User’s Guide

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Debugging ALSB

This section provides information about enabling debugging for different modules in ALSB. You can enable and disable debugging by modifying the corresponding entries in the following debug XML files, which are located in the root directory of your ALSB domain:

If the XML files are not in the root directory or if they have been deleted, they are created again without any contents when the server starts. Listing B-1 provides an example of the contents of the alsbdebug.xml file with debugging disabled for all modules (all entries set to false).

Listing B-1 alsbdebug.xml File
<java:sb-debug-logger xmlns:java='java:com.bea.wli.debug'>

Listing B-2 provides an example of the contents of the configfwkdebug.xml file.

Listing B-2 configfwkdebug.xml File
<java:config-fwk-debug-logger xmlns:java='java:com.bea.wli.config.debug'>

Although debugging should be disabled during normal ALSB operation, you may find it helpful to turn on certain debug flags while you are developing your solution and experimenting with it for the first time. For example, you may want to turn on the alert debugging flag when you are developing alerts and would like to investigate how the alert engine works.

Some of the available ALSB debug flags are shown in Table B-1.

Table B-1 ALSB Debug Flags 
Debug Flag
Provides information on transformation related actions.
Prints an evaluation of alerts.
Provides information on the out of the box, JMS-based reporting provider.
Provides information on user and group management in the console.
Provides information on the statistics system.
Provides information on errors that are generated within the pipeline.
Provides information on various service related configuration operations.
Provides information on access control.
Provides transport related debug information, including transport headers, which is printed per-message.
Provides information on WSDL related configuration operation.
Provides information on WS policy.
Provides information on custom resources.
Provides information on the MQ connection resource.
Provides information on the throttling feature.

Table B-2 lists the available configuration framework debug flags.

Table B-2 Configuration Framework Debug Flags 
Debug Flag
Provides information on general aspects of ALSB configuration.
Provides low level debug information about changes made to in-memory data structures and files. This debug flag also generates server startup recovery logs.
Provides debug information on session creation, activation, and distribution of configuration in a cluster.
Provides low level debug information about create, update, delete, and import operations.
Provides debug information on encryption and decryption during importing and exporting.

All other debug flags are self explanatory.

For all flags, debug information is logged to the server log at {domaindir}/servers/{servername}/logs/{servername}.log.

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