Installing the Administration Server

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Appendix D: Oracle Installation and Administration

This section provides information and guidelines about installing, configuring, and managing an Oracle database server to use with ALES. This must be performed before installing the ALES Administration Server.

To perform a database installation and setup, you must be a database administrator with permission to create a new instance.


Overview of the Oracle Client/Server Architecture

Each Oracle service is identified by a global database name and an Oracle system identifier referred to as the SID (see Figure D-1). The Oracle global database name is the full name of a database that uniquely differentiates it from any other databases in your network domain. One global database name can represent several database instances. The global database name is also known as the service name. The SID distinguishes the database instance from any other database instances on the same machine.

Figure D-1 Oracle Database Setup

Oracle Database Setup

An Oracle instance is a running Oracle database made up of memory structures and background processes. Each instance is associated with an SID. With the Oracle Parallel Server, multiple instances can exist on different machines for a single database.

The policy database is a set of database schemas in which all data are stored. A database schema is a collection of objects associated with a particular schema name. The objects include tables, views, domains, constraints, assertions, privileges, and so on.

A datafile is an Oracle term for a file that contains the contents of logical database structures, such as tables and indexes. One or more datafiles form a logical unit of storage called a tablespace. A datafile is associated with only one tablespace and only one database.

A tablespace is a logical portion of a database used to allocate storage for table and index data. Each tablespace corresponds to one or more physical datafiles. Every Oracle database has a tablespace called SYSTEM and may have additional tablespaces. A tablespace is used to group related logical structures. The database username or user ID is a login that is given permission by the database administrator to access a specific database instance. This user is also called the schema owner, that is, the owner of the schema objects such as tables, views and triggers that are created.


Oracle Database System Requirements

Table D-1, Oracle Setup Requirements, on page D-3 describes the minimum requirements for the system on which the Oracle database server is installed.

Table D-1 Oracle Setup Requirements
Software version
Oracle database server:
  • Version 9i Release 2 (9.2.x)
  • Version 10g Release 1 (
Server platform
Any platform supported by Oracle.
As required by Oracle server installation (64 MB minimum).
Disk space for the starter database
As required by Oracle server installation, plus space required to store policy data; 500 MB recommended.
Disk space for Oracle software
Refer to your installation guide for the Oracle Database Server.
Disk space for policy database
Minimum of one tablespace with 250 MB of free space is required.


Installing and Configuring the Oracle Database

This section provides additional instructions for installing and configuring an Oracle database for use with the AquaLogic Enterprise Security Administration Server.

To install and configure the database, perform the following tasks:

Installing the Oracle Database

This section provides recommendations for installing the Oracle database and creating a database instance. When you run the Oracle installation program, it automatically starts the Database Configuration Assistant, which you use to create an instance of the database. If the Oracle database is already installed on the database host machine, you can skip this procedure and go to Creating an Instance of an Oracle Database.

To install the Oracle database and create a database instance, perform these steps:

  1. Ensure that the system requirements are satisfied as defined in Table D-1 and install the Oracle database according to instructions in the Oracle Database Installation Guide. When the Oracle Universal installer runs, select the install options as specified in Table D-2. For other installer options, accept the default settings or set them as you desire.
  2. Table D-2 Recommended Selections in the Oracle Universal Installer
    Installer Option
    Recommended Selections
    Available Products
    Oracle 9i Database 9.2.x
    Installation Types
    Enterprise Edition
    Database Configuration
    General Purpose
    Oracle MTS Recovery Service Configuration Port Number
    Accept the default setting.
    Global Database Name (For Oracle 10g only)
    The full Oracle database name that distinguishes the database from any other databases in your network domain, for example asi.ales, where asi is the database name and ales is the domain.
    Database System Identifier (For Oracle 10g only)
    The Oracle system identifier (SID). The SID distinguishes the database instance from any other database instances on the same machine, for example asi,
    Passwords (For Oracle 10g only)
    The install program creates four user accounts, SYS, SYSTEM, SYSMAN, and DBSNMP and assigns default passwords. During the installation, you are prompted to change these passwords. For security reasons, Oracle recommends that you specify new passwords for these user accounts when you install the database software. Be sure to record your password settings as you will need them later.

  3. For Oracle 9i, when the Database Configuration Assistant starts, step through the screens and use the settings specified in Table D-3.
  4. Note: For Oracle 10g, the Database Configuration Assistant is run after the installer program (just as it is with Oracle 9i), however, for 10g, it does not prompt you for input.

