Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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System Administration

This section includes the following topics:

Overview of System Administration

The following table lists the pages you can access from the System Administration module. It also lists the tasks and help topics associated with each page.

Table 26-1 System Administration Pages, Tasks, and Help Topics 
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
Import Resources
Import resources
Export Resources
Export resources
UDDI Default Configuration
Configure a UDDI Registry
Import UDDI
Import a business service
Auto-Import Status
Automatically import services from a registry
Publish to UDDI
Publish a proxy service
Auto-Publish Status
Automatically publish services to a registry
Summary of JNDI Providers
View a list of JNDI Providers
Filter the list of JNDI Providers
Delete a JNDI Provider
JNDI Provider Configuration
View details of a JNDI Provider
Edit details of a JNDI Provider
Summary of SMTP Servers
View a list of SMTP Servers
Delete a SMTP Server
SMTP Server Configuration
View details of an SMTP Server
Edit details of an SMTP Server
Find and replace environment values
Create customization files
Execute customization files

Importing Resources

The Import Resources page allows you to import a full project JAR file or a resource JAR file that has previously been exported from another AquaLogic Service Bus domain. You first open the JAR file, and if desired, select the resources to import. You can choose to import only a subset of the exported data. If the resource already exists in the importing system, it will be updated. Otherwise, it will be created. Resources are only scheduled for deletion when the JAR being imported is a full project JAR and there are resources located in the same project in the importing system that are not present in the imported JAR file. It will not delete resources which are in other projects.

Note: You can import resources at the resource level even though they were exported at the project level. For example, even if System resources were exported in a full project JAR file, you can deselect them when importing.
Note: You cannot export users, groups, roles, certificates, or access control policies when you export a configuration, as these objects are created through the WebLogic Server. Therefore, you must create these objects again when you import an exported configuration.

Importing Service Accounts or Proxy Service Providers

If the JAR file was created by AquaLogic Service Bus 2.5 or later and contains service accounts or proxy service providers, you can import these resources along with the user names, passwords, local-user to remote-user mappings, and alias to key-pair bindings that they contain. For each proxy service provider, AquaLogic Service Bus imports the alias to key-pair binding into the PKI credential mapping provider. If this data was encrypted during export, you must supply the password that was used to encrypt the data. If you do not know the password, you can import all other non-encrypted resources.

If you import a service account or proxy service provider and a corresponding resource of the same name already exists in your domain, the imported resource will overwrite the one already in your domain, even if the one already in your domain has been modified during the current session.

AquaLogic Service Bus completely overwrites the existing resource; it does not merge the data. For example, if an imported proxy service provider contains an alias to key-pair binding for digital signatures and the proxy service provider that is already in your domain contains alias to key-pair bindings for both digital signatures and digital encryption, after the import process the proxy service provider will contain only the imported alias to key-pair binding for digital signatures.

If the JAR file was created by AquaLogic Service Bus 2.1 or earlier, for each service account in the JAR, the import process searches the AquaLogic Service Bus internal LDAP server for user names and passwords that match those in the imported service account. If it finds a match, the import process copies the credentials into the service account. If it does not find a match, you must add credentials to the service account before you can activate the session.

For each proxy service provider in an AquaLogic Service Bus 2.1 JAR, the import process searches the AquaLogic Service Bus internal LDAP server for alias to key-pair bindings that match those in the imported proxy service provider. If it finds a match, it allows the proxy service provider to use those key-pair bindings. If it does not find a match, the import process imports the proxy service provider without any key-pair bindings. While it is valid to create a proxy service provider that contains no key-pair bindings, if you want to use the provider to provide credentials, you must use the AquaLogic Service Bus Console to add key-pair bindings to the proxy service provider.

Importing Operational Values

There are two types of operational values in AquaLogic Service Bus, Global Operational Settings and operational values for proxy and business services. Global Operational Settings is a resource located under the System project folder. This resource contains operational values with the following settings:

The Global Operational Settings resource can be exported like any other resource. On import, this resource can only be updated; it cannot be created or deleted. While importing, if Preserve Operational Values is true, the operational settings in the importing domain are preserved. If Preserve Operational Values is false, the values from the JAR file being imported are set in the domain.

Proxy and business service definitions contain operational values with the following settings:

These operational values are exported and imported along with their associated proxy or business service definitions; you can choose to preserve these values while importing.

Note: Operational values are not customizable like environment values.
To Import Resources
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Import Resources from under System Administration > Import/Export. The Import Resources page is displayed.
  3. Select an exported project or resource JAR file:
    1. In the File Name field, click Browse to locate the directory where the JAR file is stored.
    2. Select the JAR file, then click Open.
  4. Click Next. The following information is displayed.
  5. Table 26-2 Resource File Information 
    The name of the project.
    The resource type, which is Project.
    Displays --- or !Deletions! You can expand the Project folder to see which resources are scheduled for deletion and deselect them to prevent them from being deleted.

    Note: Resources are only scheduled for deletion when the JAR being imported is a full project JAR and there are project resources in the importing system that are not present in the imported JAR file.

    If you expand the Project folder, the resources, operations (create, update, delete) that will be performed on the resources, and the number of objects that each resource references is displayed.

