Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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What is BEA AquaLogic Service Bus?

Overview of the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Console

Starting AquaLogic Service Bus Console

To Start BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Console

To Log Out of the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

Using the Change Center

Overview of the Change Center

Using the Change Center

To Use the Change Center

About Exiting a Session

Activating a Session

To Activate a Session

Viewing Configuration Changes

To View Configuration Changes in a Session

To View Configuration Changes Caused by Session Activations

To Purge Session Activation History

Undoing a Task

To Undo a Task in a Session

To Undo a Session That Was Activated Earlier

Order of Undoing Tasks

Undoing Into a Session

Viewing Task Details

To View Task Details

Viewing All Sessions

To View All Sessions

Viewing and Resolving Conflicts

JMS Endpoint URIs Must be Available To Activate a Session

Project Explorer

Overview of the Project Explorer

Projects and Folders

Uses of Projects and Folders


Listing Projects

Adding a Project

To Add a Project

Viewing Project Details

To View Project Details

Renaming a Project

To Rename a Project

Moving a Project

To Move a Project

Cloning a Project

To Clone a Project at the Root Level

To Clone a Project and Demote The Clone to a Folder

Deleting a Project

To Delete a Project

Adding a Folder

To Add a Folder

Viewing Folder Details

To View Folder Details

Renaming a Folder

To Rename a Folder

Moving or Upgrading a Folder

To Move or Upgrade a Folder

Cloning a Folder

To Clone a Folder

Deleting a Folder

To Delete a Folder

Creating a Resource

To Create a Resource for a Specific Project

Importing Resources in Bulk

Loading Resources from a Zip File

To Load Resources from a Zip File

Loading Resources from a URL

To Load Resources from a URL

Reviewing Loaded Resources

To Review Loaded Resources

Viewing Import Results

To View Import Results

Viewing References

To View References

Renaming a Resource

To Rename a Resource

Moving a Resource

To Move a Resource

Cloning a Resource

To Clone a Resource

Exporting a WSDL

To Export a WSDL

Viewing Resource Details

Deleting a Resource

To Delete a Resource

Resource Browser

Overview of Resource Browser

XML Schemas

Overview of XML Schemas

Listing and Locating XML Schemas

To List and Locate XML Schemas

Adding an XML Schema

To Add an XML Schema

Viewing and Changing XML Schema Details

To View and Change XML Schema Details

Deleting an XML Schema

To Delete an XML Schema

Viewing Unresolved XML Schema References

To List and Locate References

Resolving Unresolved XML Schema References

To Resolve a Reference

Alert Destinations

Overview of Alert Destinations

Listing and Locating Alert Destinations

To List and Locate Alert Destinations

Adding an Alert Destination

To Add a New Alert Destination

Adding an E-Mail Recipient

To Add an E-mail Recipient

Adding a JMS Destination

To Add a JMS Destination

Viewing and Changing Details of Alert Destinations

To View and Change Alert Destination Details

Deleting an Alert Destination

To Delete an Alert Destination


Overview of WSDLs

Listing and Locating WSDLs

To List and Locate WSDLs

Adding a WSDL

To Add a New WSDL

Viewing and Changing WSDL Details

To View and Change WSDL Details

Deleting a WSDL

To Delete a WSDL

Viewing Unresolved WSDL References

To List and Locate References

Resolving Unresolved WSDL References

To Resolve an Unresolved WSDL or XML Schema Reference

To Resolve an Unresolved WS-Policy Reference


Overview of JARs

Listing and Locating JARs

To List and Locate JARs

Adding a JAR

To Add a New JAR

Viewing and Changing a JAR

To View and Change JARs

Editing JAR Dependencies

To Add or Remove Referenced JARs

Deleting a JAR

To Delete a JAR

MQ Connections

Locating MQ Connections

To locate MQ Connection Resources

Adding MQ Connections

Before you begin

To add a MQ Connection resource

Editing MQ Connections

To Edit MQ Connections

Deleting MQ Connections

To Delete MQ Connections

XQuery Transformations

Overview of XQuery Transformations

Listing and Locating XQuery Transformations

To List and Locate XQuery Transformations

Adding an XQuery Transformation

To Add a New XQuery Transformation

Viewing and Changing XQuery Transformation Details

To View and Change XQuery Transformation Details

Deleting an XQuery Transformation

To Delete an XQuery Transformation

Custom WS-Policies

Overview of WS-Policies

AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policies

Custom WS-Policies

Listing and Locating Custom WS-Policies

To List and Locate Custom WS-Policies

Adding a Custom WS-Policy

To Add a Custom WS-Policy

Viewing and Changing Custom WS-Policies

To View and Change Custom WS-Policy Details

Deleting a Custom WS-Policy

To Delete a WS-Policy

XSL Transformations

Overview of XSL Transformations (XSLTs)

