Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console

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Custom WS-Policies

This section includes the following topics:

Overview of WS-Policies

Web Services Policy Framework (WS-Policy) is an extensible XML-based framework that extends the configuration of a Web service with domain specific security assertions and specifies the security requirements, expectations, and capabilities of the Web service. In AquaLogic Service Bus, one of the primary uses of WS-Policy is configuring message-level security in proxy services and business services.

AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policies

AquaLogic Service Bus includes three simple WS-Policy files that you can use to require clients to authorize, digitally encrypt, or digitally sign SOAP messages: Auth.xml, Encrypt.xml, and Sign.xml. BEA recommends that unless you have specific security needs, you use these pre-packaged files as often as possible.

For more information about using these policies, see AquaLogic Service Bus Policy Statements in AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.

Custom WS-Policies

If the AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policy statements do not meet your security needs, you can write your own WS-Policies (custom WS-Policies), import them to AquaLogic Service Bus, and refer to them from the WSDL. (The AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policy statements are read-only.)

For information about creating and referring to custom WS-Policies, see Using Web Service Policy to Specify Inbound Message-Level Security in AquaLogic Service Bus Security Guide.

The following table lists the pages you can access from the Resource Browser and Project Explorer modules. The tasks and help topics associated with each are provided.

Table 11-1 WS-Policy Pages, Tasks, and Help Topics 
Associated Tasks
Help Topics
Summary of WS-Policies
View a list of custom WS-Policies
Filter custom WS-Policies
Delete a custom WS-Policy
Create a New WS-Policy
Add a new custom WS-Policy
WS-Policy Details
View details of a custom WS-Policy
Edit custom WS-Policy details

Listing and Locating Custom WS-Policies

The Summary of WS-Policies page lists the custom Web Service Policies (WS-Policies) that you have added to the current AquaLogic Service Bus domain. The AquaLogic Service Bus Console does not display the AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policies, which are pre-packaged and available to all AquaLogic Service Bus domains. To learn more, see Overview of WS-Policies.

To List and Locate Custom WS-Policies
  1. From the left navigation pane, select WS-Policies from under Resource Browser. The Summary of WS-Policies page is displayed, which displays the following information for each custom WS-Policy. For a more detailed description of the properties, see Viewing and Changing Custom WS-Policies.
  2. Table 11-2 WS-Policy Information 
    WS-Policy Name
    The unique name assigned to the WS-Policy.
    Click the name to see the WS-Policy Details page. To learn more, see Viewing and Changing Custom WS-Policies.
    The project name and the name of the folder in which the WS-Policy resides.
    Click on the name to see the project or folder that contains this resource. To learn more, see Viewing Project Details or Viewing Folder Details.
    Contains a Delete icon. If a business service or proxy service has been configured to use the WS-Policy, contains a Delete icon with a red X to indicate that you cannot delete the WS-Policy.
    To learn more, see Deleting a Custom WS-Policy.

  3. To search for a custom WS-Policy, enter part or all of the WS-Policy name in the Name field. You can also enter part or all of the WS-Policy’s project name and folder in the Path fields. Then click Search.
  4. To clear the search results and display all WS-Policies, click View All.

Related Topics

Adding a Custom WS-Policy

Adding a Custom WS-Policy

The Create a New WS-Policy page allows you to add a custom Web Service Policy (WS-Policy). WS-Policies are used in AquaLogic Service Bus to associate Web service security policy with proxy services and business services. To learn more, see Overview of WS-Policies.

You can either import an XML file that contains your WS-Policy or write the WS-Policy directly in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

To Add a Custom WS-Policy
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Project Explorer. The Project View page is displayed.
  3. Select the project to which you want to add the WS-Policy. You can add a WS-Policy directly to the project, or you can add it to a selected folder that resides in the project.
  4. Note: Click the name of a folder to select it. The Folder View page is displayed.
  5. From the Project View or Folder View page, in the Create Resource field, select WS-Policy from under Interface. The Create a New WS-Policy page is displayed.
  6. In the Resource Name field, enter a unique name for this WS-Policy.
  7. (Optional) In the Resource Description field, enter a description of this WS-Policy.
  8. In the Policy field, do one of the following:
    • Click Browse to locate and import an XML file that contains your custom WS-Policy.
    • Enter text for the new WS-Policy.
    • Copy and paste text from an existing WS-Policy into this field.
  9. Do one of the following:
    • To save the WS-Policy, click Save. The WS-Policy is created and saved in the current session.
    • The Project View or Folder View page displays the new WS-Policy.

    • To disregard changes, click Cancel.
  10. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating Custom WS-Policies

Viewing and Changing Custom WS-Policies

Deleting a Custom WS-Policy

Creating a Resource

Viewing and Changing Custom WS-Policies

The WS-Policy Details page allows you to view and change details of a specific custom Web Service Policy (WS-Policy). The AquaLogic Service Bus Console does not display the AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policies, which are read-only. To learn more, see Overview of WS-Policies.

To View and Change Custom WS-Policy Details
  1. Locate the WS-Policy. To learn more, see Listing and Locating Custom WS-Policies.
  2. Click the WS-Policy name. The WS-Policy Details page displays the following information:
  3. Table 11-3 WS-Policy Details 
    Resource Name
    The name assigned to this WS-Policy
    Last Modified By
    The user who created this WS-Policy or imported it into the configuration.
    Last Modified On
    The date and time that the user created this WS-Policy or imported it into the configuration.
    The number of objects that this WS-Policy references. If such references exist, click the link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    Referenced by
    The number of objects that reference this WS-Policy. If such references exist, click the link to view a list of the objects. To learn more, see Viewing References.
    A description of this WS-Policy, if one exists.
    The text for this WS-Policy.

  4. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session to make changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  5. To make a change to the fields, click Edit. See Adding a Custom WS-Policy for a description of the fields.
  6. Note: You cannot change the Resource Name field.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • To update the WS-Policy, click Save. The WS-Policy is updated in the current session.
    • The Summary of WS-Policies page is displayed.

    • To disregard changes, click Cancel.
  8. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Deleting a Custom WS-Policy

Deleting a Custom WS-Policy

The Summary of WS-Policies page allows you to delete custom Web Service Policies (WS-Policies). The AquaLogic Service Bus Console does not display the AquaLogic Service Bus WS-Policies, which are read-only and cannot be deleted. To learn more, see Overview of WS-Policies.

To Delete a WS-Policy
  1. If you have not already done so, from the left navigation pane, under Change Center, click Create to create a new session for making changes to the current configuration. To learn more, see Using the Change Center.
  2. If any business service or proxy service is configured to use the WS-Policy, remove the WS-Policy from the business service or proxy service. You cannot delete a WS-Policy that is used by a business service or proxy service.
  3. See Viewing and Changing Business Services or Viewing and Changing Proxy Services.

  4. In the left navigation pane, select WS-Policies from under Resource Browser. The Summary of WS-Policies page is displayed.
  5. In the Options field of the WS-Policy you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
  6. The WS-Policy is removed from the list.

    Note: If necessary, you can undo the deletion of this resource. To learn more, see Undoing a Task.

    The WS-Policy is deleted in the current session.

  7. When you have finished making changes to this configuration, from the left navigation pane, click Activate under Change Center. The session ends and the configuration is deployed to run time. Alternatively, click Discard at any time during the session to discard the changes you have made so far in the current session.

Related Topics

Listing and Locating Custom WS-Policies

Adding a Custom WS-Policy

Viewing and Changing Custom WS-Policies

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