Release Notes

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BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Release Notes

This document includes the following topics:

Note: Documentation for all BEA products, including BEA AquaLogic™ Service Bus documentation, is available on the BEA Product Documentation Web site.


About BEA AquaLogic Service Bus

BEA AquaLogic Service Bus is an Enterprise-class service bus that connects, manages, and mediates interactions between heterogeneous services. AquaLogic Service Bus accelerates service configuration, integration, and deployment, thus simplifying management of shared services across the SOA.

AquaLogic Service Bus is policy-driven and enables loose coupling between service clients (service consumers) and business services (service providers). It provides a point of security control, monitoring, and Service Level Agreement (SLA) enforcement. Changes to service integration relationships are implemented dynamically through configuration, not code, allowing you to evolve and customize your service architectures with respect to security, service location, availability, data formats, monitoring, transports, communications, and so on.

As part of an enterprise messaging fabric, AquaLogic Service Bus can be used horizontally across many applications and systems, potentially spanning service implementations built by different teams in different departments. AquaLogic Service Bus separates a set of management functions from the service implementations, thus allowing the implementations to evolve independently and dynamically as driven by the needs of the business without requiring costly infrastructure development efforts.

For more information about AquaLogic Service Bus concepts and architecture, see BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Concepts and Architecture.


What’s New in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6?

AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 incorporates new functionality and enhancements in the following key areas:

RDBMS Access from Proxy Services

In AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 a database lookup function is introduced using a new XQuery function in the BEA XQuery engine. This can be used for message enrichment, for routing decisions or for customizing the behavior of a proxy service.

This read-access to databases from proxy services is supported without requiring you to write a custom EJB or custom Java code and without the need for a separate database product like AquaLogic Data Services Platform. You can use the execute-sql() function to make a JDBC call to a database to perform simple database reads. Any SQL query is legal, from a query that gets a single tax rate for the supplied location to a query that does a complex join to obtain an order's current status from several underlying database tables.

See Accessing Databases Using XQuery in Modeling Message Flow in AquaLogic Service Bus in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

Native Transport for AquaLogic Data Services Platform

AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 provides optimized transport for 1-way or 2-way communication for invoking services on AquaLogic Data Services Platform Data using a native Data Services Platform (DSP) transport. This allows a more efficient and flexible approach to accessing data services than exposing them as Web services via WebLogic Workshop and Java Web Services (JWS), and it supports security and identity propagation.

For information about the DSP transport, see Accessing Data Services Via AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6.

Custom Security Credentials

There are several ways to authenticate a client's identity in AquaLogic Service Bus—using Basic Authentication, client certificates (2-way SSL), and Web Service Security. In 2.6, client-specified custom authentication credentials for both transport- and message-level inbound requests are supported. The custom authentication credentials can be in the form of tokens, or a username and password token combination.

AquaLogic Service Bus accepts and attempts to authenticate:

The custom authentication mechanisms work alone or in concert with the message-level security for Web services.

See Configuring Custom Authentication in the AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.

Automatic Synchronization of Services from UDDI

In 2.6, you can keep the service definitions in AquaLogic Service Bus synchronized (both ways) with those in UDDI.

Services can be automatically published to a UDDI registry after they are created or changed within AquaLogic Service Bus and business service definitions can be imported from UDDI. In 2.6, support is added for the automatic update (requires no human intervention) of business services in AquaLogic Service Bus, when the original service is changed in UDDI. Alternatively, the AquaLogic Service Bus Console can be configured to prompt users for approval for synchronization when a service changes in the UDDI registry.

See UDDI in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide and the AquaLogic Service Registry documentation.

Converter Class JARs for EJB Services

The EJB transport leverages the WebLogic Server JAX-RPC stack to perform Java to XML bindings. The JAX-RPC stack is a high performance engine that supports advanced Java objects such as XML Beans. If the Java type is not recognized by the stack, an extension mechanism (using converter classes) is provided to facilitate support of these Java types. The use of converter classes for EJB services is simplified in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6—you can register a JAR file containing the converter classes as an AquaLogic Service Bus resource and subsequently use these classes to help map parameter and return value types to Java classes that can be mapped to XML. In previous releases, you had to package these converter classes in the EJB client JAR—that is the JAR containing the client stubs. See EJB Transport in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

For restrictions on UNIX platforms, see CR306913 in Known and Resolved Issues.

Support for SOAP 1.2 Services

AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 adds support for SOAP 1.2 Web Services. This includes accepting SOAP 1.1 messages and converting them to SOAP 1.2 messages when necessary to invoke a SOAP 1.2 business service, and vice versa. The following table outlines the support for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 services with various platforms.