Listing and Locating XSL Transformations

To List and Locate XSL Transformations

Adding an XSL Transformation

To Add a New XSL Transformation

Viewing and Changing Details of an XSL Transformation

To View and Change an XSL Transformation

Deleting an XSL Transformation

To Delete an XSL Transformation

Viewing Unresolved XSL Transformation References

To List and Locate References

Resolving Unresolved XSL Transformation References

To Resolve a Reference


Overview of MFLs

Listing and Locating MFLs

To List and Locate MFLs

Adding an MFL

To Add a New MFL File

Viewing and Changing Details of an MFL

To View and Change MFL Details

Deleting an MFL

To Delete an MFL

Service Accounts

Overview of Service Accounts

Service Account Data and Sessions

Listing and Locating Service Accounts

To List and Locate Service Accounts

Adding a Service Account

To Add a Service Account

Viewing and Changing Service Account Details

To View and Change Service Account Details

Deleting a Service Account

To Delete a Service Account

Proxy Service Providers

Overview of Proxy Service Providers

Listing and Locating Proxy Service Providers

To List and Locate Proxy Service Providers

Adding a Proxy Service Provider

To Add a Proxy Service Provider

Viewing and Changing Proxy Service Provider Details

To View and Change Proxy Service Provider Details

Deleting a Proxy Service Provider

To Delete a Proxy Service Provider

Business Services

Overview of Business Services

Service Types

Adding a Business Service

To Add a Business - Service - General Configuration

To Add a Business Service - Message Type Configuration

To Add a Business Service - Transport Configuration

To Add a Business Service - Protocol-Dependent Transport Configuration

To Add a Business Service - General Configuration Review

Listing and Locating Business Services

To List and Locate Business Services

Viewing and Changing Business Services

To View and Change Business Service Details

Deleting Business Services

To Delete a Business Service

Proxy Services

Overview of Proxy Services

Service Types

Proxy Service Types and Transports

Security-Related Validation

Adding a Proxy Service

To Add a Proxy Service - General Configuration

To Add a Proxy Service - Messaging Type Configuration

To Add a Proxy Service - Transport Configuration

To Add a Proxy Service - Protocol-Dependent Transport Configuration

To Add a Proxy Service - Message Level Security Configuration

To Add a Proxy Service - Operation Selection Configuration

To Add a Proxy Service - General Configuration Review

Generating WSDLs from a Proxy Service

Listing and Locating Proxy Services

To List and Locate Proxy Services

Viewing and Changing Proxy Services

To View and Edit Details of a Proxy Service

Deleting Proxy Services

To Delete a Proxy Service

Proxy Services: Message Flow

Overview of Message Flow

Message Flow Elements

Message Execution

Building a Message Flow Tree

Operational Branching

Viewing and Changing Message Flow

To View and Change the Message Flow

Adding a Pipeline Pair Node

To Add a Pipeline Pair Node

Adding a Conditional Branch

To Add a Conditional Branch

Adding an Operational Branch

To Add an Operational Branch

Adding a Stage

To Add a Stage

Adding a Route Node

To Add a Route Node

Adding Route Node Actions

To Add a Route Node Action

Viewing and Changing Conditional Branch Details

To View and Change Conditional Branch Details

Viewing and Changing Operational Branch Details

To View and Change Operational Branch Details

Viewing and Changing Stage Configuration Details

To View and Change Stage Configuration Details

Proxy Services: Actions

Adding an Action

To Add an Action

Overview of Publish Actions


To Configure a Publish Action

Publish Table

To Configure a Publish Table Action

Dynamic Publish

To Configure a Dynamic Publish Action

Routing Options

To Configure a Routing Options Action

Service Callout

To Configure a Service Callout Action

Transport Headers

To Configure a Transport Headers Action

For Each

To Configure a For Each Action

Scope of Variables in the For Each Action

Nested For Each Actions

If... Then...

