User’s Guide

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ALSB exposes APIs to allow customizing resources and to provide external access to monitoring data and deployment.

Javadoc for the ALSB APIs is provided at the following URL:


Resource Update and Customization

A number of APIs are exposed to allow customization of service definitions, WSDLs, schemas, XQueries, and other design-time resources through programmatic interfaces. The supporting APIs allow loading ZIP files containing resources, in addition to moving, renaming, cloning, or deleting resources, folders, and projects. A typical use case is one in which you have a prototypical proxy service from which you make a number of copies—each copy can be modified programmatically.

Numerous customization options can be applied during deployment. For example, environment variables allow you to preserve or tailor settings when moving from one environment to another.

The available APIs include:


Management and Monitoring

The JMX Monitoring API in ALSB provides external access to monitoring data. Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology was used for the implementation. ALSB resources within a domain use JMX Managed Beans (MBeans) to expose their management functions. An MBean is a concrete Java class that is developed according to JMX specifications.

For information, see the JMX Monitoring API Programming Guide.



You can use the ALSB MBeans in Java programs and WLST scripts to automate promotion of ALSB configurations from development environments through testing, staging, and finally to production environments.

Numerous customization options can be applied during deployment. For example, an extended list of environment variables allows you to preserve or tailor settings when moving from one environment to another.

For information, see Using the Deployment APIs in the AquaLogic Service Bus Deployment Guide.

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