Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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Business Services

This section includes the following topics:

Overview of Business Services

Business services are AquaLogic Service Bus definitions of the enterprise services with which you want to exchange messages. You define business services using WSDLs (Web Services Definition Language) just as you would define a proxy service. However, the configuration of business services differs from that of proxy services in that a business service does not have a pipeline. Therefore, a business service is any service not implemented by the BEA AquaLogic Service Bus pipelines.

Note: If a business service requires Web service security, make sure the WSDL you specify has the necessary WS-Policies attached when you create the business service. Furthermore, if the WS-Policy of the business service requires encryption, make sure the public certificate of the business service is embedded in the WSDL. If the business service is a WebLogic Server 9.0 Web service, you can retrieve its WSDL using the http://<host>:<port>/<service url>?WSDL URL, the public certificate will be automatically embedded for you if necessary.

The following table lists the Business Services pages you can access from the Resource Browser and the Project Explorer modules.

Table 16-1 Pages Accessed from Project Explorer and Resource Browser Modules 
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
Summary of Business Services
View a list of business services.
Filter the list.
Delete a business service.
Edit a Business Service
Add a business service
Business Service Details
View details of a specific business service
Change details of a specific business service

Service Types

Each service type is modeled following the same pattern. Their configuration is composed of a common part and a service type-specific part.

The common configuration consists of the following properties.

Table 16-2 Service Type Configuration 
Resource Definition
The resource definition consists of:
  • The service name (that is, project, path, and local name)
  • An optional description for the service
  • The service type (read only)
Transport Configuration
You can configure the following parameters for each business service:
  • List of <string URI, integer weight> pairs—for example, <, 100>. For a random-weighted list, the list should contain at least one element.
  • Load-balancing algorithm—enumeration, one of round-robin, random, or random-weighted. If you select random-weighted, the weights are applicable for each URI.
  • Retry Count
  • Retry Interval
The transport you select must be able to support the transport mode (that is, request/response, one-way or both) required by the binding definition, and be configured accordingly.
For services exchanging messages in both modes, you must configure the binding layer so that it can choose the transport mode accordingly. This occurs automatically when the service is a concrete type, as it is described in the binding definition. When it is not a concrete type, to configure the binding layer, you must use the routing options action in the message flow to set the mode for a route or publish.
Based on the transport and WSDL or interface, the transport mode is automatically selected, but you can overwrite it using the routing options action for a route or publish

Each service type must define the following configurations:

Business Service Types and Transport

The Business service types and transports supported by AquaLogic Service Bus are listed below.

Table 16-4 Business Service Types and Transports Supported by AquaLogic Service Bus 
Service Type
Transport Protocols
XML (no WSDL)1
MQ (if available)
Transport Typed
Messaging Type (Binary, Text, MFL, XML)
MQ (if available)

1HTTP GET is only supported for XML with no WSDL.

Adding a Business Service

The Create a Business Service pages enable you to add a new business service. Business services are AquaLogic Service Bus definitions of the enterprise services with which you want to exchange messages. To learn more, see Overview of Business Services.

To add a business service, you must first configure general information for the service, then configure general and protocol-dependent transport information for the service. If this is a messaging service, you must also configure the message types. You can review the configuration before you create the new business service.

The tasks in this procedure include:

To Add a Business - Service - General Configuration
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Project Explorer. The Project View page is displayed.
  3. Select the project to which you want to add the business service. You can add a business service directly under the project, or you can add the business service under a selected folder.
  4. Note: Click the name of a folder to select it. The Folder View page is displayed.
  5. From the Project View or Folder View page, in the Create Resource field, select Business Service from under Service. The Edit a Business Service - General Configuration page is displayed.
  6. In the Service Name field, enter a unique name. This is a required field.
  7. In the Description field, enter a description for this business service.
  8. In the Service Type field, do one of the tasks described in the following table.
  9. Note: A service type defines the types and packaging of the messages exchanged by the service. This is a required field.

    Table 16-5 Service Type Field 
    Complete These Steps...
    Create a service from a WSDL
    1. Select WSDL Web Service from under Create a New Service.
    2. Click Browse. The WSDL Browser is displayed.
    3. In the WSDL Browser, select a WSDL resource, then select a port or a binding in the Select a WSDL page.
    4. Click Submit to close the dialog box and return to the General Configuration page.

    Note: When you create a business service or proxy service based on a WSDL, you can select only a WSDL port or a WSDL binding, as a WSDL may only have one of these entities defined. The WSDL port describes what the actual transport address is. You use it for a concrete interface.

    To learn more about this service type, see Service Types in Overview of Business Services.
    Create a Transport Typed Service
    Select Transport Typed Service to create a service that uses EJB transport.
    To learn more about this service type, see Service Types in Overview of Business Services.
    Create a messaging service
    Select Messaging Service to create a service that exchanges messages of very different content-type. These exchanges can be either request/response or one-way. It can also just have a response with no request when used with the HTTP ‘GET’ option for the HTTP transport. Unlike Web services, the content-type of the request and response need not be the same.
    To learn more about this service type, see Service Types in Overview of Business Services.
    Create a SOAP service that does not have an explicitly defined, concrete interface
    Select Any SOAP Service to create a SOAP service that does not have an explicitly defined, concrete interface.
    Keep the default SOAP 1.1, or select SOAP 1.2 from the drop-down list.
    To learn more about this service type, see Service Types in Overview of Business Services.
    Create an XML service that does not have an explicitly defined, concrete interface
    Select Any XML Service to create an XML service that does not have an explicitly defined, concrete interface.

