A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W _


ADJUDICATION - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Adjudication Provider is responsible for resolving conflicts when more than one auth provider is configured.
ANY - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Special "any" privilege.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies any attribute kind.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_DYNAMIC - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies dynamic attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies resource attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_KIND_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies subject attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assinged directly to the resource.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assinged directly to the group.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assigned directly to the user.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on resource attribute inheritance.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on the attribute inheritance logic.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on the attribute inheritance logic.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_ENFORCED_FROM_CHILDREN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value based on the RBAC attribute aggragation logic, ie, from the children to the parent.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value assinged to an ancestor of the resource.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value inherited by the group, from a group membership.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value inherited by the user, from a group membership.
ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_TYPE_INHERITED_FROM_CHILDREN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Attribute query type specifiying the attribute value inheried by the group, from children.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type boolean.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type date.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type integer.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type IP address.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type string.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_TIME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies an attribute of type time.
AUDITING - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Auditing Service Provider is responsible for collecting all security event information for distribution.
AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Authentication provider is responsible for establishing trust by validating a user.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
An Authorization provider is responsible for deciding if a user is allowed access for a given resource.
AttributeElement - interface com.wles.util.AttributeElement.
AttributeElement represents an attribute name value pair.
AttributeElementFactory - class com.wles.util.AttributeElementFactory.
Used to produce new AttributeElement objects.
actions - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's actions (privileges, or roles) granted to the resource.
addAction(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addConfigurationBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Binds an SSM to an SCM.
addDelegator(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addPrivilegeToGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Adds a privilege to a privilege group.
addResource(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addResourceBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Bind a resource to an SSM.
addSchemaAttribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Adds an attribute declaration to the directory's attribute schema.
addSubject(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
addSubjectGroupToSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Adds a one group (child) as a member of another group (parent).
addUserToSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Adds a user to a group.
address - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The URL of the engine instance.
after(Date) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
atomic() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Deterimes if the rule can be split.
attrNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


BINDING_TYPE_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies any binding type.
BINDING_TYPE_BOUND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies unbound bindinding type.
BINDING_TYPE_UNBOUND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies bound binding type.
BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType - class com.wles.blm.BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType.
BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType
BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType
Constructs BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType from the given token type string and token value.
BLMApplicationManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager.
Manages all the operations on resources.
BLMComponentManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager.
Abstracts all the basic funcitonality of the derived manager classes.
BLMComponentManager() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
BLMContextFactory - class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory.
Implements PoolableObjectFactory for managing BLMContextManager instances.
BLMContextFactory(String, String, String, BLMContextValidator, long) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
Creates an instance of BLMContextFactory
BLMContextFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
Same as BLMContextFactory(url, username, password, null, 5).
BLMContextFactory(String, BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType, BLMContextValidator, long) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
BLMContextFactory(String, BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
BLMContextManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager.
Represents a single BLM session for a administrative user.
BLMContextValidator - interface com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextValidator.
Validates an instance of BLMContextManager object.
BLMDeclarationManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager.
Manages declarations of constants, attributes, custom enumeration types and evaluation functions.
BLMDirectoryManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager.
Manages operations on identity directories.
BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager.
Manages all operations on subject groups, including creation, deletion and profile operations.
BLMLocalUserManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager.
Manages all operations on users, including creation, deletion and profile operations.
BLMManager - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the BLMManager
BLMManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMManager.
Manages access to the BLM server.
BLMManager(URL) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Create a new BLM connection.
BLMPolicyDistributor - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.
Manages all aspects of policy distributions.
BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus.
Represents the status of a distribution operation.
BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo.
Represents the state of an engine instance.
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus - class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus.
Represents the distribution status of an instance of an engine.
BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
BLMPrivgrpManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager.
Manages operations on privilege groups.
BLMPrivilegeManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager.
Manages operations on privileges.
BLMRoleManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager.
Manages operations on roles.
BLMRuleManager - class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager.
Manages operations on rules.
BadParameterException - exception com.wles.BadParameterException.
Indicates that there was an error in one of the supplied parameters.
BadParameterException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.BadParameterException
Constructs a BadParameterException
BadParameterException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.wles.BadParameterException
Constructs a BadParameterException
BadParameterException() - Constructor for class com.wles.BadParameterException
Constructs a BadParameterException
BaseError - exception com.wles.BaseError.
Base class for all ALES error classes.
BaseError() - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseError
BaseError(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseError
Constructs a BaseError with an error message.
BaseError(long) - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseError
Constructs a BaseError with an internal ALES error code.
BaseException - exception com.wles.BaseException.
Base class for all ASI exception classes.
BaseException() - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseException
BaseException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.BaseException
before(Date) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
beginTransaction() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Begin a new BLM transaction, if a transaction has already been started then an exception is thrown


