Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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Project Explorer

This section includes the following topics:

Overview of the Project Explorer

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Project Explorer module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.

Table 3-1 Project Explorer Pages, Tasks, and Help Topics
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
List projects
Add a project
Renaming a Project
Moving a Project
Delete a project
Project View
View project details
Add a folder
Create a resource
Folder View
View folder details
Delete a folder
Renaming a Resource
Moving a Resource
Create a resource

Projects and Folders

The Project Explorer module allows AquaLogic Service Bus developers to better organize related parts of large development projects by allowing logical grouping of AquaLogic Service Bus entities.

The Project Explorer module consists of projects and folders.

Projects are non-hierarchical, non-overlapping, top-level grouping constructs. All AquaLogic Service Bus resources (for example, services, WS-Policies, WSDLs, XQuery transformations, and so on) reside in exactly one project. Projects do not overlap. Resources can be created directly under a project, or they can be further organized into folders. However, you can reference any resource regardless of the project in which it resides.

Note: When you create a domain in AquaLogic Service Bus, a default project is created for your use when you log on to the Console.

Folders are contained within projects. You use folders to hierarchically organize resources. They are similar to directories (or folders) in a file system. Each folder resides under another folder or the project (if it is the root folder in that project). The use of folders is optional.

Note: The names, length, and levels of nesting of projects and folders are ultimately affected by the limits of your operating system. Creating folders or projects with very long names or deeply nesting folders can fail due to the limitations of the operating system.

On the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, you can navigate to a project or folder in either of the following ways:

The only difference between these ways is that the left navigation pane displays the whole hierarchy but does not display any resources.

Uses of Projects and Folders

Projects and folders are useful for the following reasons:


Projects and folders qualify AquaLogic Service Bus resources along with the name of that resource. Therefore, the project name and the name of the folder (path) is a part of resource name. In other words, a resource is referenced by pre-pending its name with a project name followed by an array of folder names, from root to the folder of the resource.

A reference to a resource is displayed as follows:

project-name/root-folder/. . ./parent-folder/resource-name

If a resource is located directly under a project, the reference is displayed as follows:


Related Topics

Listing Projects

Adding a Project

Viewing Project Details

Deleting a Project

Adding a Folder

Viewing Folder Details

Deleting a Folder

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Viewing References

Listing Projects

The Projects page displays a list of projects. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

The page displays the following information for each project.

Table 3-2 Project Details
The name of the project. Click the name to display details of this project. To learn more, see Viewing Project Details.
Click the Rename Project icon to rename the project.To learn more, see Renaming a Project
Click the Move Project icon to relocate the project. To learn more, see Moving a Project
Click the Delete Project icon to delete the project. To learn more, see Deleting a Project.

This page also allows you to add a new project. To learn more, see Adding a Project.

Related Topics

Adding a Folder

Viewing Folder Details

Deleting a Folder

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Renaming a Resource

Moving a Resource

Viewing References

Adding a Project

The Projects page allows you to add a new project. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

Note: The names, length, and levels of nesting of projects and folders are ultimately affected by the limits of your operating system. Creating folders or projects with very long names or deeply nesting folders can fail due to the limitations of the operating system.
To Add a Project
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Project Explorer.
  3. In the Enter New Project Name field, enter a unique name for the project, then click Add Project.
  4. Note: Project names should be limited to 64 characters, and must not contain the following characters: \, <, >, |, {, }, %, (, ), :, `, /, and commas.

    The new project is displayed in the list of projects.

    Note: The new project is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

This page also you to view the list of projects. To learn more, see Listing Projects.

Related Topics

Viewing Project Details

Deleting a Project

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Renaming a Resource

Moving a Resource

Viewing References

Renaming a Project

The Projects page allows you to rename a project. When you rename a project, if you use the name of an existing project, the resources of both projects will be merged in the new project.

For example:

Consider project Foo with resources A and B, and project Foobar with resources C and D. If you rename Foo as Foobar, after renaming, the new Foobar will then have resources A, B, C and D. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

To Rename a Project
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, choose Project ExplorerArrow symbolProjects. The Projects page is displayed.
  3. Click the Rename Projects icon for the project you wish to rename. The Rename Projects page is displayed. In the New Project Name field, enter the new name for the project, and click Rename.
  4. Note: Project names should be limited to 64 characters, and must not contain the following characters: \, <, >, |, {, }, %, (, ), :, `, /, and commas.