SOAP 1.1
SOAP 1.2
WebLogic Platform
8.1 SP4-SP6, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2
IBM WebSphere MQ 6.0
Microsoft .NET 1.1
Microsoft .NET 2.0
Apache Axis 1.2.1

Customization of Resources

A number of APIs are exposed in 2.6 to allow customization of service definitions, WSDLs, schemas, XQueries and other design-time resources through programmatic interfaces. The supporting APIs allow loading ZIP files containing resources, in addition to moving, renaming, cloning, or deleting resources, folders and projects. A typical use case is one in which you have a prototypical proxy service from which you make a number of copies—each copy can be modified programmatically in some way.

New APIs in 2.6 include:

For more information, see AquaLogic Service Bus APIs in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

Automated Deployment

You can use Java programs or scripts to automate deploying an application or for moving a configuration from staging to production.

Numerous customization options can be applied during deployment. An extended list of environment variables allows you to preserve or tailor settings when moving from one environment to another.

See the ALSBConfigurationMBean Interface at the following URL:

Import customizations are supported by use of the ALSBImportPlan. For information about the ALSBImportPlan, see
For more information about the deployment APIs, see 
Using the Deployment APIs in the AquaLogic Service Bus Deployment Guide.

The AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 Console is enhanced with options for deployment customizations. See “Finding and Replacing Environment Values” and “Creating Customization Files” in System Administration in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Custom Operations Console

The AquaLogic Service Bus Console is redesigned to tailor interactions in support of the tasks performed by a user in the operator (IntegrationOperator) role. Now, operational functions and settings are easily accessible in the console—operators can easily search for resources using the new SMart Search functionality, monitor SLA alerts, pipeline alerts, logs, reports, turn tracing on and off, and enable and disable services.

In 2.6, users can readily distinguish between SLA and pipeline alerts because the metrics reported for each are distinguished on the console and via the JMX monitoring APIs. New service-level and global flags have been introduced to control alerting (SLA & pipeline), reporting, and logging. It is now possible to have monitoring enabled while suppressing SLA alerts. AquaLogic Service Bus users in the role of operator have more privileges than in previous releases—they can edit operational settings, create new SLA alert rules, and create and edit alert destination resources.

A new document is provided to describe operational tasks in the console. See the AquaLogic Service Bus Operations Guide.

Enhanced Service Callout Functionality

The Service Callout functionality has been enhanced in this release to be better aligned with routing and publishing capabilities and to support features such as RPC Encoding and URL replacement. For information about the Service Callout functionality, see “Constructing Service Callout Messages” in Modeling Message Flow in AquaLogic Service Bus in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide. To learn how to configure Service Callouts and other actions in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, see Proxy Service: Actions in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

New Clone Functionality

A new feature in 2.6 allows you to clone any AquaLogic Service Bus resource, project or folder. Cloning a resource creates a copy of that resource with the specified target identity. Cloning a project or folder copies all artifacts in the project or folder to a different location. See the Configuration MBean Interface in the Javadoc and Project Explorer in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Project-Level Import/Export and Preserving Operational Settings

In 2.6, you can export and import entire projects in addition to exporting and importing resources. There are two types of operational values: Global Operational Settings and operational values for proxy and business services. Global Operational Settings is a resource located in the System project folder and can be exported like any other resource. In 2.6, you can preserve operational values from being overwritten during import. While importing, if the ‘Preserve Operational Values’ setting is specified, the operational settings in the importing domain are preserved. If ‘Preserve Operational Values’ is not specified, the values from the JAR file being imported are set in the domain.

MFL Enhancements to Support Delimiter Escape Characters

BEA Format Builder tool is enhanced in this release to support EDIFACT escape characters. (The default escape character in EDIFACT is “?”). A new option is also provided to allow you to specify the length of fixed length strings as number of characters instead of number of bytes. Information about these enhancements is documented in MFL Transformation Enhancement to Support Use of Delimiter Escape Character at the following URL:

This document supplements the Format Builder documentation at the following URL:

Deprecated Features

Deployment APIs

The following deployment APIs are deprecated in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6:

To import selected resources/projects/folders from a previously uploaded JAR file
public ImportResult importUploaded(Collection<Ref> refs, boolean includeDependencies, boolean preserveExistingEnvValues, String passphrase) throws Exception;

Deprecated in 2.6 in favor of:

ImportResult importUploaded(ALSBImportPlan importPlan)throws Exception;

Imports an already uploaded JAR file in the current session. See the ALSBConfigurationMBean Interface at the following URL:

The latter API allows more import customizations via the ALSBImportPlan. For information about the ALSBImportPlan, see

Environment Values APIs

The following environment values APIs are deprecated in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6:

To Find and Replace Environment Values

Find environment values as indicated by the query and replace all occurrences of the environment value pattern (as returned by EnvValueQuery.getSearchString()) with the given parameter.

public int replaceEnvValues(EnvValueQuery query, String replacement) throws Exception;

Deprecated in 2.6 in favor of:

customize(List <Customization> customizations) throws Exception 

in the ALSBConfigurationMBean.