CATEGORY_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies all declaration categories.
CATEGORY_ASI - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies the ASI declaration category.
CATEGORY_BUILTIN - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies the built-in declaration category.
CATEGORY_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies the custom declaration category.
CONSTANT_KIND_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies any kind of constant declaration.
CONSTANT_KIND_PRIVILEGE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies privilege constant declarations.
CONSTANT_KIND_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Speciifes resource constant declarations.
CONSTANT_KIND_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies subject constant declarations.
CONSTANT_KIND_SUBJECT_GROUP - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies subject group constant declarations.
CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Authentication credentials identifier for specifying the user's directory.
CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Authentication credentials identifier for specifying the user's password.
CREDENTIALS_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Authentication credentials identifier for specifying the user's name.
CREDMAPPING - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
A Credential Mapping provider is responsible for generating credentials for external resources.
CallBasedContextValidator - class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator.
Validates BLM Context Manager by calling the BLMDeclarationManager.getKind(String) method.
CallBasedContextValidator() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator
ComFailure - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates that the existing connection to the service failed, and was not able to be re-established
ConstAttributeElement - interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement.
ConstAttributeElement represents an attribute name value pair.
Credentials - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the Credentials
CredentialsMgr - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the CrednetialsMgr
CustomEnumerationValue - class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue.
Used to represent custom ALES enumeration values.
CustomEnumerationValue(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Constructs a CustomEnumerationValue.
clearApplicationContext() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Clear the application context.
clone() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Perform deep copy.
com.wles - package com.wles
com.wles.blm - package com.wles.blm
com.wles.blm.pool - package com.wles.blm.pool
API for managing the BLMContextManager Pool.
com.wles.util - package com.wles.util
commitTransaction() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Commit a BLM transaction, if a transaction has not been started then an exception is thrown
compareTo(Date) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
compareTo(Time) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Compares a java Date object to this Time object.
constraint - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's constraint.
constructRole(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified role name from an unqualified role name.
constructSubject(SubjectBuilder.Parts) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified subject name from subject structure.
constructSubjectGroup(String, String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified group name from the directory and unqualified group name.
constructUser(String, String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Constructs a qualified user from the directory and unqualified user name.
convertFromASI(String) - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
convertToASI(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
copyLocalUser(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Creates a new user based on an existing user's profile including group membership and attribute values, and rules.
copyObjects(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Copies resources and their attributes and pastes them under another resource.
create(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Create a new resource.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Creates the named element.
create(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Creates a new declaration.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Creates an identity directory
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Create a new group.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Creates a new user.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Creates a privilege group.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Creates a new privilege.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Creates a new role.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Creates a new SCM.
create(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Create a new unbound SSM object for configuration.
createAttributeElement() - Static method in class com.wles.util.AttributeElementFactory
Creates an AttributeElement object.
createAttributeElement(String, Object) - Static method in class com.wles.util.AttributeElementFactory
Creates an AttributeElement object with initial values.
createContext(Hashtable) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Creates BLMContextManager (BLM session) based on the supplied credentials.
createContext(Hashtable, Hashtable) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Creates BLMContextManager (BLM session) based on the supplied credentials and application context.
createProviderConfiguration(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Create a new provider configuration for an SSM.
createRule(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Create rule from rule text.


DECLARATION_KIND_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies any kind of declaration.
DECLARATION_KIND_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of attributes (credentials).
DECLARATION_KIND_CONSTANT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of constants.
DECLARATION_KIND_ENUMERATION - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of enumerations.
DECLARATION_KIND_EVALUATION_FUNCTION - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies declarations of evaluation functions.
DECLARATION_NAME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator
DELEGATE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
DELEGATE effect type
DELIM - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Resource delimiter.
DENY - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
DENY effect type
DISTRIBUTE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum
Indicates that an asynchronous distribution request should return once it is safe to perform another policy distribution.
Domain - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the Domain
decodeAttributeName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Decode a mangled attribute name so it matches how it's presented in the MDF.
decomposeSubject(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Parses a qualified subject string and seperates it into parts.
deconstruct(String, String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject
Decompose the qualified subject into SubjectBuilder.Parts.
delegator - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The delegator for a delegate rule, null for non-delegate rules.
deleteQuery(QueryDescription) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
To delete a saved Policy Inquiry query.
destroyContext() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Terminates this session to the BLM.
destroyObject(Object) - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
dirNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
directory - Variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
distributeConfiguration(String[], PolicyAvailableForEnum) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Distributes the configuration for a given SSM.
distributePolicyAsync(String[], PolicyAvailableForEnum) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Asynchronously distributes policy changes.
distributionId - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The ID of the distribution.
distributionId - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The distribution version ID the engine is currently using.