    The new project name is displayed in the list of projects.

    Note: The new project name is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.
WARNING: When you rename a project, that project and all resources under it lose their security credentials (username and password mapping). These will have to be reset manually.

Related Topics

Viewing Project Details

Deleting a Project

Moving a Project

The Projects page allows you to move a project to another project. When you move a project to another, you are effectively demoting it to a folder. When you move a project to a new location under a project or folder, and if another folder already exists in that location with the same name, the contents of the moved project will be merged with the contents of the existing folder.

To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

To Move a Project
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, choose Project ExplorerArrow symbolProjects. The Projects page is displayed.
  3. Click the Move Resource icon for the project you wish to move. The Move Project page is displayed. This page displays the following information.
  4. Table 3-3 Move Project Page Information
    Current Project Name
    The name of the project you wish to move.
    New Location
    Projects: A list of projects under this domain.
    Sub-folders: A list of folders under the selected project.
    • If there are no subfolders under this project, this remains blank.
    • If there are folders under the subfolder, they represented as follows:
      • subfolder/folder1
      • subfolder/folder2
      • and so on...

  5. Under New Location, select a project or subfolder to move your project into.
  6. The new project name is displayed in the list of projects.

    Note: The new project name is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.
WARNING: When you move a project, that project and all resources under it lose their security credentials (username and password mapping). These will have to be reset manually.

Related Topics

Viewing Project Details

Deleting a Project

Viewing Project Details

The Project View page allows you to view details of a specific project. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

To View Project Details
  1. From the left navigation pane, select Project Explorer. The Projects page is displayed.
  2. In the Name column, click the name of a specific project to view details of that project. Alternatively, you can also link to the project you want to view from the left navigation pane under Project Explorer.
  3. The Project View page is displayed, which displays the following information for the project.

    It displays the following information for the folders.

    Table 3-5 Folder Details In Project View
    The name of the folder. Click the name to display folder details. To learn more, see Viewing Folder Details.
    The Options column displays the following icons:
    • Click the Rename Resource icon to rename a resource. To learn more, see Renaming a Resource
    • Click the Move Resource icon to move a resource. To learn more, see Moving a Resource.
    • Click the Delete icon to delete a resource. A Delete icon with a red X is displayed when the resource cannot be deleted, which occurs when other resources reference this resource.

    It displays the following information for resources associated with this project.

    Table 3-6 Resource Details
    The name of the resource. The name is a link to details of the resource.
    Resource Type
    Any of the following resource types:
    • Business Service
    • MFL File
    • Proxy Service
    • Proxy Service Provider
    • Resources from URL
    • Service Account
    • WS-Policy
    • WSDL
    • XML Schema
    • XQuery Transformation
    • XSL Transformation
    • Zipped Resources
    • JAR
    • Alert Destination
    • JNDI Providers
    • SMTP Servers
    The Actions column displays up to four icons:
    • A Manage Monitoring icon is displayed for any business or proxy services that you have created. Click this icon to enable or disable monitoring for a specific service, enable or disable the service itself, and view or configure alert rules for a specific service. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Alert Rules.
    • An Edit Message Flow icon is displayed for any proxy services you have created. Click this icon to edit the message flow of a specific proxy service. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Message Flow.
    • A Launch Test Console icon is displayed for any business or proxy service, XQuery transformation, XSL transformation, or MFL File you have created. Click this icon to invoke the Test Console, which you use to validate and test the design of your services and transformations. For the services, you can only use the Test Console at run time; that is, when the session is activated. For the transformations, you can use the Test Console whether you are inside or outside a session. To learn more, see Testing Services and Testing Transformations.
    • An Export WSDL icon is displayed for any WSDL-based proxy services. You use the Export WSDL functionality to quickly make a WSDL available for consumption by external tools such as IDEs. Note that this is different than the Export Resources functionality in the System Administration module, which you use to move and stage resources between two domains. Click the Export WSDL icon to export the WSDL. To learn more, see Exporting a WSDL.
    The Options column displays the following icons:
    • Click the Rename Resource icon to rename a resource. To learn more, see Renaming a Resource
    • Click the Move Resource icon to move a resource. To learn more, see Moving a Resource.
    • Click the Delete icon to delete a resource. A Delete icon with a red X is displayed when the resource cannot be deleted, which occurs when other resources reference this resource.

