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This section includes the following topics:


Overview of Monitoring

When you create a business or proxy service, monitoring is disabled by default for that service. To explicitly enable monitoring for the service, set an aggregation interval over which statistics are computed and to define alert rules for that service, you must use the Manage Monitoring page. You can access this page from the Resource Browser or Project Explorer module. In the Options column for the service, click the Manage Monitoring icon. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Alert Rules.

Note: The aggregation interval is the period over which aggregated statistics are computed for display in the console. The aggregation interval set from the Manage Monitoring page has no effect on when alert rules are triggered. Each alert rule allows you to specify the aggregation interval for that rule when configuring the alert rule.

Note: The Enable Monitoring option on the Monitoring Configuration page of the System Administration module enables you to enable or disable monitoring of all services that have individually been enabled for monitoring. To learn more, see Enabling Monitoring.

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Monitoring module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.


Associated Tasks

Help Topics


View Dashboard statistics

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Summary of Services

View a summary of services

Listing and Locating Services

Service Details

View details of a specific service

Viewing Service Monitoring Details

Servers Summary

View a summary of servers

Listing and Locating Servers

Customize your view of the server summary

Server Details

View details of a specific server

Viewing Server Details

Customized System Alert History

View a summary of alerts

Listing and Locating Alerts

Search for alerts

System Alert Details

View alert details

Viewing Alert Details



BEA AquaLogic Service Bus implements Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and automated responses to SLA violations by enabling you to define rules that specify unacceptable service performance and the system response you require under those circumstances. You can construct rules that AquaLogic Service Bus evaluates against its aggregated metrics each time it updates that data. When a rule evaluates to true, it raises an alert. Rules can be configured to generate an Alert Log that is displayed on the Dashboard. In addition, AquaLogic Service Bus executes the action you specified for the rule when it evaluates to true. You can assign any of the following types of actions to a rule:

To learn more about creating alert rules, see Create an Alert Rule.


Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

The Dashboard page enables you to view service monitoring, server, and alerts information. When you create a business or proxy service, monitoring is disabled by default for that service. To explicitly enable monitoring for the service and set an aggregation interval over which statistics are computed for that service, you must visit the Manage Monitoring page. You can access this page from the Resource Browser or Project Explorer module. In the Options column for the service, click the Manage Monitoring icon. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Alert Rules.

At run time, the default refresh rate for this page is one minute. However, depending on the timing of the alert rule, it may take up to three minutes for the information to refresh. To learn more, see "Refresh Rate of Monitored Information" in Monitoring in the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

This page includes the following information:



Service Summary (30 mins)

The Service Summary panel includes the following attributes:

  • A pie chart of the services with alerts over the past 30 minutes, which is the default interval. This information is gathered from the alert log. You can click the area in the chart corresponding to the alert severity to display more details.

  • The percentage of services that have normal, warning, minor, major, critical, and fatal alerts.

  • A list of the services with the highest severity alerts. Each service name is a link to the service monitoring details. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Services.

  • A link to the Service Monitoring Summary page. To display the list of services, click View Service Summary List. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Services.

Note: To display service summary information only on this page, you can click the Maximize icon in the right-hand corner of the Service Summary panel.

Server Summary

The Server Summary panel includes the following attributes:

  • A pie chart of the servers that have monitoring enabled. You can click the area in the chart that corresponds to the server to display more details.

  • A list of the servers with the highest severity alerts. Each server name is a link to the server details. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Servers.

  • A link to the Server Summary page. To display the list of servers, click View Server Summary List. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Servers.

  • A link to the Server Summary Log. To display the log, click View Log Summary. To learn more, see Viewing Server Log Files.

Note: To display server summary information only on this page, you can click the Maximize icon in the right-hand corner of the Server Summary panel.

Alert Summary (30 mins)

The Alert Summary panel includes the following attributes:

  • A link to the Customized System Alert History page. To display the list of alerts, click View Alert Summary List. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Alerts.

  • Fields that display alert information depending on your customized settings for the alert table. For example, alert severity, timestamp, alert name, and the names of the service and project associated with the alert.

  • The Alert Summary displays alerts for the past 30 minutes only. This is a sliding window. Any alerts older than 30 minutes are not available on the Dashboard page. The number of alerts on the page match the pie chart that displays on the Service Summary panel, which displays the breakdown of the number of alerts over the past 30 minutes.