EFFECT_TYPE_ALL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with any effect.
EFFECT_TYPE_DELEGATE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with a DELEGATE effect.
EFFECT_TYPE_DENY - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with a DENY effect.
EFFECT_TYPE_GRANT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies rules with a GRANT effect.
effect - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's effect: grant, deny, delegate.
enableTransactionalAuditing(boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
If the BLM context has is in the middle of a transaction then this method will return tru
engineName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The name of the engine (ssm or scm).
engineName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
The name of the engine (scm or ssm).
engineStatus - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The individual status of each engine effected by this distribution.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Compares two enumeration values for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Tests for constraint equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Tests two rules for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Compares to another element for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
extendedSubs421 - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


FILTER_BY_NAME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies to filter declarations by name.
FILTER_BY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies to filter declarations by type.
FILTER_BY_VALUE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Specifies to filter declarations by value.
FILTER_OPERATOR_AND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies a filter search operator of AND.
FILTER_OPERATOR_OR - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies a filter search operator of OR.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds a set of matching resource names based on a filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Finds a set of policy elements matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Finds declarations matching the specified search criteria.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Finds directories matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Find all groups matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all users matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Finds privilege groups matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Finds all privileges matching the specified filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Finds roles matching a filter pattern.
filter(RuleTypeEnum, String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Finds rules according to the selection criteria.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Finds a set of SCM's based on a filter pattern.
filter(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Find a set of SSM's based on a filter pattern.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Checks for a resource in a resource collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Checks for a named entity within a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Checks for a named declaration in a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Check for the existense of a directory in a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Checks for a group within a group collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Checks for an occurance of the specified user name in a user collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Checks for a privilege group in a collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Checks for a privilege within a privilege collection.
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Checks for a role within a role collection.
find(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Checks that an SCM is in the policy store..
find(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Checks that an SSM is in an SSM collection.
findRule(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Searches for a rule in a rule collection.
fromASI(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter


