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Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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This section includes the following topics:


Overview of MFLs

A Message Format Language (MFL) document is a specialized XML document used to describe the layout of binary data. It is a BEA proprietary language used to define rules to transform formatted binary data into XML data. An MFL document conforms to the mfl.dtd, which includes elements and attributes used to describe each field of data, as well as groupings of fields (groups), repetition, and aggregation.

When you create a business services or proxy services of Messaging Service type, you can select MFL types as the request message type or the response message type of the service.

You use the BEA Format Builder to create MFLs. When you define the hierarchy of a binary record, the layout of fields, and the grouping of fields and groups, the information is saved as an MFL document that can then be used to perform run-time translations. An MFL document can also be used in Format Builder to generate the corresponding DTD that describes its content model. To learn how to use the Format Builder, see the Format Builder Online Help.

The following table lists the MFL pages you can access from the Resource Browser and Project Explorer modules. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.


Associated Tasks

Help Topics

Summary of MFL Files

View a list of MFLs. The MFL file name is displayed.

Listing and Locating MFLs

Filter MFLs

Delete a MFL

Deleting an MFL

Create a New MFL File Resource

Add a new MFL

Adding an MFL

MFL Details

View details of a specific MFL

Viewing and Changing Details of an MFL

Edit details of a specific MFL



Listing and Locating MFLs

The Summary of MFL Files page enables you to view a list of MFL (Message Format Language) files. An MFL is a specialized XML document used to describe the layout of binary data. It is a BEA proprietary language used to define rules to transform formatted binary data into XML data. To learn more, see Overview of MFLs.

To List and Locate MFLs

  1. From the left navigation pane, select MFLs from under Resource Browser. The Summary of MFL Files page is displayed, which displays the following information for each MFL file. For a more detailed description of the properties, see Viewing and Changing Details of an MFL:
  2. Property


    MFL File Name

    The unique name assigned to the MFL. The name is a link to the MFL Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Details of an MFL.


    The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the MFL file resides. It is a link to the project or folder that contains this resource. To learn more, see Viewing Project Details or Viewing Folder Details.


    Click the Launch Test Console icon to invoke the Test Console, which you use to validate and test the design of your services and transformations. For MFLs, you can use the Test Console whether you are inside or outside a session. To learn more, see Testing Transformations.


    Click the Delete icon to delete a specific MFL. To learn more, see Deleting an MFL.

  3. To locate a specific MFL, do one of the following:

Related Topics

Adding an MFL


Adding an MFL

The Create a New MFL File Resource page allows you to add a new MFL (Message Format Language) file. An MFL is a specialized XML document used to describe the layout of binary data. It is a BEA proprietary language used to define rules to transform formatted binary data into XML data. To learn more, see Overview of MFLs.

To add a new MFL, do one of the following:

To Add a New MFL File

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Project Explorer. The Project View page is displayed.
  3. Select the project to which you want to add the MFL file. You can add an MFL file directly to the project, or you can add it to a selected folder that resides in the project.
  4. Note: Click the name of a folder to select it. The Folder View page is displayed.

  5. From the Project View or Folder View page, in the Create Resource field, select MFL File from under Transformation. The Create a New MFL File Resource page is displayed.
  6. In the Resource Name field, enter a unique name for this MFL. This is a required field.
  7. In the Resource Description field, enter a description for the MFL.
  8. In the MFL Text field, do one of the following:
  9. Do one of the following:

Note: The new MFL file resource is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating MFLs

Viewing and Changing Details of an MFL

Deleting an MFL

Creating a Resource


Viewing and Changing Details of an MFL

The View MFL Details page enables you to view and change detailed information for a specific MFL (Message Format Language) file. An MFL is a specialized XML document used to describe the layout of binary data. It is a BEA proprietary language used to define rules to transform formatted binary data into XML data. To learn more, see Overview of MFLs.

To View and Change MFL Details

  1. Locate the MFL file. To learn more, see Listing and Locating MFLs.
  2. Click the MFL file name. The View MFL Details page displays the following information:
  3. Property


    Resource Name

    The name assigned to this MFL file.

    Created By

    The user who created this MFL file or imported it into the configuration.

    Created On

    The date and time that the user created this MFL file or imported it into the configuration.


    The number of objects that this MFL file references. If such references exist, click the link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.

    Referenced by

    The number of objects that reference this MFL file. If such references exist, click the link to view a list of the objects. For example, if you selected this MFL file as the request or response message type for a messaging business service or proxy service, the business service or proxy service is listed as a reference when you click the link.To learn more, see Viewing References.


    A description of this MFL file, if one exists.

    MFL Text

    The text for this MFL.

  4. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session to make changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  5. To make a change to the fields, click Edit. For a description of the fields, see Adding an MFL.
  6. Note: You cannot change the Resource Name field.

  7. Do one of the following:

Note: The MFL file resource is updated in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Deleting an MFL


Deleting an MFL

The Summary of MFL Files page enables you to delete MFL (Message Format Language) files. An MFL is a specialized XML document used to describe the layout of binary data. It is a BEA proprietary language used to define rules to transform formatted binary data into XML data. To learn more, see Overview of MFLs.

Note: You cannot delete a resource if it is referenced by other resources in AquaLogic Service Bus. Instead of the Delete icon, a Delete icon with a red X is displayed for these resources.

To Delete an MFL

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select MFLs from under Resource Browser. The Summary of MFL Files page is displayed.
  3. In the Options field of the MFL you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
  4. The MFL file is removed from the list.

    Note: If necessary, you can undo the deletion of this resource. To learn more, see Undoing a Task.

    The MFL file resource is deleted in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating MFLs

Adding an MFL

Viewing and Changing Details of an MFL


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