    Note: Global resources, such as UDDI Registry information, SMTP Servers, and JNDI Providers, and Global Operational Settings appear under the System project in their respective folders.
  6. When you are re-importing a resource but desire to protect any customization made to the existing resource, select Preserve Environment Variables.
  7. Note: Customizing any references within an existing resource cannot be preserved. To learn more, see Creating Customization Files.
  8. When you are importing the Global Operational Settings resource or other resources like business or proxy services that contain associated operational settings, and desire to preserve the operational values in the importing system, select Preserve Operational Values.
  9. Note: The Preserve Operational Values option does not preserve SLA alert rules. Upon importing, SLA alert rules get merged. For example, if the importing domain has SLA alert rules A, B, and C for a service and the import JAR has alert rules C and D. Rules A and B remain intact. Rule D gets added, and rule C gets overwritten.
    Note: The Preserve Operational Values option does preserve Run Time Tracing settings for proxy services. See Enabling Run Time Tracing Status For Proxy Services.
  10. If you want to ensure that all associated resources are imported, select Include Dependencies.
  11. Note: If you are importing a full project JAR file, Include Dependencies cannot be selected.
  12. Select the objects on which you want to operate (create, update, or delete):
    1. To display each object contained in the JAR file, expand the folder for the file. The check box associated with each object is selected. The following information is displayed for each object.
    2. Table 26-3 Resource File Details 
      The name and path of the resource. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the resource resides.
      Any of the following resource types:
      • Business service
      • MFL File
      • Proxy service
      • Proxy service provider
      • XML schema
      • Service Account
      • WS-Policy
      • WSDL
      • XQuery Transformation
      • XSL Transformation
      • JAR
      • Alert Destination
      • JNDI Provider
      • SMTP Server
      • Operational Settings
      • Registry

      Note: If a resource has sensitive security data, an encryption icon is displayed.

      Caution: If you select a service account or proxy service provider, you might overwrite existing security data. See Importing Service Accounts or Proxy Service Providers.
      Create, update, or delete.

      Note: Resources are only scheduled for deletion when the JAR being imported is a full project JAR and there are project resources in the importing system that are not present in the imported JAR file.

      The number of objects that this resource references.

    3. Clear the check boxes next to the resources that you do not want to import.
  13. To import the JAR file, click Import.
  14. If the JAR file contains resources with user name and password data that was encrypted when it was exported, the Import Resources - Security Settings page is displayed. Enter the password that was used to encrypt the data (see Exporting Resources). Then click Finish Import.
  15. Note: If you do not know the password that was used to encrypt the resource data, click the Prev button and clear the check box that is next to the resource. You can import all other non-encrypted resources without knowing the password.

    The Processing Configuration Data pop-up window is displayed. You should wait until this window closes before you do anything else on the console. The window closes automatically when the system finishes importing the objects. The Import Resources page is displayed, which includes a message that you have successfully deployed the data.

  16. Review the Import Summary. The following information is displayed.
  17. Table 26-4 Import Summary Information 
    Whether or not the resource was imported successfully.

    Note: A WSDL may be temporarily marked as invalid until all of its dependencies are imported. When the import action is completed, however, the configuration service re-validates the files marked invalid.

    The name of the resource.
    The path of the resource. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the resource resides.
    Any of the following resource types:
    • Business service
    • MFL File
    • Proxy service
    • Proxy service provider
    • XML schema
    • Service Account
    • WS-Policy
    • WSDL
    • XQuery Transformation
    • XSL Transformation
    • JAR
    • Alert Destination
    • JNDI Provider
    • SMTP Server
    • Operational Settings
    • Registry
    Diagnostic Message
    Displays error or informational messages if they exist for this resource.

  18. Click Import Another.
  19. You can import another JAR file, or you can click View Changes under Change Center in the left navigation pane to view import details. If you click View Changes, see Viewing Configuration Changes.

    The new resources are saved in the current session.

  20. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Overview of System Administration

Exporting Resources

Finding and Replacing Environment Values

Creating Customization Files

Executing Customization Files

Exporting Resources

The Export Resources page allows you to Export Projects or Export Resources. If you choose to export a full project, one or more projects can be selected for export. You can still expand the projects to see folders and resources but selection is only at the project level. Also, Include Dependencies cannot be selected.

You can export projects and resources whether you are working within a session or outside of a session. If you export within a session, the resources are session resources and the configuration may be incomplete or have conflicts. If you export outside of a session, the resources are activated core resources.

Note: AquaLogic Service Bus cannot export the users, groups, roles, or access control policies that you create in the Security Configuration module of the AquaLogic Service Bus Console. Neither can it export credential maps or other security-provider data that you create in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. Instead, use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to export this data. See Migrating Security Data in Securing WebLogic Server.
To Export Resources
  1. From the left navigation pane, select Export Resources from under System Administration > Import/Export.
  2. The Export Resources page displays the list of objects in your configuration. The name, type, last modified time, and references for each object are displayed.

    Note: For services, the last modified timestamp reflects the modifications made to the service definition, as well as to the service transport or pipeline configuration. It does not, however, reflect the changes made to the alerts defined for that service.
  3. Select whether to Export Projects or Export Resources.
  4. Note: Exporting projects might cause resource deletion when you import the full project JAR file. For more information, see Importing Resources.
  5. Select the projects or resources you want to export:
  6. Note: If you selected Export Projects, you cannot deselect the check boxes for individual resources.
    1. Expand the project folders. The name, type, last modified time, and references for each resource contained in the project are displayed.
    2. Select the check boxes associated with the projects or resources you want to export.
    3. Clear the check boxes associated with the projects or resources that you do not want to export.
  7. If you selected Export Resources, select or clear the Include Dependencies check box. This option allows you to export any other resources that this resource references.
  8. Click Export to create a JAR file and export it.
  9. If your export includes a service account or a proxy service provider, the Export Resources - Security Settings page is displayed.
  10. For each service account, AquaLogic Service Bus exports the user name and password or the local-user to remote-user map (depending on which data was stored in the service account). For each proxy service provider, AquaLogic Service Bus exports the alias to key-pair binding from the PKI credential mapping provider; it does not export private keys, certificates, or other data from the key stores. Key store data must be exported using tools that the key store vendor provides.