Note: To display alert summary information only on this page, you can click the Maximize icon in the right-hand corner of the Alert Summary panel.

Note: To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.


To Customize the Alert Summary Table

  1. Click Customize table. Additional fields are displayed.
  2. Note: You can click Close table customizer at any time to close this table and retain the original settings.

  3. In the Columns Display field, select the columns you want to display:
    1. Select a column name from the Available field.
    2. Click the arrow to move this column name to the Chosen field.
    3. Repeat until you have listed all the column names you want to display in the Chosen field.
    4. Note: You can also use Up and Down arrows to reorder the column names in the Chosen field.

  4. Click Apply to save these settings or click Reset to discard them and retain the original settings.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Setting the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate

Viewing Service Monitoring Details

Viewing Server Details

Viewing Alert Details

Create an Alert Rule

Listing and Locating Alert Rules

Viewing and Changing Alert Rule Details


Listing and Locating Services

The Service Monitoring Summary page displays the list of summarized services.

To List and Locate Services

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Monitoring. The Dashboard page is displayed.
  2. In the Service Summary panel, click View Service Summary List. The Service Monitoring Summary page is displayed, which displays the following information for each service:
  3. Property



    The name assigned to the service. The name is a link to Service Monitoring Details page. To learn more, see Viewing Service Monitoring Details.


    The project associated with the service. If the service resides in a project folder, this folder is also listed. The path is displayed in the format:

    project-name / root-folder/ . . ./parent-folder / service-name

    Aggregation Interval

    The current aggregation interval set for monitoring this service, in terms of hours and minutes. You set this interval on the Manage Monitoring page. To learn more, see Setting the Aggregation Interval for a Service.

    Avg. Execution Time (in msecs)

    The average execution time for this service at current aggregation interval time.

    Message Count

    The number of messages associated with this service at the current aggregation interval time.

    Error Count

    The number of error messages associated with this service at current aggregation interval time.

    Alert Count

    The number of alerts associated with this service at current aggregation interval time.

  4. To locate a specific service, do one of the following:

This page also enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing Service Monitoring Details


Setting the Aggregation Interval for a Service

The Manage Monitoring page enables you to set the aggregation interval for a specific service.

To Set the Aggregation Interval for a Service

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Proxy Services or Business Services from under Resource Browser.
  3. Click the Manage Monitoring icon for the proxy service or business service for which you want to set the aggregation interval. The Manage Monitoring page is displayed.
  4. Make sure the Enable Service checkbox is updated.
  5. Select the Enable Monitoring checkbox to enable monitoring for the service.
  6. In the Select Aggregation Interval for the service field, select the length of the aggregation interval in terms of hours and minutes, then click Update.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Services

Listing and Locating Alerts

Listing and Locating Alert Rules

Create an Alert Rule

Setting the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate


Viewing Service Monitoring Details

The Service Monitoring Details page enables you to view monitoring details of a specific service.

To View Monitoring Details of a Service

  1. Locate the service in the Monitoring module. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Services.
  2. Click the name of the service.
  3. The Service Monitoring Details page displays the following information:



    Alert Status

    The alert status of this service as of the current time and date.

    Aggregation Interval

    The current aggregation interval set for monitoring this service, in terms of hours and minutes. You set this interval on the Manage Monitoring page. To learn more, see Setting the Aggregation Interval for a Service.

    Alerts for Last Aggregation Interval

    The total number of alerts associated with this service within the last aggregation interval.

    Alert History

    This is a link to the Customized System Alert History page, which displays the total number of alerts in the system since the last purge. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Alerts.

    Location Path

    The location of this service; that is, the project and folder where it resides in your configuration.

    Display Metrics For

    Select a server from the drop-down list to display metrics for that server.

    Note: For a single node, Cluster is the only item displayed in this drop-down list. If a cluster exists, then more items are displayed.