    Note: HTTP GET is only supported for messaging services and this service type.

    To learn more about this service type, see Service Types in Overview of Business Services.
    Create a service from an existing business service
    1. Select Business Service from under Create from Existing Service.
    2. Click Browse. The Service Browser is displayed.
    3. In the Service Browser, select a business service.
    4. Click Submit to close the dialog box and return to the General Configuration page.
    Create a service from an existing proxy service
    1. Select Proxy Service from under Create from Existing Service.
    2. Click Browse. The Select Business Service page is displayed.
    3. In the Select Business Service page, select a proxy service.
    4. Click Submit to close the dialog box and return to the General Configuration page.
    To learn more about proxy services, see Overview of Proxy Services.

  10. Click Next.
  11. If you selected Messaging Service in the Service Type field, the Edit a Business Service - Message Type Configuration page is displayed. Continue in To Add a Business Service - Message Type Configuration.

    For all other service types, the Edit a Business Service - Transport Configuration page is displayed. Continue in To Add a Business Service - Transport Configuration.

To Add a Business Service - Message Type Configuration

If you selected Messaging Service in the Service Type field, the Edit a Business Service - Message Type Configuration page is displayed when you click Next on the Edit a Business Service - General Configuration page.

The binding definition for messaging services consists of configuring the content-type of the messages that are exchanged. The content-type for the response does not need to be the same as for the request; therefore, the response is configured separately (for example, the service could accept an MFL message and return an XML acknowledgment receipt).

Note: File, FTP, or SFTP transport business services whose type is Messaging Service support one-way messaging only; the Response Message Type should be none. If you select an option other than none, the file, ftp, or sftp protocol will not be available on the Transport Configuration page.
  1. Select a message type for the request and response messages:
    1. In the Request Message Type field, select a message type for the request message.
    2. Table 16-6 Request Message Type Field 
      Message Type
      Select None if there is no request message (HTTP GET example)
      Select Binary if the content-type of the message is unknown or not important.
      Select Text if the message can be restricted to text.
      Select MFL if the message is a binary document conforming to an MFL definition. You can configure only one MFL file.

      Note: For MFLs, you can click Browse to select an MFL from the MFL Browser, then click Submit.

      Select XML if the message is an XML document. To provide some type information, you can choose to declare the XML schema type of the XML document exchanged.

    3. In the Response Message Type field, select a message type for the response message.
    4. Table 16-7 Response Message Type Field 
      Message Type
      Select None if there is no response message.
      Select Binary if the content-type of the message is unknown or not important.
      Select Text if the message can be restricted to text.
      Select MFL if the message is a binary document conforming to an MFL definition. You can configure only one MFL file.

      Note: For MFLs, you can click Browse to select an MFL from the MFL Browser, then click Submit.

      Select XML if the message is an XML document. To provide some type information, you can choose to declare the XML schema type of the XML document exchanged.

  2. Click Next.
  3. The Transport Configuration page is displayed. Continue in To Add a Business Service - Transport Configuration.

To Add a Business Service - Transport Configuration

The Transport Configuration page is displayed when you click Next on the Edit a Business Service - General Configuration page. It is displayed for messaging services when you click Next on the Edit a Business Service - Message Type Configuration page.

Note: This page allows you to configure transport information for the business service. Outbound transport-level security applies to the connections between AquaLogic Service Bus proxy services and business services. For more information about transport-level security, see Configuring Transport-Level Security in the AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.
  1. In the Protocol field, select one of these transport protocols:
    • DSP
    • E-mail
    • File
    • FTP
    • HTTP
    • HTTPS
    • JMS
    • Tuxedo
    • EJB (only for Transport Typed Service)
    • MQ (if available)
    • SFTP
  2. In the Load Balancing Algorithm field, select one of these load-balancing algorithms.
  3. Table 16-8 Load Balancing Algorithm Field 
    Load-Balancing Algorithm
    Dynamically orders the URLs that you enter in the Endpoint URI field for this business service. If the first one fails, it tries the next one, and so on until the retry count is exhausted.
    For every new message, there is a new order of URLs.
    Randomly orders the list of URLs that you enter in the Endpoint URI field for this business service. If the first one fails, it tries the next one, and so on until the retry count is exhausted.
    Randomly orders the list of URLs that you enter in the Endpoint URI field for this business service, but some are retried more than others based on the value you enter in the Weight field.
    Orders the list of URLs that you enter in the Endpoint URI field for this business service from top to bottom.

  4. In the Endpoint URI field, enter an endpoint URI in the format based on the transport protocol you selected in the Protocol field, then click Add.
  5. Table 16-9 Endpoint URI Field 
    Transport Protocol
    To target a JMS destination to multiple servers, use the following URI format:
    In the URI, resourcename corresponds to a WTC Import name and the remotename corresponds to the service name exported by the remote Tuxedo domain. The URI resourcename is required, and the remotename is optional.
    If more than one URI is specified, you must have unique resource names for the endpoints. If no remote name is specified, its value is the value of the resource name. If no remote name is entered or if remote and resource name are the same, only one URI is allowed. In this case resource name and remote name will have the same value. This allows already defined WTC Imports to make use of WTC load-balancing and failover.

