Operations Guide

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BEA AquaLogic Service Bus is part of BEA’s comprehensive business integration solutions. AquaLogic Service Bus is part of the BEA AquaLogic™ family of Service Infrastructure Products. AquaLogic Service Bus manages the transformation and routing of messages in an enterprise system and includes administration and monitoring capabilities. AquaLogic Service Bus is unified product for deploying and implementing Service Oriented Architecture.

The following sections provide an overview of:


Document Scope and Audience

This guide describes the functional scope of the roles available in AquaLogic Service Bus, monitoring services in AquaLogic Service Bus, using smart search, reporting, and tracing.

This document is intended for the following audience:

In order to understand the AquaLogic Service Bus Operations Guide you must be familiar with resources, proxy services, and business services in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console. For more information on resources, proxy services, and business services in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, see AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.


Roles in AquaLogic Service Bus

AquaLogic Service Bus Console offers restricted access by assigning roles to users. Each role in AquaLogic Service Bus has a limited functionality. Users in a given role can perform only those functions that are assigned to that role. The user interfaces that are available to the user in a particular role is limited and depends on the functionality of the role. AquaLogic Service Bus supports the following roles:

For more information on scope and functions of each role see Roles in AquaLogic Service Bus.


Document Organization

This document contains the following topics:

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