    The page displays the following Operations information:




    The operations associated with this service

    Message Count

    The number of messages associated with each operation

    Avg. Execution Time (msecs)

    The average time the operation takes to execute messages


    The page displays the following Performance information:



    Overall Avg. Execution Time (msecs)

    The overall average time this service takes to execute messages

    Total Number of Messages

    The total number of messages

    Messages With Errors

    The number of messages with errors

    Success Rate

    The success rate


    The number of security messages


    The number of validation messages


    The page displays the following Flow Components information:



    Component Name

    The name of the component

    Message Count

    The number of messages associated with each component

    Error Count

    The number of messages associated with each component

    Avg. Execution Time (msecs)

    The average time the component takes to execute messages

  4. To return to the Service Monitoring Summary page, click Back. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Services.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics


Listing and Locating Servers

The Server Summary page displays information for each server, depending on the filter settings you have specified. To learn more, see Customize Your View of the Server Summary.

To List and Locate Servers

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Dashboard from under Monitoring. The Dashboard page is displayed.
  2. In the Server Summary panel, select the pie chart or click View Server Summary List. The Server Summary page is displayed. These are the fields that the page can display. For a more detailed description of each server, see Viewing Server Details.
  3. Property



    The status of the server:

    • Fatal—the server has failed and must be restarted.

    • Critical—server failure pending; something must be done immediately to prevent failure. Check the server logs and the corresponding Runtime MBean for more details.

    • Warning—the server could have problems in the future. Check the server logs and the corresponding RuntimeMBean for more details.

    • OK—the server is functioning without any problems

    • Overloaded—the server has more work assigned to it than the configured threshold; it might refuse more work.


    The name of the server. The name is a link to the View Server Details page. To learn more, see Viewing Server Details.

    Cluster Name

    The name of the cluster associated with this server.

    Machine Name

    The name of the machine associated with this server.


    The state of the server:


    • FAILED



    The length of time this server has been running.

  4. To locate a specific server, do one of the following:

The Server Summary page also enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics


Customize Your View of the Server Summary

The Server Summary page enables you to customize the display of information for each server. For a description of each field, see Listing and Locating Servers.

To Customize Your View of the Server Summary

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Dashboard from under Monitoring. The Dashboard page is displayed.
  2. In the Server Summary panel, select the pie chart or click View Server Summary List. The Server Summary page is displayed.
  3. On the Server Summary page, click Customize table. Additional fields are displayed.
  4. Note: You can click Close table customizer at any time to close this table and retain the original settings.

  5. In the Server Summary Table Filter fields, do the following:
    1. Select the Severity checkbox to include severity in the filter criteria, then select the alert severity: All, Critical, Fatal, Overloaded, OK or Warning.
    2. Select the Server Name checkbox to include server names in the filter criteria, then select All or select a specific server name.
    3. Select the Cluster Name checkbox to include cluster names in the filter criteria, then select All or select a specific cluster name.
    4. Select the Machine Name checkbox to include machine names in the filter criteria, then select All or select a machine name.
    5. Select the State checkbox to include server states in the filter criteria, then select a server state: All, RUNNING, FAILED, or SHUTDOWN.
  6. In the Columns Display field, select the names of the columns you want to display:
    1. Select a column name from the Available field.
    2. Click the arrow to move this column name to the Chosen field.
    3. Repeat until you have listed all the column names you want to display in the Chosen field.
  7. In the Number of rows displayed per page, select the number of rows you want to display on a single page. You can select 10, 20, or 30.
  8. In the Maximum Results Returned field, select the maximum number of results you want to display in total. You can select 10, 20, or 30.
  9. Click Apply to save the new settings or click Reset to discard them and retain the original settings.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Servers

Viewing a Chart of Servers

Viewing Server Details


Viewing a Chart of Servers

The Server Summary page enables you to view a pie chart and bar chart of server data. A pie chart is displayed by default.

This page enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Customize Your View of the Server Summary

Viewing Server Details


Viewing Server Details

The View Server Details page enables you to view server details.

The objects displayed on the Server Details page are WebLogic Server entities. To learn more about these entities, see the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

If you access the online help system from the AquaLogic Service Bus Console (the server is running), you can access the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at the following URL:


where host represents the name of the machine on which WebLogic Server is running and port represents the port number.

For example, if WebLogic Server is running on your local machine using the default host and port configuration, enter the following URL in your browser:


The top level of the BEA WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help is displayed.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Servers

Customize Your View of the Server Summary

Viewing a Chart of Servers


Viewing Server Log Files

The Server Log Summary page enables you to view a summary of domain log file entries.