    Note: If you configure two identical URIs, an error displays notifying you that service name already exists.

    In the URI, provider is the name of the JNDI provider resource, and JNDIname is the JNDI name in the JNDI server for the EJB.

    Note: If the JNDI provider is located on the same server, the JNDI provider need not be specified. The URI then would be ejb::jndiname

    local-queue-name is the name of the MQ queue from which the business service reads messages.
    mq-connection-resource-ref is the path (project/folder) and name of the MQ connection resource; for example, default/my_MQconnection.
    To make the MQ transport available in ALSB, see MQ Connections

    Note: You can configure multiple URIs. You can click the Delete icon in the Options column to delete them at any time. At run time, the URLs are selected based on the load balancing algorithm you selected in the Load Balancing Algorithm field.
    Note: If you selected Random-weighted in the Load Balancing Algorithm field, you can also enter a weight in the Endpoint URI field. The default is 1.
    Note: If you have multiple endpoint defined, and you selected None in the Load Balancing Algorithm field, the order of endpoints is significant. You can re-order the endpoints using the Up and Down arrows in the Options column.
  6. In the Retry Count field, specify the number of times the list is retried. The number in this field indicates the number of times the list of URIs is retried (not the number of URIs in the list). If the number of retries is set to 0, each URI in the list is tried once. If the number of retries is set to 3, each URI is cycled through four times.
  7. In the Retry Interval field, specify the number of seconds the system must pause between retries.
  8. Click Next.
  9. An additional Transport Configuration page is displayed. This page allows you to configure protocol-dependent transport information for the business service. Continue in To Add a Business Service - Protocol-Dependent Transport Configuration.

To Add a Business Service - Protocol-Dependent Transport Configuration

The [Protocol] Transport Configuration page is displayed when you click Next on the Edit a Business Service - Transport Configuration page. This page allows you to configure additional transport information for the business service, based on the transport protocol you selected in the Protocol field.

  1. Based on the transport protocol you selected in the Protocol field, do one of the following:
  2. Table 16-10 Protocol Field 
    Transport Protocol...
    Complete These Steps...
    1. In the Timeout field, enter the timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout.
    2. In the HTTP Request Method field, select POST or GET as the HTTP request method header for sending a message.
    3. The GET method can include as part of the request some of its own information that better describes what to get. This information is passed as a sequence of characters appended to the request URL in a query string. The POST method passes all its data, of unlimited length, directly over the socket connection as part of its HTTP request body. The exchange is invisible to the client, and the URL doesn't change at all.

    4. Select the Basic Authentication Required check box to specify that basic authentication is required to access this service, or leave it blank to specify that basic authentication is not required. Basic authentication instructs WebLogic Server to authenticate the client using a username and password against the authentication providers configured in the security realm, such as a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service and Windows Active Directory. The client must send its username and password on the HTTP request header. If you select this field, you must also enter a service account in the Service Account field.
    5. NOTE: Basic authentication over HTTP is strongly discouraged because the password is sent in clear text. However, it is safe to send passwords over HTTPS because HTTPS provides an encrypted channel.

    6. In the Service Account field, enter a service account. A service account is an alias resource for a username and password. This is a required field if you selected the Basic Authentication Required field. To learn more about service accounts, see Overview of Service Accounts. You can create service accounts in the Project Explorer module. To learn more, see Adding a Service Account.
    HTTP continued
    1. Make sure the Follow HTTP Redirects check box is selected if HTTP redirects, which are requests with a response code 3xx, should be automatically followed. A re-direct occurs when you send an outbound request to the URL of a business service, and that service returns a response code (for example, 302) that says the URL is no longer valid and this request needs to be sent to another URL. If the Follow HTTP Redirects check box is selected, AquaLogic Service Bus automatically re-sends the request to the new URL without any action on your part. Uncheck this check box if you do not want the HTTP redirects to be automatically followed.
    2. In the Dispatch Policy field, select a dispatch policy for this endpoint. Default signifies the default dispatch policy.
    3. Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For example, if the proxy service has a JMS transport protocol, the service endpoint is an MDB (message-driven bean) JAR file that you can associate with the specific dispatch policy.

    4. In the Request encoding field, accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in HTTP transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    5. In the Response encoding field, accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for responses in HTTP transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    1. In the Timeout field, enter the timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout.
    2. In the HTTP Request Method field, select POST or GET as the HTTP request method header for sending a message.
    3. The GET method can include as part of the request some of its own information that better describes what to get. This information is passed as a sequence of characters appended to the request URL in a query string. The POST method passes all its data, of unlimited length, directly over the socket connection as part of its HTTP request body. The exchange is invisible to the client, and the URL doesn't change at all.