    If you want AquaLogic Service Bus to encrypt the user name and password data that is in the service account, proxy service provider, UDDI Registry, JNDI Provider, or SMTP provider resources before exporting it the to JAR file, do the following:

    1. Select the Protect Sensitive Data check box.
    2. Enter and confirm a password.
    3. Caution: When you or someone else attempts to import this JAR, AquaLogic Service Bus will not import the resources with encrypted user name and password data unless you specify this password. You can import all of the other non-encrypted resources in the JAR without specifying the password.
    4. Click Finish Export button.
  11. When you click Export or Finish Export, the Processing Configuration Data popup window is displayed. Wait until this window closes before you do anything else on the console. The window is closed automatically when the File Download dialog box is displayed.
  12. In the File Download dialog box, click Open to open the exported JAR file or click Save to save the JAR file to your desktop.

Related Topics

Overview of System Administration

Importing Resources

Finding and Replacing Environment Values

Creating Customization Files

Executing Customization Files

Configuring a UDDI Registry

The UDDI Registries page allows you to configure a UDDI Registry and to make it available in AquaLogic Service Bus. After the registry is configured, you can then publish AquaLogic Service Bus proxy services to it or import business services from the registry to be used in an AquaLogic Service Bus proxy service. You must be in an active session to configure the registry.

You can search for a specific registry that you have previously configured. The search feature allows you to use wildcards to search for all registry entries satisfying the specified pattern. UDDI has two wildcards: use * for multiple characters and ? for single characters. The search returns all records that satisfy any of the search criteria property values.

UDDI Registry Configuration Settings

Every registry has a set of properties that must be configured. When configuring a UDDI Registry, only fields with asterisks are required.

Table 26-5 UDDI Registry Configuration Settings 
Registry Name
The name of the registry. The name is assigned to a registry when it is first created. You cannot edit the name of the registry after the entry is saved.
Inquiry URL
The URL of the Inquiry API endpoint used for locating and importing services.
Publish URL
The URL of the Publish API endpoint used for publishing services.
Security URL
The URL of the Security API endpoint used for getting an authentication token so that you can publish to the registry.
Subscription URL
The URL of the Subscription API endpoint used for subscribing to registry changes, creating a registry subscription, and listening for changes to imported services.
User Name
The user name which is required for user authentication.
Password (Confirm Password)
The password which is required for user authentication.
Load tModels into registry
Select this option to load the tModels into the selected registry. This option only has to be selected once per registry.
Enable Auto-Import
Select this option to auto-synchronize services with the UDDI Registry.

Searching for a UDDI Registry

To Search for a UDDI Registry
  1. From the left navigation pane, select UDDI Registries from under System Administration > UDDI. The page with UDDI Default Configuration and UDDI Registries sections is displayed.
  2. In the UDDI Registries section, enter the name of the registry you want to find in the Name field, or enter wildcard characters (use * and ? as wildcards to perform a more general search).
  3. Click Search.
Note: To view all registries that are configured to work with AquaLogic Service Bus, click View All.

Adding a UDDI Registry

Details about configured registries are displayed in the UDDI Registries section. See Table 26-5 for a description of the properties that must be set when adding a registry.

Note: You must be in an active session to add a registry.
To Add a UDDI Registry
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select UDDI Registries from under System Administration > UDDI. The page containing the UDDI Default Configuration and the UDDI Registries sections is displayed.
  3. In the UDDI Registries section, click Add Registry.
  4. The UDDI Configuration-Add Registry page displays the configuration properties that define the registry. The properties are described in Table 26-5.

  5. To configure the registry, complete the following steps:
  6. Note: Asterisks denote required fields.
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the registry.
    2. In the Inquiry URL field, enter an inquiry URL in the format: http://host:port/APPLICATION_SERVER_CONTEXT/uddi/inquiry
    3. In the Publish URL field, enter a publish URL in the format http://host:port/APPLICATION_SERVER_CONTEXT/uddi/publishing
    4. In the Security URL field, enter a security URL in the format http://host:port/APPLICATION_SERVER_CONTEXT/uddi/security
    5. In the Subscription URL field, enter a subscription URL in the format
    6. Note: By default, the value for APPLICATION_SERVER_CONTEXT in the installer is registry.
    7. In the Username field, enter the user name to log into the registry console.
    8. In the Password /(Confirm Password) field enter the password to log into the registry console.
    9. Select the Load tModel into registry check box to publish the AquaLogic Service Bus tModels to this registry.
    10. Note: This field is only required when publishing proxy services to this registry.
    11. Select the Enable Auto Import check box to auto-synchronize imported services with the UDDI Registry. Any service that is imported with this option selected will be kept in synchrony with the UDDI Registry.
    12. Note: Auto-synchronization is a background process; you cannot reverse it using the session Undo function. Undoing an auto-synchronization change is not permanent as the service will be re-synchronized in the next synchronization cycle. If you want an imported service to stay out of synchrony with the UDDI Registry, you have to demote the service to avoid further updates from the registry.
  7. Click Validate to validate the URLs you have provided.
  8. Click Save to configure the registry with the settings provided.
  9. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Making Configuration Changes to an Existing UDDI Registry

To Edit the UDDI Registry Details
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select UDDI Registries from under System Administration > UDDI. The page containing the UDDI Default Configuration and the UDDI Registries sections is displayed.
  3. In the UDDI Registries section, from the list of available registries, select the registry name. You can also search for a specific registry using the Search option.
  4. Click on the name of the registry you want to edit. The System/UDDI/[registry-name] page is displayed.
  5. On the System/UDDI/[registry-name] page, click Edit.
  6. The UDDI Configuration-Edit Registry page displays the configuration properties that define the registry. The properties are described in Table 26-5. The following registry-specific information is also displayed.

    Table 26-6 UDDI Registry Information 
    Last Modified By
    The name of the AquaLogic Service Bus user who made the last configuration change to this UDDI Registry resource.
    Last Modified On
    The date and time on which the last configuration change was made.
    The number of objects that this UDDI Registry references. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the references. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    Referenced By
    The number of objects that reference this UDDI Registry. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    A description of the registry.