To View Domain Log File Entries

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Dashboard from under Monitoring. The Dashboard page is displayed.
  2. In the Server Summary panel, click View Log Summary. A table is displayed, which displays the number of messages currently raised by the system. The server message information is grouped according to its severity: Alert, Critical, Emergency, Error, Info, Notice, and Warning.
  3. To display domain log file entries for a specific type of alert, click the appropriate link. The Server Log Summary page is displayed.
  4. The page displays the following information for each entry:




    The date the entry was logged.


    The subsystem associated with the entry.


    The severity of the message.

    Message ID

    The unique identification for the message.


    The message description


Note: To display details of a specific log file, select the radio button for the appropriate entry, then click View. To learn more, see Viewing Details of Server Log Files.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Viewing Service Monitoring Details


Viewing Details of Server Log Files

The Server Log Details page enables you to view details of a domain log file entry.

To View Details of a Domain Log Entry

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Dashboard from under Monitoring. The Dashboard page is displayed.
  2. In the Server Summary panel, click View Log Summary. A table is displayed, which displays the number of messages currently raised by the system. The server message information is grouped according to its severity: Alert, Critical, Emergency, Error, Info, Notice, and Warning.
  3. To display domain log file entries for a specific type of alert, click the appropriate link. The Server Log Summary page is displayed.
  4. Select the radio button associated with the log entry you want to view, then click View. The Server Log Details page is displayed, which includes the following information:
  5. Property



    A description of the event or condition.


    Displays the time and date when the message originated, in a format that is specific to the locale. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs each WebLogic Server instance refers to the host computer operating system for information about the local time zone and format.


    Indicates the subsystem of WebLogic Server that was the source of the message; for example, Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) container or Java Messaging Service (JMS).

    Message ID

    A unique six-digit identifier.

    All message IDs that WebLogic Server system messages generate start with BEA- and fall within a numerical range of 0-499999.


    Indicates the degree of impact or seriousness of the event reported by the message:

    Alert—A particular service is in an unusable state while other parts of the system continue to function. Automatic recovery is not possible; the immediate attention of the administrator is needed to resolve the problem.

    Critical—A system or service error has occurred. The system can recover but there might be a momentary loss or permanent degradation of service.

    Emergency—The server is in an unusable state. This severity indicates a severe system failure or panic.

    Error—A user error has occurred. The system or application can handle the error with no interruption and limited degradation of service.

    Info—Used for reporting normal operations; a low-level informational message.

    Notice—An informational message with a higher level of importance.

    Warning—A suspicious operation or configuration has occurred but it might not affect normal operation.


    The DNS name of the computer that hosts the server instance.


    The name of the WebLogic Server instance on which the message was generated.


    The ID that the JVM assigns to the thread in which the message originated.

    User ID

    The user ID under which the associated event was executed.

    Transaction ID

    Present only for messages logged within the context of a transaction.

    Context ID

    Context information to correlate messages coming from a specific request or application.


    A description of the event or condition.


    The cause of the message.


    The action that should be taken.


Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Viewing Service Monitoring Details

Viewing Server Log Files


Listing and Locating Alerts

The Customized System Alert History page enables you to view a summary of the system alerts in the system since the last purge. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.

To List and Locate Alerts

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Dashboard from under Monitoring.
  2. In the Alert Summary panel, click View Alert Summary List. The Customized System Alert History page is displayed. At the top of the page, a table displays the number of alerts currently raised by the system. The alerts are grouped according to their severity:
  3. Property



    The number of fatal alerts


    The number of critical alerts


    The number of major alerts


    The number of minor alerts


    The number of warning alerts


    The number of normal alerts


    Note: For each alert type, you can click the number to display more details.

    The page also displays fields that display alert information depending on your customized settings for the alert table. For example, the page can display the alert, alert name, timestamp, and the name of the service or project associated with the alert:



    Alert Severity

    The severity of the alert. This is a link to the System Alert Details page. To learn more, see Viewing Alert Details:

    • Fatal

    • Critical

    • Major

    • Minor

    • Warning

    • Normal

    Alert Rule Name

    The name assigned to the alert. The name is a link to the Alert Rule Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Alert Rule Details.