GRANT - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
GRANT effect type
generateRuleText() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Make rule text from parsed rule.
getASIType() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Gets the ASI type name.
getASITypeName() - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
getActionType() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Action
Get the ActionType for this action.
getActionType() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
getActionType() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
getActions() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getAllAncestorsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all the groups that the specified group is a member of.
getAllDescendantsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all groups which are a member of the specified group.
getAllMembers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get a list of all users and groups who are a member of the specified group.
getAllSubjectGroups(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all the groups the user is a member of.
getApplicationManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMApplicationManager.
getApplicationNodes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds application node resources matching a specified filter pattern.
getAssertionTokenType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType
getAssertionTokenValue() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType
getAttributes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds the attributes for a resource.
getBindingNodes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds all binding nodes matching a specified filter pattern.
getBoundResources(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Find a set of resources bound to a given SSM.
getBoundSSMs(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Finds all SSMs bound to a specified SCM.
getCondition() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Gets the condition, this is the portion between if and ;
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns the size of the resource or resource attribute collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Gets the number of elements in the specified collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the size of a declaration collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Gets the size of a directory or attribute schema collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
getCount Gets the size of the group or group attribute collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns the size of a user or user attribute collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Gets the size of a privilege group collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns the size of a privilege collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Returns the size of a role collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Gets the size of a rule collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Returns the size of the SCM collection.
getCount(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns the size of the SSM collection.
getDeclarationManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMDeclarationManager.
getDelegators() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getDeletedObjects(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds all resources which have been deleted but the deletion notification has not yet been distributed.
getDescription(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Get a description for an application resource.
getDirectAncestorsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all groups the specified group is directly a member of.
getDirectDescendantsApplications(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds the resources who are direct decendents of the specified resource.
getDirectDescendantsSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all groups which are directly (not via inheritance) a member of the specified group.
getDirectSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds the direct group memberships for the specified user.
getDirectUsers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all users who are directly members of the specified group.
getDirectoryManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMDirectoryManager.
getDirectoryName() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject
Gets the directory name of the scoped subject.
getDistributionPointNodes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Find distribution point resources matching a specified filter pattern.
getDistributionStatus(int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
To get status of an on going or recent distribution.
getEffectType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
return the effect type.
getElements() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Gets the elements contained in the Resource i.e. breaks it up by the slashes
getEligibleSubjectGroupMembers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all groups who are not currently a member of the specified group.
getEligibleSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all groups this user is not already a member of.
getEligibleUserMembers(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets all users who are not currently a member of the specified group.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.wles.BaseError
Gets the internal error code.
getIndirectSubjectGroups(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds the indirect (inherited) group memberships for the specified user.
getKind(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the kind of a declaration.
getLineage() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Gets an array of all resources from this one to the root order starts with this one and works up to root
getLocalSubjectGroupManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager.
getLocalUserManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMLocalUserManager.
getMemberOfPrivgrps(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns a list of privilege groups that this privilege belongs to.
getName() - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
return the query name.
getName() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Return the name of the given configuration element.
getName() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Gets the attribute Name.
getName() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Gets the simple unqualified, unescaped name.
getNewObjects(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Finds all newly created resources which have not yet been deployed.
getOrderType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getOwner() - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
return the owner's name.
getParameterNumber() - Method in class com.wles.BadParameterException
Get the parameter number which caused the error.
getParent() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Gets the parent resource, or null if this is the root.
getPolicyDistributor() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMPolicyDistributor.
getPrivgrpManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMPrivgrpManager.
getPrivilegeManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMPrivilegeManager.
getPrivilegesInGroup(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Finds the privilegs in a privilege group.
getProperties() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Get a list of all properties currently set for this provider.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Get a provider propert to operate on.
getPropertyReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Returns a report on a provider properties collection.
getPropertyReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Returns a subset of a provider properties collection.
getProviderManager(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Get a provider instance configuration object to modify an existing provider.
getProviderName() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Return the name of the provider.
getProviderReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a report on a Provider collection
getProviderReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a subset of a provider collection
getProviderType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Return the string representation of the provider type.
getProviders(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Find a set of providers based on an SSM's name.
getQualifiedName() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
getReason() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Gets the reson code indidcating why the service was not found.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a a resource collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a subset of a resource collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Returns a report of the declarations in the specified collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Returns a report of the declarations in the specified collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report on a directory collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report on a subset of a directory collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns a report on a group collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns a report of a subset of a group collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on a user collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on a subset on a user collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Returns a report on a privilege group collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Returns a report on a subset of a privilege group collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns the report of a privilege collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Returns the report of a subset of a privilege collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Returns a report for on a role collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Returns a report on a subset of a role collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a report on a rule collection.
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a report on a subset of a rule collection.
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Returns a report on an SCM collection
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Returns a subset of an SCM collection
getReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a report on an SSM collection
getReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns a subset of an SSM collection
getReportOnAppAttributes(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a subset of a resource attribute collection.
getReportOnAppAttributes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns a report on a resource attribute collection.
getReportOnSubjectGroupAttributes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns the report of a group attribute collection.
getReportOnSubjectGroupAttributes(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Returns the report of a subset of a group attribute collection.
getReportOnUserAttributes(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on a subset of the user attributes collection.
getReportOnUserAttributes(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Returns a report on the user attributes collection.
getResourceAttribute(String, String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Gets a resource's attribute value.
getResources() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getResultType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getRoleAction() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole
Gets the action representation of the SubjectRole
getRoleManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMRoleManager.
getRuleManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Obtains an instance of the BLMRuleManager.
getRuleType() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
return the rule type, either RuleTypeEnum.Policy or RuleTypeEnum.RoleMapping.
getSCM(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Returns the SCM to which the SSM is bound.
getSCMManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Returns the instance of the SCMConfigurationManager.
getSSM(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Returns the name of the SSM to which the resource is bound.
getSSMConfigurationManager() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Returns the instance of the BLMConfigurationManager.
getSchema(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Get a collection of the attributes making up the specified directory's schema.
getSchemaAttributeTemplate(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Get the attribute's template value for a directory's schema.
getSchemaReport(String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report on a subset of an attribute schema collection.
getSchemaReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Returns a report of the attribute schma collection.
getServiceType() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Gets the service type which was not found.
getSubjectGroupAttribute(String, String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Gets the value of an attribute associated with the group.
getSubjectGroupAttributes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Finds attributes associated with a group.
getSubjectGroupsWithAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Finds all groups with the specified attribute value.
getSubjectRole() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Gets the Subject representation of the Role action.
getSubjects() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
getText() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Get the full text of the constraint this is the portion including if and ;
getType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Gets the type code of the resource
getType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the type of an attribute or constant declaration
getType() - Method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
getURL() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Gets the URL used to connect to this BLMManager.
getUnboundSSMs() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Finds all unbound SSMs.
getUseType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Get the useage model for a attribute declaration.
getUserAttribute(String, String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Gets the value of an attribute associated with local user.
getUserAttributes(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Gets a collection of attributes associated with the specified user.
getUserClosure(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Get all users who are a member of the specified group.
getUsersWithAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Finds all users with the specified attribute value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Gets the value of a declaration.
getValue() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Return the value of the given configuration element.
getValue() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Gets the attribute Value.
getValue() - Method in class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Returns the enumeration value as a String.
getValue() - Method in class com.wles.util.TypeConversionException
getValueAs(Class) - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Attempts to convert internal value to the supplied type.
getValueList() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Return the list representation of the value.
groupNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
group_prefix - Static variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Prefix for qualified groups.