Use FindAndReplaceCustomization for modifying environment values by doing string substitutions.

To Set One or More Environment Values

Set one or more environment values directly

public void assignEnvValues(Collection<QualifiedEnvValue> envValues) throws NotFoundException, UpdateException;

Deprecated in 2.6 in favor of:

customize(List <Customization> customizations) throws Exception 

in the ALSBConfigurationMBean.

Use EnvValueCustomization for environment value assignments.


Supported Configurations and System Requirements

The following sections summarize the supported configurations for AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6:

Supported Software and Hardware Configurations

For information about supported operating systems, databases, drivers, browsers, plug-ins, and other hardware and software requirements, see Supported Configurations for AquaLogic Service Bus.

For information about installing AquaLogic Service Bus, see AquaLogic Service Bus Installation Guide.


For information about AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 interoperability, including information about support for compliance with messaging standards including SOAP, HTTP, JMS, SMTP/POP/IMAP, FTP, SSL, XML, XML Schema, WSDL, WSRP, and WS-Security, see AquaLogic Service Bus Interoperability Support Matrix.

Data Transformation Tools

Two data transformation tools are installed when you install AquaLogic Service Bus and Workshop for WebLogic—the BEA XQuery Mapper plug-in for Eclipse 3.1 and Format Builder. Eclipse 3.1 and Format Builder are supported on Windows platforms only.


Known and Resolved Issues

The following sections describe known problems in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6, as well as problems that were resolved in 2.6. Entries include a description of the problem and a workaround or solution where appropriate. A notation in the Fixed In column indicates that the problem has been resolved:

Runtime Environment

Problem ID
Found In
Fixed In
You cannot use a Converter JAR with an EJB business service on UNIX platforms.
When an EJB transport-based business service uses a Converter JAR, a ClassNotFoundException occurs for the home interface.
Workaround: None.
If the dispatch policy for a poller-transport service is set to "default" or the managed server hosting the poller is unset, and a new config.jar is imported with either of these properties set, and "Preserve Environment Values" is set, these values will get overwritten.
A new SLA Alert may not fire if you change the order it appears in the list of alerts for a service in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
If you create a new SLA alert and subsequently move it relative to the other SLA alerts for a service (using the reorder feature in the table containing the alerts in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console) your new alert may not fire.
Workaround: Edit and save the new alert after you move (reorder) it in the list of alerts. The alert will then fire when the service level violation occurs.
Updates to an EJB client JAR or an EJB converter JAR are not reflected in the deployed EJB transport-based business service.
Suppose you have an EJB transport-based business service that uses an EJB Client JAR file and a Converter JAR file. If you update the implementation in one of those dependent JAR files, AquaLogic Service Bus re-validates the business service, but because the interface has not changed, no errors are raised. However, AquaLogic Service Bus will not redeploy the EJB transport-based business service, so it will continue to contain the implementation from the previous version of the JAR file. The EJB endpoint needs to be redeployed to contain the updated JAR file implementation.
Workaround: You must edit and save the business service in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console. This forces a redeploy.
AquaLogic Service Bus fails to import an MFL file if the passLiteral attribute value (in the StructFormat) is any value other than "true" or "false"
In AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5, the passLiteral field, which is defined as xs:boolean is not handled properly and the system generates an error similar to the following one while importing an MFL file containing a value for passLiteral other than “true” or “false”
An error occurred creating the resource:
An error occurred creating the MFL executor: Invalid boolean value 'y'
(Note in this example, the value of passLiteral was “y”)
If the JMS destination for a proxy service is a topic and resides on a migratable target, you may get a "duplicate client ID" error when deploying the proxy service to a cluster
Workaround: When you specify the "Durable" setting for the proxy service, you can also specify a target. The target setting is, by default, cluster. Change it to specify a single managed server. Select the managed server which has the distributed destination member pointed to by the JMS URL.
A monitoring run-time exception can occur at startup for managed servers if activation notifications reach different managed nodes at different times
The exception is similar to the following:
Failed to initialize statistics data structure after checkpoint #### due to java.lang.Exception: [WLI-Monitoring Runtime:473230]Aggregator rejected statistics reported by server <managerserver> with tick #### because the server snapshot version xxxx is not compatible with current snapshot version yyyy
Workaround: This is an intermittent error on startup and can be ignored. It does not affect alerts firing or statistics gathered. Note that when a managed server recovers, checkpointing is stalled until the activation notifications are complete.
Attributes on the SOAP envelope element may not be preserved when the message is modified in the pipeline.
Previously, insert, replace, delete and rename operations on $body or $header left attributes on the SOAP envelope unaffected (though not so for an assign to $body or $header). These attributes can include the encodingStyle attribute or other custom attributes whose loss may have a serious impact on the processing of the message. However, namespace attributes are preserved in the message.
Workaround: Do not use attributes, other than namespace declarations, on the SOAP envelope. Instead, push these attributes (such as soap:encodingStyle) down to the SOAP Body element. When attributes are on the SOAP Body or Header element, they are fully exposed in the pipeline and under the control of the transformation operations.
The following combination is not supported for Email transport- based services: IMAP + HMail server + attachments.
AquaLogic Service Bus can successfully import services from a UDDI registry even if those services were created with a newer version of AquaLogic Service Bus. For example, services created in 2.6 can be published to UDDI and subsequently imported into 2.5.
This presents no problem if the proxy service published by the later version uses no features new in the later release—that it, the service can be imported and invoked in the earlier AquaLogic Service Bus version.
However, if a proxy service published by the later version uses features new in that version, it cannot be used in the earlier version. (for example, a SOAP1.2-based business service can be imported, but it does not work.)
It is also possible that a proxy service published by a later version of AquaLogic Service Bus differs in how it is published compared to how services were published from older versions. The service may be supported after import to the earlier version; however, the imported business service may need to be fixed after import (for example, in 2.6, there were changes to how transport security was published).
Note also that AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5 can accept WSDLs with SOAP 1.2 binding. SOAP 1.2 is not supported in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5 however and therefore these WSDLs will not work in your 2.5 configuration.
When an Administration Server experiences a failure while sending a prepare message to one or more servers, the Administration Server may hang WebLogic Server.
Workaround: This is a race condition that has been fixed.
When AquaLogic Service Bus is running on JRockit JVM, the firing of pipeline alerts can cause an OutOfMemory error.
Workaround: This is caused by a memory leak that has been fixed in JRockit. You can contact BEA Support for a fix to this problem.
Due to class incompatibility issues, classes in a JAR file matching a certain pattern are invisible, and will not be available for use in a Java Callout.
Specifically, all classes whose names end with 814_WLStub and 815_WLStub will be invisible. These classes are stubs autogenerated by WebLogic Workshop versions 8.1.4 and 8.1.5.
Due to hot deployment, the correct version of an invoked service's MFL or WSDL may not be properly seen by a proxy service that invokes that service.
For example:
  1. A message that is to be processed by proxy service A will route to proxy service B.
  2. Proxy service A retrieves service information for proxy service B.
  3. Proxy service A and the MFL or WSDL for proxy service B are updated while step 2 is in progress.
  4. Proxy service A retrieves the MFL and WSDL for proxy service B and uses this to prepare the message that will be routed to proxy service B.
In step 4, the message is executing in the old version of proxy service A, but can potentially see the new versions of the MFL and WSDL of proxy service B.
Workaround: Ensure that you do not have any messages currently executing in a proxy service when you are updating the MFL and WSDL of a second proxy service that is invoked by the first.
Publishing to UDDI intermittently returns an error when you publish a service to AquaLogic Service Registry.
When you publish proxy services, you may receive an error on one or more of them with the message: CannotCreate Premature end of file encountered. However, the proxy services are correctly published, even though the error is reported.
Workaround: Use the AquaLogic Service Registry Business Service Console to confirm that the proxy services have been successfully published.
A single stand-alone JMS client cannot consume all messages on uniform distributed queues (UDQs) when the default ForwardDelay is set.
The default ForwardDelay on Uniform Distributed Queues is set as -1. Consequently a single stand-alone JMS client is unable to consume all the messages on the UDQs.
Workaround: Manually set ForwardDelay to a positive number; for example, set it to 1.
When you copy large files into an input directory in Windows, misleading errors are logged to the server log file.
In the Windows operating system, when you copy large files (for example, 100MB) into the input directory of a file transport proxy service, errors are logged in the server log file that state "File cannot be moved from location <filename> to the stage directory. Current Process may not have permission to do this operation". These errors may occur while the file is being copied. However, the file is processed successfully on the next polling cycle after the copy completes.
Do Not Use the Default System Prefix (soap-env) when Constructing a Non-System Fault in AquaLogic Service Bus
When you create a non-system fault in AquaLogic Service Bus, you cannot use the default system prefix (soap-env) for the namespace. You must declare a new namespace prefix and use it in the faultcode.
Workaround: To construct a non-system fault in AquaLogic Service Bus:
  1. Assign the SOAP body with the desired fault format to the body context variable ($body).
  2. When creating <faultcode>, you must declare a new namespace prefix for
    and use the new prefix in the faultcode. For example:
An AquaLogic Service Bus domain cannot boot and generates weblogic.transaction.loggingresource.LoggingResourceException if the domain is a new domain using the same database, schema, and LLR table as an existing domain.
When you move a domain template to a different machine and use the template to create the new domain, the new domain is not able to boot and weblogic.transaction.loggingresource.LoggingResourceException is thrown. The following details outline the scenario:
  1. Create the original domain.
  2. Start the server for the original domain. At this point, the domain is now “used”—a domain is considered used once you have started the server for a domain after you have created it.
  3. Create the domain template. You can create it in several different ways—use the Domain Template Builder tool and the Configuration Wizard, the pack/unpack command, or the Weblogic Scripting Tool in offline mode.
  4. Move the domain template to a different machine.
  5. Create a new domain using the template. Again, you can create it in several different ways—use the Domain Template Builder tool and Configuration Wizard, the pack/unpack command, or the Weblogic Scripting Tool in offline mode.
  6. Start the server for the domain. If the new domain does not have the same name as the initial domain, the new domain cannot be started. This is because the JMS Reporting Provider provided with AquaLogic Service Bus uses the Logging Last Resources (LLR) option. The new domain is attempting to use the same database, schema, and LLR table name to store LLR transaction records. LLR does not allow this to prevent different domains from corrupting each other's tables. To learn more about the LLR feature, see Configuring JDBC Data Sources in Configuring and Managing WebLogic JDBC.