    The date and time that the alert occurred.

    Service/Project Name

    The name of the service or project associated with the alert. The name is a link to the Service Monitoring Details page. To learn more, see Viewing Service Monitoring Details.

  4. To locate a specific alert, do one of the following:

This page also enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring


Viewing a Chart of Alerts

The Customized System Alert History page enables you to view a pie chart and a bar chart of system alerts for the previous designated time. The pie chart is displayed by default. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.

This page enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Alerts

Customize Your View of Alerts

Viewing Alert Details


Customize Your View of Alerts

The Customized System Alert History page enables you to customize the display of information for each alert. For a description of each field, see Listing and Locating Alerts. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.

To Customize Your View of the Alerts Summary

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Dashboard from under Monitoring. The Dashboard page is displayed.
  2. In the Alert Summary panel, click View Alert Summary List. The Customized System Alert History page is displayed.
  3. Click Customize table. Additional fields are displayed.
  4. Note: You can click Close table customizer at any time to close this table and retain the original settings.

  5. In the System Alerts Table Filter fields, do the following:
    1. In the Time field, select the appropriate radio button, then select the month, date, year, hour, and minute from which you want to view alerts. Alternatively, you can select a different radio button, then enter the number of days, hours, and minutes from which you want to view alerts.
    2. Select the Severity checkbox to include severity in the filter criteria, then select the alert severity: All, Critical, Fatal, Major, Minor, Warning, or Normal.
    3. Select the Service checkbox to include services in the filter criteria, then select a service name. The default is All.
    4. Select the Alert Rule Name checkbox to include alert rule names in the filter criteria, then select an alert rule name. The default is All.
  6. In the Columns Display field, select the columns you want to display:
    1. Select a column name from the Available field.
    2. Click the arrow to move this column name to the Chosen field.
    3. Repeat until you have listed all the column names you want to display in the Chosen field.
    4. Note: You can also use Up and Down arrows to reorder the column names in the Chosen field.

  7. In the Number of rows displayed per page field, select the number of alerts you want to display on a single page.
  8. In the Maximum Results Returned field, select the maximum number of alerts you want to display in total.
  9. Click Apply to save these settings or click Reset to discard them and retain the original settings.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Alerts

Viewing a Chart of Alerts

Viewing Alert Details


Viewing Alert Details

The System Alert Details page displays details of a specific alert. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts. The page displays the following information:



Alert Name

The name assigned to the alert.


A description of this alert.


The date and time the alert occurred.


The severity of the alert:

  • Fatal

  • Critical

  • Major

  • Minor

  • Warning

  • Normal


The unique identification for this alert.

Rule ID

The unique identification for the alert rule associated with this alert.

Rule Name

The alert rule name.

Rule Path

The path for the rule.


The name of the service associated with this alert.


Notes associated with this alert.


This page enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Alerts

Viewing a Chart of Alerts

Customize Your View of Alerts


Create an Alert Rule

The New Alert Rule pages enable you to create new alert rules. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.

To create an alert rule, you must first configure general information for the alert rule, then define conditions for the alert rule, and finally define alert rule actions. You can review the configuration before you create the new alert.

The tasks in this procedure include:

To Configure General Information for an Alert Rule

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Proxy Services or Business Services from under Resource Browser.
  3. Click the Manage Monitoring icon for the proxy service or business service for which you want to create a new alert rule. The Manage Monitoring page is displayed.
  4. Select the Enable Monitoring checkbox to enable monitoring for the service. Rules can only be created for services that are enabled for monitoring.
  5. In the Select Aggregation Interval for the service field, select the length of the aggregation interval in terms of hours and minutes, then click Update.
  6. Click Add New. The New Alert Rule - General Configuration page is displayed.
  7. In the Rule Name field, enter a name for the alert rule. This is a required field.
  8. In the Rule Description field, enter a description for the alert rule.
  9. In the Start Time field, enter a start time in the format HH:MM. For example, enter 09.00. You use the Start Time and End Time fields to specify a window of time during which the rule is active on each day prior to the expiration date. For example, Between 9am and 5pm every day.
  10. In the End Time field, enter an end time in the format HH:MM. For example, enter 17.00. You use the Start Time and End Time fields to specify a window of time during which the rule is active on each day prior to the expiration date. For example, Between 9am and 5pm every day.
  11. Note: The alert rule is active daily during the start time you specified until the end time you specified, until the rule expires.

