group that includes all users of AquaLogic Enterprise Security. All users of AquaLogic Enterprise Security must be members of this security group, including administrators.

Group: asiusers

Certificate Authority

Sets the password for the private key for the Certificate Authority. All trust within the enterprise domain originates from this authority.

Randomly generated

Identity Key Passwords (Keystore Passwords)

You also need to supply private key passwords for each of the following identities:

  • Service Control Manager

  • Security Service Module

  • Administration Application

Private key passwords validate process authenticity by using the Certificate Authority chain of trust. Identities with invalid or untrusted keys cannot participate in the trust relationships in the enterprise domain.

Randomly generated

Configure Keystores

You need to supply keystore passwords for each of the Identity, Peer and Trust keystores.

Identity Keystore - stores and protects the private keys that represent the processes identity or identities.

Peer Keystore - stores and protects the public keys for all trusted identities within the installed component (Administration Application, Security Service Module or Service Control Manager).

Trust Keystore - stores and protects public keys for Certificate Authorities that originate the chain of trust.

Randomly generated


BEA recommends following these guidelines:

Note: BEA does not recommend the use of randomly generated passwords, as the generation mechanism for these passwords is not secure. In a production environment, BEA does not recommend installing Security Service Modules on the same machine as the Administration Server.

Generating a Verbose Installation Log

If you start the installation process from the command line or from a script, you can specify the -log option to generate a verbose installation log. The installation log lists messages about events that occur during the installation process, including informational, warning, error, and fatal messages. This can be especially useful for silent installations.

Note: You may see some warning messages in the installation log. However, unless there is a fatal error, the installation program completes the installation successfully. The installation user interface indicates the success or failure of the installation, and the installation log file includes an entry indicating that the installation was successful.

To create a verbose log file during installation, use the following command lines or scripts:

Note: The -log parameter is optional. By default, the installation log is put in the log directory where you install the Administration Server. If for some reason, the installer fails, use this switch to generate an even more verbose output: -log_priority=debug.

The path must be the full path to a file name. If the file does not exist, all folders in the path must exist before you execute the command or the installation program does not create the log file.


Starting the Installation Program on Windows Platforms

Note: Do not install the software from a network drive. Download the software to a local drive on your machine and install it from there.

Before running the installer, ensure the following two things are done.

To install the application in a Microsoft Windows environment:

  1. Shut down any programs that are running.
  2. Log in to the local Administrators group.
  3. If you are installing from a CD-ROM, go to step 4. If you are installing by downloading from the BEA web site:
    1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation file and double-click ales211admin_win32.exe.
    2. The AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server window appears as shown in Figure 3-1.

  4. If you are installing from a CD-ROM:
    1. Insert Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
    2. If the installation program does not start automatically, open Windows Explorer and double-click the CD-ROM icon.

    3. From the installation CD, double-click ales211admin_win32.exe.
    4. The AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server window appears as shown in Figure 3-1.

    Figure 3-1 AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server Installer Window

    AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server Installer Window



Starting the Installation Program on a Sun Solaris Platform

To run graphical-mode installation, your console must support a Java-based GUI. If the installation program determines that your system cannot support a Java-based GUI, the installation program automatically starts console-mode installation.

Before running the installer, ensure the following three things are done.

To install the application on a Sun Solaris platform:

  1. Log in to the machine as root.
  2. Set your DISPLAY variable if needed.
  3. If you are installing from a CD-ROM, go to step 4. If you are installing by downloading from the BEA web site:
    1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the file and change the protection on the install file:
    2. chmod u+x ales211admin_solaris32.bin
    3. Start the installation: ./ales211admin_solaris32.bin

    The AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server window appears as shown in Figure 3-1.

  4. If you are installing from a CD-ROM:
    1. Insert Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
    2. From the installation CD, execute ales211admin_solaris32.bin.
    3. The AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server window appears as shown in Figure 3-1.


Starting the Installation Program on a Linux Platform

To run graphical-mode installation, your console must support a Java-based GUI. If the installation program determines that your system cannot support a Java-based GUI, the installation program automatically starts console-mode installation.

Before running the installer, ensure the following three things are done.

To install the application on a Linux platform:

Note: For Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1, use the ales211admin_rhas21_IA.bin installation file instead of ales211admin_rhas3_IA32.bin.