Note: You can access the Domain Template Builder, Configuration Wizard, and the WebLogic Scripting Tool from the BEA ProductsArrow symbolTools menu on your machine. The tools and the pack and unpack commands are located in the BEA_HOME/weblogic9xx/common/bin directory.

CR231843 (continued)
Workaround: You must use the same domain name when you create the new domain using the same template on a different machine. Alternatively, change the name of the LLR table that the new domain uses. You can configure this on the WebLogic Server Administration Console on a per Server basis, using the JDBCLLRTableName attribute on the ServerMBean.

Note: There is no protection mechanism similar to LLRs for standard WebLogic JDBC store tables. Therefore, if you replicate a domain that has WebLogic JDBC stores configured without renaming the store tables or without using a different database user and schema for the new store's connection pool, data corruption occurs if both the old and the new domains remain active. Similarly, corruption (without warnings) may occur if same-named WebLogic file stores share the same directory.

Keep the path of proxy services short for successful deployment on Windows machines because of a system path length limitation.
This limitation applies to both JMS proxy services and business services with responses. Because the generated proxy service EAR file is created in the domain directory, you should keep the path to the domain directory short. It is not necessary to keep the name of the proxy service or business service short.
The limit for the generated EAR file is 50 characters and the null terminator is 1 character. Therefore, in a single server domain, the domain directory path (including the following slash) may not exceed 209 characters. In a cluster domain, the domain directory path plus the name of any Managed Server may not exceed 142 characters.

Note: To learn about maximum path lengths, see the following information: “Maximum Path Length” at the following URL:



Problem ID
Found In
Fixed In
Security errors can appear in the server logs when two or more clustered domains are configured to send messages via Store and Forward (SAF).
Workaround: None. You can ignore these errors.
Problem using AquaLogic Service Bus HTTP proxy services with web server WebLogic Server plug-ins when using SSL
Consider the scenario in which an HTTPS request (HTTP over SSL) comes into the web server front end; the WebLogic Server web server plug-in subsequently forwards that request to an AquaLogic Service Bus managed server containing an AquaLogic Service Bus HTTP proxy service.
The web server plug-in can be configured to forward the request over HTTP—that is, without using SSL. However, the AquaLogic Service Bus HTTP proxy service interprets the request as having come over HTTPS and rejects it. In this case, the server log shows an error of the form:
<Exception in HttpTransportServlet.service: javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot process inbound request to endpoint ProxyService Project/folder/ProxyName over https
Workaround: Configure the proxy service with the HTTPS transport. Even though the message comes over the non-SSL port from the web server, AquaLogic Service Bus recognizes that the message originally used the HTTPS protocol and accepts the message as an HTTPS message. The SSL port in the AquaLogic Service Bus domain must be enabled to do this, even though it is not used in this scenario.
AquaLogic Service Bus JMS services (proxy and business) have a “Use SSL” attribute that controls whether SSL should be used to access the JMS queues.
However, in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5 and earlier, JMS business services did not use SSL when reading the outbound responses even if “Use SSL” was specified. This has been corrected in AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6.
However, this means that when a such business service (JMS request/response business service with “Use SSL” selected) from AquaLogic Service Bus 2.1 or 2.5 is imported into 2.6, there may be a problem if the outbound response URL corresponds to a non-SSL port. Attempts to use SSL to talk to this non-SSL port will result in an error.
Workaround: The outbound response queue URL must be corrected to use the SSL port.
When you import a 2.1 or 2.5 configuration JAR that contains a request/response outbound JMS business service with “Use SSL” specified, a warning is issued in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
A security error in the server log occurs in both AquaLogic Service Bus and WebLogic Server. The error is as follows:
“Server Identity fails validation, downgrading to anonymous.”
Employ one of the following workarounds depending on your scenario:
  • When there is cross-domain transaction
  • Workaround: Establish domain trust.

  • When there is no cross-domain transaction
  • When there is no cross-domain transaction, these security exceptions can occur for WebLogic Server 9.1 and earlier releases. For 9.2 to 9.2 cross clustered domain JMS/JNDI/RMI calls, this exception is intermittent.