hashCode() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
hashCode() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Computes a hashCode for the element.
hostName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
The name of the host the engine is running on.


IF - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
String identifying the start of a constraint.
InternalException - exception com.wles.InternalException.
Represents an error which was not related to user actions.
InternalException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.InternalException
InternalException() - Constructor for class com.wles.InternalException
instanceName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
The name of the engine instance.
instanceName - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
The name of the engine instance.
isAnyPrivilege() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Determine if this is the special "any" privilege.
isApplicationNode(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determine if the specified resource is an application resource.
isBindingNode(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource is a binding resource.
isDecendant(RuleParser.Resource) - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Tests if supplied node is an ancestor of this resource i.e. this node is a child/decentant of supplied node.
isDistributionPoint(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource is a distribution point.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Determines if the condition is empty, or just true i.e. grant(...); or grant(...) if true;
isGuarded(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Checks if the specified resource is bound to an engine.
isLeaf(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource is a leaf, i.e. resource with no defined children.
isLimitReached(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Checks if the server specified limit has been crossed for this collection.
isList() - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Specifies whether this particular attribute is a list attribute or not.
isList() - Method in interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
Determines if this is a multi-valued attribute.
isRoot() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Tests if this is the root resource.
isTransactionalAuditingEnabled() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
If the BLM context has is in the middle of a transaction then this method will return tru
isVirtualResourceAllowed(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Determines if the specified resource may have virtual children.


Location - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the Location
LocationService - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the LocationService
lastModifiedBy - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The subject that modified this rule the last time.
lastModifiedDate - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The date when the rule was modified this last time.
listQueries(RuleTypeEnum, String, int, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns an array of QueryDescription of the saved Policy queries.
listRegisteredEngines(boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Gets a list of the registered engine instances.


makeObject() - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory
modifyRule(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Modifies a rule by rule text.


NULL_DISTRIBUTION_ID - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Identifier used to repesent the null distribution id.
Normalize - class com.wles.util.Normalize.
This class contains static functions to help ensure that data sent into the ARME and BLM use the allowed character sets.
name - Variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
normalizeAttributeName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize an attribute name.
normalizeDirectoryName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a directory name.
normalizeGroupName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a group name.
normalizeObjectBranch(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a multi-element resource name, i.e.
normalizeObjectName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalizes a single-element resource name.
normalizePrivilegeName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a privilege name.
normalizeRoleName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a role name.
normalizeUserName(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.Normalize
Normalize a user name.


ORDER_BY_DELEGATOR - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_EFFECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies the order type of queryPolicy method.
ORDER_BY_PRIVILEGE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_ROLE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
ORDER_BY_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
objectNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


PRIVILEGE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType
Identifies actions which are privileges.
Policy - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.RuleTypeEnum
Specifies authorization rules. i.e. rules granting privileges to subjects.
PolicyAvailableForEnum - class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum.
Used for specifing how long an asynchronous policy distribution request should block.
PolicyDistributor - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates the problem occured with the PolicyDistributor
PolicyQuery - class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery.
PolicyQuery(RuleTypeEnum, String, String[], String[], String[], String[], int, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
parse(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Action
Parse an action string to create an action.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
Parse the supplied string as a rule effect.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject
Parse the subject string and return a Subject object.
parseRule(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser
Parses a text rule into a series of rule elements.
percentComplete - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
Indicates how much of the distribution has been completed.
policyQuery - Variable in class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
prefix - Variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
privNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize


QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Privilege qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Resource qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Role qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectGroup
Subject group qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole
Role qualifier.
QUALIFIER - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.User
User qualifier.
QueryDescription - class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription.
This class is used to wrap policy query information.
QueryDescription(String, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
Construct the QueryDescription instance.
queryDescription - Variable in class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
queryPolicy(PolicyQuery) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a string that is an ID pointing to the collection of rules retrieved.