  7. Edit the registry configuration parameters. You cannot edit the name of the registry.
  8. Click Save to save the configuration changes or Cancel to dismiss the changes.
  9. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Searching for a UDDI Registry

Adding a UDDI Registry

Making Configuration Changes to an Existing UDDI Registry

Importing a Business Service From a UDDI Registry

Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry

Setting Up a Default UDDI Registry

You must set up a default registry to use Auto-Publish.

To Set up a Default Registry
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select UDDI Registries from under System Administration > UDDI. The page containing the UDDI Default Configuration and the UDDI Registries sections is displayed.
  3. In the UDDI Default Configuration section, click Select Default. The Select Default Registry page is displayed.
  4. In the Default Registry Name list, select the name of the registry you want to set as the default.
  5. To set a default business entity, choose an entity from the Business Entity list.
  6. Click Make Default.
  7. Note: To change the default registry, click Clear Selection and repeat the above steps.

Importing a Business Service From a UDDI Registry

You can import the following business service types from a UDDI Registry into AquaLogic Service Bus:

If you only have one registry configured, AquaLogic Service Bus automatically connects to that registry and retrieves all the business entities and populates the search form. If you have more than one registry configured, the import wizard prompts you to first select the registry from which you want to import services.

On import, the inquiry URL is used to locate a specific service as a registry has several different types of services.

To Import a Business Service
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center. You can only import when you are in a session.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Import From UDDI from under System Administration > UDDI. The Import From UDDI page is displayed.
  3. In the Import Registry Name drop-down list, select the name of the registry from which you want to import the service, then click Next.
  4. Note: When a single registry is configured in AquaLogic Service Bus, the initial registry selection page is not displayed as this is the default registry. The registry selection page is only displayed when two or more registries are defined.

    The Import From UDDI page allows you to search for specific business services and import them. You can search for a service by business entity, by pattern, or by using a combination of both.

  5. Select the business entity name (for example, document Services) from the Entity Name drop-down list to search by business entity.
  6. In the Service Name field, enter the pattern (for example, a%) for which you want to search. A list of business services matching the entered search criteria is displayed.
  7. Select the service(s) that you want to import, then click Next.
  8. Note: If you are unable to find a desired service, it may be because you do not belong to the security group with permissions to view its records.
  9. Select the binding templates from which you want to create business services, then click Next.
  10. If a selected service has multiple binding templates, then each of these binding templates results in a business service. In this case you will be prompted to further narrow your selection among the binding templates you want to import.

  11. On the Import UDDI: Select Import Location page select a project from the Project drop-down list, select a folder where you want to import your services and associated resources, then click Next.
  12. The Import UDDI: Review and Import Services page displays a list of all of the resources (business services, MFLs, schemas, WSDLs, and so on) that will be created in the system. A warning message is displayed for any resource that cannot be imported.
    By default, all the items in the list are marked for import.
    1. Clear the check box next to a specific resource if you already have the resource in your system and want to manually resolve the dependencies.
    2. You can resolve dependencies from the View Conflicts page in the Change Center after the import process is complete. For more information on viewing and resolving conflicts, seeViewing and Resolving Conflicts.
  13. Click Import to start the import process.
  14. A pop-up window is displayed indicating the progress of the import. When the import is complete, the Import Summary page displays the result of the import. A success message is displayed at the top of the page if the import was successful. If one or more resources could not be imported, an error message is displayed.

    • Go to the Status column for the resource to view the cause of the error.
    • To view and resolve additional conflicts, click View Conflicts.
  15. To import more services, click Import Another.
  16. To make changes to your selections, click Back.

Related Topics

Configuring a UDDI Registry

Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry

Using Auto-Import Status

You can use the Auto-Import Status page to synchronize changes to a service with those present in the registry. Upon any changes to a service in the registry, ALSB provides notification of the change on the Auto-Import Status page which lists all out-of-sync services. You can then synchronize the service in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console with the corresponding service in the UDDI Registry.

Note: When configuring a registry, you can select the Enable Auto-Import option which auto-synchronizes imported services with the UDDI Registry. Any service that is imported with this option selected will be kept in synchrony with the UDDI Registry automatically. See UDDI Registry Configuration Settings.
Note: If there is any failure during auto-synchronization, it will be reported on the Auto-Import Status page where you can update it manually.
To Perform Auto-Import
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Auto-Import Status from under System Administration > UDDI. The Auto-Import Status page is displayed.
  3. On the Auto-Import Status page, select the type of service you want to display from the View drop-down list.
  4. Select the check boxes next to the proxy services you want to synchronize with the corresponding services in the registry.
  5. Click Synchronize.
  6. On the next page, click Finish. The files are synchronized.


Detaching a Service

When you do not want the service in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console synchronized with the corresponding service in the registry, you can avoid synchronization by detaching it from the registry in one of the following ways:

Detach a Service by Editing its Configuration

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select the Project Explorer.
  3. Expand the project folder and select the business service you want to detach from the corresponding service in the registry.
  4. At the bottom of the View a Business Service page, click Edit.
  5. Enable the Detach from Registry option. The business service will be detached from the corresponding service in the UDDI Registry.

Detach a Service From the Auto-Import Status Page

Note: You can use this Detach option only when you get notification about the change on the Auto-Import Status page.
  1. On the System Administration > Auto-Import Status page, select the check boxes next to the business services you want to detach from the corresponding services in the UDDI Registry.
  2. Note: Services are shown on this page only when there is a change in the original service present in the registry. Not every service is available on this page.
  3. Click Detach.

Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry

You can publish your service to a registry and make it available for other organizations to discover and use. All proxy services developed in AquaLogic Service Bus can be published to a UDDI Registry. You can select the business entity under which you want to publish your service and you can publish a number of services at a time.

Before you can publish to a registry, you must have an account with that registry. AquaLogic Service Bus supports interoperability with v3-compliant UDDI registries. The configuration described in this section assumes you are using BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.

For information about setting up a user account in AquaLogic Service Registry, see the AquaLogic Service Registry User’s Guide at the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry product documentation site.