    Workaround: Configure the JTA SecurityInteropMode to “Performance” in the WebLogic Server Administration Console for 9.x domains, and on the command line for older versions. For more information, see “Setting Security Interoperability Mode” in Configuring Domains for Inter-Domain Transactions in Programming WebLogic JTA.

The WebLogic Server WS-Policy parser accepts policies with unknown assertions.
AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5 service validation generates warnings when a policy bound to the service has unknown policy assertions. However, this release does not check for unknown policy assertions in WSDL or WS-Policy resources.
Workaround: Check for unknown WS-policy assertions in the WSDL. Ensure that the WSDL contains only valid assertion entries. For more information see Using Web Services Policy to Specify Inbound Message Security in the Security guide.
Intermittent Web Service Security timestamp validation errors: “Message is too old" or "Message Created time in the future."
A bug in the Web Service Security runtime causes intermittent timestamp validation errors when the message age is short and Clock Precision is specified.
Workaround: If you suspect you are having this problem, contact your BEA representative and request a patch for CR251516. (The Clock Precision property was deprecated and replaced by the more intuitive Clock Skew property.) See CR251516 in the “Web Services and XML section of WebLogic Server 9.2 Known and Resolved Issues.
WLS 9.2
Web Service Security username token without password must be digitally signed.
Web Service Security username tokens can be used in various ways. The token may include a username and password or just a username. When a username token is used without a password, the Web service security runtime will only accept it if it is covered by a signature. If the token is not signed, the runtime will reject it. The configuration-time WS-Policy validator does not enforce this restriction in this release.
A problem in the client-side Web Service Security runtime causes X.509 token authentication to fail in certain cases.
Make sure to include a dummy username token CredentialProvider (see source code that follows) along with a ClientBSTCredentialProvider in the list of credential providers passed to the JAX-RPC client. The credential provider list is passed to the client as the value of the property named
For more information, see “Updating a Client Application to Invoke a Message-Secured Web Service” under “Configuring Message-Level Security (Digital Signatures and Encryption)” in Configuring Security in Programming Web Services for WebLogic Server.

import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.WSSConstants;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider.CredentialProvider;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider.Purpose;

public class DummyUNTCredentialProvider implements CredentialProvider {

    public DummyUNTCredentialProvider() {

    public String[] getValueTypes() {
        return WSSConstants.UNT_VALUETYPES;

    public Object getCredential(String tokenType,
                                String issuerName,
                                ContextHandler ctxHandler,
                                Purpose p) {
        return null;


Before deleting, moving, renaming, cloning or deleting a proxy service (or deleting, renaming, or moving a project or folder (which, in effect, changes the URL for proxy services in the projects or folders)), delete all associated Transport-level (HTTP and HTTPS) and Service-level access control security policies.
Failure to delete these policies will leave the policies in the authorization-provider database and potentially cause unexpected results and potential security vulnerabilities, such as leaving unprotected a service which was previously protected. Note: that when you clone a service, access control policies are not cloned.


Problem ID
Found In
Fixed In
When creating a C# client stub from a proxy service WSDL that has more than one WSDL binding, the .NET wsdl.exe tool may generate a C# client stub with the wrong WSDL binding.
Workaround: If you cannot specify the service binding for which to generate the C# stub, we recommend that you comment out any unused bindings in your proxy service WSDL before generating the client stub.
You may get a NullPointerException for an iWay Service Adapter when attempting to generate a schema in the iWay Business Services Engine (iBSE) console
Workaround: None. The schema is generated successfully and you can use it in your system.The NullPointerException is the result of the failure of the subsequent parsing of the generated schema.
For a TUXEDO transport based service, if the service type is XML, a FML32 buffer with FLD_MBSTRING field from a tuxedo client will not be transformed to XML.
Using the Linux SYBASE jRockit Non-XA driver with LLR enabled can result in a deadlock situation and throws a SQLException on the Sybase database.
Workaround: Use the Linux SYBASE jRockit XA driver.
You cannot move an AquaLogic Service Bus configuration JAR file with encrypted resources exported with the Sun or JRockit JDK to the IBM AIX JDK and vice-versa.
There are differences in the various JDK implementations of the Password-Based Encryption algorithms used by AquaLogic Service Bus to protect resources with sensitive data. These differences cause import to fail when an encrypted resource created with the Sun or JRockit JDK is imported into the IBM JDK or vice versa.
For information about the encryption algorithms, see
There is no problem in exporting and importing encrypted resources with the same JDK.
Workaround: Export the resources without a pass-phrase by deselecting the Protect Sensitive Data flag when going across different JDKs. WARNING: This resources file may contain passwords that are in the clear text.
Using HTTP tunneling from an AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5 domain to access an EJB in a WebLogic Server 8.1 domain can result in exceptions.
Workaround: For HTTP tunneling between WebLogic Server 9.2 and WebLogic Server 8.1 to work, you must set the t3-server-abbrev-table-size element to 255 in the config.xml file in the AquaLogic Service Bus domain (the 9.2 domain)
For more troubleshooting information about EJB transports, see EJB Transport in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.
Update for 2.6: This issue is fixed for AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 interoperability with WLS 8.1SP6. For 2.6 with WLS 8.1SP5 or earlier, the workaround is still required.
Fixed for 2.6 with WLS 8.1SP6
The iWay55 installer does not work with AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5.
To deploy and access the iWay installer:
1.Copy the contents of the weblogic91/common/bin/commEnv.cmd file that the iWay55 installer creates and add it to the end of the weblogic92/common/bin/commEnv.cmd file.
2. Save the file and restart the server.