This page also allows you to do the following:

Related Topics

Adding a Project

Deleting a Project

The Project View page allows you to delete a project. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

Note: When you delete a project, all resources under the project are deleted. If any resources under this project are referenced by resources under a different project, you cannot delete the project, as you cannot delete a resource if it is referenced by other resources in AquaLogic Service Bus. Instead of the Delete icon , a Delete icon with a red X is displayed for these resources.
To Delete a Project
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, click Projects under Project Explorer. The Projects page is displayed.
  3. In the Options field of the project you want to delete, click the Delete Project icon. The project is deleted from the list of projects.
  4. Note: If necessary, you can undo the deletion of this project. To learn more, see Undoing a Task.

    The project is deleted in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing Projects

Adding a Project

Viewing Project Details

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Renaming a Resource

Moving a Resource

Viewing References

Adding a Folder

The Project View page allows you to add a folder. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

Note: The names, length, and levels of nesting of projects and folders are ultimately affected by the limits of your operating system. Creating folders or projects with very long names or deeply nesting folders can fail due to the limitations of the operating system.
To Add a Folder
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, click a project name from under Project Explorer. The Project View page is displayed.
  3. In the Enter New Folder Name field, enter a unique name for the folder, then click Add Folder.
  4. Note: Folder names should be limited to 64 characters, and must not contain the following characters: \, <, >, |, {, }, %, (, ), :, `, /, and commas.

    The new folder is displayed in the list.

    Note: The new folder is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Viewing Folder Details

Deleting a Folder

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Renaming a Resource

Moving a Resource

Viewing References

Viewing Folder Details

The Folder View page allows you to view details of a specific folder. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

To View Folder Details
  1. From the left navigation pane, click a project name from under Project Explorer. The Project View page is displayed.
  2. In the Name column, click the name of a folder to view its details. Alternatively, you can also link to the folder you want to view from the left navigation pane under Project Explorer.
  3. The Folder View page is displayed, which displays the following information for the folder.

    Table 3-7 Folder Details
    Folder Name
    The name of the folder.
    Click to view a list of resources outside of this folder on which resources inside this folder are dependent. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    Referenced by
    Click to view a list of resources outside of this folder that are dependent on resources inside this folder. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    A description of the folder, if one exists.
    You can click Edit Description to add or edit a description of this folder, and click Submit Description to update it.

    It displays the following information for the folders within this folder.

    Table 3-8 Sub-Folder Details
    The name of the folder. Click the name to display folder details.
    Click the Delete icon to delete a folder. To learn more, see Deleting a Folder.

    It displays the following information for resources associated with this folder.

    Table 3-9 Resource Details
    The name of the resource. The name is a link to details of the resource.
    Resource Type
    Any of the following resource types:
    • Proxy Service
    • Business Service
    • WSDL
    • XML Schema
    • WS-Policy
    • XQuery
    • XSLT
    • MFL
    • JAR
    • Service Account
    • Proxy Service Provider
    • Resources from a URL
    • Zipped Resources
    • Alert Destination
    The Actions column displays up to four icons:
    • A Manage Monitoring icon displays for any business or proxy services that you have created. Click this icon to enable or disable monitoring for a specific service, enable or disable the service itself, and view or configure alert rules for a specific service. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Alert Rules.
    • An Edit Message Flow icon displays for any proxy services you have created. Click this icon to edit the message flow of a specific proxy service. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Message Flow.
    • A Launch Test Console icon displays for any business or proxy service, XQuery transformation, XSL transformation, or MFL File you have created. Click this icon to invoke the Test Console, which you use to validate and test the design of your services and transformations. For the services, you can only use the Test Console at run time; that is, when the session is activated. For the transformations, you can use the Test Console whether you are inside or outside a session. To learn more, see Testing Services and Testing Transformations.
    • An Export WSDL icon displays for any WSDL-based proxy services. You use the Export WSDL functionality to quickly make a WSDL available for consumption by external tools such as IDEs. Note that this is different than the Export Resources functionality in the System Administration module, which you use to move and stage resources between two domains. Click the Export WSDL icon to export the WSDL. To learn more, see Exporting a WSDL.
    The Options column displays three icons:
    • Click the Rename Resource icon to rename a resource. To learn more, see Renaming a Resource.
    • Click the Move Resource icon to move a resource. To learn more, see Moving a Resource.
    • Click the Delete icon to delete a resource. A Delete icon with a red X is displayed when the resource cannot be deleted, which occurs when other resources reference this resource.

