Deployment Guide

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Configuring a Single-Server Deployment

This section describes the tasks that you must perform to configure AquaLogic Service Bus for deployment in a single WebLogic Server environment.

To set up and deploy AquaLogic Service Bus in a single-server configuration, complete the following steps:


Step 1. Configure a Database for the JMS Reporting Provider Data Store

AquaLogic Service Bus requires a database for the JMS Reporting Provider. The local copy of the PointBase database that is installed with WebLogic Server is for evaluation purposes only. Non-evaluation development or other use of the PointBase Server requires that a separate PointBase license be obtained by the end user directly from DataMirror.

For a complete list of the databases that you can use, see Supported Database Configurations in Supported Configurations for AquaLogic Service Bus.

Note: It is important to configure your database appropriately for production use. You must provide adequate space to log messages, and follow best practices for administering your database.

For the latest information about specific databases, see the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Release Notes.


Step 2. Prepare an AquaLogic Service Bus Domain

To prepare a AquaLogic Service Bus environment, complete the tasks described in the following sections:

Creating an AquaLogic Service Bus Domain Using the Configuration Wizard

You begin the definition of an AquaLogic Service Bus deployment by creating a domain using the BEA Configuration Wizard.

Note: The procedure described in this section for setting up your domain is based on the assumption that you are running the Configuration Wizard in GUI mode from the Windows Start menu. For information about using the Configuration Wizard in different modes, see Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

To create an AquaLogic Service Bus domain using the Configuration Wizard, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Start Menu, choose All ProgramsArrow symbolBEA ProductsArrow symbolToolsArrow symbolConfiguration Wizard.
  2. The Configuration Wizard is launched. It prompts you for data with which to configure your domain.

  3. Respond to the Configuration Wizard prompts by providing the information described in the following table.
  4. Note: To comply with WebLogic Server resource naming rules, you must specify unique names for domains, WebLogic Server instances, JMS servers, and JMS stores. AquaLogic Service Bus has the same interoperability naming requirements as the WebLogic Messaging Bridge. For more information, see “Naming Guidelines for WebLogic Servers and Domains” in “Interoperating with Different WebLogic Server Releases” in Interoperating with Different WebLogic Server Releases or Foreign Providers in Configuring and Managing the WebLogic Messaging Bridge.
    Table 2-1 Responses to Configuration Wizard Prompts

    In this window . . .
    Perform the following action . . .
    Select Create a new WebLogic domain.
    Select Domain Source
    Select AquaLogic Service Bus.
    Configure Administrator Username and Password
    Enter user name and password.
    Configure Server Start Mode and JDK
    Select Production Mode. Select either the Sun SDK or JRockit SDK, or specify the location of another JDK.
    Customize Environment and Services Settings
    Select Yes.
    Configure the Administration Server
    If you want to enable SSL for your configuration, select the SSL enabled check box.
    Configure Managed Servers
    Because this is a single-server deployment, you do not add any managed servers.
    Configure Machines
    Because this is a single-server deployment, you do not add any machines.
    Configure JDBC Data Sources
    Accept the default values for Name and JNDI name of wlsbjmsrpDataSource.
    Select one of the following to identify the database type and driver for the JMS Reporting Provider Data Store:
    • Oracle and BEA’s Oracle Driver (Type 4) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10
    • MS SQL Server and BEA’s MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Versions: 7.0, 2000
    Confirm that the Supports global transactions check box and Logging last resource option are selected. For more information about Logging last resource (LLR), see “Understanding the Logging Last Resource Transaction Option” in Configuring JDBC Data Sources in Configuring and Managing WebLogic JDBC.
    Enter your environment-specific database information in the remaining text boxes. For more information, see “Configure JDBC Data Sources” in Customizing Existing JDBC and JMS Settings in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.
    Click Test Connections to verify that you can contact the database you want to use for the JMS Reporting Provider Data Store using this data source configuration.
    Run Database Scripts
    Select wlsbjmsrpDataSource from the Available JDBC Data Sources list.
    Select the version of the database from the DB Version drop-down list.
    Click Run Scripts.
    The scripts create the tables and indexes for the JMS Reporting Provider Data Store. The SQL output is displayed in the Results box and written to jdbc.log. If you want the results written to a different file, click the Log File check box and specify the file.

    Note: AquaLogic Service Bus does not automatically run database scripts for the JMS Reporting Provider Data Store the first time you start a production domain, as it does for domains in development mode. If you do not run the database scripts while creating your AquaLogic Service Bus production domain, you must run the scripts manually. The scripts are located in BEA_HOME/weblogic90/integration/common/dbscripts, where BEA_HOME is the directory in which you installed AquaLogic Service Bus.

    Configure JMS File Stores
    Accept the defaults for rmfilestore and add any file stores needed by proxy services or business services.
    Review WebLogic Domain
    Accept the default values.
    Create WebLogic Configuration
    Enter a name and location for your domain.
    Creating Domain
    After your domain is created, select Start Admin Server to start AquaLogic Service Bus when you exit the Configuration Wizard.