AquaLogic Service Bus Console

Problem ID
Found In
Fixed In
Incorrect target cluster name for a clustered AquaLogic Service Bus domain is displayed on the console after you import a configuration JAR file from a different clustered domain.
Workaround: None. Please ignore the cluster name in the console. You cannot edit this incorrect target cluster name.
The AquaLogic Service Bus Console incorrectly includes non-public classes and their methods when listing Java methods that can be called from a JavaCallout Action.
Selecting a Java method of a non-public class results in a java.lang.IllegalAccessException.
Workaround: You can find out what the access modifiers on a class are by using the javap utility. For example:
javap -classpath {jarfile} {fully_qualified_classname}
Server names are not displayed in status messages on the "Service Monitoring Details" page in the Dashboard.
If the aggregator does not receive statistics from the server in a single domain, or from all of the servers in a cluster domain, the status message displayed on the Service Monitoring Details page does not display the server name or names.
Workaround: You can get the missing server name or names from the Service Monitoring Summary page.
A Reset Statistics operation for a service is not performed on the Managed Server that is down. Statistics are only reset on running servers.
A Reset Statistics (or reset all statistics) operation that is requested through the AquaLogic Service Bus Console or ServiceDomainMBean while one or more managed servers in a cluster is down only performs the reset operation on the running managed servers. The statistics on Managed Servers that were down when the reset operation was requested will not be reset when the servers are restarted. If you see unexpected or inconsistent results after servers are restarted, you can perform the reset operation manually.
Workaround: Ensure that all the Managed Servers in a cluster are up and running before requesting a reset operation.
If you name a new resource in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console using a badly formed path, the console may hang.
The problem happens only for the IE browser on WinXP-SP2 or Win03-SP1.
Workaround: You cannot cancel the pop-up progress meter window. You must close the browser instance running the AquaLogic Service Bus Console and open a new one, then enter a valid file path for the new resource.
404-Not Found message appears if the English version is used in a Japanese, Korean, or Simplified Chinese browser.
If the English version of AquaLogic Service Bus is installed for use within a browser whose language is set to Japanese, Korean, or Simplified Chinese, a 404 message appears when a user clicks the More Info button within the console.
Workaround: Install a localized version or set the browser’s language to English ('en').
Alert rules are replaced with newly imported rules.
Importing an alert rule with the same ID as an existing alert rule that is associated with a different service results in inconsistent alert rule behavior.
Workaround: You should not import configurations that have alert rules with the same alert rule ID but associated with different services.
The default browser options for Windows 2003 Server cause a browser JavaScript Error when you click a link in the left navigation pane of the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
The default Internet OptionsArrow symbolSecurity Settings for Windows 2003 Server are set to High, which disables active scripting. This causes a browser error when you click a link in the left navigation pane of the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
Workaround: Modify the Internet OptionsArrow symbolSecurity Settings to Active Script: Enable. Because AquaLogic Service Bus uses JavaScript in the Console pages, make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
There is no visual indication that an Alert rule set to fire “Once Until Condition Clears” is occurring if the condition is still true after a long period of time.
When you configure an Alert rule to fire Once until Condition Clears, an alert is fired the first time the condition is true and does not fire again until the condition is reset and evaluates to true again. The timestamp for the alert (the date and time that the alert occurred) remains the same. Therefore, in cases where the condition remains true for several hours or maybe days, the single alert generated for the condition moves down the Alert Summary list on the Dashboard, leaving no visible indication that the alert is still occurring.
Only WebLogic Server Administrators can define access control policies.
Only users in the WebLogic Server built-in Administrator role are allowed to manage access control policies on AquaLogic Service Bus resources; that is, transport-level HTTP or HTTPS proxy service access control policies and proxy service policies. To configure these policies, users must log in to the AquaLogic Service Bus Console as the WebLogic Server Administrator and select Access Controls in the Security Configuration module.
A "Graphics Library Disabled" image is displayed instead of charts in the Monitoring module if the Graphics Library cannot be initialized.
A "Graphics Library Disabled" image is displayed instead of pie and bar charts in the Monitoring module if the Graphics Library cannot be initialized in a Linux environment. Links on the Server Summary, Server Detail, Alert Summary, and Alert Detail pages are also removed. The problem may be that the graphics library support (X11) toolkit is not installed on your machine.
Workaround: Linux requires the X11 modules installed as a precursor to the installation of AquaLogic Service Bus. Isolate the libraries required for installing the X11 toolkit or the native graphics library for Linux. You can fix this problem by setting the proper “DISPLAY” environment variable.