    4. In the Business Service Authentication field, select None, Basic, or Client Certificates as the business service authentication method. If you select Basic, you must also enter a service account in the Service Account field.
    5. In the Service Account field, click Browse to select a static service account. A service account is an alias resource for a username and password. This is a required field if you selected Basic in the Business Service Authentication field.To learn more about service accounts, see Overview of Service Accounts. You can create service accounts in the Project Explorer module. To learn more, see Adding a Service Account.
    6. Make sure the Follow HTTP Redirects check box is selected if HTTP redirects, which are requests with a response code 3xx, should be automatically followed. A re-direct occurs when you send an outbound request to the URL of a business service, and that service returns a response code (for example, 302) that says the URL is no longer valid and this request needs to be sent to another URL. If the Follow HTTP Redirects check box is selected, AquaLogic Service Bus automatically re-sends the request to the new URL without any action on your part. Uncheck this check box if you do not want the HTTP redirects to be automatically followed.
    7. In the Dispatch Policy field, select a dispatch policy for this endpoint. Default signifies the default dispatch policy.
    8. Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For example, if the proxy service has a JMS transport protocol, the service endpoint is an MDB (message-driven bean) JAR file that you can associate with the specific dispatch policy.

    9. In the Request encoding field, accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in HTTPS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    10. In the Response encoding field, accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in HTTPS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    1. In the Destination Type field, select Queue or Topic.
    2. In the Message Type field, select Bytes or Text.
    3. If you selected Queue in the Destination Type field, either select the Is Response Required check box or leave it blank. This check box determines whether or not a response is expected after an outbound message is sent. If you do not select the check box, skip to step 8. If you select the check box, continue with step 4.
    4. If you expect a response, you must select a response correlation pattern. For JAX-RPC services running on WebLogic Server 9.2, select JMSMessageID for all other services, select JMSCorrelationID.
    5. If you selected JMSCorrelationID in step 4, then in the Response URI field, enter a response URI in the format jms://host:port/factoryJndiName/destJndiName. This field is required if you selected Is Response Required.
      To target multiple servers, use the following URI format:
    6. If you selected JMSMessageID in step 4, then enter a response connection factory URI in the Response Connection Factory field, and a list of JNDI destination names under JNDI Destination Names.
    7. In the Response Timeout field, enter the amount of time to wait for the response, in seconds. This field is required if you selected Is Response Required.
    8. In the Request encoding field, accept the default utf-8 as the character set encoding for requests in JMS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    9. In the Response encoding field, accept the default utf-8 as the character set encoding for requests in JMS transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    10. In the Dispatch Policy field, select a dispatch policy for this endpoint. Default signifies the default dispatch policy. Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For example, if the proxy service has a JMS transport protocol, the service endpoint is an MDB (message-driven bean) JAR file that you can associate with the specific dispatch policy.
    11. Click Advanced Settings to display additional fields.
    12. Select the Use SSL check box if the requests are made over a TLS/SSL connection or leave blank if they are not. TLS/SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) provides secure connections by allowing two applications connecting over a network to authenticate the other's identity and by encrypting the data exchanged between the applications. Authentication allows a server, and optionally a client, to verify the identity of the application on the other end of a network connection. Additionally, if the administrator has restricted access to individual JMS destinations (queues or topics) by setting access control on the JNDI entry for the destination, the Business Service must authenticate when looking up the entry in the JNDI tree with a username and password.
    13. In the Expiration field, enter the expiration or time-to-live value for a message, in seconds. If you enter 0, the message never expires.
    JMS continued
    1. In the Unit of Order field, enter a message unit-of-order. Message Unit-of-Order is a WebLogic Server value-added feature that enables message producers to group messages into a single unit with respect to the processing order. This single unit is called a Unit-of-Order and requires that all messages from that unit be processed sequentially in the order they were created.
    2. In the JNDI service account field, click Browse to select a service account to use for JNDI lookups. To learn more about service accounts, see Overview of Service Accounts.
    3. In the JMS service account field, click Browse to select a service account (only static service accounts will be displayed) to use for the JMS resource managed by the JMS server. To learn more, see Overview of Service Accounts.
    1. In the SMTP Server field, select an SMTP server.
      NOTE: This is a required field if you do not select a JNDI name in the Mail Session field.
    2. In the Mail Session field, select the JNDI name of a configured session.
      NOTE: This is a required field if you do not enter an SMTP server name in the Mail Server address field.
    3. In the From Name field, enter a display name for the originating E-mail account for this service.
    4. In the From Address field, enter the originating E-mail account for this service.
    5. In the Reply To Name field, enter a display name for the reply to E-mail account.
    6. In the Reply To Address field, enter an E-mail address to reply to.
    7. In the Connection Timeout field, enter the timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout.
    8. In the Request encoding field, accept the default iso-8859-1 as the character set encoding for requests in E-mail transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    1. In the Prefix field, enter a prefix that is prepended to the file name. This is a required field.
    2. NOTE: Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.

    3. In the Suffix field, enter a suffix that is appended to the file name. This is a required field.
    4. NOTE: Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.

