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System Administration

This section includes the following topics:


Overview of System Administration

The following table lists the pages you can access from the System Administration module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.


Associated Tasks

Help Topics

Export Configuration Data

Export configuration data.

Exporting Configuration Data

Import Configuration Data

Import configuration data.

Importing Configuration Data

Monitoring Configuration

Enable or disable global monitoring of all services

Enabling Monitoring

Runtime Tracing Status

Display runtime tracing status of proxy services

Displaying Runtime Tracing Status of Proxy Services

Enable runtime tracing status of proxy services

Interval Refresh

Set the polling interval refresh rate for the Dashboard page

Setting the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate



Importing Configuration Data

The Import Configuration Data page enables you to import objects that contain configuration data that has previously been exported from another AquaLogic Service Bus domain and exported as a JAR file. You first open the JAR file, and then work on the configuration data and customize it. You can choose to import only a subset of the exported data, or change values of certain configuration data.

Note: You cannot export users, groups, roles, credentials, certificates or access control policies when you export a configuration, as these objects are created through the WebLogic Server. Therefore, you must create these objects again when you import an exported configuration.

To Import Configuration Data

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Import Resources from under System Administration. The Import Configuration Data page is displayed.
  3. Select a JAR file:
    1. In the File Name field, click Browse to locate the directory where the JAR file is stored.
    2. Select the JAR file, then click Open.
  4. Click Next. The following information is displayed:
  5. Property



    The name of the project.


    The resource type, which is Project.


    The number of project references, if any exist.

  6. Select the objects you want to import:
    1. To display each object contained in the JAR file, expand the folder for the JAR file. The checkbox associated with each object is selected. The following information is displayed for each object:
    2. Property



      The name and path of the resource. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the resource resides.


      Any of the following resource types:

      • Business service

      • MFL File

      • Proxy service

      • Proxy service provider

      • XML schema

      • Service Account

      • WS-Policy

      • WSDL

      • XQuery Transformation

      • XSL Transformation


      The number of resource references, if any exist. Click the link to view the references. To learn more, see Viewing References.

    3. Uncheck the objects that you do not want to import.
  7. Do one of the following:

Note: The new resources are saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Overview of System Administration

Exporting Configuration Data

Finding and Replacing Environment Values


Exporting Configuration Data

The Export Configuration Data page enables you to export objects. You must be outside a session to use this page.

Note: You cannot export users, groups, roles, credentials, certificates or access control policies when you export a configuration, as these objects are created through WebLogic Server. You must create these objects again when you import the exported configuration into a new AquaLogic Service Bus domain.

To Export Configuration Data

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Export Resources from under System Administration.
  2. The Export Configuration Data page displays the list of objects in your configuration. The name, type and references for each object are displayed.

  3. Select the object you want to export:
    1. Select the checkbox associated with the object.
    2. Expand the folder for the selected object. The name, type, and references for each object contained in the selected object are displayed. Each object is selected.
    3. Uncheck the objects that you do not want to export.
    4. Check or uncheck the Include Dependencies option. This option enables you to export any other resources that reference this resource.
  4. Click Export to create a JAR file and export it. When you click Export, the Processing Configuration Data popup window is displayed. You should wait until this window closes before you do anything else on the console. The window is closed automatically when the File Download dialog box is displayed.
  5. In the File Download dialog box, click Open to open the exported jar file or click Save to save the JAR file to your desktop.

Note: You can only export a JAR file outside of a session. Therefore, you can only export changes that have been previously activated.

Related Topics

Overview of System Administration

Importing Configuration Data


Enabling Monitoring

The Monitoring Configuration page enables you to turn on and off global monitoring of business and proxy services. You can only use this page when you are in a session.

To Enable Global Monitoring of Services

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Monitoring Configuration from under System Administration.
  3. Select the Enable Monitoring option.
  4. Click Save Changes. The Monitoring Configuration is updated.

Note: The monitoring configuration is updated in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

To Disable Global Monitoring of Services

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Monitoring Configuration from under System Administration.
  3. Uncheck the Enable Monitoring option.
  4. Click Save Changes. The Monitoring Configuration is updated.

Note: The monitoring configuration is updated in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Note: This option overrides the Monitoring Enabled? option that you can set for specific business and proxy services. To learn more, see Adding a Business Service and Adding a Proxy Service.

Related Topics

Overview of System Administration

Importing Configuration Data

Exporting Configuration Data

Setting the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate


Displaying Runtime Tracing Status of Proxy Services

The Runtime Tracing Status page enables you to view the runtime tracing status of proxy services. To learn more about runtime tracing, and enabling runtime tracing for a proxy service, see Enabling Runtime Tracing Status of Proxy Services.

To Display Runtime Tracing Status of a Proxy Service

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Tracing Configuration from under System Administration. The Runtime Tracing Status page is displayed. This page displays the following information:
  3. Property



    The name of the proxy service. The name is a link to the View Proxy Service Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Proxy Services.


    The path of the proxy service. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the proxy service resides. It is a link to the Project Details or Folder Details page. To learn more, see Viewing Project Details or Viewing Folder Details.

  4. To locate a specific proxy service, do one of the following:

Related Topics

Overview of System Administration

Importing Configuration Data

Exporting Configuration Data

Enabling Monitoring

Setting the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate


Enabling Runtime Tracing Status of Proxy Services

The Runtime Tracing Status page allows you to enable the runtime tracing status of proxy services. This causes tracing information to be logged automatically for the proxy services you select, which can help you to diagnose and troubleshoot problems in the Message Flow.

You can enable tracing for a single proxy service or for multiple proxy services. Once you enable tracing, the system logs various details culled from the Message Flow Context and the Message Context. These details include: stage name; pipeline or route node name; and the current message context.

This page also enables you to view the list of proxy services. To learn more, see Displaying Runtime Tracing Status of Proxy Services.

To Enable Runtime Tracing of a Proxy Service

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Tracing Configuration from under System Administration. The Runtime Tracing Status page is displayed.
  3. To enable runtime tracing status for a specific proxy service, select the checkbox associated with the proxy service.
  4. To update the page, click Save changes.

Related Topics

Overview of System Administration

Importing Configuration Data

Exporting Configuration Data

Enabling Monitoring

Setting the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate


Setting the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate

The Interval Refresh page enables you to set the polling interval refresh rate for the Dashboard page in the Monitoring module. The default refresh rate is 1 minute, but you can also select another predefined range.

To Set the Dashboard Polling Interval Refresh Rate

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Interval Refresh from under System Administration. The Interval Refresh page is displayed.
  2. In the drop-down list provided, select 1, 2, 3, or 5 as the refresh rate for the Dashboard page. For example, if you select 5, the refresh rate for the Dashboard page is every 5 minutes.
  3. To update the settings, click Save Changes.

Related Topics

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Overview of Monitoring

Overview of System Administration

Enabling Monitoring


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