READ - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum
Indicates that an asynchronous distribution request should return once it is safe to perform read operations on the system.
RESOURCE_TYPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Application resource type, used to designate the logical root of an application.
RESOURCE_TYPE_BASIC - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Basic resource type, a resoure below a binding node.
RESOURCE_TYPE_BINDING - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Binding resource type, used to designate a resource which may be bound to an SSM.
RESOURCE_TYPE_ORGINIZATIONAL - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Orginization resource type is used to designate top level resources.
ROLE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType
Identifies actions which are roles.
ROLEMAPPING - Static variable in interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes
A Role Mapping provider is responsible for obtaining the set of security roles granted to a user for a resource.
ROOT - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Root resource.
RULE_COMPOUND - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
RULE_FLAT - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Specifies the result type of queryPolicy method.
RoleMapping - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.RuleTypeEnum
Specifies role mapping rules. i.e. rules grant roles to subjects.
RuleParser - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.
Supports parsing and generation of ALES rules.
RuleParser.Action - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Action.
Base class representation for actions (roles, privileges) names.
RuleParser.ActionType - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType.
Enumeration of different action types.
RuleParser.Constraint - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint.
Class for representing a rule's constraint.
RuleParser.Constraint(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Construct a constraint based on the supplied text.
RuleParser.Effect - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect.
Class represnetation for the effect portion of a rule.
RuleParser.ParsedRule - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule.
Class representation of a parsed rule.
RuleParser.ParsedRule() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Default constructor, builds an empty rule.
RuleParser.ParsedRule(RuleParser.Effect, RuleParser.Action[], RuleParser.Resource[], RuleParser.Subject[], RuleParser.User, RuleParser.Constraint) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Construct a rule from rule element classes.
RuleParser.ParsedRule(String, String[], String[], String[], String, String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Construct a rule from rule element strings.
RuleParser.ParsingException - exception com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsingException.
Exception used to indicate parsing errors.
RuleParser.ParsingException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsingException
RuleParser.Privilege - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege.
Class representation of a privilege action.
RuleParser.Privilege(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Constuct a Privilege object for the named privilege.
RuleParser.QualifiedElement - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement.
Base class of parser for all named rule elements.
RuleParser.Resource - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource.
Class for representing a resource.
RuleParser.Resource(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Constructs a resource form a named value.
RuleParser.RoleAction - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction.
Class representation of a Role action.
RuleParser.RoleAction(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Constructs a RoleAction from a named role.
RuleParser.ScopedSubject - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject.
Base class for subjects which include a directory component.
RuleParser.Subject - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject.
Base class representation of subjects (User, Group, Role).
RuleParser.SubjectGroup - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectGroup.
Class for representing a qualified subject group in a directory.
RuleParser.SubjectGroup(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectGroup
Construct a SubjectGroup from a group name.
RuleParser.SubjectRole - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole.
Class for representing a qualified role name to be used a subject.
RuleParser.SubjectRole(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.SubjectRole
Construct a role from a named value.
RuleParser.User - class com.wles.util.RuleParser.User.
Class for representing a qualified user in a directory.
RuleParser.User(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.RuleParser.User
Constructs a User from the supplied name.
RuleTypeEnum - class com.wles.blm.RuleTypeEnum.
Identifies different rule types.
readQuery(QueryDescription) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Returns a PolicyQuery of the the content of a saved Policy Inquiry query.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Releases the a resource or resource attribute collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Releases the specified collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Releases a declaration collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Releases a reference to a directory or attribute schema collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Releases a group or group attribute collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Releases a user or user attribute collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Release the privilege group collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Release a privilege collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Releases a role collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Releases a rule collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Releases the SCM collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Releases an SSM collection.
release(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Releases an SSM collection.
releaseProviderReport(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Releases a provider collection.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Removes a resource from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Removes the named entity from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Removes a declaration.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes a directory from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Remove a group from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Removes a user from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Removes a privilege group from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Removes a privilege from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Removes a role from the system.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Removes an SCM and unbinds any SSM's bound to it.
remove(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Remove an SSM object from the system.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Removes a resource and all related elements from the system.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes a directory and all associated entities from the system.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Remove a group from the system, including all rules referencing it.
removeCascade(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Removes a user and all associated policy data from the system.
removeConfigurationBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SCMManager
Unbinds an SSM from an SCM.
removeEngineRegistration(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor
Removes an engine instance registration.
removePrivilegeFromGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Removes a privilege from a privilege group.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Remove a configuration property for this provider.
removeProviderInstanceConfiguration(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Remove a provider from an SSM.
removeResourceAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Removes an attribute assignment from a resource.
removeResourceBinding(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager
Unbind a resource from an SSM.
removeRule(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
Removes a rule by rule text.
removeSchemaAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes an attribute declaration from the directory's attribute schema.
removeSchemaAttributeTemplate(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Removes the template value for a directory's schema.
removeSubjectGroupAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Removes the value of a group's attribute.
removeSubjectGroupFromSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Removes a group (child) from another group's (parent) membership.
removeUserAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Removes the value of a user's attribute.
removeUserFromSubjectGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Removes a user from a group.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Renames a resource in the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMComponentManager
Renames a policy element.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Renames a declaration.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Renames a Directory.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Rename a group within the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Renames a user.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivgrpManager
Renames a privilege group in the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPrivilegeManager
Renames a privilege in the system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRoleManager
Renames a role in the system.
resources - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's resources.
roleNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
role_prefix - Static variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Prefix for qualified roles.
rollbackTransaction() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Rollback a BLM transaction, if a transaction has not been started then an exception is thrown
ruleId - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The unique ID of the rule.


