User Guide

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Introduction to AquaLogic Service Bus

BEA AquaLogic Service Bus is part of the BEA AquaLogic™ family of Service Infrastructure Products. AquaLogic Service Bus manages the routing and transformation of messages in an enterprise system. Combining these functions with its monitoring and administration capability, AquaLogic Service Bus provides a unified software product for implementing and deploying your Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).

The following sections provide an overview of AquaLogic Service Bus and of this document:


Overview of AquaLogic Service Bus

AquaLogic Service Bus is a configuration-based, policy-driven Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). From the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, you can monitor your services, servers, and operational tasks. You configure proxy and business services, set up security, manage resources, and capture data for tracking or regulatory auditing. The AquaLogic Service Bus Console enables you to respond rapidly and effectively to changes in your service-oriented environment.

AquaLogic Service Bus relies on WebLogic Server run-time facilities. It leverages WebLogic Server capabilities to deliver functionality that is highly available, scalable, and reliable.


Document Scope and Audience

This guide provides detailed information on using and configuring AquaLogic Service Bus. It is intended for those responsible for messaging and SOA, such as enterprise architects, operations specialists, security architects and developers, application architects and developers, server and application administrators, and support engineers.

While sometimes providing procedural information, this guide does not provide detailed information on how to configure resources using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console. For more information on using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, see Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Document Organization

This document includes the following topics:

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