To Configure an If... Then... Action

Raise Error

To Configure a Raise Error Action


To Configure a Reply Action


To Configure a Resume Action



To Configure an Assign Action


To Configure a Delete Action


To Configure an Insert Action

Java Callout

To Configure a Java Callout Action

MFL Transform

To Configure an MFL Transform Action


To Configure a Rename Action


To Configure a Replace Action


To Configure a Validate Action


To Configure an Alert Action


To Configure a Log Action


To Configure a Report Action

Proxy Services: XQuery Editors

Using the Inline XQuery Expression Editor

Inline XQueries

Uses of the Inline XQuery Expression Editor

Accessing the Inline XQuery Expression Editor

To Access the Inline XQuery Expression Editor

Using the XQuery Condition Editor

To Access the XQuery Condition Editor

Using the XPath Expression Editor

To Access the XPath Expression Editor

Defining a User Namespace

To Define a User Namespace

Creating a Variable Structure

To Create a Variable Structure

Using Predefined Variables in the Inline Editors

To Use a Predefined Message Context Variable

Building an XQuery Expression Manually

To Build an XQuery Expression Manually

Building an XPath Expression Manually

To Build an XPath Expression Manually

Selecting an XQuery Resource for Execution

To Select an XQuery Resource for Execution

Selecting an XSLT Resource for Execution

To Select an XSLT Resource for Execution

Building an XQuery Condition Using the Text Option

To Build an XQuery Condition Using the Text Option

Entering a Comparison Expression Using the Builder Option

To Enter a Comparison Expression Using the Builder Option

Entering a Unary Expression Using the Builder Option

To Enter a Unary Expression Using the Builder Option

Proxy Services: Error Handlers

Error Messages and Handling

Error Handlers

Nested Error Handlers

Empty Error Handlers

Error Handler Actions

Error Handler Configuration

Adding Error Handling for the Proxy Service

To Add Error Handling for a Proxy Service

Adding Pipeline Error Handling

To Add Error Handling for a Pipeline

Adding Stage Error Handling

To Add Error Handling for a Stage

Adding Error Handling for the Route Node

To Add Error Handling for a Route Node

Viewing and Changing an Error Handler

To View and Change an Error Handler

Deleting an Error Handler

To Delete an Error Handler

Security Configuration

Overview of Security Configuration



Administrative Security Groups


Administrative Security Roles

Access Control Policies

Security Configuration Data and Sessions

Adding a User

To Add a User

Listing and Locating Users

To List and Locate Users

Viewing and Changing User Details

To View and Change User Details

Deleting a User

To Delete a User

Adding a Group

To Add a Group

Listing and Locating Groups

To List and Locate Groups

Viewing and Changing Group Details

To View and Change Group Details

Deleting a Group

To Delete a Group

Adding a Role

To Add a New Role

Listing and Locating Roles

To List and Locate Roles

Viewing and Changing Role Details

To View and Change Role Details

Deleting a Role

To Delete a Role

Listing and Locating Access Control Policies

To List and Locate Access Control Policies

Editing Transport-Level Access Policies

To Edit a Transport-Level Access Control Policy

Editing Message-Level Access Policies

To Edit a Message-Level Access Control Policy

Adding Policy Conditions


Overview of Monitoring

SLA Alerts

Pipeline Alerts

Viewing the Dashboard Statistics

Customizing Table Views

To Customize Table Views

Changing the Dashboard Settings

To Set the Dashboard Refresh Rate

To Set the Alert History Duration

Listing and Locating Service Metrics

To List and Locate Services that have Monitoring Enabled

Resetting Statistics for Services

To Reset Statistics for Services

Configuring Operational Settings for Specific Services

To Configure Operational Settings for a Specific Service

Setting the Aggregation Interval for a Service

To Set the Aggregation Interval for a Service

Viewing Service Monitoring Details

To View Monitoring Details of a Service

Listing and Locating Servers

To List and Locate Servers

Viewing Server Details

Viewing Domain Log Files

To View Domain Log File Entries

Customizing Your View of Domain Log File Entries