    5. In the Request encoding field, accept the default utf-8 as the character set encoding for requests in File transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    1. In the User Authentication field, select anonymous if the user of the FTP server is anonymous or select external_user if the user of the FTP server is an externally configured account.
    2. In the Identity (E-mail id) or Service Account field, enter the mail ID for the anonymous user if you selected anonymous in the User Authentication field, or enter the service account if you selected external_user in the User Authentication field. This is a required field if you selected external_user. To learn more about service accounts, see Overview of Service Accounts. You can create service accounts in the Project Explorer module. To learn more, see Adding a Service Account.
    3. In the Timeout field, enter the socket timeout, in seconds. The default is 60 seconds.
    4. In the Prefix for destination File Name field, enter a prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server. This is a required field.
    5. NOTE: Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.

    6. In the Suffix for destination File Name field, enter a suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server. This is a required field.
    7. NOTE: Do not enter * in this field. This character causes a run-time exception.

    8. In the Transfer Node field, select ascii or binary as the transfer mode.
    9. In the Request encoding field, accept the default utf-8 as the character set encoding for requests in File transports, or enter a different character set encoding.
    1. In the optional field, Field Table Classes, enter the name of the class or classes describing the FML/FML32 buffer received. These are used for the FML/FML32-to-XML conversion routines to map field names to element names. This is a space separated list of fully qualified class names.
    2. In the optional field, View Classes, enter the name of the class or classes describing the VIEW/VIEW32 buffer received or sent. These are used for the VIEW-to-XML or VIEW32-to-XML conversion routines to map field names to element names. This is a space separated list of fully qualified class names.
    3. In the Classes Jar field, select a JAR Resource that contains a JAR file with the FML/FML32 or VIEW/VIEW32 classes necessary for this endpoint operation.
    4. Select a Remote Access Point from the drop down list that is associated with the Import. The drop down list contains remote access points configured in WTC. A Business Service cannot be created if there is no associated remote access point.
    5. If more than one URI has been specified, there will be one remote access point field per URI and the URI displays for informative purposes. If more than one URI exists, each requires a different remote access point. If the URI specified already corresponds to an existing WTC resource, the corresponding remote access point displays, but cannot be modified.

    6. Request Buffer Type – Select from the drop-down list the type of buffer that the remote Tuxedo service will receive.
    7. The Request Buffer Subtype is enabled if the previous Request Buffer Type value is VIEW or VIEW32. Enter the buffer subtype with which to associate the request buffer.
    8. Select the check box for Response Required? to indicate a bidirectional call. If not checked, the underlying tpcall is invoked with TPNOREPLY flag, and a null response is posted asynchronously.
    9. Select the check box Suspend Transaction to suspend the transaction, if it exists. This is useful when the remote service does not support transactions.
    10. In the Dispatch Policy drop-down list, select a WLS Work Manager, if available. The default Work Manager is presented and used if no other WLS Work Manager exists. This Work Manager is used to asynchronously post a null reply in the case of a one-way invocation.
    Tuxedo continued
    1. In the Request Encoding field, specify a character set encoding for requests in Tuxedo transports.
    2. In the Response Encoding field, specify a character set encoding for responses in Tuxedo transports.
    3. In the Transformation Style field, select one of the following choices:
    4. None—(default) The order of fields may not be respected.

      Ordered—The fields will be presented with all their occurrences in the correct order.

      Ordered and Grouped—If the fields are logically structured as records, the fields will be ordered by occurrence and also grouped by record.

    1. Select the check box for Is Response Required? to specify that a response is expected after an outbound message is sent.
    2. If you selected Is Response Required, in the Polling Interval field, enter a polling interval, in milliseconds. The default is 1000. This is a required field.
    3. If you selected Is Response Required, in the Message Type field, specify one of the following:
    4. Bytes (for a stream of uninterpreted bytes)

      Text (for text messages)

    5. If you selected Is Response Required, specify whether the Response Correlation Pattern should be based on MessageID or CorrelationID.
    6. Select the Auto-Generate Correlation Value check box to automatically generate a CorrelationID or MessageID.
    7. If you selected Is Response Required, in the Response URI field, specify the destination to which the response should be published. Enter a response URI in the same format as the endpoint URI: mq://<local-queue-name>?conn=<mq-connection-resource-ref>
    8. For more detailed information, see the Native MQ Transport User Guide.

    9. If you selected Is Response Required, in the Response Timeout field, enter the number of seconds to wait for a response before dropping the connection.
    10. If you selected Is Response Required, select a Dispatch Policy for this endpoint or use the default dispatch policy.
    11. Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint.

    1. In the optional field, Service Account, click the Browse button and select a service account from the list displayed. If no service account is specified, AquaLogic Service Bus uses an anonymous subject.
    2. Select the Supports Transaction check box to specify transaction support.
    3. In the Client Jar field, click the Browse button and select an EJB client JAR resource from the list displayed. To learn about creating JAR resources, see Overview of JARs. This is a required field.
    4. In the Converter Jar field, click the Browse button and select an EJB converter class JAR resource from the list displayed. To learn more about EJB client JAR resources and converter classes, see EJB Transport in the AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.
    5. In the Home Interface drop-down list, select the required EJBHome interface from the options populated by the JAR. The JNDI name in this URI sample must be associated with the EJBHome interface you select here. If the EJB is not of the required type or an EJBHome interface is not specified in the client-jar, a warning will be displayed.
    6. The Remote Interface field will be automatically populated depending on the configuration of the Home Interface.
    7. The Target Namespace field is populated by information picked up from the JAR.
    8. Select Document Wrapped or RPC Style according to your requirements. If two or more methods of your stateless session EJB have the same number and data type of parameters, and you want the operations to be document-oriented, you must specify that they be document-wrapped.
    9. NOTE: The style is important because when routing or publishing to the EJB, $body needs to have content that matches the style. Also when calling out to an EJB, the style impacts the parameter contents, especially for document wrapped. Secondly one usage pattern is to define an EJB business service and then create a proxy service with the same WSDL that routes to the EJB. In this case care must be taken on the style of the WSDL because the client tool used to invoke the proxy might have limitations on the style of the WSDL.