SCMManager - class com.wles.blm.SCMManager.
Manages all operations on SCMs.
SSMConfigurationManager - class com.wles.blm.SSMConfigurationManager.
Manages all operations on SSM objects.
SSMProviderConfigElement - class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement.
Configuration Element object
SSMProviderConfigElement() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Constructs an empty Configuration Element object.
SSMProviderManager - class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager.
Manages all operations on a single provider object.
SSMProviderTypes - interface com.wles.blm.SSMProviderTypes.
Provides easy access to the string representation of each provider type.
SavedQuery - class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery.
This class is used to combine PolicyQuery and QueryDescription to one class, then other methods can use it.
SavedQuery() - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
SavedQuery(QueryDescription, PolicyQuery) - Constructor for class com.wles.blm.SavedQuery
ServiceNotFoundException - exception com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.
Indicates that there is no connection between the client application and the specified ALES service.
ServiceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Construct a ServiceNotFoundException.
ServiceNotFoundException(String, ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType, ServiceNotFoundException.Reason) - Constructor for class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Construct a ServiceNotFoundException.
ServiceNotFoundException() - Constructor for class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
Construct a ServiceNotFoundException.
ServiceNotFoundException.Reason - class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.Reason.
Enumeration of reasons why service was not found.
ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType - class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType.
Enumeration of ALES service types.
ServiceUnavailable - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates that the there was not active server running for the specified service
ServiceUnknown - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
indicates that the requested service was not known to the system
StringTypeConverter - class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter.
StringTypeConverter() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
SubjectBuilder - class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.
This class contains static functions to help in constructing and decomposing ASI qualified subjects.
SubjectBuilder() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
SubjectBuilder.Parts - class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts.
Parsed representation of a subject.
SubjectBuilder.Parts() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder.Parts
saveQuery(QueryDescription, PolicyQuery, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMRuleManager
To create (save) a Policy query if the query does not exist.
setActions(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setApplicationContext(Hashtable) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
Sets the application context in the BLM.
setApplicationNode(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies a resource as an application, or unset it.
setDelegators(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setDescription(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Adds or resets a description for an application resource.
setDistributionPoint(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies a resource as a distribution point, or undeclare it.
setEffectType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setList(boolean) - Method in interface com.wles.util.AttributeElement
Set the list parameter of the attribute explicitily
setName(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
set the query name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Set the name of the configuration element.
setName(String) - Method in interface com.wles.util.AttributeElement
Set the attribute name.
setOrderType(int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setOwner(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
set the owner's name.
setPasswordKnown(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Resets the value of a user's password, requiring validation of the existing password.
setPasswordUnknown(String, String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Sets or resets a user's password without requiring knowledge of the current password.
setProperty(SSMProviderConfigElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderManager
Set a configuration property for this particular provider.
setResourceAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Creates or reset an attribute value for a resource.
setResources(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setResultType(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setRuleType(RuleTypeEnum) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
set the rule type, either RuleTypeEnum.Policy or RuleTypeEnum.RoleMapping
setSchemaAttributeTemplate(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDirectoryManager
Set or reset the value of a templated attribute for a directory's attribute schema.
setSubjectGroupAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalSubjectGroupManager
Sets the value of a group attribute.
setSubjects(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
setTime(long) - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Sets the time.
setUseageModel(String, int) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Set the usage model for an attribute declaration
setUserAttribute(String, AttributeElement) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMLocalUserManager
Sets the value for a user's attribute.
setValue(String, String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMDeclarationManager
Sets value of a declaration.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Set the value of the configuration element.
setValue(String[]) - Method in class com.wles.blm.SSMProviderConfigElement
Set the list value of the configuration element.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface com.wles.util.AttributeElement
Set the attribute value.
setVirtualResourceAllowed(String, boolean) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Specifies if a resource may have virtual children or not.
singleton - Static variable in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
split() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Splits rule up into multiple rules i.e. a*r*s returns null if not splittable
standardSubs421 - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
status - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
Indicates the current status of the distribution.
subjects - Variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
The rule's subjects.
success - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
An indicator specifying if the engine was able to process the update.