Note: Unpublishing a service from a registry is done from the AquaLogic Service Registry installation.
To Publish a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry:
  1. From the left navigation pane, select Publish to UDDI from under System Administration > UDDI. The Publish to UDDI page is displayed.
  2. Note: You can only publish when you are not in a session. Exit your session to access the registries list. All the registries to which you have access are displayed in the drop-down list of selected registries.
  3. From Publish Registry Name, select the name of the registry to which you want to publish, then click Next.
  4. Note: When a single registry is configured in BEA AquaLogic Service Bus, the initial registry selection page is not displayed as this is the default registry. The registry selection page is only displayed when two or more registries are defined.
  5. The Publish to UDDI: Select individual Services and Publish page is displayed, showing a list of AquaLogic Service Bus proxy services and their locations in the project folder. Starting with the topmost project level folder, the details for name, type, and description are shown for all services.
  6. Select the service(s) that you want to publish.
    1. Expand the Project folder to see the proxy services defined. By default the folder and its contents are marked for publishing.
    2. You can select individual items to publish.
  7. In the Publish Services to Business Entity drop-down list, select the business entity to which you want to add the service in the registry. This is the business entity under which the service will be classified in the registry.
  8. Click Publish to publish the services.
  9. A confirmation message is displayed indicating that the service was published successfully.

  10. Click Publish Another to return to the Publish to UDDI: select registry page.

Related Topics

Configuring a UDDI Registry

Importing a Business Service From a UDDI Registry

Using Auto-Publish

You can use the auto-publish functionality to automatically publish proxy services to a registry. To do so, enable the Auto-Publish option on the Edit a Proxy Service-General Configuration page. For information on editing proxy services, see Viewing and Changing Proxy Services, and for information on editing business services, see Viewing and Changing Business Services.

Note: You should set the default registry before configuring any service for Auto-Publish. For more information on how to set a default registry, see Setting Up a Default UDDI Registry
To Configure a Service to Auto-Publish to a Registry
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select the Project Explorer.
  3. Expand the project folder and select the proxy service you want to edit.
  4. At the bottom of the View a Proxy Service page, click Edit.
  5. Select Publish to Registry, and click Save.
  6. Activate the session. The service is configured to be published to the default registry.

Overview of JNDI Providers

The Summary of JNDI Providers page allows you to configure a JNDI Provider resource and make it available in AquaLogic Service Bus as a system resource. You must be in an active session to configure a JNDI Provider resource.

You can search for a JNDI Provider resource that you configured previously. The search feature allows you to use wildcards to search for all JNDI Provider resource entries satisfying a specified pattern. You can use either the * wildcard for multiple characters or the ? wildcard for a single character. The search returns all records that satisfy any of the search criteria property values.

Listing and Locating JNDI Providers

The Summary of JNDI Providers page allows you to view a list of JNDI Providers. To learn more about JNDI Providers, see Overview of JNDI Providers.

To List and Locate JNDI Providers
  1. From the left navigation pane, select JNDI Providers from under System Administration > Global Resources. The Summary of JNDI Providers page is displayed and shows the following information for each JNDI Provider.
  2. Table 26-7 JNDI Provider Information 
    The unique name assigned to this JNDI Provider. The name is a link to the JNDI Provider Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing JNDI Provider Details.
    Provider URL
    The URL of the JNDI Provider. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing JNDI Provider Details.
    JNDI Cache
    Enabled or Disabled.
    When enabled, the JNDI context and JNDI objects are cached locally which improves performance when doing an object lookup. BEA recommends that you keep the JNDI cache enabled.
    • Reset—resets the JNDI context to discard the JNDI connection and locally cached objects.
    • Test—tests whether the JNDI provider can successfully establish a connection and obtain a JNDI context.
    • Click the Rename icon to rename the JNDI Provider.
    • Click the Delete icon to delete a specific JNDI Provider. To learn more, see Deleting a JNDI Provider

  3. To locate a specific JNDI Provider, do one of the following:
    • Enter the name of the JNDI Provider you want to find in the Name field, and click Search to search for a specific entry. The JNDI Providers matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Note: You can enter wildcard characters (? for a single character; * for multiple characters) to perform a more general search.
    • Click Adv. Search and enter the Provider URL of the JNDI Provider you want to find, and click Search. The JNDI Providers matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Resort the list. Click on an underlined column name. Ascending and descending arrows indicate the sort order. Click the column name to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the page controls above or below the table. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next, previous, first, or last page.
    • Click View All to view all the JNDI Provider resources that are configured to work with AquaLogic Service Bus.

Related Topics

Adding a JNDI Provider

Viewing and Changing JNDI Provider Details

Deleting a JNDI Provider

Adding a JNDI Provider

To Add a New JNDI Provider
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select JNDI Providers from under System Administration > Global Resources. The Summary of JNDI Providers page is displayed.
  3. Click Add. The Add New JNDI Provider page is displayed.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the JNDI Provider resource. This is a required field.
  5. In the Description field, enter a short description for the JNDI Provider.
  6. Keep the JNDI Cache option Enabled (default) or select Disabled.
  7. When enabled, the JNDI context and JNDI objects are cached locally which improves performance when doing an object lookup. BEA recommends that you keep the JNDI cache enabled.

  8. In the Provider URL field, enter the URL for the JNDI Provider in the format: protocol://host:port
  9. You can use any protocol; for example, http, https, t3, t3s, iiop, iiops.

    This is a required field.

  10. In the case of clusters, the JNDI Provider URL should be configured with a comma-separated list of Managed Servers, in the format:
    protocol://<hostname>:<ms1port>, <hostname>:<ms2port>
  11. If access to the target JNDI Provider requires a user name and password, enter a user name in the User Name field, and the associated password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
  12. Note: These fields are optional, and required only if the JNDI tree is secured.
  13. Click Save. The new resources are saved in the current session.
  14. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Viewing and Changing JNDI Provider Details

The View JNDI Provider Details page allows you to view the details of a JNDI Provider. This page also allows you to reset the JNDI Provider cache, and to test the connection to the JNDI Provider. To learn more about JNDI Providers, see Overview of JNDI Providers.