    10. Select Encoded or Literal Encoding.
    11. In Methods, select the required methods (you can select multiple methods). Click + to expand the method and: edit the default parameter values and select a converter if provided (or required).
    1. In the Debug Level field, specify 0 for no debug information, or a higher value to output debug information. Specify 1 to output information on the request message, or 3 to output information on the request and the response message.
    2. In the optional field, Service Account, click the Browse button and select a service account from the list displayed. If no service account is specified, AquaLogic Service Bus uses an anonymous subject.
    3. In the Dispatch Policy drop-down list, select a WLS Work Manager, if available. The default Work Manager is used if no other WLS Work Manager exists. The Work Manager is used to post the reply message for response processing.
    For more information on accessing AquaLogic Data Services Platform from AquaLogic Service Bus, see
    1. Select one of the following User Authentication methods:
    2. Username Password Authentication - Specifies that a static service account is associated with this authentication method and the client is authenticated using the provided credentials.

      Host Based Authentication - Specifies that a user name and proxy service provider is required to use this authentication method. Any user connecting from a known host is authenticated using the private key of the host.

      Public Key Authentication - Specifies that a user name and proxy service provider is required to use this authentication method. Every user has their own private key.

    3. In the Service Account field, enter a service account. You can click Browse to select service accounts from a browser. This is a required field.
    4. If you selected Host Based or Public Key Authentication, enter a proxy service provider in the Service Provider field. You can click Browse to select proxy service providers from a browser. This is a required field.
    5. If you selected Host Based or Public Key Authentication, enter the user name in the Username field.
    6. In the Timeout field, enter the socket timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout.
    7. In the Prefix for Destination File Name field, enter the prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
    8. In the Suffix for Destination File Name field, enter the suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
    9. In the Request encoding field, accept the default utf-8 as the character set encoding for requests in SFTP transports, or enter a different character set encoding.

    Note: If a business service is created from a WSDL that includes WS-Policy attachments, the policies (read-only) are displayed on the [Protocol] Transport Configuration page. If any of the service's WS-Policies specifies authentication, then you must select a service account. A proxy service that routes to this business service will use this service account to authenticate to the business service.
  3. Click Next.
  4. The General Configuration Review page is displayed. Continue in To Add a Business Service - General Configuration Review.

To Add a Business Service - General Configuration Review

The General Configuration Review page is displayed when you click Next on the Protocol Transport Configuration page. This page allows you to review the configuration data that you have entered for this business service. If necessary, you can click Edit to make changes to the configuration before you save the business service.

Note: The new business service is saved in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating Business Services

Viewing and Changing Business Services

Deleting Business Services

Listing and Locating Business Services

The Summary of Business Services page allows you to view a list of business services. Business services are AquaLogic Service Bus definitions of the enterprise services with which you want to exchange messages. To learn more, see Overview of Business Services.

To List and Locate Business Services
  1. From the left navigation pane, select Business Services from under Resource Browser. The Summary of Business Services page is displayed, which displays the following information for each business service. For a more detailed description of the properties, see Viewing and Changing Business Services.
  2. Table 16-11 Summary of Business Services Page 
    A unique name for the business service. The name is a link to the View Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Business Services.
    The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the business service resides. It is a link to the project or folder that contains this resource. To learn more, see Viewing Project Details.
    For business services, the Actions column displays the following:
    • A Launch Test Console icon, which you can click to invoke the Test Console, which you use to validate and test the design of your services and transformations. For business services, you can only use the Test Console at run time; that is, when the session is activated. To learn more, see Testing Services.
    • An Export WSDL icon displays for any WSDL-based proxy services. You use the Export WSDL functionality to quickly make a WSDL available for consumption by external tools such as IDEs. Note that this is different than the Export Resources functionality in the System Administration module, which you use to move and stage resources between two domains. Click the Export WSDL icon to export the WSDL. To learn more, see Exporting a WSDL.
    The Options column displays the following:
    • A Delete icon that enables you to delete a specific service. To learn more, see Deleting Business Services.
    • You cannot delete a resource if it is referenced by other resources in AquaLogic Service Bus. Instead of the Delete icon, a Delete icon with a red X is displayed for these resources.

  3. To locate a specific business service, do one of the following:
    • Filter by business service name. In the Name and Path fields, enter the name and path of the search target, then click Search. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the business service resides. The services matching the search criteria are displayed.
    • Resort the list. Click on an underlined column name. Ascending and descending arrows indicate the sort order. Click the column name to change the sort order.
    • Scroll through the pages. Use the page controls above or below the table. Go to a page by selecting the page number or by using the arrow buttons to go to the next, previous, first, or last page.
    • Note: Click View All to display all business services.

