SB Transport User Guide

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SB Transport

The SB transport allows BEA products to synchronously invoke an ALSB proxy service using RMI. The inbound transport allows clients to access SB proxy services using RMI. The outbound transport allows the invocation of SB proxy services using RMI. By default, accessing all services using T3 protocol, IIOP, HTTP, T3s, IIOPS, or HTTPS depends on the configuration of the target server. For more information, see Configure Default Network Connections.

The SB transport supports:

This document provides information about:


Environmental Values

Table 1-1 describes the environment values the SB Transport supports.

Table 1-1 Environment Values
Environment Value
Use this value to …
Timeout (category: operational)
Override the time out value set for the business service.
Service account (category: security)
Update the user credentials associated with the business service.
Use SSL (category: security)
Enable or disable the option of exposing a service using a secure protocol for a proxy service.


Configuring Proxy Services to Use the SB Transport

A client ALSB server connects with the ALSB server using the JNDI context and the proxy service URI. The security context of the client is used to invoke the proxy service. The default QoS is Exactly-once. Optionally, the client can change the QoS, set a request time out value and specify a desired messaging pattern. The message is received by the inbound SB transport and processed through the message flow.

To create a proxy service from the ALSB Console:

  1. Enter the general configuration details for the service in the General Configuration page. For more information, see General Configuration page in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
  2. In the Transport Configuration page, select the transport protocol as sb. Specify the endpoint URI as <proxy service name>. This proxy service name is the unique identifier associated with the proxy service that is to be invoked by the client. For more information, see Transport Configuration page in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
  3. In the SB Transport Configuration page, specify the values as described in Table 1-2.
  4. Table 1-2 Fields for Configuring SB Transport for Proxy Services
    Dispatch Policy
    You can use the default dispatch policy or configure a work manager for the inbound request. Dispatch policy refers to the instance of WLS Work Manager that you want to use for the service endpoint. For more information, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in WLS Administration Console Online Help.
    Use SSL
    To expose the service through a secure protocol, choose the Use SSL option. Although this implies that the client should use the SSL protocol to access the SB proxy service, this does not prevent the client from accessing the service through unsecure protocols. In addition, the endpoint URI associated with the service would be sbs instead of sb:
    • When you export a secure service through UDDI and preserve security and policy configuration details during import.
    • In the effective WSDL.

    Note: A proxy service is not bound to any particular protocol. It is the responsibility of the WLS administrator to enable SSL, IIOP, or HTTP tunneling whenever it is necessary.

    This flag only affects the URI scheme of the service when it is exported or the JNDI provider selection for the business service URI when it is imported from UDDI. It does not prevent a client from accessing the service using a non-secured protocol.

For more information, see SB Transport Configuring page and Proxy Services: Creating and Managing in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Configuring Business Services to Use the SB Transport

The SB business service can send messages only to other SB proxy services. A JNDI provider, which is specified in the endpoint URI of the business service, performs a JNDI lookup on the remote ALSB server. The client user credentials or the user credentials defined in the service account associated with the business service are used to invoke the proxy service. Optionally, a time out value and a custom dispatch policy can be associated with the business service. The QoS of the service can also be set by using the routing options.

To create a business service from ALSB Console:

  1. Enter the general configuration details for the service in the General Configuration page. For more information, see General Configuration page in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
  2. In the Transport Configuration page, select the transport protocol as sb and specify the endpoint URI in the following format:
  3. sb://<jndi_provider_name>/<service_name>


    • <jndi_provider_name> is the name of the JNDI provider, which points to the corresponding ALSB JNDI provider. Optional. When omitted, the default context is used. This implies that the service and the ALSB server are located on the same machine. When the call is co-located, serialization is skipped during service invokation. For more information, see JNDI Provider.
    • <service name> is a target service and corresponds to the remote proxy service URI.
    • For more information see, Transport Configuration page in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

