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Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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This section includes the following topics:


Overview of Reporting

Before you can use the Reporting module, you must first create a proxy service in the Project Explorer module, then use the Resource Browser module to add a Report action to the message flow of that proxy service.

To learn more about Reporting, see Reporting in the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Reporting module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided:


Associated Tasks

Help Topics

Summary of Messages

View a list of messages.

Listing and Locating Messages

Filter the list of messages.

View Message Details

View details of a specific message

Viewing Message Details

Purge Messages

Delete messages

Purging Messages



Listing and Locating Messages

The Summary of Messages page enables you to view a list of reporting messages. The page displays up to 100 messages.

Note: Before you can use the Reporting module, you must first create a proxy service in the Project Explorer module, then use the Project Explorer or Resource Browser modules to add a Report action to the message flow of that proxy service.

To List and Locate Messages

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Reporting. The Summary of Messages page is displayed, which displays the following information for each message. For a more detailed description of the properties, see Viewing Message Details.
  2. Property


    Report Index

    A link to the View Message Details page. To learn more, see Viewing Message Details.

    Report indexes are key value pairs that you use to extract key identifiers from a message context variable. Keys are a convenient way to filter messages. You use the Report action to add key value pairs. To learn more, see Adding an Action.

    DB TimeStamp

    The date and time that the message was added in the database.

    Inbound Service

    The inbound service associated with the message. The service is a link to the View Proxy Service Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Proxy Services.

    Error Code

    The error code associated with this message, if there is one.

    You specify error codes when you configure the Raise Error action. To learn more, see Error Messages and Handling and Adding Error Handling for the Proxy Service.

  3. To locate specific messages, click Filter. Additional fields are displayed.
  4. To set the filter parameters, do one or more of the following:
  5. To...

    Complete These Steps...

    Filter by time parameters

    Set a time period:

      1. Click the Start Date and End Date radio button.

      2. In the Start Date field, select a month, day, year, and time.

      3. In the End Date field, select a month, day, year, and time.

    Alternatively, you can select parameters for the most recent messages:

      1. Select the For the Last radio button.

      2. In the For the Last field, enter the number of days, then select hours and minutes.

    Filter by service name

    In the Inbound Service Name field, enter the service name.

    Filter by error code

    In the Error Code field, enter an error code.

    Filter by report index

    In the Report Index field, enter the report indexes. These are the key value pairs you defined when you configured the Report action for this proxy service. This is a string search.


    Note: The service name, error code, and report index fields can use wildcard searches.

    Note: You can click Close Filter at any time to remove the filter fields from the display.

  6. Click Search. The page displays the messages that fall within the filter parameters you set. The maximum number of messages that can be displayed as a result of a filter is 1000.
  7. Do one of the following:

Note: To locate a message, you can also do the following:

Related Topics

Overview of Reporting


Purging Messages

Reporting in the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.


Viewing Message Details

The View Message Details page enables you to view details of a specific message.

To View Details of a Message

  1. Locate the message. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Messages.
  2. Click the report index.


    The View Message Details page displays the following General Configuration information:



    Message ID

    The unique identification for this message.

    Database Timestamp

    The date and time that the message was registered in the database.

    Time at point of Logging

    The date and time that the message was logged.

    Server name

    The name of the server in which this message was generated.


    State of the pipeline in which this message was generated:

    REQUEST—indicates that the reporting action is executed in a request pipeline

    RESPONSE—indicates that the reporting action is executed in a response pipeline

    ERROR—the action is running in the service-level error handler

    Node Name

    The node name of the pipeline in which this message was generated.

    Pipeline Name

    The name of the pipeline in which this message was generated.

    Stage Name

    The name of the stage in which this message was generated.


    The page displays the following Inbound Service information:




    The inbound proxy service associated with this message. This is a link to the View Proxy Service Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Proxy Services.


    The URI associated with the proxy service.


    The inbound operation associated with this message.


    The page displays the following Outbound Service information:




    The outbound business service associated with this message. This is a link to the View Business Service Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Business Services.


    The URI to the outbound business service end point.


    Name of the operation invoked on the outbound service.


    The page displays the following Report Index information:



    Report Index Text

    Report indexes are key value pairs that you use to extract key identifiers from a message context variable. Keys are a convenient way to filter messages. You use the Report action to add key value pairs. To learn more, see Adding an Action.


    The page displays the following Fault information:



    Error Code

    The error code associated with the message, if there is one.

    You specify error codes when you configure the Raise Error action. To learn more, see Error Messages and Handling and Adding Error Handling for the Proxy Service.


    The reason for the error code.


    The fault details associated with the error code. These details, if present, are typically a stack trace of where a particular fault occurred, and may be truncated due to a size limitation in the database. The limit is 2048 characters.


    The page displays the following Report Body information:



    Report Body Text

    This link opens another browser that displays the details of the report body. You use an Expression in the Report action to capture the report body text. To learn more, see the procedure for the Report action in Adding an Action.

  4. Click OK when you have finished viewing the details of a specific message.

Related Topics

Overview of Reporting

Listing and Locating Messages

Purging Messages

Reporting in the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.


Purging Messages

The Purge Messages page enables you to purge selected messages from the reporting datastore.

Message purging occurs in the background so the Summary of Messages page is not locked up while the purge occurs. Therefore, you can do a purge that takes a while to finish; the length of time depends on how many messages need to be purged. However, if you filter reporting messages, the purging process is slowed down; the Summary of Messages page may display incorrect data as some of the data hasn't been purged yet.

Note: The Purge Messages feature may be useful during design and test phases of your project. However, in a production environment, BEA recommends that the management of the data in your datbase (including purging) is handled by the Database Administrator using database management tools.

To learn more about purging, see Reporting in the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

To Purge Messages From the Reporting Datastore

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Purge Messages from under Reporting.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. To...

    Complete These Steps...

    Purge all messages

      1. Select the Purge All Messages radio button.

      2. Click Submit.

    Purge messages within a specified time frame

      1. Click the Purge From and Purge To radio button.

      2. In the Purge From field, select a month, day, year, and time.

      3. In the Purge To field, select a month, day, year, and time.

      4. Click Submit.


Related Topics

Overview of Reporting

Listing and Locating Messages

Viewing Message Details


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