  12. In the Rule Expiration Date field, enter an expiration date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. For example, enter 12/31/2010. The rule expires at 12.01am on the specified date. If you do not specify a date, the rule never expires.
  13. In the Rule Enabled field, keep Yes as the default to ensure that this rule is enabled, or select No to disable this rule.
  14. In the Alert Severity field, select one of the following:
  15. In the Alert Frequency field, select one of the following:
  16. Property


    Every Time

    If you select this option, the actions included in the alert rule are executed every time the alert rule evaluates to true. Rules are executed once every aggregation interval, therefore you receive an alert for each aggregation interval that the rule evaluates to true. For example, if you set the condition that the average response time is greater than 300 milliseconds, you receive an alert every time this condition evaluates to true.

    The number of times an alert rule is fired depends on the aggregation interval and the sample interval associated with that rule. If the aggregation interval is set to 5 minutes, the sample interval is 1 minute. Rules are evaluated each time 5 samples of data are available. Therefore, the rule is evaluated for the first time approximately 5 minutes after it is created and every minute thereafter.

    Once Until Conditions Clear

    If you select this option, the actions included in the rule are executed the first time the rule evaluates to true, and no more alerts are generated until the condition resets itself and evaluates to true again. For example, if you set the condition that the average response time is less than 300 milliseconds, you receive an alert the first time this condition evaluates to true, but you do not receive any more alerts until the condition evaluates to false and then to true again.

    Therefore, if you select this option, after an alert is fired the first time in an aggregation interval, it is not fired again in the same aggregation interval.

  17. Select Yes for the Stop Processing More Rules option if you want to abort executing further rules after one of the rules associated with a service evaluates to true. This option enables you to stop evaluating subsequent rules when there are multiple rules associated with a particular service. Keep No as the default to continue processing rules.
  18. Note: This option behaves like the Stop Processing More Rules option in the Rules Wizard in Microsoft Outlook.

  19. Keep Yes as the default or select No for the Include Log In Management Data Set option. If you select Yes, when an alert is raised, a log of the alert is included in management data set. These alert logs are visible on the Dashboard in the Alert Summary table. If you select No, a log of the alert is not generated in the management data set.
  20. Select Yes or keep No as the default for the Include Log In Reporting Data Set option. If you select Yes, when an alert is raised, a log of the alert is included in reporting data set. If you select No, a log of the alert is not included in this data set. Viewing the reporting data set requires developing a Reporting Provider to fetch and display these logs. To learn more, see Reporting in the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.
  21. Do one of the following:

To Define Alert Rule Conditions

The New Alert Rule - Define Conditions page is displayed when you click Next on the New Alert Rule - General Configuration page.

This page enables you to define conditions for the alert rule. You must specify at least one condition. If you specify multiple conditions, you must use the And/Or operators to combine them.

  1. In the Select Aggregation Interval for the Condition field, select the number of hours and minutes to set the aggregation interval for this condition. The aggregation interval determines the frequency at which the condition is tested. The condition is tested each time the monitoring subsystem aggregates enough samples of data to constitute 1 aggregation interval.
  2. For example, if you select an aggregation interval of 1 hour, the condition is tested each time an hour's worth of data is available. The first time the condition is tested is at the end of the first hour. After that, the condition is tested every 10 minutes because the sampling interval for an aggregation interval of 1 hour is set to 10 minutes.

  3. You start by defining a simple expression. Two or more simple expressions can be combined to form a complex expression. To define a complex simple expression, do the following:
    1. In the first drop-down field, select Count, Minimum, Maximum, or Average.
    2. In the next drop-down field, select an operand.
    3. Depending on whether you select Count, Minimum, Maximum, or Average in the first drop-down field, the list of the operands varies. For example, if you select Minimum, Maximum, or Average, the Response Time operand is available. This operand allows you to set the response time in milliseconds (msec). The operands available also depends on the configuration of the service itself. The number of operands varies according to whether a service has pipelines, route nodes, operations, and so on.