BEA XQuery Mapper

Problem ID
Found In
Fixed In
The namespace prefix is not generated when the target is non-XML.
When the target is non-XML, the target namespace prefix is not generated properly in the XQuery source. This problem causes an error when XQuery is executed in Test view.
Workaround: In Source view, specify the target type in element() of the main XQuery function and add the namespace prefix for each of the target elements.
It is not possible to validate the date format for non-XML result data during execution.
In Test view, the date format is not being validated if the result is non-XML. This is specific to XML to non-XML transformation.
It is not possible to create a copy link while doing non-XML to XML and XML to non-XML data transfer.
The copy link is not created even when the data structures at both source and target types are similar.
Workaround: Create a link between parent-parent element. Right-click on this link and select the Induce Map option.
XQuery Mapper exits abruptly while a new XQuery transformation is being created with a large schema.
You cannot open an XQuery file in XQuery Mapper when the file contains many inputs and is used in conjunction with a large schema.
Workaround: Limit the number of inputs in the schema.
Code is not displayed after the View Code option is selected from the Copy Link right-click menu.
When you right-click on a copy link and select the View Code option, the associated code is not displayed in Source view.
Workaround: Select the Source tab to manually switch to the Source view.
The Convert Data Link to Structural Link option is missing from the Copy Link right-click menu.
When you right-click on a copy link, the Convert Data Link to Structural Link option is missing in the right-click menu options.
Workaround: Delete the copy link and create a link between one of the child-child elements. Then, create a link between a parent-parent element, which will be a structural link, and then delete the child-child link.
Changing a Join condition from OR to AND works intermittently.
In Eclipse, if you click on a target node item and right-click on any OR, then select Change Join condition to And from the pop-up menu, nothing happens.

Note: This problem does not always occur. It is an occasional bug.

Problems occur large XQuery files are opened in Test view.
The XQuery Mapper may hang, displaying the following message when attempting to open large XQuery files in the Test view: “Initializing... Please wait.”
Workaround: Close the XQuery file and reopen it. Do not switch views while the file is being opened.
See CR250692.
Selecting Generate Data in Test view generates data for all the choices.
A choice element accepts only one data choice among the many choices at a given time. In the Test view, when you select Generate Data, data is generated for all the cases of a choice element. So a validation error occurs when data is generated for the choice element.
Workaround: Delete all elements except the one for which you wish to generate data.
The If-Then-Else expression is not displayed when a target node is selected.
When there is a If-Then-Else expression for a target node, that expression is not displayed when you click on the target node. However, this problem only occurs the first time the XQuery file is open and the node is selected.
Workaround: Click on any target node, then click on the required target node.
Result data is incorrect when join links exist between non-XML files.
The resultant data for a non-XML element is not correct when there is a join link. When the join link is removed, the resultant data is generated properly.
MFL data testing unnecessarily mandates the availability of unused XML files.
When the transformation file involves both XML and non-XML schema as inputs—even if the XML schemas are not mapped for output—testing of such transformation requires both the XML and MFL (non-XML types) source data to be available in order to perform testing. However, this is not the case with XML-only transformations.
Design view cannot recover a namespace change.
If an XQuery file is kept open while the schema files (used in the XQuery file) are modified with namespace changes, the Design view is not able to recover if the user switches to this view.
Workaround: Close the XQuery file and reopen the XQuery file after refreshing the project.
For a recursive element, in Test view, source data is not properly generated.
The generated data for a recursive element is empty. Therefore, when you use such a generated recursive element, the resultant data is empty in the Test View on Run too.
Workaround: Correct the generated data and then run the Query.
Undoing a delete operation of a disabled node link does not bring it back.
Workaround: Press CTRL Z a few times to undo the delete.
Pasting expressions in the expression boxes in Constraint view causes an error.
When expressions are pasted in the left-hand or right-hand expression box in the Constraints view, a compilation error occurs.
Workaround: Instead of pasting, type expressions in the left-hand or right-hand expression box.


Problem ID
Found In
Fixed In
The Listing and Locating Access Control Policies topic provided in the online help that you launch from the AquaLogic Service Bus Console does not mention that you can create a message-level access control policy for proxy services that have message-level custom authentication.

Note: The AquaLogic Service Bus Console Online Help is also provided on the BEA edocs Web site. Please see the edocs version for the most up-to-date information. It includes the fix for this issue:


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