Getting Started with ALES 3.0

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Tutorial 1: Installing ALES

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This tutorial walks you through installation of the ALES 3.0 Administration Server. At the completion of this task, you’ll be able to start the server and launch the Entitlements Management Tool.

Note: In order to follow the steps in this tutorial, you must have already installed the servlet container and the database.

After installing the database used as the policy store, you must add a user account that is needed to run the Administration Server installation program. This is performed with tool that is downloadable from a BEA web site.


Obtain the Database Configuration Tool

To obtain the program:

  1. Open a browser and go to ALES 3.0 download site.
  2. Click the AquaLogic Enterprise Security 3.0 link.
  3. On the next page, click the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Database Configuration Tool link.
  4. On the ensuing pages, complete as required and download one of the following files:
  5. Windows—



Run the Database Configuration Tool

After obtaining the file, unzip and run it as follows:

  1. Open DBConfig.bat|sh in an editor and set the following properties:
    • JAVA-HOME — specify the fully-qualified path to a JDK.
    • INSTALL_HOME — specify the fully-qualified path to the directory where you unzipped or ales300_DBConfigTool_unix.tar.gz.
    • DB_JDBC_DRIVER_LOC — For Pointbase and MSSQL, specify the fully-qualified path to the JDBC driver. (This is not required for Oracle or Sybase databases.) Examples:
    • (Pointbase) C:\bea\weblogic92\common\eval\pointbase\lib\pbclient.jar

      (MS-SQL) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver\sqljdbc_1.2\enu\sqljdbc.jar

  2. Enter dbconfig.bat or on a command line. The program issues a number of prompts to answer.
  3. Respond to the prompts as described in the table below:
  4. Prompt
    Please input DB type<oracle|sybase|mssql|pointbase>
    Enter one of the database names listed.
    Please input JDBC URL
    Enter the JDBC URL for the database server.
    Sybase— jdbc:sybase:Tds:<server>:<port>
    Sql Server— jdbc:sqlserver://<server>:<port>
    <server>—name or IP address of database machine
    <port>—port where the database listener is running
    <sid>—database SID of Oracle database
    Please input JDBC Driver
    Enter the JDBC driver used to connect to the database.
    Please input new database user name
    Enter a username for the account being created.
    Please input new database user password
    Enter a password for the new user.
    Please input database admin username (not required for Pointbase)
    Enter the database administrator user name.
    Please input database admin password (not required for Pointbase)
    Enter the database administrator password.

  5. The script runs and displays messages like the following:
  6. -- Configuring table space [ales_oracle]
    ** Tablespace [ales_oracle] exists in DB server. Continuing with the same.
    -- Creating new user [ales_db_admin] .......Done
    -- Configuring ALES role [asi_role]
    -- Assigning privs to ALES role .......Done
    -- Assigning privs to new user [ales_db_admin].......Done
    -- Closing down connection
    -- Successfully created ALES Database Account --

At the completion of these steps, you may install the Administration Server. See the next section for instructions.


Install the Administration Server

  1. Start the installation program using one of the options described below:
  2. Platform
    Sun Solaris
    1. Change the protection on the install file by entering:
    2. chmod u+x ales300admin_solaris32.bin

    3. Enter: ./ales300admin_solaris32.bin
    Red Hat
    1. Change the protection on the install file by entering:
    2. chmod u+x ales300admin_linux32.bin

    3. Enter: ./ales300admin_linux32.bin

  3. On the Welcome window, click Next.

  4. On the BEA License Agreement window, select Yes and click Next.
  5. On the Choose BEA Home Directory, accept the default directory and click Next.
  6. On the Choose Product Installation Directories, accept the default and click Next.
  7. On the Choose Service Control Manager Directory, accept the default and click Next.
  8. On the Choose Application Server, select the servlet container you are using (WebLogic or Tomcat) and then specify the web server directory and click Next.
  9. WARNING: When using Tomcat, the directory name cannot contain spaces.

  10. On the Choose Network Interfaces window, accept the default and click Next.
  11. On the Configure Administration Application window, accept the default and click Next.
  12. On the Choose JDK window, accept the default and click Next.
  13. On the Configure Database Connection, select your database type from the Database client dropdown list. Then complete the following fields and click Next.
  14. JDBC URL—Replace the bracketed values. These vary by database type:

    <SERVER>—name/IP address of the database machine

    <PORT>—port number where the database listener is running

    <INSTANCE>—instance name to connect to on <server>

    <SID>—database SID of Oracle database

    JDBC driver—Accept the default

    Driver location—If required, browse to and select the driver location.

    Login ID—user created using the database setup script described in Run the Database Configuration Tool on page 2-2.

  15. On the Key Protection Password Selection window, select Generate Random Password and click Next.
  16. The program takes several minutes to install the files and displays a status bar showing progress.

  17. On the Installation Complete window, click Done. This page indicates the Administration Server completed successfully.


Start the Server and Launch the Entitlements Management Tool

To start the Administration Server on Windows:

  1. From the Windows Start Menu, select Programs > BEA Aqualogic Enterprise Security > Administration Server > Start Server.
  2. This opens a DOS box that gives information about the start process, which can take several minutes. When the server starts, a message like the following appears:

    The ALES WLS.<server_name> service was started successfully.

  3. Open Internet Explorer and go to https://localhost:7010/entitlementsadministration.
  4. When you see a message about the security certificate being used, click Yes to display the the log on window.

  5. In the Username field, enter system. Then enter weblogic in the Password field and click Log In. You’ll then see Entitlement Management Tool’s main window.



This tutorial walked you through a basic installation of the Administration Server and showed how to start the server and launch the Entitlements Management Tool.

The next tutorial will demonstrate how to define application resources in ALES.

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