To Customize Your View of Domain Log File Entries

Viewing Details of Domain Log Files

To View Details of a Domain Log Entry

Listing and Locating Alerts

To List and Locate Alerts

Viewing Alert Details

Creating an Alert Rule

To Configure General Information for an Alert Rule

To Define Alert Rule Conditions

To Review Configuration

Listing and Locating Alert Rules

To List and Locate Alert Rules

Viewing and Changing Alert Rule Details

To View and Change Alert Rule Details

Deleting an Alert Rule

To Delete an Alert Rule


Overview of Configuration

Finding and Updating Operational Settings

To Find All Services (Proxy and Business Services)

To Find Proxy Services

To Find Business Services

To Find Alert Destinations

To Find SLA Alert Rules

Enabling Global Settings

To Enable Global Monitoring of Services

To Disable Global Monitoring of Services

To Enable SLA Alerts Globally

To Disable SLA Alerts Globally

To Enable Pipeline Alerts Globally

To Disable Pipeline Alerts Globally

To Enable Message Reporting Globally

To Disable Message Reporting Globally

To Enable Logging Globally

To Disable Logging Globally

Displaying Run Time Tracing Status For Proxy Services

To Display Run Time Tracing Status For a Proxy Service

Enabling Run Time Tracing Status For Proxy Services

To Enable Run Time Tracing For a Proxy Service


Overview of Reporting

Listing and Locating Messages

To List and Locate Messages

Viewing Message Details

To View Details of a Message

Purging Messages

To Purge Messages From the Reporting Datastore

System Administration

Overview of System Administration

Importing Resources

Importing Service Accounts or Proxy Service Providers

Importing Operational Values

To Import Resources

Exporting Resources

To Export Resources

Configuring a UDDI Registry

UDDI Registry Configuration Settings

Searching for a UDDI Registry

To Search for a UDDI Registry

Adding a UDDI Registry

To Add a UDDI Registry

Making Configuration Changes to an Existing UDDI Registry

To Edit the UDDI Registry Details

Setting Up a Default UDDI Registry

To Set up a Default Registry

Importing a Business Service From a UDDI Registry

To Import a Business Service

Using Auto-Import Status

To Perform Auto-Import

Detach a Service by Editing its Configuration

Detach a Service From the Auto-Import Status Page

Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry

To Publish a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry:

Using Auto-Publish

To Configure a Service to Auto-Publish to a Registry

Overview of JNDI Providers

Listing and Locating JNDI Providers

To List and Locate JNDI Providers

Adding a JNDI Provider

To Add a New JNDI Provider

Viewing and Changing JNDI Provider Details

To View and Change the Details of a JNDI Provider

Deleting a JNDI Provider

To Delete a JNDI Provider

Overview of SMTP Servers

Listing and Locating SMTP Servers

To List and Locate SMTP Servers

Adding an SMTP Server

To Add a New SMTP Server

Configuring a Default SMTP Server

To Set a Default SMTP Server For a Domain

Viewing and Changing SMTP Server Details

To View and Change the Details of an SMTP Server

Deleting an SMTP Server

To Delete an SMTP Server

Finding and Replacing Environment Values

To Find and Replace Environment Values

Creating Customization Files

To Create Customization Files

Executing Customization Files

To Execute Customization Files

Test Console

Overview of the Test Console

Testing Services

Testing Proxy Services

To Test a Proxy Service

Configuring Proxy Service Test Data

Viewing Proxy Service Test Results

Tracing Proxy Services

To Trace a Message

Testing Business Services

To Test a Business Service

Configuring Business Service Test Data

Viewing Business Service Test Results

Testing Transformations


Configuring the MFL Resource

To Test an MFL


Configuring the XSLT Resource

To Test an XSLT


Configuring the XQuery Resource

To Test an XQuery

Performing Inline XQuery Testing

Using the XQuery Expression/Condition Editors

Configuring the Inline XQuery

To Test an inline XQuery

Using the XPath Expression Editor

Configuring the Inline XPath

To Test an XPath

Understanding How the Run Time Uses the Transport Settings in the Test Console

Error Codes

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