  1. Log in to the machine as root.
  2. Set your DISPLAY variable if needed.
  3. If you are installing from a CD-ROM, go to step 4. If you are installing by downloading from the BEA web site:
    1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the file and change the protection on the file:
    2. chmod u+x ales211admin_rhas3_IA32.bin
    3. Start the installation: ./ales211admin_rhas3_IA32.bin

    The AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server window appears as shown in Figure 3-1.

  4. If you are installing from a CD-ROM:
    1. Insert Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.
    2. From the installation CD, execute ales211admin_rhas3_IA32.bin.

    The AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server window appears as shown in Figure 3-1.


Running the Installation Program

The installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration, as described in Table 3-2.

Note: You must install the Administration Server first, before installing your Security Service Modules. BEA does not recommend installing Security Service Modules on the same machine as the Administration Server in a production environment.

To complete this procedure you need the following information:


What's Next

Now that you have installed the necessary software, you must start the necessary services. For additional instructions, see Post Installation Tasks. If you want to install a second Administration Server to use as a backup, see Installing a Secondary Administration Server.


Installing a Secondary Administration Server

You may want to install and configure a second Administration Server to support failover. For information on failover considerations and installation procedures, see Failover and System Reliability and Setting up Administration Servers for Failover in the Administration and Deployment Guide.


Installing Without Root Privileges

It is highly recommended that you install the ALES Administration Server and the Security Service Modules using root privileges. This enables the product to create users and groups required to setup the ALES product automatically and also change permissions of files after installation. However, in some situations you may not have access to the root account. This section describes how to install and configure the Administration Server on UNIX without access to the root login. In this section, we assume that the user (login) name is asiadmin, which belongs to the group asiadgrp. An additional user needs to exist, which we assume is scmuser, which belongs to the group asiusers. Note that the group of the asiadmin user must be different from one the scmuser user belongs to.

This section includes the following topics:

For information about installing SSMs without root privileges, see the Installing an SSM Without Root Privileges sections in the installation guides for the SSMs.

Verify ALES User and Group Settings

Make sure that there is a userid and groupid that you can use to login and set up the ALES product. You should log in as this userid before you do the steps listed in the following sections.

If you do have root privileges, create a userid and groupid to be used with ALES as described in Listing 3-1:

Listing 3-1 Creating a User ID and Group ID

prompt> su
prompt> {rootpassword}
prompt> groupadd asiadgrp
prompt> useradd -d /home/asiadmin -g asiadgrp asiadmin
prompt> passwd asiadmin
prompt> New password: asiadmin
prompt> Retype new password: asiadmin
prompt> passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully

Create the account for user scmuser and group asiusers by following the same steps listed in Listing 3-1.

Now log out and log in as user asiadmin with password asiadmin.

Verify your userid with the following UNIX command:

prompt> id -a

This lists your userid and the groups this userid belongs to.

Running the Installation Program Without Root Privileges

To run the Administration Server installation program as a user without root privileges, use the -Dales.skip.admin.test=true command line argument. For example:

ales211admin_rhas3_IA32.bin -Dales.skip.admin.test=true

In response to the installation program prompts, specify the username of the current user (asiadmin) as the name of the "Admin user" and asiadgrp as the "Admin group". Specify scmuser as the name of the "SCM user" and asiusers as the "Security group". Do not check the "Install Database Schema" checkbox at the end of the installation procedure.

Post Installation Steps

The rest of these instructions assume the following:

After you have run the Administration Server installation program:

  1. Edit $ADMINHOME/bin/ Comment out the conditional statement in the ensure_root function. After editing, the function should read like Listing 3-2:

Listing 3-2

ensure_root() {
   CURRENT_USER=\Qid | sed s/[\(,=]/\ /g | cut -d' ' -f2\Q
# if [ ! "$CURRENT_USER" = 0 ]; then
# echo
# echo "BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security Admin: User is not root."
# #exit 1
# fi
  1. Install the database schema. The final step of this procedure automatically starts and initializes the Administration Server.
  2. cd $ADMINHOME/bin
  3. Verify that you can log in to the Administration Console using Internet Explorer with the Administration URL given at the end of the installation procedure. The default username is system and the default password is weblogic.


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