Related Topics

Adding a Business Service

Viewing and Changing Business Services

The View Details page allows you to view and change details of a specific business service. Business services are AquaLogic Service Bus definitions of the enterprise services with which you want to exchange messages. To learn more, see Overview of Business Services.

To View and Change Business Service Details
  1. Locate the business service. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Business Services.
  2. Click the business service name.
  3. The View Details page displays the following information.

    Table 16-12 View Details Page 
    Resource Name
    The name of this business service.
    Last Modified By
    The user who created this business service or imported it into the configuration.
    Last Modified On
    The date and time that the user created this business service or imported it into the configuration.
    The number of objects that this business service references. If such references exist, click the link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    Referenced by
    The number of objects that reference this business service. If such references exist, click the link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    A description of this business service, if one exists.

    The View Details page displays the following General Configuration information.

    Table 16-13 General Configuration Information 
    Service Type
    The service type

    If the service type for this business service is Messaging Service, the page displays the following Message Type Configuration information.

    Table 16-14 Message Type Configuration Information 
    Request Message Type
    A message type for the request message: None, Binary, Text, MFL, or XML.
    Response Message Type
    A message type for the response message: None, Binary, Text, MFL, or XML.

    The page displays the following Transport Configuration information:

    Table 16-15 Transport Configuration Information 
    The transport protocol
    Load Balancing Algorithm
    The load balancing algorithm
    Endpoint URI
    The endpoint URI
    Retry Count
    The retry count
    Retry Interval
    The retry interval

    If the transport protocol is E-mail, the page displays the following E-mail Transport Configuration information:

    Table 16-16 E-mail Transport Configuration Information 
    Mail Server Address
    The SMTP server for this service
    Service Account
    The service account for this mail server
    Mail Session
    The mail session for this service
    From Name
    The originating display name for this service
    From Address
    The originating address for this service
    Reply to Name
    The reply to display name for this service
    Reply to Address
    The reply to address for this service
    Request Encoding
    The character set encoding for requests in E-mail transports.

    If the transport protocol is File, the page displays the following File Transport Configuration information:

    Table 16-17 File Transport Configuration Information 
    A prefix that is prepended to the file name.
    A suffix that is appended to the file.
    Request Encoding
    The character set encoding for requests in File transports.

    If the transport protocol is FTP, the page displays the following FTP Transport Configuration information.

    Table 16-18 FTP Transport Configuration Information 
    User Authentication
    The user authentication method: anonymous or externally configured account.
    Identity (E-mail id) or Service Account
    The mail ID for an anonymous user or service account for an externally configured account.
    The socket timeout, in seconds.
    Prefix for destination File Name
    The prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
    Suffix for destination File Name
    The suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
    Transfer Mode
    The transfer mode: Binary or ASCII.
    Request Encoding
    The character set encoding for requests in FTP transports.

    If the transport protocol is HTTP, the page displays the following HTTP Transport Configuration information.

    Table 16-19 HTTP Transport Configuration Information 
    The amount of time in seconds it takes the service to time out.
    HTTP Request Method
    The HTTP request method.
    Basic Authentication Required
    Whether or not basic authentication is required: displays Enabled if it is required.
    Follow HTTP Redirects
    Whether or not a re-direct occurs when you send an outbound request to the URL of a business service, and that service returns a response code (for example, 302) that says the URL is no longer valid and this request needs to be sent to another URL. Displays Enabled if AquaLogic Service Bus automatically re-sends the request to the new URL without any action on your part.
    Service Account
    If you selected one, a service account for this transport.
    Request Encoding
    The character set encoding for requests in HTTP transports.
    Response Encoding
    The character set encoding for responses in HTTP transports.

    If the transport protocol is HTTPS, the page displays the following HTTPS Transport Configuration information.

    Table 16-20 HTTPS Transport Configuration Information 
    The amount of time in seconds it takes the service to time out.
    HTTP Request Method
    The HTTP request method: POST or GET.
    Business Service Authentication
    The authentication method for the business service: None, Basic, or Client Certificates.
    Follow HTTP Redirects
    Whether or not a re-direct occurs when you send an outbound request to the URL of a business service, and that service returns a response code (for example, 302) that says the URL is no longer valid and this request needs to be sent to another URL. Displays Enabled if AquaLogic Service Bus automatically re-sends the request to the new URL without any action on your part.
    Service Account
    If you selected one, a service account for this transport.
    Request Encoding
    The character set encoding for requests in HTTPS transports.
    Response Encoding
    The character set encoding for responses in HTTPS transports.

    If the transport protocol is JMS, the page displays the following JMS Transport Configuration information.

