Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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MQ Connections

Note: MQ Connection resources and MQ transports require the version 6 WebSphere MQ client library which is not bundled with the ALSB installer. You can obtain the WebSphere MQ 6.0 client library from the IBM Web site at
Note: To use MQ Connection resources and the native MQ transport in ALSB, you must add the MQ client library to the classpath. One option is to copy it to your DOMAIN_NAME/lib directory, where DOMAIN_NAME is the name of the directory in which you located the domain, typically BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\DOMAIN_NAME.

MQ connections are sharable resources that can be reused across multiple MQ proxy and business services. MQ proxy and business services must first connect to a MQ queue manager before accessing an MQ queue. MQ Connection resources provide the connection parameters required for connecting to a MQ queue manager.

Each MQ Connection resource has a connection pool. Every business or proxy service using a given MQ Connection resource to get a connection to a given queue manager uses the same connection pool that was created for that resource. Thus, multiple business services and proxy services using the same queue manager share a connection pool.

To learn more about ALSB MQ Connection resources and native MQ transports, see the Native MQ Transport User Guide.

To learn more about WebSphere MQ Fundamentals, see

Locating MQ Connections

To locate MQ Connection Resources
  1. Do either of the following:
    • Select Project Explorer to display the Projects View page or the Project/Folder View page. Then navigate through projects and folders to find the MQ Connection resource.
    • Select Resource Browser > MQ Connections. The Summary of MQ Connections page displays the information shown in Table 9-1. For a more detailed description of the properties, see Editing MQ Connections.
  2. To restrict the number of items in the list, you can filter by name, path, or both. In the Name and Path fields, enter the name and path of the search target(s), then click Search.
  3. Click View All to remove the search filters and display all MQ Connection resources.
  4. Table 9-1 MQ Connection Details 
    MQ Connection Name
    The name assigned to the MQ Connection resource. The name is a link to the MQ Connection Configuration page. See Editing MQ Connections.
    The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the MQ Connection resource resides. It is a link to the project or folder that contains this resource. See Resources.
    Click the Delete icon to delete a specific MQ Connection resource. See Deleting MQ Connections.

Adding MQ Connections

Before you begin

MQ Connection resources and MQ transports require the version 6 WebSphere MQ client library, which is not bundled with the ALSB installer. You can obtain the WebSphere MQ 6.0 client library from the IBM Web site at

To use MQ Connection resources and the native MQ transport in ALSB, you must add the MQ client library to the classpath. One option is to copy it to your DOMAIN_NAME/lib directory, where DOMAIN_NAME is the name of the directory in which you located the domain, typically BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\DOMAIN_NAME.

To add a MQ Connection resource
  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Using the Change Center.
  2. Select Project Explorer, then select a project or folder in which to add the MQ Connection resource. The Project/Folder View page is displayed.
  3. From the Create Resource drop-down list, select MQ Connection from under Utility to display the Create a New MQ Connection Resource page.
  4. Specify the connection parameters shown in Table 9-2. Asterisks denote required fields.

    Table 9-2 MQ Connection Parameters 
    To create or edit...
    Resource Name
    Enter a unique name for this MQ Connection resource.
    Resource Description
    Enter a description for the MQ Connection resource.
    Connection Type
    Select one of the following modes for connecting to the MQ queue manager:
    • tcp mode—Use TCP/IP to connect to a queue manager that does not reside on the same machine as ALSB.
    • binding mode—Use the bindings mode to connect to a queue manager that is located on the same machine as ALSB.
    MQ Host Name
    For tcp mode connections only:
    Enter the host name of the MQ queue manager.
    MQ Port Number
    For tcp mode connections only:
    Enter the port number of the MQ queue manager listener.
    MQ Queue Manager Name
    Enter the name of the MQ queue manager to which to connect.
    Queue Manager CCSID
    For tcp mode connections only:
    The coded character set identifier (CCSID) to be used when establishing a connection. The CCSID is used mainly for internationalization support.
    MQ Queue Manager Channel Name
    For tcp mode connections only:
    Enter the queue manager server connection channel name.
    SSL Required
    For tcp mode connections:
    Select the check box to use SSL for sending messages. Only server-side SSL will be enabled when the 2-way SSL Required option is not selected.
    Cipher Suite
    This option is available only when the SSL Required check box is selected.
    Select the Cipher Suite algorithm to be used by SSL. The Cipher Suite algorithm is used to encrypt and decrypt message communications between the WebSphere MQ server and the WebSphere MQ client. Thus a Cipher Suite algorithm must be specified when using SSL to communicate with a WebSphere MQ server.
    2-way SSL Required
    This option is available only when the SSL Required check box is selected.
    Select the check box to enable both client-side and server-side SSL authentication.
    Reference to the Service Provider
    If you selected 2-way SSL Required, you must provide a reference to the proxy service provider for obtaining the appropriate key store and trust store information.
    Enter the path (project/folder) and name of a proxy service provider, or click Browse to select one from a browser.
    Reference to the Static Service Account
    For tcp mode connections only:
    Required for user name and password authentication. Enter the path (project/folder) and name of a static service account, or click Browse to select service accounts from a browser.
    WebSphere MQ Version
    Select the WebSphere MQ version:
    Connection Pool Size
    Enter the size of the MQ connection pool.
    Connection Timeout
    Enter the time interval in seconds after which unused connections are destroyed.

  5. Click Save. The MQ Connection resource is created and saved in the current session.
  6. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

Editing MQ Connections

To Edit MQ Connections
  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Using the Change Center.
  2. Locate the MQ Connection resource, as described in Locating MQ Connections.
  3. Click the MQ Connection resource name.
  4. The View MQ Connection - Configuration page displays the information shown in Table 9-3.

    Table 9-3 MQ Connection Details 
    Last Modified By
    The user who created this MQ Connection resource or imported it into the configuration.
    Last Modified On
    The date and time that the user created this MQ Connection resource or imported it into the configuration.
    The number of objects that this MQ Connection resource references. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the objects. See Viewing References.
    Referenced by
    The number of objects that reference this MQ Connection resource. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the objects. See Viewing References.
    A description of this MQ Connection resource, if one exists.

  5. To make a change to the fields, click Edit. For descriptions of the fields, see Adding MQ Connections.
  6. You cannot change the Resource Name field.

  7. Click Save to commit the updates in the current session.
  8. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

Deleting MQ Connections

To Delete MQ Connections
  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Using the Change Center.
  2. Select Resource Browser > MQ Connections to display the Summary of MQ Connections page.
  3. Click the Delete icon in the Options field of the MQ Connection resource you want to delete. The MQ Connection resource is deleted in the current session. A Delete icon with a red X is displayed when the resource cannot be deleted, which occurs when other resources reference this resource.
  4. To end the session and deploy the configuration to the run time, click Activate under Change Center.

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