This page also enables you to do the following:

Related Topics

Listing Projects

Adding a Project

Deleting a Project

Deleting a Folder

The Project View page allows you to delete a folder associated with a project, and the Folder View page allows you to delete a folder associated with another folder. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

Note: When you delete a folder, all resources under the folder are deleted. If any resources under this folder are referenced by resources under a different folder, you cannot delete the folder, as you cannot delete a resource if it is referenced by other resources in AquaLogic Service Bus. Instead of the Delete icon , a Delete icon with a red X is displayed for these resources.
To Delete a Folder
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, under Project Explorer, navigate to the parent project or folder that contains the folder that you want to delete. The Project View or Folder View page is displayed.
  3. In the Options field of the folder you want to delete, click the Delete Folder icon. The folder is deleted from the list of folders.
  4. Note: If necessary, you can undo the deletion of this project. To learn more, see Undoing a Task.

    The folder is deleted in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Adding a Folder

Viewing Folder Details

Creating a Resource

Renaming a Resource

Moving a Resource

Viewing References

Creating a Resource

The Project View page allows you to create resources for a specific project. To learn more about projects and folders, see Overview of the Project Explorer.

To Create a Resource for a Specific Project
Note: A resource can be created at a folder or subfolder level as well as the project level. To create it at a folder or sub-folder level, you can apply the steps below to the Folder View page.
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, under Project Explorer, navigate to the parent project or folder in which you want to create the resource. The Project View or Folder View page is displayed.
  3. In the Create Resource field, select a resource type. Different pages are displayed subsequently, depending on the resource you select.
  4. Table 3-10 Resource Creation Page Mapping
    Resource Type
    Help Topic1
    Proxy Service
    Edit a Proxy Service - General Configuration
    Business Service
    Edit a Business Service - General Configuration
    Create a New WSDL Resource
    XML Schema
    Create a New XML Schema Resource
    Create a New WS-Policy
    XQuery Transformation
    Create a New XQuery
    XSL Transformation
    Create a New XSLT
    MFL File
    Create a New MFL File Resource
    Create a new JAR Resource
    Service Account
    Create a New Service Account
    Proxy Service Provider
    Create a New Proxy Service Provider
    Resources from URL
    Load Resources from URL
    Zipped Resources
    Load Resources from a Zip File
    Alert Destinations
    Creating an Alert Destination Resource

    1To learn more about creating the type of resource you selected, see the appropriate help topic.

  5. When you create the resource, it is added to the list of resources on the Project View page.
  6. Note: The new resource is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to delete the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing Projects

Adding a Project

Viewing Project Details

Deleting a Project

Adding a Folder

Viewing Folder Details

Deleting a Folder

Importing Resources in Bulk

Viewing References

Renaming a Resource

Moving a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

The Load Resources page allows you to import resources in bulk into AquaLogic Service Bus. You can select the Zip or JAR file that contains the resources you want to load. During the import, AquaLogic Service Bus uses the existing file structure to resolve dependencies automatically. To learn more, see Loading Resources from a Zip File.

Resources such as WSDLs or XML Schemas can define a full tree of dependent resources. To successfully add such resources, you must also add and resolve all the dependent resources. The Load Resources page allows you to import a given resource and all its dependents by specifying the URL of the root resource, if these resources are available through the Web. Specifying the root resource is sufficient to download the full tree. The dependency map is resolved automatically. To learn more, see Loading Resources from a URL.

Note: There is a difference between bulk import functionality and the import functionality provided by AquaLogic Service Bus to facilitate the import of AquaLogic Service Bus configurations. You use bulk import to import resources that are not hosted by AquaLogic Service Bus; for example, to import resources that reside in a file or on the Web. You use the import configuration functionality for propagating a configuration from one AquaLogic Service Bus domain (for example, a testing domain) to another domain (for example, a production domain). To learn about this latter functionality, see Importing Configuration Data

Related Topics

Creating a Resource

Reviewing Loaded Resources

Viewing Import Results

Loading Resources from a Zip File

The Load Resources page allows you to import resources in bulk. You can select the Zip or JAR file that contains the resources you want to load; AquaLogic Service Bus locates and imports the resources from this Zip file.