    Table 16-21 JMS Transport Configuration Information 
    Destination Type
    The destination type: Queue or Topic.
    Use SSL
    Displays Enabled if the requests are made over a TLS/SSL connection.
    Message Type
    The message type: Text or Bytes.
    The expiration or time-to-live value for a message, in seconds. If it is 0, the message never expires.
    Is Response Required
    Whether or not a response is expected after an outbound message is sent.
    Response URI
    A response URI in the format jms://host:port/factoryJndiName/destJndiName.
    To target multiple servers, use the following URI format:
    Response Timeout
    The amount of time to wait for the response, in seconds.
    Unit of Order
    The Message Unit-of-Order that enables message producers to group messages into a single unit with respect to the processing order. This single unit requires that all messages from that unit be processed sequentially in the order they were created.
    JNDI service account
    The service account to use for JNDI lookups.
    Request Encoding
    The character set encoding for requests in JMS transports.
    Response Encoding
    The character set encoding for responses in JMS transports.
    JMS service account
    The service account to use for the JMS resource managed by the JMS server.

    If the transport protocol is Tuxedo, the page displays the following Tuxedo Transport Configuration information.

    Table 16-22 Tuxedo Transport Configuration Information 
    Field Table Classes
    The space separated list of fully qualified FML Files class names for buffer mapping.
    View Classes
    The space separated list of fully qualified View class names for buffer mapping.
    Classes Jar
    A JAR Resource that contains a JAR file with the FML/FML32 or VIEW/VIEW32 classes necessary for the endpoint operation.
    Remote Access Point for URI
    The remote access point for the URI Endpoint associated with the WTC Import Service.
    Request Buffer Type
    Request Buffer Subtype
    The buffer subtype with which to associate the reply buffer if the buffer type is VIEW or VIEW32.
    Response Required
    Selecting the check box indicates Yes. A response is required. Otherwise, no response is required.
    Suspend Transaction
    Selecting the check box indicates Yes. If a transaction exists, it will be suspended. Otherwise the transaction will run.
    Dispatch Policy
    Refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint.
    Request Encoding
    The character set encoding for requests in Tuxedo transports.
    Response Encoding
    The character set encoding for responses in Tuxedo transports.
    Transformation Style
    The ordering or grouping of elements when FML or FML32 buffers are transformed into XML.

    If the transport protocol is EJB, the page displays the following EJB Transport Configuration information.

    Table 16-23 EJB TRansport Configuration Information 
    Service Account
    The service account selected for this business service.
    Supports Transaction
    Selecting the check box indicates Yes. Transactions will be supported.
    Client Jar*
    The name of the client JAR that this EJB transport service invokes.
    Converter Jar
    The name of the converter class JAR that this EJB transport service requires.
    Home Interface*
    The Home interface URI selected for this service.
    Remote Interface*
    The Remote Interface URI for the service.
    Target Namespace*
    The target namespace picked from the JAR information.
    Whether the service uses Document Wrapped or RPC Style.
    Whether the coding for the outbound message should be encoded or literal.
    A list of methods to be invoked by this service.

If the transport protocol is DSP, the page displays the following DSP Transport Configuration information.

Table 16-24 DSP transport Configuration Information 
Debug Level
Specifies the output of debug information.
Service Account
If you selected one, a service account for this transport.
Dispatch Policy
Refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint.

If the transport protocol is MQ, the page displays the following MQ Transport Configuration information.

Table 16-25 MQ Transport Configuration Information 
Is Response Required
Whether or not a response is expected after an outbound message is sent.
Message Type
Format for response message: Bytes or Text.
Response Correlation Pattern
Correlation pattern options:
  • CorrelationID
  • MessageID
Response URI
The Response URI for the CorrelationID.
Auto-generate Correlation Value
Whether or not to automatically generate a CorrelationID or MessageID.
Client Response Timeout
The number of seconds to wait for a client response before timing out.
Polling Interval
A polling interval, in milliseconds.

If the transport protocol is SFTP, the page displays the following STP Transport Configuration information.

Table 16-26 SFTP Transport Configuration Information 
Authentication Mode
The authentication method: Username Password, Host-Based, or Public Key Authentication.
Service Account
The service account for this sftp server.
Service Provider
The proxy service provider for this sftp server.
User Name
The user name for this sftp server.
The socket timeout, in seconds
Prefix for destination File Name
The prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Suffix for destination File Name
The suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Request encoding
Displays the character set encoding for requests in SFTP transports. The default is utf-8.

  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session to make changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. To make a change to the fields on the configuration pages, click Edit for the appropriate page. See Adding a Business Service for a description of the pages and fields.
  3. Note: You cannot change the Service Name or Service Type fields.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To return to the previous page, click Back.
    • To update the business service, click Finish. The Business Service is updated.
    • The Summary of Business Services page is displayed.

    • To disregard changes, click Cancel.
Note: The business service is updated in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Overview of Business Services

Listing and Locating Business Services

Adding a Business Service

Deleting Business Services

Deleting Business Services

The Summary of Business Services page allows you to delete a business service. Business services are AquaLogic Service Bus definitions of the enterprise services with which you want to exchange messages. To learn more, see Overview of Business Services.

Note: You cannot delete a resource if it is referenced by other resources in AquaLogic Service Bus. Instead of the Delete icon, a Delete icon with a red X is displayed for these resources.
To Delete a Business Service
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Business Services from under Resource Browser. The Summary of Business Services page is displayed.
  3. In the Options field of the business service you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
  4. The business service is removed from the list.

    Note: If necessary, you can undo the deletion of this resource. To learn more, see Undoing a Task.

    The business service is deleted in the current session. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating Business Services

Adding a Business Service

Viewing and Changing Business Services

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