    Table D-3 Oracle 9.1.2 Database Configuration Assistant Settings
    Database Configuration Assistant Screen
    Recommended Setting
    Step 1 of 8: Operations
    Select Create a database, and click Next.
    Step 2 of 8: Templates
    Select New Database, and click Next

    Note: This selection specifies the template to use to create the instance of the database.

    Step 3 of 8: Database Identification
    Specify the Global Database Name, for example asi.ales.
    Specify the SID, for example asi, and click Next.
    Step 4 of 8: Database Features
    Set these check boxes to on: Oracle spatial, Oracle Ultra Search, Oracle Data Mining, Oracle OLAP, Example Schemas and all check boxes below, and click Next.
    Step 5 of 8: Database Connection Options
    Select Dedicated Server Mode, and click Next
    Step 6 of 8: Initialization Parameters
    Select the Memory tab, click the Custom radio button, and set the parameters as follows:
    • Shared Pool: 69 Mbytes
    • Buffer Cache: 24 Mbytes
    • Java Pool: 32 Mbytes
    • Large Pool: 8 Mbytes
    • PGA: 24 Mbytes
    Click Next.
    Step 7 of 8: Database Storage
    Click Next. The Database Assistant creates the database.
    Database Configuration Assistant
    Set passwords for the SYS and SYSTEM accounts and record these passwords as you will need them later. Click Exit. The Database Assistant completes.
    End of Installation
    Click Exit.

  5. For Oracle 9i, do one of the following to set your system PATH environment variables:
    • For Windows systems, set the environment variables as shown in Listing D-1.
    • For Solaris and Linux systems, refer to the Oracle Installation Guide Release 2 ( for UNIX systems for instructions.
    • Listing D-1 Oracle 9i System PATH Environment Variable Settings for Windows
      C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;
      C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;
      Where <drive> is the hard drive on which the Oracle database is installed.
  6. For Oracle 10g, do one of the following to set environment variables:
    • On Microsoft Windows, the installer program sets the environment variables for you.
    • On Solaris, refer to the Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g release 1 ( for Solaris.
    • On Linux, refer to the Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g release 1 ( for Linux.
  7. If you want to allow remote connections to this database instance, proceed to Configuring the Oracle Database Listener for Remote Connections.

Configuring the Oracle Database Listener for Remote Connections

To configure the Oracle database to accept remote connections from the Administration Server, you must configure an Oracle listener. This would only be necessary if you intend to install the Administration Server on a machine other than the machine on which the Oracle data is installed.

To configure an Oracle listener, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant and respond to the assistant screens as directed in Table D-4.
  2. Table D-4 Oracle Listener Setting
    Assistant Screen
    Select Listener configuration, and click Next.
    Select Add, and click Next.
    Listener Name
    Enter listener name, for example, asi, and click Next.
    Select Protocols
    Select TCP, and click Next.
    TCP/IP Protocol
    Select the standard port 1521, and click Next.

  3. To verify that the listener is configured, open a command window on a remote system and enter this command: SQLplus system/password@listenername.
  4. where password is the password you assigned to the SYSTEM account upon installation and listenername is the name you assigned to the Oracle listener, for example asi.

Creating an Instance of an Oracle Database

This section describes how to create and configure an instance of an Oracle database. It assumes that the Oracle database software was installed.

Note: You should only perform this procedure when you want to create and configure instances of the database in addition to the instance that was created when the database software was installed.

Perform the following steps to create an instance of an Oracle database:

Note: The section provides guidance to assist you, but it does not supersede the documentation provided by Oracle.
  1. To start the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, click Start>Programs>Oracle-<OraHome>Configuration and Migration Tools>Database Configuration Assistant, where OraHome indicates the version of the software. The Database Configuration Assistant starts.
  2. When the Database Configuration Assistant starts, step through the screens and select settings as specified in Table D-3.


Administering an Oracle Policy Database

This section covers the following topics:

Using the Database Administration Utilities with Oracle

lists and describes the batch and shell files provided for database administration. The files are located in the following directory:



Before running these scripts with an Oracle database, you need to ensure the following setup steps are completed:

Backing Up an Oracle Database

BEA strongly recommends that you backup your original policy database regularly. A database backup is always recommended before you uninstall or re-install the policy database. You may need to contact your database or system administrator to assist with this process. Backups should be done on a regularly scheduled basis.

For instructions on backing up your Oracle database, see the Oracle Backup and Recovery Guide that comes with your Oracle documentation.

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