Package com.wles.blm

Interface Summary
SSMProviderTypes Provides easy access to the string representation of each provider type.

Class Summary
BLMApplicationManager Manages all the operations on resources.
BLMComponentManager Abstracts all the basic funcitonality of the derived manager classes.
BLMContextManager Represents a single BLM session for a administrative user.
BLMDeclarationManager Manages declarations of constants, attributes, custom enumeration types and evaluation functions.
BLMDirectoryManager Manages operations on identity directories.
BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager Manages all operations on subject groups, including creation, deletion and profile operations.
BLMLocalUserManager Manages all operations on users, including creation, deletion and profile operations.
BLMManager Manages access to the BLM server.
BLMPolicyDistributor Manages all aspects of policy distributions.
BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus Represents the status of a distribution operation.
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo Represents the state of an engine instance.
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus Represents the distribution status of an instance of an engine.
BLMPrivgrpManager Manages operations on privilege groups.
BLMPrivilegeManager Manages operations on privileges.
BLMRoleManager Manages operations on roles.
BLMRuleManager Manages operations on rules.
PolicyAvailableForEnum Used for specifing how long an asynchronous policy distribution request should block.
QueryDescription This class is used to wrap policy query information.
RuleTypeEnum Identifies different rule types.
SavedQuery This class is used to combine PolicyQuery and QueryDescription to one class, then other methods can use it.
SCMManager Manages all operations on SCMs.
SSMConfigurationManager Manages all operations on SSM objects.
SSMProviderConfigElement Configuration Element object
SSMProviderManager Manages all operations on a single provider object.

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