To View and Change the Details of a JNDI Provider
  1. Locate the JNDI Provider. See Listing and Locating JNDI Providers.
  2. Click the JNDI Provider name. The System/JNDI Provider/[provider-name] page is displayed and shows the following JNDI Provider information.
  3. Table 26-8 JNDI Provider Details 
    Last Modified By
    The name of the AquaLogic Service Bus user who last created or modified this JNDI Provider resource, or imported it into the configuration.
    Last Modified On
    The date and time that the user created or modified this JNDI Provider resource, or imported it into the configuration.
    The number of objects that this JNDI Provider references. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the references. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    Referenced By
    The number of objects that reference this JNDI Provider. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    A description of this JNDI Provider.
    JNDI Cache
    Enabled or Disabled.
    When enabled, the JNDI context and JNDI objects are cached locally which improves performance when doing an object lookup. BEA recommends that you keep the JNDI cache enabled.
    Provider URL
    The URL for the JNDI Provider.
    User Name
    The user name used to access a secure JNDI Provider.
    Password (and Confirm Password)
    The password used to access a secure JNDI Provider.

  4. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  5. Click Edit. The Edit JNDI Provider - [provider-name] page is displayed.
  6. Note: The Name field is not editable.
  7. In the Description field, you can edit the short description of the JNDI Provider.
  8. In the Provider URL field, you can edit the URL of the JNDI Provider.
  9. You can edit the User Name and Password fields.
  10. Note: If the JNDI Provider was configured with a username and password, then the User Name will not be editable. You can edit the New Password and Confirm Password fields. If the JNDI was not configured with a username and password, then the User Name field will be editable, and you can enter a new user name.
  11. Click Save. The configuration changes are saved in the current session.
  12. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Overview of JNDI Providers

Listing and Locating JNDI Providers

Adding a JNDI Provider

Deleting a JNDI Provider

Deleting a JNDI Provider

To Delete a JNDI Provider
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, in the Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select JNDI Providers under System Administration > Global Resources. The Summary of JNDI Providers page is displayed.
  3. In the Summary of JNDI Providers page, select a JNDI Provider. You can also search for a specific JNDI Provider using the Search option. See Listing and Locating JNDI Providers.
  4. In the Options field of the JNDI Provider you want to delete, click the Delete Icon.
  5. Note: If this JNDI Provider is referenced by other ALSB resources, you will not be able to delete this JNDI Provider. A Delete icon with a red X is displayed when the resource cannot be deleted.You can undo the deletion of this resource. To learn more, see Undoing a Task.

    The JNDI Provider resource is deleted in the current session.

  6. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating JNDI Providers

Overview of SMTP Servers

The Summary of SMTP Servers page allows you to configure SMTP Server resources and make them available in AquaLogic Service Bus as a system resource. You must be in an active session to configure or reconfigure SMTP Server resources. SMTP Server resources are used while configuring Alert Destination resources and E-mail transport-based business services. To learn more, see Overview of Alert Destinations and E-mail Transport Configuration Information.

You can also designate one of the configured SMTP servers as the default server for the domain.

Listing and Locating SMTP Servers

The Summary of SMTP Servers page allows you to view a list of SMTP servers. To learn more, see Overview of SMTP Servers.

To List and Locate SMTP Servers
  1. From the left navigation pane, select SMTP Servers from under System Administration > Global Resources. The Summary of SMTP Servers page is displayed.
  2. The top of the page shows the Default SMTP Server. The Summary of SMTP Servers shows the following information for each SMTP server, with the default SMTP server information highlighted.

    Table 26-9 SMTP Server Information 
    The unique name assigned to this SMTP Server resource. The name is a link to the SMTP Server Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing SMTP Server Details.
    Server URL
    The URL that points to the SMTP server. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing SMTP Server Details.
    • Click the Rename icon to rename this SMTP Server resource.
    • Click the Delete icon to delete a specific SMTP server. To learn more, see Deleting an SMTP Server.

  3. To locate a specific SMTP server, do the following:
    • Resort the list. Click on an underlined column name. Ascending and descending arrows indicate the sort order. Click the column name to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the page controls above or below the table. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next, previous, first, or last page.

Related Topics

Configuring a Default SMTP Server

Viewing and Changing SMTP Server Details

Deleting an SMTP Server

Adding an SMTP Server

To Add a New SMTP Server
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select SMTP Servers from under System Administration > Global Resources. The Summary of SMTP Servers page is displayed.
  3. Click Add. The Add New SMTP Server page is displayed.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the SMTP Server resource. This is a required field.
  5. In the Description field, enter a short description for the SMTP Server resource.
  6. In the Server URL field, enter the URL that points to the SMTP server. This is a required field.
  7. In the Port Number field, enter a port number for the SMTP server (the default port is 25). This is a required field.
  8. If access to the target SMTP server requires a user name and password, enter a user name in the User Name field, and the associated password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
  9. Note: These fields are optional, and required only if the SMTP server is secured.
  10. Click Save. The new SMTP Server resources are saved in the current session.
  11. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Configuring a Default SMTP Server

Deleting an SMTP Server

Configuring a Default SMTP Server

To Set a Default SMTP Server For a Domain
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select SMTP Servers from under System Administration > Global Resources. The Summary of SMTP Servers page is displayed
  3. Under Default SMTP Server, click Select Default. The Select Default SMTP Server page is displayed.
  4. In the Default SMTP Server drop-down list, select the SMTP server.
  5. Click Make Default.
  6. The Summary of SMTP Servers page is displayed with the selected SMTP server shown as the default SMTP server for the domain. The default SMTP Server is saved in the current session.
  7. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Adding an SMTP Server

Viewing and Changing SMTP Server Details

Viewing and Changing SMTP Server Details

The View SMTP Server Details page allows you to view the details of an SMTP Server and edit the configuration details if required.