When you complete the domain configuration using the Configuration Wizard, your new domain is created in the location you specified.

Your AquaLogic Service Bus domain includes a configuration file (config.xml) that contains a definition for the administration server. For more information, see “config.xml” in Domain Configuration Files in Understanding Domain Configuration.

For information about configuring domains without using the Configuration Wizard, see Understanding Domain Configuration.

Configuring JMS Resources

In addition to configuring JMS file stores in the Configuration Wizard, proxy services and business services that use JMS require configuration of the following resources:

If you want to concentrate all AquaLogic Service Bus JMS resources in a single JMS module, use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to create a new JMS module containing the destination to be used for the proxy services’ endpoint.

For more information about configuring JMS resources, see Configuring and Managing WebLogic JMS.


Step 3. Configure AquaLogic Service Bus Security

AquaLogic Service Bus leverages the security features of WebLogic Server to ensure message confidentiality and integrity (message-level security), secure connections between clients and WebLogic Server (transport-level security), and authentication and authorization (access control). For information on how to configure security for AquaLogic Service Bus, see Securing Inbound and Outbound Messages in the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

WARNING: You must configure security separately for each AquaLogic Service Bus domain. AquaLogic Service Bus does not export or import security configurations.


Step 4. Deploy an AquaLogic Service Bus Configuration

Once you have configured your AquaLogic Service Bus domain, secured it, and added any JMS resources required for its services, you are ready to import the JAR file that contains your AquaLogic Service Bus configuration. After you have imported the configuration metadata, you can update environment-specific information for your domain.

The following steps describe the basic procedure for deploying the contents of configuration JAR file:

  1. Create a Session.
  2. Import all or selected objects from a configuration JAR file.
  3. Update environment-specific information such as service endpoint URIs and directory names.
  4. Activate the Session.

You can perform these steps manually or programmatically:

In addition to service endpoint URIs, directory names, and security configuration, your AquaLogic Service Bus configuration may contain other settings that must be updated to operate correctly in the new environment. Items that commonly require update include the following:

Use the AquaLogic Service Bus Console to confirm and change your configuration, as necessary.


Step 5. Update Your Domain as Your Production Environment Changes

Production environments change over time and as application use increases. This section describes how to update your domain in response to common production environment change scenarios:

Changing a Business Service

Enterprise information services (EIS) are sometimes phased out, and new instances (possibly with new versions of EIS software, new hardware, and so on) are brought online. When this happens, AquaLogic Service Bus administrators need to gracefully transition to the new EIS instance by modifying any affected AquaLogic Service Bus business services.

This situation is similar to an EIS instance failure, but not as urgent. For a description of deployment considerations, see EIS Instance Failover. For information about using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console to change an endpoint URI for a business service, see “Viewing and Changing Business Services” in Business Services in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Installing a New Version of a Proxy Service

As your business requirements change, you may need to make changes to your proxy services. If the changes you need to make are backward compatible, you can make changes dynamically online using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console to create a new version of the proxy service. Changes are backward compatible if they meet one of the following criteria:

If the changes you need to make are not backward compatible, there are two alternatives to consider that would enable you to make the changes online:

AquaLogic Service Bus cluster domains have additional system administration requirements for deployment of proxy services that are not backward compatible. For more information, see Installing a New Version of a Proxy Service in a Cluster.

Online Configuration Updates

AquaLogic Service Bus allows you to change the configuration information for a system dynamically without the need to restart the server for changes to take affect.

You can change a resource, a project, or a number of resources (related or unrelated) using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console using the following procedure:

  1. Create a session. All changes to AquaLogic Service Bus configurations require a session. (Security-related changes are the exception.)
  2. Modify resources in the session.or import all or selected objects from a configuration JAR file.
  3. Update environment-specific information such as service endpoint URIs and directory names.
  4. Activate the session..
  5. The changes are consolidated and sent to all servers (administration and managed servers, if you are working in a cluster environment). These changes update the persisted configuration data and also cause other run-time tasks to be performed (such as, creating proxy services and JMS queues, compiling XQueries, and so on).

You can perform these steps manually or programmatically:

Figure 2-1 illustrates how the system behaves to process messages in the event that the configuration is updated while messages are being processed through the system. Table 2-2 describes the versions for the resources for the sample system illustrated in Figure 2-1.

Table 2-2 Initial and Updated Configuration for a Sample System

Initial Version
Updated Version
Proxy Service

Figure 2-1 Sample Online Update Scenario

Sample Online Update Scenario

Note the following characteristics of the message processing illustrated in the preceding figure:

AquaLogic Service Bus tries to execute messages with the version of the proxy service and artifacts available as of the time the messages enters the proxy service.

This ensures that a message has a consistent view of the artifacts. If the message processor cannot guarantee this behavior for a message, it will reject it rather than process it incorrectly. If you want the system to retry rejected messages, use a JMS proxy service with retries.

Best Practices for Successful Online Configuration Updates

This section describes best practices you should follow and limitations to be aware of when you update a configuration in a running AquaLogic Service Bus system.

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