      When you select Count, this field displays the following operands:



      Success Rate (%)

      The ratio of messages successfully processed versus the number of errors encountered over the specified aggregation interval.

      Message count

      The total number of messages processed.

      Error count

      The total number of erroneous messages processed. This counter is incremented when an error occurs in the transport or the message flow and is not handled by an error handler in the pipeline.

      Failover count

      The failover count.

      Validation Error Count

      The number of validation errors.

      Order Processing Pipeline_request.Message Count

      The number of messages processed by the request pipeline.

      Order Processing Pipeline_request.Error Count

      The number of erroneous messages processed by the request pipeline.

      WSS Error Count

      The number of Web Service security erroneous messages processed. This counter is only available for WSDL-based services and is updated when a Web Service security error is encountered.

    4. In the next field, select the desired comparison operator: =, !=, > or <.
    5. In the next field, enter the value to compare against.
    6. Click Add.
  4. To define a complex expression:
    1. Repeat steps a - e in step 2 to define a simple expression.
    2. Repeat steps a - e again to define another simple expression.
    3. Select the checkbox for each of the two expressions.
    4. Click And or Or to combine the expressions into a complex expression.
    5. Note: The Split option is available once you combine multiple expressions. This option is used to split complex expressions back into separate simple expressions.

  5. Do one of the following:

To Define Alert Rule Actions

The New Alert Rule - Define Actions page is displayed when you click Next on the New Alert Rule - Define Conditions page. This page enables you to define actions for the alert rule.

  1. In the Add Action field, select Send an alert via email or Send an alert to a JMS destination, then click Add action. If you selected Send an alert via email, the New Alert Rule - Define Actions: Send an alert via email page is displayed. If you selected Send an alert to a JMS destination, the New Alert Rule - Define Actions: Send an alert to a JMS destination page is displayed.
  2. Based on the option you selected in the Add action field, do one of the following:
  3. Action...

    Complete These Steps...

    Send an alert via email

      1. In the Mail URI field, enter a URI in the format This format is displayed in the tooltip for this field.

      2. The value for the Subject field is generated by the system and displays the text Service Bus Alert followed by the name of the Alert Rule. This is a read only field.

      3. The value for the Mail Body field is generated by the system and contains the values for the fields described in the interface- com.bea.wli.monitoring.alert.AlertActionHeaders in the format: Field Name : Field Value. Refer to the interface for a list of these fields. To learn more, see the AlertActionHeaders Javadoc.

      4. In the Mail Server address field, enter an existing SMTP server in the format host:port. This is a required field if you do not select a JNDI name in the Mail Session field.

      5. In the Service Account field, enter a service account. A service account is an alias resource for a User ID and its associated password.

      6. In the Mail Session field, select the JNDI name of a configured session. This is a required field if you do not enter an SMTP server name in the Mail Server address field. This field is not available if there are no mail sessions available. Mail sessions are configured in the WebLogic Server. To learn more, see the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

      7. In the From Name field, enter a display name for the originating email account for this service.

      8. In the From Address field, enter the originating email account for this service.

      9. In the Reply To Name field, enter a display name for the reply to email account.

      10. In the Reply To Address field, enter an email address to reply to.

      11. In the Request encoding field, accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in Email transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

    Send an alert to a JMS destination

      1. In the Destination URI field, enter a URI in the format jms://host:port/factoryJndiName/destJndiName. This format is displayed in the tooltip for this field.

      2. In the Destination Type field, select Queue or Topic.

    Note: The Message Type field is a read-only field. The message type is always a Bytes Message.

      3. In the Request encoding field, accept the default utf-8 as the char set encoding for requests in JMS transports, or enter a different char set encoding.

      4. The Message Body field describes the format and the header fields included in the JMS Message emitted. The JMS Message alert emitted includes all the fields described in the com.bea.AlertActionHeaders interface as header properties. The body of the JMS Message contains the description of the alert rule. This is a read-only field.

    Note: You must use the WebLogic Server console to set up a JMS connection factory and queue, and target both the connection factory and queue to the appropriate JMS Server.

  4. To add the action, click Add.
  5. Do one of the following:

To Review Configuration

The New Alert Rule - Review Configuration page is displayed when you click Next on the Define Actions page. This page enables you to review the configuration data that you have entered for this alert rule. If necessary, you can click Edit to make changes to the configuration before you save the alert rule.