Note: Resources like WSDL or XML Schema can define a full tree of dependent resources. The bulk load feature allows you to upload a set of resources at once; you need not resolve the dependencies manually.
To Load Resources from a Zip File
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Project Explorer. The Project View page is displayed.
  3. Select the project to which you want to add the resources. You can add the resources directly under the project or under a selected folder.
  4. Note: To select a folder, click the name of the folder. The Folder View page is displayed.
  5. From the Project View or Folder View page, in the Create Resource field, select Zipped Resources from under Bulk. The Load Resources page is displayed.
  6. Under Select Zip File and Review Type Extensions, do the following:
    1. In the Select Zip File field, click Browse to locate an existing Zip file. This is a required field.
    2. Click Open to select the file for import.
  7. Review the Extension Map.
  8. Each file in the Zip file is a possible resource, and the file extension is the commonly used way to identify the file type. AquaLogic Service Bus defines a default extension for each resource, but if you have additional extensions to describe those resources, this map enables you to declare those extensions to the loader. After you define the Zip file and extension map, the AquaLogic Service Bus loader scans the contents of the Zip file and tries to associate a resource type with each file. A file without an extension or one that does not have an extension defined in the map is considered unknown and is automatically excluded from the load. For known files, the name of the resource is the name of the file without its extension. The folder structure of the Zip file is recreated in the target AquaLogic Service Bus Console folder.

    Note: An extension can only be associated with one file type.
  9. Select the resources you wish to load, and click Next.

The Review Loaded Resources page is displayed. Continue in Reviewing Loaded Resources.

Related Topics

Loading Resources from a URL

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Loading Resources from a URL

The Load Resources page allows you to import a resource such as a WSDL or XML Schema and all its dependents by specifying the URL of the root resource, if these resources are available through the Web. Specifying the root resource enables you to download the full tree. The dependency map is resolved automatically.

To Load Resources from a URL
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Project Explorer. The Project View page is displayed.
  3. Select the project to which you want to add the resources. You can add the resources directly under the project or under a selected folder.
  4. Note: To select a folder, click the name of the folder. The Folder View page is displayed.
  5. From the Project View or Folder View page, in the Create Resource field, select Resources from URL from under Bulk. The Load Resources page is displayed.
  6. In the URL/Path field, enter the URL or path of the resource. This is a required field.
  7. In the Resource Name field, enter the name of the resource.
  8. In the Resource Type field, select WSDL, XML Schema, XQuery, XSLT, WS-Policy, MFL, or JAR as the resource type.
  9. Click Next. The Review Loaded Resources page is displayed. Continue in Reviewing Loaded Resources.

Related Topics

Loading Resources from a Zip File

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Reviewing Loaded Resources

The Review Loaded Resources page allows you to display loaded resources from a zip file or a URL and select the resources you want to import. You can access this page only when you have successfully loaded the resources from the zip file or URL.

To Review Loaded Resources
  1. Depending on whether you have loaded resources from a Zip file or a URL, make sure you have completed the steps in either Loading Resources from a Zip File or Loading Resources from a URL.
  2. The Review Loaded Resources page displays the following information.

    Table 3-11 Loaded Resource Details
    File Name
    The file name of the resource, including the file extension.
    The name of the resource.
    The path of the resource, which is the project and folder where the resource resides.
    Resource Type
    One of these resource types:
    • WSDL
    • XML Schema
    • WS-Policy
    • XQuery
    • XSLT
    • MFL
    • JAR

    In addition, the Review Loaded Resources page displays a column that determines whether or not the resource is a known file. A check box is displayed if it is a known file, but a Warning icon is displayed of the file is unknown. (A file without an extension or one that does not have an extension defined in the map is considered unknown.) You cannot import the unknown files.

  3. Make sure the check box associated with the resource is selected to include the resource when you import the resources. You can clear the check box to exclude the resource from the import.
  4. To import the resources you have selected, click Import. The Import Result page is displayed. Continue in Viewing Import Results.

Related Topics

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Viewing Import Results

The Import Result page allows you to view the import results of loaded resources from a zip file or a URL. You can access this page only when you have successfully loaded the resources from the zip file or URL and clicked Import to import selected resources.