  4. In the SB transport configuration page, specify the values as described in Table 1-3.
  5. Table 1-3 Fields for Configuring SB Transport for Business Services
    Dispatch Policy
    Select the instance of WebLogic Server Work Manager that you want to use as the dispatch policy for this service endpoint. The default Work Manager is used if no other Work Manager exists. For more information, see Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work and Create Work Manager in WLS Administration Console Online Help.
    Time out
    The duration, in seconds, after which the business service times out and business service returns a run time error when a timeout occurs.
    The specified time out value is not applied when:
    • QoS of the service endpoint is Exactly-Once.
    • The specified value is a negative value.
    • The time out value is overridden in the optional Timeout custom header of the outbound request in the message flow. For information about Adding Transport Header Actions in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
    Service Account
    Specify the user credentials that should be used for invoking the remote proxy service. If no service account is specified, the user credentials of the inbound proxy service (the inbound client) of this business service are used for security context propagation. For more information, see Service Accounts in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

For more information, see SB Transport Configuration Page and Business Services: Creating and Managing in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

JNDI Provider

A JNDI provider points to the ALSB server where the service is deployed to retrieve the RMI stubs corresponding to the SB proxy service. The JNDI provider has a high performance caching mechanism for remote connections and EJB stubs. T3, IIOP, HTTP, T3s, IIOPS, or HTTPS transport protocols can be used by JNDI provider. The preferred communication protocol from ALSB to a WLS domain is T3 or T3S. If messages need to go through a fire wall, you can use HTTP tunneling by using an HTTP provider url in the context and by enabling HTTP tunneling on the WLS server.

Note: It is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that the protocol supported by the JNDI provider is on the remote ALSB server.

When you create a business service, you can associate it with a JNDI provider. For more information, see Configuring Business Services to Use the SB Transport and Adding JNDI Providers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Handling Errors

You can configure the SB transport business services to handle communications errors. You can configure business service URIs to be taken offline when communication errors occur. When you configure the operational settings for the business service, you can enable the business service endpoint URIs to be taken offline after the specified retry interval.

For more information, see Configuring Operational Settings for Business Services and Viewing Business Services Endpoint URIs Metrics in Monitoring in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

When a connection error occurs while invoking a SB proxy service, the SB transport provider generates the BEA-380002 error code.

A connection error can occur due to any of the following reasons:

Note: Naming Exception of type javax.naming.NamingSecurityException typically occurs when the identity used during the invocation is not recognized by the target server. When this occurs, the request returns a generic runtime error, which is not treated as a connection error.

SOAP faults returned by SB Proxies are treated as application errors.



You can import and publish services to the UDDI registry. For more information, see UDDI in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console and UDDI in AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.

Publishing a Service

When you publish a proxy service to a UDDI register, the URI associated with the published service has the following format:


where, host:port refers to the host name and listening port of the ALSB server hosting the proxy service that is being published.

If the Use SSL option is enabled for the proxy service that is being published, the URI associated with the published service has the following format:


where, host:port refers to the host name and the SSL listening port of the ALSB server hosting the proxy service.

If the proxy service that is being published is running on a cluster, host:port is the Cluster Address setting in the Cluster section of the config.xml file. This value can either be a single host name and port number that is used to connect to any WLS in the cluster or it can be a comma-separated list of the host name and listener ports of the managed servers in the ALSB cluster. For more information, see WebLogic JNDI.

For more information, see Publishing Proxy Services to a UDDI Registry in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Importing a Service

When you import a service from the UDDI registry, the SB transport provider matches the sbscheme and host:port information from the service URI property with a JNDI provider registered on the ALSB server using the appropriate protocol based on sbscheme. Sbscheme is the URI scheme of the SB transport-based service and can be either sb or sbs. If sbscheme is sb, the transport provider looks for the JNDI provider using T3, T3S, IIOP, IIOPS, HTTP, or HTTPS protocol (in this order). If sbscheme is sbs, the transport provider looks for the JNDI provider using T3S protocol, IIOPS, then HTTPS (in this order). The JNDI provider that matches the service URI property is used to generate the endpoint URI of the business service that is imported to ALSB. If there is no matching JNDI provider, the import fails unless the imported URI is a local URI and the scheme is not sb, the default context is used. This implies that there is no JNDI provider specified for the service and it is considered co-located with the server.

For example, if the service URI property value is:


the generated URI of the business service imported to ALSB would be:


where, my_jndi_provider is a JNDI provider resource registered on the ALSB server with a t3s:// remote_alsb_host:7002 URL.

For more information, see Importing Business Services From a UDDI Registry in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

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