Do one of the following:

Note: The new alert rule is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Alerts

Viewing a Chart of Alerts

Customize Your View of Alerts

Viewing Alert Details


Listing and Locating Alert Rules

The Summary of Alert Rules page enables you to view a list of alert rules. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.

To List and Locate Alert Rules

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Business Services or Proxy Services from under Monitoring. Depending on what you select, the Summary of Business Services or Summary of Proxy Services page is displayed.
  2. In the Options column, select the Manage Monitoring icon for a specific service. The Summary of Alert Rules page is displayed for the service. The page displays the following information for each alert rule. To learn more about the properties, see Viewing and Changing Alert Rule Details.
  3. Property


    Alert Rule Name

    The name assigned to this alert rule. The name is a link to the View Alert Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Alert Rule Details.


    A description of the alert rule.

    Expiration Date

    The date when this alert rule is no longer in effect.


    The status of the alert rule: Enabled or Disabled

    Stop Processing

    Displays Yes or No


    The frequency of this alert:

    • Every Time

    • Once Until Conditions Clear


    This column includes the following functionality:

    • Click the arrows to reorder the alert rules. You can move individual alert rules up or down the list. You can do this only when this more than one alert rule configured for this service.

    • Click the Delete icon to delete a specific alert rule. To learn more, see

  4. To locate a specific alert rule for this service, scroll through the pages. Use the controls in the lower right corner. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next, previous, first, or last page.

The Summary of Alert Rules page also enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Alerts

Viewing a Chart of Alerts

Customize Your View of Alerts

Viewing Alert Details


Viewing and Changing Alert Rule Details

The Edit Alert Rule page enables you to view and edit details of a specific alert rule. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.

To View and Change Alert Rule Details

  1. Locate the alert rule. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Alert Rules.
  2. Click the alert rule name.
  3. The Edit Alert Rule page displays the following General Configuration information:



    Rule Name

    The name of the alert rule.

    Rule Description

    A description of the alert rule

    Start Time (HH:MM)

    The start time for this alert rule

    End Time (HH:MM)

    The end time for this alert rule

    Rule Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

    The date when this alert rule no longer applies

    Rule Enabled

    Whether or not this alert rule is enabled

    Alert Severity

    The severity of the alert raised as a result of this alert rule:

    • Normal

    • Warning

    • Minor

    • Major

    • Critical

    • Fatal

    Alert Frequency

    The frequency of the alert:

    • Every Time

    • Once Until Conditions Clear

    Stop Processing More Rules

    Whether or not the alert stops processing more rules.

    Include Log In Management Data Set

    Whether or not the log is included in the management data set.

    Include Log In Reporting Data Set

    Whether or not the log is included in the reporting data set.



    The page displays the following Conditions information:



    Condition Expression

    The aggregation interval for this condition, in terms of hours and minutes.

    A list of one or more conditions that govern this alert rule.



    The page displays the following Action Parameters information:



    Send an alert via email

    Displays the email URI if the action that occurs when this alert rule is broken is to send an alert via email.

    Send an alert to a JMS destination

    Displays the JMS destination URI if the action that occurs when this alert rule is broken is to send an alert to a JMS destination.

  4. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  5. To make a change to the fields on the configuration pages, click Edit for the appropriate page. See Create an Alert Rule for a description of the pages and fields.
  6. Do one of the following:

Note: The alert rule is updated in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the core configuration is updated. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Alerts

Viewing Alert Details


Deleting an Alert Rule

The Summary of Alert Rules page enables you to delete an alert rule. To learn more about alerts, see Alerts.

To Delete an Alert Rule

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Business Services or Proxy Services from under Monitoring. Depending on what you select, the Summary of Business Services or Summary of Proxy Services page is displayed.
  3. In the Options column, select the Manage Monitoring icon for a specific service. The Summary of Alert Rules page is displayed for the service.
  4. In the Options field of the alert rule you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
  5. The alert rule is removed from the list.

Note: The alert rule is deleted in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the core configuration is updated. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Overview of Monitoring

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Listing and Locating Alert Rules

Viewing and Changing Alert Rule Details


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