To View Import Results
  1. Depending on whether you have loaded resources from a zip file or a URL, make sure you have completed the steps in either Loading Resources from a Zip File or Loading Resources from a URL, and make sure you have completed the steps in Reviewing Loaded Resources.
  2. The Import Result page is displayed, which displays the following information.

    Table 3-12 Import Result Details
    The status of the resource; for example, whether or not it has been imported successfully.
    The name of the resource.
    The path of the resource, which is the project and folder where the resource resides.
    Resource Type
    One of these resource types:
    • WSDL
    • XML Schema
    • WS-Policy
    • XQuery
    • XSLT
    • MFL
    • JAR
    Error Message
    Displays the details of the error message if the resource has not been imported successfully.

  3. Click Load Another. The imported resources are displayed in the list of resources on the Project View or Folder View page.

Related Topics

Creating a Resource

Importing Resources in Bulk

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Viewing References

The View References page allows you to view a list of resources that have references to, or references by resource under a particular project.

To View References
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. Click References or Referenced By on a project, folder or resource details page in the Project Explorer or Resource Browser modules. The View References page is displayed.
  3. The page displays the following information.

    Table 3-13 Resource Reference Details
    The name of the resource. The name is a link to details of the resource.
    Resource Type
    Displays Project, Folder, or any of the following resource types:
    • Proxy Service
    • Business Service
    • WSDL
    • XML Schema
    • WS-Policy
    • XQuery
    • XSLT
    • MFL
    • Service Account
    • Proxy Service Provider
    • JAR
    • Alert Destination
    • JNDI Provider
    • SMTP Server

  4. To return to the previous page, click OK.

Related Topics

Overview of the Project Explorer

Listing Projects

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Creating a Resource

Renaming a Resource

Moving a Resource

Viewing Resource Details

Renaming a Resource

The Project View or Folder View page allows you to rename a resource.

To Rename a Resource
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, click a project or folder from under Project Explorer. The Project View or Folder View page is displayed.
  3. In the Resources section, click the Rename icon in the Options column of the specific resource you want to rename. The Rename page is displayed. The page displays the name and location of the resource.
  4. In the New Resource Name field, enter a new name for the resource.
  5. Note: Comma (,) or slash (/) characters are not allowed.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • To save the new resource name, click Rename. The resource is displayed with the new name in the list of resources.
    • To disregard changes, click Cancel.

Related Topics

Overview of the Project Explorer

Listing Projects

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Creating a Resource

Viewing References

Moving a Resource

Moving a Resource

The Project View or Folder View page allows you to move a resource.

To Move a Resource
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. For more information, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, click a project or folder from under Project Explorer. The Project View or Folder View page is displayed.
  3. In the Resources section, click the Move icon in the Options column of the specific resource you want to move.
  4. The Move page is displayed. The page displays the current name and location of the resource.

  5. In the New Location field, select the project and sub-folder to which you want to move the file.
  6. Note: If they exist, the sub-folders for a project are displayed when you select the project.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • To save the new location, click Move File. The resource is moved to the new location.
    • To disregard changes, click Cancel.

Related Topics

Overview of the Project Explorer

Listing Projects

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Creating a Resource

Viewing References

Renaming a Resource

Exporting a WSDL

The Project View or Folder View page allows you to export a WSDL associated with a proxy service in your configuration. You can only do this when you are outside a session.

You use the Export WSDL functionality to quickly make a WSDL available for consumption by external tools such as IDEs. Note that this is different than the Export Resources functionality in the System Administration module, which you use to move and stage resources between two domains.

To Export a WSDL
  1. From the left navigation pane, click a project or folder from under Project Explorer. The Project View or Folder View page is displayed.
  2. In the Actions column of the appropriate proxy service, click the Export WSDL icon to create a configuration JAR file and export it. The File Download dialog box is displayed.
  3. In the File Download dialog box, click Open to open the exported JAR file or click Save to save the JAR file to your desktop.

Related Topics

Overview of the Project Explorer

Listing Projects

Viewing Project Details

Viewing Folder Details

Creating a Resource

Viewing Resource Details

The AquaLogic Service Bus Resources can be viewed over a standard web browser, using the following URLs

Related Topics

Creating a Resource

Reviewing Loaded Resources

Viewing References

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