Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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Resource Browser

This section includes the following topics:

Overview of Resource Browser

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Resource Browser module. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.

Table 4-1 Resource Browser Pages, Tasks, and Help Topics 
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
Summary of Proxy Services
View a list of proxy services
Filter proxy services
Delete a proxy service
View a Proxy Service
View details of a specific proxy service
Update details of a proxy service
Summary of Business Services
View a list of business services
Filter business services
Delete a business service
View a Business Service
View details of a specific business service
Update details of a business service
Summary of WSDLs
View a list of WSDLs
Filter WSDLs
Delete a WSDL
WSDL Details
View details of a WSDL
Edit WSDL details
Edit the References of a WSDL Resource
Resolve WSDL references
Summary of XML Schemas
View a list of XML schemas
Filter XML schemas
Delete an XML schema
XML Schema Details
View details of an XML schema
Edit an XML schema
Summary of WS-Policies
View a list of WS-Policies
Filter WS-Policies
Delete a WS-Policy
WS-Policy Details
View details of a WS-Policy
Edit WS-Policy Details
Summary of XQueries
View a list of XQuery Transformations
Filter the list of XQuery Transformations
Delete an XQuery Transformation
XQuery Details
View details of an XQuery Transformation
Edit details of an XQuery Transformation
Summary of XSLTs
View a list of XSL Transformations
Filter the list of XSL Transformations
Delete an XSL Transformation
XSLT Details
View details of an XSL Transformation
Edit details of an XSL Transformation
Edit the References of an XSLT Resource
Resolve XSLT references
Summary of MFL Files
View a list of MFLs
Filter the list of MFLs
Delete an MFL
MFL Details
View details of an MFL
Edit details of an MFL
Summary of JAR Resources
View a list of JARs
Filter the list of JARs
Delete a JAR
JAR Details
View details of a JAR
Edit details of a JAR
JAR Dependencies
View JAR Dependencies
Add or remove JAR Dependencies
Summary of Service Accounts
View a list of service accounts
Filter the list of service accounts
Delete a service account
Service Account Details
View details of a service account
Edit details of a service account
Summary of Proxy Service Providers
View a list of proxy service providers
Filter the list of proxy service providers
Delete a proxy service provider
Proxy Service Provider Details
View details of a proxy service provider
Edit details of a proxy service provider
Summary of Alert Destinations
View a list of Alert Destinations
Filter the list of Alert Destinations
Delete Alert Destinations
Alert Destination Details
View details of an Alert Destination
Edit details of an Alert Destination
MQ Connections
View a list of MQ Connections
Filter the list of MQ Connections
Add MQ Connections
Delete MQ Connections

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