To View and Change the Details of an SMTP Server
  1. Locate the SMTP server. See Listing and Locating SMTP Servers.
  2. Click the SMTP server name. The SMTP Server Details page is displayed and shows the following information.
  3. Table 26-10 SMTP Server Details 
    Last Modified By
    The name of the AquaLogic Service Bus user who made the last configuration change to this SMTP Server resource.
    Last Modified On
    The date and time on which the last configuration change was made.
    The number of objects that this SMTP server references.If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the references. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    Referenced By
    The number of objects that reference this SMTP server. If such references exist, click the numeric link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    The description of this SMTP server, if provided.
    Server URL
    The URL that points to the location of the SMTP server.
    Port Number
    The port number for this SMTP server. This is port 25 by default.
    User Name
    The user name used to access a secure SMTP server.

  4. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  5. Click Edit. The Edit SMTP Server - [server-name] page is displayed.
  6. Note: The Name field is not editable.
  7. In the Description field, you can edit the short description of the SMTP server.
  8. In the Server URL field, you can edit the URL of the SMTP server.
  9. In the Port Number field, you can edit the port number.
  10. You can edit the Username and Password fields.
  11. Click Save. The configuration changes are saved in the current session.
  12. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating SMTP Servers

Configuring a Default SMTP Server

Deleting an SMTP Server

Deleting an SMTP Server

To Delete an SMTP Server
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select SMTP Servers from under System Administration > Global Resources. The Summary of SMTP Servers page is displayed.
  3. On the Summary of SMTP Servers page, select an SMTP Server. See Listing and Locating SMTP Servers.
  4. In the Options field of the SMTP Server resource you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
  5. The SMTP Server resource is removed from the list.

    Note: You cannot delete a resource if it is referenced by other resources in AquaLogic Service Bus. Instead of the Delete icon, a Delete icon with a red X is displayed for these resources.
    Note: If necessary, you can undo the deletion of this resource. To learn more, see Undoing a Task.

    The SMTP Server resource is deleted in the current session.

  6. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating SMTP Servers

Finding and Replacing Environment Values

The Find and Replace page allows you to search for environment values that differ between different domains. Environment values are certain predefined fields in the configuration data whose values are very likely to change when you move your configuration from one domain to another (for example, from test to production). Environment values represent entities such as URLs, URIs, file and directory names, server names, e-mails, and such. Also, environment values can be found in Alert Destinations, proxy services, business services, SMTP Server and JNDI Provider resources, and UDDI Registry entries.

Note: You may need to modify many other objects when you move your configuration between domains. You must use the individual edit pages to change those values.
Note: Certain environment values are complex XML objects that cannot be found and replaced using the console. However, you can still set these environment values directly by using the ALSBConfigurationMBean from a script. For detailed information about ALSBConfigurationMBean, see the Javadoc for AquaLogic Service Bus Classes. In addition to setting them through the API, you can set complex type environment values using customization files. To learn more, see Executing Customization Files.

This page behaves differently based on whether or not you are in a session. If you are in a session, you can find and replace environment values. However, if you are outside a session, you can find environment values only; Replace All is disabled.

To Find and Replace Environment Values
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Find & Replace from under System Administration > Customization. The Find & Replace Environment Values page is displayed.
  3. In the Find Value field, enter the environment value that you want to locate.
  4. To display a list of environment values in your configuration that contain the value you entered, click Find.
  5. A list of relevant values is displayed, which includes the Owner, Type, and the Environment Value columns.

  6. To locate only items changed in your current session, select the Only Items Changed In Current Session check box.
  7. Select the variable type for which to search in the Find in Variable Type drop-down list.
  8. Table 26-11 Variable Types 
    Variable Type
    Found In
    Alert SNMP Trap
    Alert Destination
    SNMP trap (enable or disable) for an alert destination.
    Alert To Reporting Data
    Alert Destination
    Alert to reporting data (enable or disable) for an alert destination.
    Email Archive Directory
    E-mail proxy
    Archive directory for an e-mail proxy service.
    Email Destination URI
    Alert Destination
    URI in an e-mail alert destination.
    Email Download Directory
    E-mail proxy
    Download directory for an e-mail proxy service.
    Email Error Directory
    E-mail proxy
    Error directory for an e-mail proxy service.
    File Archive Directory
    File proxy
    Archive directory for a file proxy service.
    File Error Directory
    File proxy
    Error directory for a file proxy service.
    File Stage Directory
    File proxy
    Stage directory for a file proxy service.
    FTP Archive Directory
    FTP proxy
    Archive directory for an FTP proxy service.
    FTP Error Directory
    FTP proxy
    Error directory for an FTP proxy service.
    FTP Download Directory
    FTP proxy
    Download directory for an FTP proxy service.
    IMAP Move Folder
    E-mail proxy
    IMAP Move directory for an e-mail proxy service.
    JMS Alert Destination URI
    Alert Destination
    URI in a JMS alert destination.
    JMS Managed Server
    JMS business service
    Managed server entry in the table of managed server vs destination of a JMS business service with a response correlation pattern as Message ID pattern.
    JMS Queue Connection Factory
    JMS proxy or business service
    A response queue connection factory of a JMS proxy or business service with the response correlation pattern as Message ID.
    JMS Response Destination
    JMS business service
    Destination entry in the table of managed server vs destination of a JMS business service with a response correlation pattern as Message ID pattern.
    JMS Response URI
    JMS proxy or business service
    The URI of the response queue for JMS proxy or business services using response correlation pattern of JMS Correlation ID.
    JNDI Provider URL
    JNDI Provider
    JNDI Provider URLs.
    Managed Server for Polling
    E-mail, File, FTP, or SFTP proxy service in a clustered domain
    Managed Server for polling in a clustered domain.
    MQ Connection Pool Size
    MQ Connection Resource
    The size of the MQ connection pool.
    MQ Connection Timeout
    MQ Connection Resource
    The time interval after which unused connections are destroyed.
    MQ Host Name
    MQ Connection Resource
    The host name of the MQ queue manager.
    MQ Port Number
    MQ Connection Resource
    The port number of the MQ queue manager listener.
    MQ Manager Channel Name
    MQ Connection Resource
    The queue manager server connection channel name.
    MQ Queue Manager Name
    MQ Connection Resource
    The name of the MQ queue manager.
    MQ Response URI
    MQ proxy and business service
    Proxy or business service URI.
    Service URI
    Proxy or business service URI.
    Service URI Weight
    Business Service
    The individual weights assigned to business service URIs.
    SMTP Server URL
    SMTP Server
    SMTP Server URLs.
    SFTP Archive Directory
    SFTP proxy
    Archive directory for a SFTP proxy service. If direct-streaming is on, the archive directory is present on the remote SFTP server; otherwise, it is present locally.
    SFTP Download Directory
    SFTP proxy
    Download directory for a SFTP proxy service.
    SFTP Error Directory
    SFTP proxy
    Error directory for a SFTP proxy service. If direct-streaming is on, the error directory is present on the remote SFTP server; otherwise, it is present locally.
    UDDI Auto Import
    UDDI Registry
    Auto-synchronize property of an imported business service from a UDDI Registry. This property is per registry.
    UDDI Auto Publish
    Proxy Service
    Auto-publish property of a proxy service to a UDDI Registry.
    UDDI Inquiry URL
    UDDI Registry
    Inquiry URL for a UDDI Registry.
    UDDI Publish URL
    UDDI Registry
    Publish URL for a UDDI Registry.
    UDDI Security URL
    UDDI Registry
    Security URL for a UDDI Registry.
    UDDI Subscription URL
    UDDI Registry
    Subscription URL for a UDDI Registry.
    Work Manager
    Proxy or business services using HTTP, JMS, or MQ transports
    Work manager name in all proxy and business services.

