Release Notes

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BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Release Notes

About BEA AquaLogic Service Bus

What’s New in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6?

RDBMS Access from Proxy Services

Native Transport for AquaLogic Data Services Platform

Custom Security Credentials

Automatic Synchronization of Services from UDDI

Converter Class JARs for EJB Services

Support for SOAP 1.2 Services

Customization of Resources

Automated Deployment

Custom Operations Console

Enhanced Service Callout Functionality

New Clone Functionality

Project-Level Import/Export and Preserving Operational Settings

MFL Enhancements to Support Delimiter Escape Characters

Deprecated Features

Deployment APIs

To import selected resources/projects/folders from a previously uploaded JAR file

Environment Values APIs

To Find and Replace Environment Values

To Set One or More Environment Values

Supported Configurations and System Requirements

Known and Resolved Issues

Runtime Environment



AquaLogic Service Bus Console

BEA XQuery Mapper


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