TERMINATOR - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
String identifying the end of a constraint.
TERMINATOR - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject
The charater used to terminate subject names.
TOKEN_NAME - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Identity Assertion identifier for specifying the name of the token.
TOKEN_VALUE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMManager
Identity Assertion identifier for specifying the value of the token.
TRUE - Static variable in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
String identifying the contents of a default constraint.
Time - class com.wles.util.Time.
Used to represent ALES time values.
Time() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.Time
Constructs a Time object with the current time.
Time(long) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.Time
Constructs a Time object with the specified time.
Time(Date) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.Time
Constructs a Time object with the specified time.
TypeConversionException - exception com.wles.util.TypeConversionException.
Indicates that the conversion between ASI and Java types failed.
TypeConversionException() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.TypeConversionException
TypeConversionException(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.TypeConversionException
timestamp - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The timestamp of the distribution.
toASI(String) - Static method in class com.wles.util.StringTypeConverter
toString() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.Reason
toString() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException.ServiceType
toString() - Method in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMAdminSubjectIdentityAssertionTokenType
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineInfo
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.EngineStatus
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.PolicyQuery
This method is to return a String representing all element inside PolicyQuery object
toString() - Method in class com.wles.blm.QueryDescription
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue
Returns the enumeration value as a String.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ActionType
Returns the action type as a string.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Returns a report on the structure of the constraint.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Effect
Returns the rule effect as a String.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ParsedRule
Returns report of the contents of the rule.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Returns a report on parsed element.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Returns a report of information on the resource structure.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.ScopedSubject
Return a report of information on the subject structure.
toString() - Method in class com.wles.util.Time
Returns the time as a string in ALES time format.
transactionIsActive() - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMContextManager
If the BLM context has is in the middle of a transaction then this method will return tru


UnsupportedTypeException - exception com.wles.util.UnsupportedTypeException.
The specified type is not registered with the TypeConverter.
UnsupportedTypeException(String) - Constructor for class com.wles.util.UnsupportedTypeException
UnsupportedTypeException() - Constructor for class com.wles.util.UnsupportedTypeException
unsetVirtualResourceAllowed(String) - Method in class com.wles.blm.BLMApplicationManager
Unsets a resources virtual resource setting.
user - Variable in class com.wles.blm.BLMPolicyDistributor.DistributionStatus
The user who issued the distribution.
userNameSubs - Static variable in class com.wles.util.Normalize
user_prefix - Static variable in class com.wles.util.SubjectBuilder
Prefix for qualified users.


validate(BLMContextManager) - Method in interface com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextValidator
Checks validity of the BLMContextManager instance
validate(BLMContextManager) - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.CallBasedContextValidator
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Constraint
Validates that the internal string is a constraint.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Privilege
Validate that the internal string is a syntatically correct privilege.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.QualifiedElement
Validates that the element is of the proper form.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Resource
Validate that the internal string is a syntatically correct resource name.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.RoleAction
Validates that the internal string is a syntatically correct role.
validate() - Method in class com.wles.util.RuleParser.Subject
Validate that the internal string is a syntatically correct subject name.
validateObject(Object) - Method in class com.wles.blm.pool.BLMContextFactory


WRITE - Static variable in class com.wles.blm.PolicyAvailableForEnum
Indicates that an asynchronous distribution request should return once it is safe to perform write operations on the system.


_BLMManager - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the BLMManager field
_ComFailure - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the ComFailure field
_Credentials - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the Credentials field
_CredentialsMgr - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the CredentialsMgr field
_Domain - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the Domain field
_Location - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the Location field
_LocationService - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the LocationService field
_PolicyDistributor - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the PolicyDistributor field
_ServiceUnavailable - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the ServiceUnabailable field
_ServiceUnknown - Static variable in class com.wles.ServiceNotFoundException
int equivalent of the ServiceUnknown field

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