  9. To locate environment values located in a particular project, select the project name in the Located in Project drop-down list.
  10. In the Replace with field, enter the new environment value.
  11. To replace the original environment value with the new value, click Replace All.
  12. All occurrences of the environment value you entered in the Find Value field are replaced with the environment value you entered in the Replace with field.

For detailed information about EnvValueTypes, see the Javadoc for AquaLogic Service Bus Classes. The Java types and location values of these environment values are specified in the javadoc.

Related Topics

Creating Customization Files

Executing Customization Files

Importing Resources

Exporting Resources

Creating Customization Files

The Create Customization File page provides a convenient way to generate a customization file for a set of resources or projects that you select. You can then use this file as a starting point for making your desired modifications by specifying the actual values for an environment.

You can use customization files to make changes to environment values as well as to change references within resources. Customization files can include customizations for all the environment values found in the resources you selected, including complex environment values types defined inside the EnvValueTypes class. In addition, it includes a reference customization type for changing resource references inside resources with dependencies.

The customization schema (Customization.xsd) which describes the customization types is available at the following location in your AquaLogic Service Bus installation:


where BEA_HOME represents the directory in which you installed AquaLogic Service Bus.

To Create Customization Files
  1. From the left navigation pane, select Create Customization File from under System Administration > Customization.
  2. The Create Customization File page displays the list of objects in your configuration. The name and type of each object is displayed.

  3. Select the projects or resources you want to include in the customization file.
    1. Expand the project folders. The name and type for each resource contained in the project is displayed.
    2. Select the check boxes associated with the projects or resources you want to include in the customization file.
    3. Clear the check boxes associated with the projects or resources that you do not want to include in the customization file.
  4. Click Create File to create a customization XML file.
  5. In the File Download dialog box, click Open to open the customization file or click Save to save the XML file to your desktop.

Related Topics

Finding and Replacing Environment Values

Executing Customization Files

Importing Resources

Exporting Resources

Executing Customization Files

The Execute Customization File page provides a convenient way to modify your environment during deployment from development to staging, from staging to production, or during design time. Using the console, you perform customizations by executing customization rules in an XML file or by doing find and replace of primitive type environment variables.

Customizations can be one of the following types:

The Execute Customization File page allows you to import a customization XML file that has previously been saved on your system. The customizations can be applied either globally or be limited to only resources modified in the current session. In the latter case, if the customization file specifies a resource in the Apply To column, but it is not modified in the session, it will be skipped.

You must be in a session to execute a customization file.

To Execute Customization Files
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Execute Customization File from under System Administration > Customization. The Execute Customization File page is displayed.
  3. Select a customization file to execute:
    1. In the File Name field, click Browse to locate the directory where the customization file is stored.
    2. Select the XML file, then click Open.
  4. Click Next. The following information is displayed.
  5. Table 26-12 Customization Details 
    • Find & Replace—modify environment values by doing string substitutions.
    • Map References—maps existing references found in resources to other references.
    • Set Environment Values—modify environment values for resources.
    Apply To
    Name of the service, project, folder, or resource to be customized.
    The name is a link the Configuration Details page of the service or resource, or to the project or folder in the Project Explorer.
    A description of each customization.

  6. To customize only resources, services, projects, or folders changed in the current session, select the Only Items Changed In Current Session check box.
  7. Note: If you limit customizations to only resources modified in the current session, the Apply To column gets updated with the resources modified in current session. If you limit customizations of a project or folder, then the resources modified in current session within that project or folder are displayed in Apply To column.
  8. Click Execute.
  9. To view customization details, within the session, select View Changes under Change Center, and click on the Customization task. See Viewing Configuration Changes.

  10. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Finding and Replacing Environment Values

Creating Customization Files

Importing Resources

Exporting Resources

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