Interface AttributeElement

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, ConstAttributeElement

public interface AttributeElement
extends ConstAttributeElement, java.lang.Cloneable

AttributeElement represents an attribute name value pair. This interface provides the "setter" methods, and inherits the "getter" methods from the ConstAttributeElement interface. You may use any Java type as the value of an attribute. The Java type will be mapped into the appropriate ALES type. Collections and arrays will automatically be converted into ALES lists. The following Java to ALES type mappings are used: java.lang.String=ALES string, java.lang.Integer=ALES integer, java.lang.Boolean=ALES boolean, java.util.Date=ALES date, ip, com.wles.util.Time=ALES time, com.wles.util.CustomEnumerationValue=ALES enum. Any other Java type will be converted to an ALES string, using the Object's toString() method. To create an instance of an AttributeElement use the AttributeElementFactory

See Also:
AttributeElementFactory, ConstAttributeElement, Time, CustomEnumerationValue

Method Summary
 void setList(boolean isList)
          Set the list parameter of the attribute explicitily
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the attribute name.
 void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Set the attribute value.
Methods inherited from interface com.wles.util.ConstAttributeElement
clone, getASIType, getName, getValue, getValueAs, isList

Method Detail


public void setList(boolean isList)
Set the list parameter of the attribute explicitily

isList - true if the value is a list, false if it is not


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
             throws BadParameterException
Set the attribute name.



public void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
              throws BadParameterException,
Set the attribute value. Multi-valued attributes may be stored using either arrays of Java objects, or using a java.util.Collection. All elements in a multi-value attribute must be of the same Java type.

value - value of the attribute. The Java type will be used to determine the proper ALES type.
UnsupportedTypeException - Indicates that there is not TypeConverter registered for the given type.
TypeConversionException - Indicataes that the registered type converter was unable to perform the conversion.
See Also:
TypeConverterRegistry, TypeConverter

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